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The Anonymous Phone Call to the Tippits of Connecticut

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On 2/19/2024 at 4:17 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:

Elizabeth Bentley was very probably the mysterious woman caller to the Tippit house in Connecticut on 11/30/63.


According to the 11/30/63 FBI report, Bentley said that she would be killed if Gardos, et al discovered that "a woman" had squealed on them regarding HARVEY Oswald. She was dead three days later.

Thanks for pointing that out, Matt.


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Having read this thread, has it occurred to anyone else the possibility of a major misdirection.
Why could the Tippett caller not have been directing attention AWAY from a European-American neo fascist source for the assassination? 
BTW, I remain open to a concurrent doppelgänger operation, improbable as it may seem. As a youth in the 1960s, I read John Hersey’s The Child Buyer(1960),  describing a character not unlike Edwin Ekdahl, and a boy similar to Lee Harvey Oswald. 
Hersey, be it noted a Yaleee of Skull and Bones, also wrote The War Lover(1959) about US bomber pilots and The Conspiracy (1972) set in Ancient Rome.  And married Frances Ann Cannon a former paramour of JFK.  Pardon the digression, but heretofore overlooked, perhaps. 



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On 2/24/2024 at 6:35 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

Yeah that is interesting.

Do we know who translated Circus Maximus? Now THAT would be interesting, if Grace Blair Gardos also translated that.

It sure would be!  Note, though, that Corvina Press of Budapest first published both “Carpathian Rhapsody” and “Circus Maximus” in the very same year—1963. 

Grace Blair Gardos (and undoubtedly Emil Gardos) were associated with the publisher (via Grace’s translation of “Carpathian Rhapsody”) at the time both books were published.  These were surely obscure titles in the U.S., both then and now.

Are we to believe this is all a coincidence?

Haven't been able to find any specifics about others associated with the Hungarian publication of "Circus Maximus" (it was also apparently published in Germany and elsewhere) but I'll ask Geo if he knows anything else about this.

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3 hours ago, David McLean said:

Having read this thread, has it occurred to anyone else the possibility of a major misdirection.
Why could the Tippett caller not have been directing attention AWAY from a European-American neo fascist source for the assassination? 
BTW, I remain open to a concurrent doppelgänger operation, improbable as it may seem. As a youth in the 1960s, I read John Hersey’s The Child Buyer(1960),  describing a character not unlike Edwin Ekdahl, and a boy similar to Lee Harvey Oswald. 
Hersey, be it noted a Yaleee of Skull and Bones, also wrote The War Lover(1959) about US bomber pilots and The Conspiracy (1972) set in Ancient Rome.  And married Frances Ann Cannon a former paramour of JFK.  Pardon the digression, but heretofore overlooked, perhaps. 



"Why could the Tippett caller not have been directing attention AWAY from a European-American neo fascist source for the assassination? "


This is a good question and one that should be considered.  Was Bentley in some way set up to take the bait to make this call?  

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6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


According to the 11/30/63 FBI report, Bentley said that she would be killed if Gardos, et al discovered that "a woman" had squealed on them regarding HARVEY Oswald. She was dead three days later.

Thanks for pointing that out, Matt.


Yes, I was waiting here, watching, for someone to put that together and since no one seemingly did, thought it best to join in and at least make that point.

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3 hours ago, David McLean said:

Having read this thread, has it occurred to anyone else the possibility of a major misdirection.
Why could the Tippett caller not have been directing attention AWAY from a European-American neo fascist source for the assassination? 
BTW, I remain open to a concurrent doppelgänger operation, improbable as it may seem. As a youth in the 1960s, I read John Hersey’s The Child Buyer(1960),  describing a character not unlike Edwin Ekdahl, and a boy similar to Lee Harvey Oswald. 
Hersey, be it noted a Yaleee of Skull and Bones, also wrote The War Lover(1959) about US bomber pilots and The Conspiracy (1972) set in Ancient Rome.  And married Frances Ann Cannon a former paramour of JFK.  Pardon the digression, but heretofore overlooked, perhaps. 



Hersey, too, author of Hiroshima, was instrumental of course in creating the JFK hero legend in the first place with his piece in The New Yorker on PT-109, wherein Kennedy tows McMahon to safety by his teeth.


Somewhere on the web, maybe here in fact, someone has put together that the Oswald psych report in Warren Commission reads more or less exactly as a 1949 study on a troubled delinquent in NYC.  Will see if I can find and post here.

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15 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

If this is correct, that the Tippets of CT sold out Elizabeth Bentley, I would not have put any faith in Tina Tippet explaining to you John Kowalski any more than what was already in the 1963 FBI report.  And all the more now, since Tina Tippet is deceased. 

Why would they sell Bentley out?

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1 minute ago, John Kowalski said:

Why would they sell Bentley out?

uh ... because obviously she is linking the Tippits of CT to Tippits of TX and knows some things about Oswald's back story that could blow the entire assassination story.  The Tippits of CT are very much involved in perpetuating that story.  

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47 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

uh ... because obviously she is linking the Tippits of CT to Tippits of TX and knows some things about Oswald's back story that could blow the entire assassination story.  The Tippits of CT are very much involved in perpetuating that story.  

"The Tippits of CT are very much involved in perpetuating that story."  I'll even revise that to "may be very much involved."  You've made an assumption that they are not.  My point is that there are reasons to question that assumption.

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1 hour ago, Matt Cloud said:

The Tippits of CT are very much involved in perpetuating that story.  

They were perpetuating the story that Oswald was a communist?

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Just now, John Kowalski said:

They were perpetuating the story that Oswald was a communist?

They were perpetuating the story that Oswald shot both Tippit and Kennedy and that they know nothing about that or that they know anything to do with what may have been done to create the Oswald legend.  I'm not sure where you're getting hung up.

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On 2/23/2024 at 12:09 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

Just got off the phone with John A. and we discussed your ideas for some time.  John was absolutely convinced that you would be the best person to make the call because you had previous contact with Tina and might not come across as a complete stranger.  If she was unaware of your previous communication with her mother, you could at least explain what had happened.

You might tell her the current status of the research on this matter and explain that a fellow in Budapest is currently trying to help us with it.  John thought it would be important to try to explain to her the importance of the call and to ask her not to throw any of her grandmother’s old paperwork away without checking to see if it has something to do with the anonymous caller from so long ago.

I think John A’s thoughts on this make sense.  Do you agree, and is there anything else any of us can do to help?  Good luck!

Hi Jim:

Called one of her granddaughters today, she did not answer so I left a message. Will keep you updated.

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1 hour ago, Matt Cloud said:

As I remarked elsewhere on this thread, the fundamental issue behind the assassination, indeed the key to understanding it, is the so-called mole in the U-2 program.  John Newman understands this but has misidentified the mole, perhaps on purpose.  It's not Solie.



The topic of this thread is the 1963 call to the Tippits in Connecticut about "Lee Harvey Oswald."

Please post unrelated items and comments in relevant threads. Create new threads if necessary.


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21 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

What you will be shown if the McMahon analysis is followed, moreover, is that the "Oswald Project," what this thread is about after all, was a long-term insurance policy, begun in the 1940s to offset exposure of the so-called mole.  Linking Oswald to Angleton's mole-hunt effectively shut-down the risk of exposure of the mole during the Kennedy years.  


This should be in its own thread, titled something like "How the Oswald Project was used to protect the identity of Popov's mole.," or "How the Oswald Project was designed to protect the identity of Popov's mole."

This thread is just about the woman who called the Tippits of Connecticut, and the people named in the call.


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