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Warren Burroughs, the Popcorn Man

T Weier

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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

The “300” pencil notation on Oswald’s torn bill is kind of interesting though. It could be nothing - like some cashier just wrote it on a random bill Oswald picked up at a gas station or something - but if Oswald wrote the “300” on his torn bill for whatever reason that could be noteworthy.

Tom yes lots of bills have writing on them, nothing says Oswald wrote the “300”. But then it’s a little unclear why anyone would. I hadn’t paid attention to that until your mention, but I wonder if that could mean 3:00 pm. 

3 pm Friday is the time I separately previously fixed on as speculated Oswald’s intended time to meet someone in the Theatre. That was my hunch that there was possible code meaning in a telephone message someone phoned in to the Carousel Club which was written down by and in the handwriting of Curtis Craford: (from memory) Mr. Miller, Friday, 15 people, Collins Radio. 

It is undated. No phone number attached. No known Collins Radio company event at the Carousel fitting that description or Collins Radio patronage of the Carousel Club any known time to my knowledge. 

This could be hallucinating, but here is a possible decoding. It is some kind of information on a meeting related to Fri Nov 22 that may be related to Oswald.

”Friday” is Fri Nov 22.

”15 persons” is military time 1500 hours or 3:00 pm.

”Collins Radio” has something to do with Carl Mather of Collins Radio, friend of Tippit, spotted in a car bearing his license plate but a different car than he owned, seen at ca 2:00 pm Fri Nov 22, parked on Beckley halfway between Oswald’s rooming house and the Texas Theatre, doing nothing there but that. 

Mather drove all the way from Collins Radio, where he was at work that morning up to about the time of news of the assassination, far away to Oak Cliff on Beckley; was parked in a restaurant parking lot remaining seated inside his parked car there for some minutes; then drove away from there without having done anything except sit there parked for some minutes; drove the long way back and was seen by his wife arriving home in his right car of his license plate; then with his wife and children drove back to Oak Cliff in a different car to the home of the bereaved Mrs. Tippit who had just lost her husband; consoled Mrs. Tippit for a couple of hours; then drove the long way home again. As absolutely bizarre as that sounds, every single detail just named happened and is verified. Only the interpretation is at issue (and where theories are likely to founder).

Moving from those facts to attempt interpretation, I have thought Mather’s waiting in that parking lot could have something to do with waiting for the time of a planned meeting, say at the nearby Texas Theatre with Oswald who had been seen at a restaurant at the same time as Tippit was there in recent days (the Dobbs House near Oswald’s rooming house). And I believe it was Tippit, patrol car 10, looking for Oswald at his rooming house ca 1 pm seen by half-blind housekeeper Earlene Roberts who thought the car number had maybe been “107”. 

The behavior of Mather (waiting in the car) agrees with waiting to appear at a certain time somewhere after arriving to a destination proximity early. The lack of a meeting happening agrees with the meeting aborted because of Oswald’s arrest. The time of his driving away (ca 2 pm per mechanic White) would correspond to hearing news on the radio of Oswald’s arrest. (It is also conceivable Mather could have been there to meet Tippit, unrelated to Oswald or the Texas Theatre, and drove away unable to have that meeting because Tippit had been killed, perhaps Mather parking his car and sitting there just to think. There are two or three ways the interpretation of Mather’s movements could go.)

But I connected Mather there in Oak Cliff at 2 pm with the Carousel Club phone message note re Collins Radio “15 persons” as a possible 3:00 pm meeting of Mather with Oswald.

And I also saw plausibility in that time as about the most logical timing for a planned afternoon meeting with Oswald after the presidential parade when he was at the TSBD.

So Tom, your attention to Oswald carrying a dollar bill in his pocket in the Theatre with handwritten “300” … well, what? Oswald writing a note to himself? (Or handed to him with the time?) Is there a photo of that written 300? Probably too little data to verify Oswald wrote it if so, but possibly enough to show Oswald didn’t write it if so. 

The “Mr. Miller” of the Craford/Carousel Collins Radio note, by this cryptic reading, would be a use of the name Miller parallel or possibly related to a different cryptic use of the same last name Miller in this way: I have earlier established to my satisfaction (with the help of a couple others in conversation) that the name “Leona Miller” (the name of a real woman known to Ruby at his synagogue but who had nothing to do with this use of her name) was used by agreement suggested by Craford or Ruby in communication with one of the Davis sisters-in-law at the corner of Tenth and Patton where the Tippit killing happened; the younger Davis girl, age 16, her and her husband’s home phone number is in Ruby’s notebook written there as the number of “Leona Miller” even though Leona Miller never had that phone number and never lived there. How that is accounted for is one of the Davis sisters-in-law had phoned to the Carousel Club to inquire of employment but did not want her husband to know of the inquiry or at least not yet. By agreement, suggested at Carousel’s end for just this kind of situation, that could be how Ruby or someone from the Carousel Club could call to speak to one of the Davis sisters-in-law without the husband knowing who was calling: ask for Leona Miller. If the husband answered it would be a wrong number call. 

“Leona Miller” cryptic in Ruby’s notebook. “Mr. Miller” in the Collins Radio Friday 15 persons phone call note cryptic as well?

There are loose ends not explained in the above and it may be Rorschach Inkblotting or seeing patterns in clouds in the sky. 

But the “300” on that dollar bill in Oswald’s pocket called that to mind.

Edited by Greg Doudna
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2 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

I have these in my notes, but nothing to explain them, the first is likely not related to the second, or is it ? 

2 items.jpg



JA bill.png

The 2nd image Jean I recognize from John Armstrong's website somewhere. I've never seen the first, if anyone has any idea I'd be intrigued.... they look not so much like dollar bills to me, the top image almost looks like a handwritten note and the bottom like a card of some kind, but I'm not so good at such things. 

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6 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

There was Davis himself and Gibson to his right at the corner of the theater, that’s two, and was there something about a man to Davis’s left on the other side of the aisle from Davis? I don’t remember for sure. Maybe it was just those two from Davis. 

Then there is one more from Burroughs, Oswald sitting next to a pregnant woman after Oswald reentered the theater on the other side from Davis after being in the concession area where Burroughs had the popcorn. That makes three, 2 from Davis, 1 from Burroughs. 

The stories of Burroughs and Davis agree on the behavior of Oswald sitting next to strangers, Oswald in the concession area where Burroughs was selling popcorn, and at the time of the opening credits. Did Burroughs remember Oswald in the concession area and embellished that saying he sold him popcorn? Who knows. But that’s what Burroughs said, and Davis has Oswald walking out the rear of the theater into the concession area during the opening credits time the same time Burroughs says. 


That's the whole point... Burroughs isn't credible.  Davis has Oswald sitting beside only two (himself and one other).


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5 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Do you see the note that says “(Above bears pencil notation “300” - bill torn)” ?

It does seem like we should be able to compare the DPD bill photo with these serial numbers. Either way it looks like Oswald did have one torn bill on him. 


You do realize there is a difference between a dollar bill with a tear versus a dollar bill literally torn in half?  The Kook claim is that Oswald had HALF of a dollar bill.  There's no evidence of this.


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4 hours ago, David Boylan said:

Coincidently we know that CIA/SAS/SO used the torn dollar bill for identification purposes. Henry Hecksher supplied Manuel Artime with such in July 1963.


Coincidence?  Really?

How about Armstrong was aware of such a strategy and then imported a dollar bill torn in half into the mix even though there is no evidence for it.


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3 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


You do realize there is a difference between a dollar bill with a tear versus a dollar bill literally torn in half?  The Kook claim is that Oswald had HALF of a dollar bill.  There's no evidence of this.


Are you actually trying to suggest that the bill simply had a tear in it rather than it being completely torn in half? That's a level of goalpost moving I've not seen in a long time 

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1 minute ago, Marcus Fuller said:

Are you actually trying to suggest that the bill simply had a tear in it rather than it being completely torn in half? That's a level of goalpost moving I've not seen in a long time 


I haven't moved any goalposts.  The claim is that Oswald had HALF of a dollar bill.  Please point out where any such thing is listed among the inventory of items on his person when arrested.  Betcha can't.


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35 minutes ago, Miles Massicotte said:

The 2nd image Jean I recognize from John Armstrong's website somewhere. I've never seen the first, if anyone has any idea I'd be intrigued.... they look not so much like dollar bills to me, the top image almost looks like a handwritten note and the bottom like a card of some kind, but I'm not so good at such things. 

Will check tomorrow, I have another note somewhere where I got that from, I think I know but want to check

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CE 1149 states that Oswald had a five dollar bill and eight one dollar bills, one of which was "torn".


What the list does NOT say is that Oswald had a five dollar bill, seven one dollar bills and one bill torn in half.


Is this really that tough to understand?


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1 minute ago, Bill Brown said:


I haven't moved any goalposts.  The claim is that Oswald had HALF of a dollar bill.  Please point out where any such thing is listed among the inventory of items on his person when arrested.  Betcha can't.


Jean posted them here 

And 'halved' clearly doesn't mean folded in half.

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4 minutes ago, Marcus Fuller said:

Jean posted them here 

And 'halved' clearly doesn't mean folded in half.


"And 'halved' clearly doesn't mean folded in half."


As I've already pointed out, there is a piece of paper found which mentions half of a dollar bill but there is nothing on that piece of paper tying it to anything assassination-related.  Armstrong alone tried to tie it to the assassination but couldn't and if I recall correctly, he no longer believes it was related, i.e. he's abandoned his own cockamamie theory.

Stop being condescending while at the same time not knowing what you're talking about.



Edited by Bill Brown
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3 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


"And 'halved' clearly doesn't mean folded in half."


As I've already pointed out, there is a piece of paper found which mentions half of a dollar bill but there is nothing on that piece of paper tying it to anything assassination-related.  Armstrong alone tried to tie it to the assassination but couldn't and if I recall correctly, he no longer believes it was related, i.e. he's abandoned his own cockamamie theory.

Stop being condescending while at the same time not knowing what you're talking about.



I always mirror the attitudes of whoever I'm conversing with. So if it's good for the goose...

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below Oswald is says something like "holder (left)" or "folder (left)",

It's written on the back of perhaps half a 1/2 library card ? or perhaps the Texas Local Board 1/2 card ? (last item of the John Armstrong list I'll attach from Armstrong/5 wallets folder at Baylor - but that does not contain this copy.... so I'm not 100% sure)   

To me in first  it looked like an instruction for someone to fill in something perhaps... written on the back of that half "thing".  Bottom looks like "money" but not sure. The writings could also be the init. of a detective for all I know

I would think it is that 1/2 Texas Local Board card, but who has written on the back ? I don't know, was that backside blank ?  No idea...  Someone could have just written on it was the "(left)" side of that card, "Lee Oswald"'s name as the "holder"

In the pictures I find I am unable to find a better copy of that specific 1/2 card for some reason

My own notes are not very helpfull... Isomething like  unID/JA?/ask DJ? That would be John Armstrong ? Ask David ?  It was a copy from a file that was not related to it in now way, slipped in by accident perhaps, it should be in one of the other files as well but I still haven't found it there (unless it's indeed the Local Board card and the copy was put in another file.    


Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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