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Matt Cloud's compilation of Harvey & Lee related coincidences and some theories explaining them

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The referenced Finch may also have been the son, Air Force Col., and ambassador Edward Finch. Jr.  Both may be relevant of course.   In any case what I recall shown on the screen was law firm letterhead circa 1940s essentially, with Finch's name on it and a brief note to someone to "pls handle" or "take note" or something along those lines.



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34 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

The referenced Finch may also have been to the son, Air Force Col., and ambassador Edward Finch. Jr.  Both may be relevant of course.   In any case what I recall shown on the screen was law firm letterhead essentially, with Finch's name on it and a brief note to someone to "pls handle" or "take note" or something along those lines.



Note too that Finch jr. was board member of the New York Institute for Special Education, having served, according to their website, from:

Edward Finch Jr.
Board Member of NYISE


That seems like too long a time to me but have a look yourself.



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And of course, more on the ever present connection to "space".


Outer Space Can Help the Peace


The International Lawyer
Vol. 7, No. 4 (October 1973), pp. 881-899 (19 pages)
Search here for "Finch" and/or "Harold Brown"
(Harold Brown of course being the Secretary of the Air Force, and later Secretary of Defense, for whom the sometimes cartoonist, sometimes whoknowswhat J.D. Tippit of Connecticut, who received the Elizabeth Bentley call in 11/63, worked for as assistant in Washington in 1965. Just in case the "coincidences" are not being followed here.)
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And there is too one other McMahon relevant to Bentley and to Norwalk -- that being Brien McMahon the Connecticut Senator and legislative founder of the AEC, who urged for its civilian control.  

In 1946, an informant -- perhaps Bentley? -- noted to the FBI,

the McMahon Committee headed by Senator Brien McMahon of Connecticut is charged with formulating the policy concerning atomic energy[,] and serving as advisors to the Committee are Dr. Condon of the Bureau of Standards, who, the informant states, is nothing more or less than an espionage agent in disguise, and James R. Newman, an employee of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion who is known to the informant to be a personal friend of Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, who, you may recall, is one of the principal individuals known to have operated as an agent of the Soviet Government in U.S. Government offices for a considerable time until December, 1944. It is known that Silvermaster obtained information through his associates in a Russian espionage network and such information was turned over to the Soviet Government. The informant has indicated that Newman is also a friend of the news commentator Raymond Gram Swing and columnist Marquis Childs. Newman is also reported to be the so-called ringleader of this particular Soviet espionage network and through his employment with the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, he had access to material flowing from the White House. The informant stated that through Dr. Edward Condon at the Bureau of Standards, Newman has access to technical data concerning atomic energy. The informant further stated that Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace knows of the background of Dr. Condon but condones his further employment in this highly strategic and important position.




Senator Brien McMahon of Norwalk died "suddenly" in 1952, and both Prescott Bush and Clare Boothe Luce were considered as appointees, with the former winning out and the latter going to Italy as ambassador.  

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Now, just to wrap things up a bit.  Bentley's testimony was the nail-in-the-coffin for the Rosenbergs.  The Rosenbergs had given the plans for the proximity fuse to the Soviets.  It was a proximity-fuse which brought down Gary Powers' U-2.  (John McMahon debriefed him upon his return to the US, as he did defectors Golitsyn and Nosenko.)  Might this all have something to do with why the U.S. doesn't want to fully declassify the Rosenberg file, because if they did, the USSR, now Russia, would declassify the information it has on Oswald, and show how all of this is intertwined?  Something to chew on.




Investigations: The Near Miss

Friday, Mar. 09, 1962

Rarely in his career as a spy had U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers been under thicker wraps than those that enveloped him last week. Although the President described him as "a free agent," he remained in a top-secret hideout under the vigilant custody of the Federal Government. Questioning by a board headed by Federal Judge E. Barrett Prettyman, plus intensive analysis of his account by CIA agents, had convinced the Government that Powers acquitted himself well as a Russian captive. But Powers' scheduled emergence from hiding was postponed while CIA Boss John McCone, with the Prettyman report in his hands, continued checking details of Powers' testimony be fore reporting his conclusions to Congress.

Powers' original story of how he was brought down in Russia checked out, the experts agreed. They reached the conclusion that his structurally frail U-2 photo-reconnaissance plane probably had not actually been hit but was downed by a near miss —the "orange flash" Powers reported seeing —probably from a rocket with a proximity fuse. The investigators believe that Powers' U-2 flight was the first in four years to pass directly over a Soviet rocket battery —and that it did not take a very sophisticated Russian effort to bring him down (even a first-generation U.S. antiaircraft missile, the Nike-Ajax, could bag a U-2 at 68,000 feet). Once he fell into Russian hands, Powers refused to give his captors information that would have been highly useful to them, such as the names of his fellow U-2 pilots, what he knew about U-2 flights through the years and the location of other U-2 bases unknown to the Russians.

At his home in Pound, Va., a mountain of mail accumulated for Powers, everything from anonymous threatening letters to offers of large sums of money for writing articles and books. But any writing and any talking that Powers undertakes will be under the strict surveillance of the Government; like all former spies, he will be censored and controlled, at least partly, in everything he says or writes for the rest of his life. From Powers' hideaway came word, so far unconfirmed by officials, that he has been offered his old Air Force job, with a major's commission.

The CIA is reluctant to have Powers appear on Capitol Hill for fear that he might spill some secret or mislead the Congressmen by being unable to answer their questions fully. Powers has been told that, as a free citizen, he can refuse to testify before the committee or meet reporters—but he will probably follow the advice of the Administration, which has already promised that he will get a chance to appear in public.



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On 2/20/2024 at 5:05 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:

The exact ramifications of that knowledge are yet to be determined . . . 

What I have posted above throughout this thread all goes to the "exact ramifications" of the knowledge that Elizabeth Bentley made the call, Paul Jolliffe, and why her call to the Tippits was so sensitive.  Thank you for pointing out a most important piece of the puzzle.

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4 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

Are you aware of a birth record which can either confirm or deny that J.D.'s parents elected to forgo centuries of Judeo-Christian naming practices for the son who, unlike his siblings, received no given name as such? 


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5 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

Are you aware of a birth record which can either confirm or deny that J.D.'s parents elected to forgo centuries of Judeo-Christian naming practices for the son who, unlike his siblings, received no given name as such? 

My source is the 1940 census.



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7 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

Ah.  Okay.  But no birth records.  That's odd.  And no wedding announcement either in the papers from Red River area in 1946 I gather too.  Or am I wrong on that?

Did not search for other records but am sure they could be found somewhere.

A lot has been written about JD Tippit. Have you ever read anything about him where JD was not used?

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3 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:
7 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

Louis Bloomfield sent a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer who lived in Westport CT. Have not done any research on these people and do not know what their connection to Bloomfield is.






Okay ... perhaps to go into the Spooks in CT file.


Here on Bloomfield:


Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the son of Harry Bloomfield, was born in Canada, about 1910. A Zionist, Bloomfield joined the British military and served in Palestine as an Intelligence Officer under General Charles Orde Wingate. Bloomfield was involved in training the Jewish army, Haganah (1936-1939).

President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of Strategic Services in 1942. Bloomfield was recruited and given the rank of major. In 1947, the OSS evolved into the Central Intelligence Agency, and Bloomfield continued doing contract work for the new organization. He was a regular visitor to Israel and met the Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion on 4th May, 1949.

A successful lawyer he worked for years at the law firm of Phillips and Vineberg in Montreal. He was also a major stockholder of Permindex, a corporation based in Switzerland. He was also the author on several books on on international law including The British Hondurus Guatemala Dispute (1953) and Egypt, Israel and the Gulf of Aqaba (1957).

In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (1970) William Torbitt claims that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was organized by Bloomfield and Permindex. Also involved included Defense Industrial Security Command, organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan. Torbitt claims that Bloomfield was in control of the operation. DISC agents included Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby.

According to the author Permindex was comprised of:

(1) Solidarists an Eastern European exile organization.

(2) American Council of Christian Churches led by Haroldson L. Hunt.

(3) Free Cuba Committee headed by Carlos Prio.

(4) The Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-lieutenant governor of Nevada. This group also included Bobby Baker, George Smathers, Roy Cohn, Fred Black and Lewis McWillie.

(5) Security Division of NASA headed by Wernher von Braun.

Louis Mortimer Bloomfield died in 1984. A few years before his death donated 31 boxes of documents to the Library and Archives Canada. This included correspondence with some well-known politicians such as George H. W. Bush. The one condition Bloomfield placed on the donation was that public access to the papers would be restricted for 20 years after his death. However, when researcher, Maurice Phillips, attempted to gain access to these materials in 2004 he found that Bloomfield's widow, Justine Stern Bloomfield Cartier, was still refusing permission for them to be released into the public domain.

3 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:



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3 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

Did not search for other records but am sure they could be found somewhere.

A lot has been written about JD Tippit. Have you ever read anything about him where JD was not used?

Well, I'm not so sure.  That's the point.  My readings indicate that no birth record has ever been located and there are essentially two stories about the name: yours, which is the initials don't stand for anything, and some early perhaps propagandistic attempts to claim the initials stood for "Jefferson Davis."


The latter scenario seems as I described it -- a smear job -- and the former seems off to me, unrealistic, Harry "S" Truman notwithstanding.

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5 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

Well, I'm not so sure.  That's the point.  My readings indicate that no birth record has ever been located and there are essentially two stories about the name: yours, which is the initials don't stand for anything, and some early perhaps propagandistic attempts to claim the initials stood for "Jefferson Davis."


The latter scenario seems as I described it -- a smear job -- and the former seems off to me, unrealistic, Harry "S" Truman notwithstanding.

In addition, I find pictures like the one here, of he and wife Marie in Colorado, to be completely contrived, especially when shown un-cropped as in Dale Myers' book With Malice.  Doesn't look like a genuine couple married for over 15 years, and he stepping-out on the side and holding down three jobs with -- what? -- 3 kids.  But that's just me.  



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