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Nick Nalli and the JFK case, Part 2

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Nalli is the new technical expert on the JFK case, as supported by people like Dale M.

Aguilar and Wecht go after him and his 2100 gram brain again.


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BTW, Mike G just placed an entry about how much of Kennedy's brain was missing.

As Gary and Cyril note, one of Nalli's howlers was that somehow Kennedy's brain weighed 2100 grams.  😘

Some fact checking eh?

He is supposed to be their new Lattimer.

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4 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, Mike G just placed an entry about how much of Kennedy's brain was missing.

As Gary and Cyril note, one of Nalli's howlers was that somehow Kennedy's brain weighed 2100 grams.  😘

Some fact checking eh?

He is supposed to be their new Lattimer.

FWIW, the brain weight problem has been greatly exaggerated. As the weight was not written down until after the brain had been infused with formalin, which would add 10-20% or more to the weight, the "1500 " should not be compared to normal brain weights obtained at autopsy. Instead, an approximate weight of 1200-1300 pre-formalin is likely. As roughly half the right cerebrum was reported to be missing, this would suggest JFK's intact brain would have been around 1500 or more. So it seems possible the 1500 did reflect the weight of the brain at the supplemental autopsy. I have talked with Aguilar about this extensively, and this led me to conclude otherwise, however. I now suspect the brain weighed less than 1500 gm at the supplemental autopsy, but that someone rounded up or maybe even just made up a number they thought sounded good. Why? This was the President. His brain had been blasted. It may have seemed disrespectful to record how much had been removed by the blast. Consider...if a president or prominent figure had been beheaded, and they couldn't find the head, would they put the height of his torso down as his height? It's doubtful. Or if someone gets blown up and they only find the top half...would they put down the height or the weight for the half recovered? Or approximate the height and weight of the entire body? I don't know. It could go either way. In any event, it's clear to me there was no conspiracy behind the 1500.

Well, how do I know? Because if "they" had thought it important to lie about the weight, they would also have thought it important to lie about the damage to the brain. A detailed study of JFK's brain injuries, such as performed in chapter 16c: Brain Exam, demonstrates, to a scientific certainty, that JFK was not killed in the manner proposed by the WC...or HSCA. There is no passage for a bullet heading from low to high within the brain. There is instead a groove within the brain from front to back, starting further back on the brain than where the HSCA said the bullet entered, and continuing further forward from where they said it exited. There are also multiple injuries to the mid-brain best explained by a powerful blow to the top of the head. And the dura was torn loose at the top of the head, which only happens at entrance, not at exit. ALL signs are that the fatal impact occurred at the supposed exit location, and not the small entrance by the EOP.  And that's not the only problem. The supplemental exam also made note of damage to the underside of the brain. As this damage in no way correlates with the damage inches above, the brain exam performed by Humes et al actually suggests two brain injuries, not one. So, no, I don't buy that this was all part of a conspiracy to make us think there was but one shot to the head. Sorry. 


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Pat. You do some of the most in-depth and thorough work in this case. I always make it a point to find experts who would comment on my inferences and interpretations after-the-fact. It is often tedious but I have had a good deal of success, especially approaching foreign experts where this case is not as taboo. I start by doing everything possible, either way, from hinting that I am covering the JFK assassination.  Have you tried this? I believe it would greatly benefit your work and your work merits their consideration.

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27 minutes ago, Stu Wexler said:

Pat. You do some of the most in-depth and thorough work in this case. I always make it a point to find experts who would comment on my inferences and interpretations after-the-fact. It is often tedious but I have had a good deal of success, especially approaching foreign experts where this case is not as taboo. I start by doing everything possible, either way, from hinting that I am covering the JFK assassination.  Have you tried this? I believe it would greatly benefit your work and your work merits their consideration.

There is a doctor within the research community who has read chapter 16b (on the history of wound ballistics and the likelihood the large head wound was a tangential wound) and 16c (on JFK's brain injuries and the evidence suggesting they depict an impact at the top of the head). He was impressed. He has been trying to get some of our prominent friends to follow suit, who said they would, but are just too busy, etc. Some of my material, for that matter, was supposed to be included in a group presentation on the 60th, but those involved decided tackling new material was too challenging, and essentially repeated what they've been saying for years and even decades. (I have been told that the presentation in which some of my work was incorporated may eventually appear online. We'll see...)

So I think you're right. It's time I move on and seek the input of "experts" outside the research community. It's such a minefield, however, that I suspect few will have an interest. 

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Dedicate your research abilitied to finding foreign experts. I once went down this path many years ago (wanting them to evaluate head snap/neuromuscular spasm) but got distracted. But I had some success, for instance, finding Russian wound ballistics experts who did headshot studies for their military. They are no longer around. I have always wanted to interest Virtopsy in Switzerland in looking at the case. 



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This issue has been gone over at length and in depth by more than one author on this case.

Let me get this straight.  You cannot even allow that Nalli made a schoolboy error saying the brain weighed 2100 grams, which is about impossible.

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2 hours ago, Stu Wexler said:

Dedicate your research abilitied to finding foreign experts. I once went down this path many years ago (wanting them to evaluate head snap/neuromuscular spasm) but got distracted. But I had some success, for instance, finding Russian wound ballistics experts who did headshot studies for their military. They are no longer around. I have always wanted to interest Virtopsy in Switzerland in looking at the case. 



Thanks for the encouragement. At one point I was pretty much the only person with copies of the notes on the NAA tests obtained by Weisberg. I added a chapter to my website reporting what was in them. A European scientist--egads I forgot his name--wrote a wikipedia article about it. The gatekeepers at wikipedia (I seem to recall that someone figured out who they were and that they were all devotees of the late great John McAdams) then contacted me to ask me my source. I explained that Harold Weisberg brought a FOIA case against the FBI and AEC that was settled when they bombarded him with a mountain of notes and papers, and that his papers were now at Hood College, which had made me copies for a price. I told them that I would gladly supply them with a copy of the disc I'd acquired if they wanted to double-check what I'd written. Instead, they wanted to know why what I'd reported wasn't in the Warren Report or Bugliosi's book. I was like wtf??? and tried to explain to them that I'd researched this part of the case precisely because the Warren Commission and Bugliosi et al had not researched this part of the case. They then thanked me for my candor and deleted the article created by the European scientist. 

In any event, I felt so bad about this scientist getting screwed over by wikipedia that I've pretty much avoided contact with those outside the "community." But you're right. That's got to change. 

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7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


This issue has been gone over at length and in depth by more than one author on this case.

Let me get this straight.  You cannot even allow that Nalli made a schoolboy error saying the brain weighed 2100 grams, which is about impossible.

No, Nalli is a wanna be Lattimer or Haag. He'd tell you the moon is made of cheese if it would make Oswald the lone assassin. 

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