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Was Walker a CIA asset?

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According to a recent presentation by Stuart Galloway (see video below), the CIA called on Walker to go to New Orleans to train  anti-Castro Cubans. Apparently he was heavily involved in smuggling guns to them and hooked up with David Ferrie and Guy Banister there. I had never heard this before. I’m sure the claim about hooking up with David Ferrie and Guy Banister is bogus, but is there any kernel of truth to the idea that Walker was a CIA asset at any stage?

I’m sure the extensive book “General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy” by Jeffrey H Caufield would cover any such link to the CIA, if such a link existed that is. But I have not read that book. Anyone read it?

See 36 minutes and 30 seconds in on this video:


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I've not watched the video but given the picture it seems they were all well lubricated with the wine bottles and glasses on the table, a nice assist to getting one's point across.  If one gives any credit to Coup In Dallas, then yes it seems Walker may have been favored for use as an asset by the CIA.  Though I've not read Caufield's book.

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Gerry, Walker was avowedly and aggressively anti-Communist and anti-Castro, he was frequently quoted in speeches and media on those positions and he had even gone to Miami very openly in the summer of 1963, and spoken in support of the exiles and against the Kennedy Administration on that topic. In response several exile activists as well as a number of their private supporters - Hemming, Sturgis, Hall, Vidal etc had begun to solicit him for money.  Hemming would routinely complain about people going to Dallas and trying to cut in on Walker as a funding source - problem is Walker had no real money and was never known to have given anything to their cause.  What little he had was going into his own political campaign.

In regard to the "training camps" near New Orleans, there is extensive information available on both the MDC camp and the Mclaney dynamite stash and Walker has nothing to do with either.  David and I have written about both those in a number of places so I'll leave the details to that.

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And when it came to that big house he had on turtle creek, what most people don't know is that Walker was just renting that.

Though admittedly one would have to be a bit comfortable to even consider renting that house, but perhaps he needed to have a showy house as part of his political campaigns.

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On 1/23/2024 at 6:39 PM, Gerry Down said:

According to a recent presentation by Stuart Galloway (see video below), the CIA called on Walker to go to New Orleans to train anti-Castro Cubans. Apparently he was heavily involved in smuggling guns to them and hooked up with David Ferrie and Guy Banister there. I had never heard this before. I’m sure the claim about hooking up with David Ferrie and Guy Banister is bogus. . . .

Well, wait a minute. How can you be certain that Walker did not encounter Ferrie and Banister if Walker went to New Orleans to train anti-Castro Cubans, given that Ferrie and Banister were both heavily involved in anti-Castro activities in New Orleans?

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4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Well, wait a minute. How can you be certain that Walker did not encounter Ferrie and Banister if Walker went to New Orleans to train anti-Castro Cubans, given that Ferrie and Banister were both heavily involved in anti-Castro activities in New Orleans?

Well I doubted Walker had gone to New Orleans at all to train anyone as given Walkers high profile I would have thought I'd have heard of such a thing previously in studying the JFK case if it had indeed happened.

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