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20 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

On the evening of Saturday 11/23/1963 (correctly earlier typo which said 11/22/1963) Lyndon Johnson tried hard to convince Ted Sorensen, a close aide to JFK, that the JFK assassination was a foreign conspiracy and he (LBJ) was worried about his own safety and security


           On that Saturday evening, in Johnson’s vice presidential office in the Old Executive Office Building across the street from the White House, with his aide Bill Moyers sitting in, LBJ and I talked, as he had requested during his phone call the night before. We had scheduled the meeting earlier, but I bumped into LBJ that afternoon in the West Wing basement and he was running late.

          Almost immediately, LBJ asked, “What would you think of the possibility that a foreign government was involved in this?” “Do you have any evidence?” I asked. He handed me a government memorandum, not identifying any specific source, saying in effect that a foreign government had hoped to assassinate President Kennedy. “Meaningless,” I said. He persisted. Concerned that there was an international conspiracy, he raised the issue of his own safety and security.


 [Ted Sorensen, Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History, p.380]

Alexander Haig was in the White House on Saturday morning 11-23-63. Here is what he recollects (correctly earlier typo where I said

"11-22-1963"): Lyndon Johnson believe that Fidel Casto killed JFK and LBJ believed that for the rest of his life

Al Haig was at the White House on Saturday morning 11-23-1963 as he made preparations for JFK's funeral at Arlington National Cemetery.


 Soon President Johnson arrived with a small retinue, and he, McNamara, Vance, and a few others met in McNamara’s office. Busy with my own concerns, I paid little attention to this. Later on, however, I learned that Johnson expressed deep concern over the circumstances of President Kennedy’s death and the effect it might have on the future of the Democratic party.

          The fact of the matter is that Lyndon Johnson believed then, and believed until the day he died, that Fidel Castro was behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and that the murder of the President resulted from Robert Kennedy’s “obsessive desire to eliminate the Cuban leader.As Johnson put it to Califano, among others, “Kennedy tried to get Castro, but Castro got Kennedy first.” If the Kennedy administration’s plots against Castro’s life became public knowledge, the logical conclusion of any investigation would be that President Kennedy’s assassination had been carried out by persons who had an interest in preserving Fidel Castro’s life. The implication hat the KGB was involved was inescapable; it exercised proprietary control over the Cuban intelligence service and must have regarded Castro as a unique Soviet asset to be protected by the most extreme measures. (Lee Harvey Oswald, the suspected assassin, had defected to the Soviet Union in 1959 and lived there until 1962, having married the niece of an official of the KGB before returning to the United States.) Should the background to the crime be exposed, it could be devastating to Democratic prospects for retaining control of the White House in the 1964 presidential election. Johnson believed that any finding that an assassin activated by a Communist government had killed the President of the United States would set off a reaction among the American people, in their fervent patriotism and what he described as their “natural conservatism” that would sweep the Democrats from office and probably deny them power for many years to come. I did not fully understand this argument, but of course I am not a politician.


 [Alexander Haig, Inner Circles, pp. 114-115]


Robert, you posted some links a few days ago that played taped conversations between LBJ and Jackie Kennedy, recorded just a few short months after the assassination of Jackie's beloved husband JFK.

I don't know how many of our members or guest visitors actually clicked on the links you provided or even know these LBJ/Jackie Kennedy conversation tapes exist.

Regardless, I highly recommend everyone listen to them. Could you repost them?

I had heard these recorded conversations between Jackie K. and LBJ many times before.

Each time I re-hear them I am left with the same confused and gut-wrenching queasiness.

LBJ fawns over Jackie so shamelessly he sounds like a love-struck teenager who can't profess his amorous yearnings for her with enough dumb-struck goofiness.

"You know we love you"..."we need you...I need you by my side"..."I LOVE YOU" !!!.

Yes, that's a quote..."I LOVE YOU!"

We'll just go for a walk together just you and I on the outside lawn.


If LBJ's openly expressed adolescent lust hots for Jackie aren't embarrassing enough it was "Jackie's responses back" that really makes their exchanges so confusingly disturbing...even creepy.

I just cannot make sense of Jackie's part in these conversations.

She returns LBJ's affection and in such an overly flirty way it's ... well...I can't begin to understand her motives for doing so.

In her most faux Marilyn Monroe breathy sexy voice she says things like "Oh, Mr. President..." I love you too... and I can't thank you enough...etc. etc. You have got to hear their syrupy, flirty exchange to believe it.

It's so incongruously over the top it's laughable.

From everything I have read Jackie knew of her husband and his brother's utter contempt for LBJ ( and LBJ's like brothers friend J. Edgar Hoover ) for years starting with the Democratic National Convention. She surely knew of the bitter animosity between them. She surely heard many dark secrets about LBJ and his corruption in private conversations with her husband.

It's been reported Jackie instantly felt LBJ had something to do with her husband's brutal murder. 

JFK's long time personal secretary Evelyn Lincoln immediately felt LBJ was in on the deed. Jackie wasn't thinking the same?

And with her elite class Eastern establishment upbringing and sophistication I feel certain Jackie K. looked at LBJ as a crude Southern Good Ole Boy.

Her own husband never used LBJ speak peppered with crude vulgarities such as "Bung Hole", "Nut Sack" and Negras."  

And Jackie surely had her own particularly high standard sense of physical attraction. JFK was the epitome of movie star glamor handsome. Women around the world would swoon upon seeing his tan, perfect teeth smile, warm eyes and healthy shock of brown hair and heathy super fit athletic body.

LBJ on the other hand had a beady eyed, big nose hang dog face, elephant sized ears and almost bald head on top of a large pot bellied, lumbering Baby Huey body.

I couldn't help but think Jackie Kennedy was purposely acting the exaggerated, sultry and flirty talk, mutual affection part in those one-on-one exchanges with LBJ.

Leading him on as an inside joke!

And maybe laughing hysterically along with whoever she was in the room with right after those calls?

If Jackie was speaking to LBJ in those calls with mutual flirty love and respect expressing sincerity ... you got me and all I can say is..."what the heck?'

Classy, JFK loving Jackie ... please say it wasn't so!


Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Robert, you posted some links a few days ago that played taped conversations between LBJ and Jackie Kennedy, recorded just a few short months after the assassination of Jackie's beloved husband JFK.

I don't know how many of our members or guest visitors actually clicked on the links you provided or even know these LBJ/Jackie Kennedy conversation tapes exist.

Regardless, I highly recommend everyone listen to them. Could you repost them?

I had heard these recorded conversations between Jackie K. and LBJ many times before.

Each time I re-hear them I am left with the same confused and gut-wrenching queasiness.

LBJ fawns over Jackie so shamelessly he sounds like a love-struck teenager who can't profess his amorous yearnings for her with enough dumb-struck goofiness.

"You know we love you"..."we need you...I need you by my side"..."I LOVE YOU" !!!.

Yes, that's a quote..."I LOVE YOU!"

We'll just go for a walk together just you and I on the outside lawn.


If LBJ's openly expressed adolescent lust hots for Jackie aren't embarrassing enough it was "Jackie's responses back" that really makes their exchanges so confusingly disturbing...even creepy.

I just cannot make sense of Jackie's part in these conversations.

She returns LBJ's affection and in such an overly flirty way it's ... well...I can't begin to understand her motives for doing so.

In her most faux Marilyn Monroe sultry voice she says things like "Oh, Mr. President..." I love you too... and I can't thank you enough...etc. etc. You have got to hear their syrupy, flirty exchange to believe it.

It's so incongruously over the top it's laughable.

From everything I have read Jackie knew of her husband and his brother's utter contempt for LBJ ( and LBJ's like brothers friend J. Edgar Hoover ) for years starting with the Democratic National Convention. She surely knew of the bitter animosity between them. She surely heard many dark secrets about LBJ and his corruption in private conversations with her husband.

It's been reported Jackie instantly felt LBJ had something to do with her husband's brutal murder. 

JFK's long time personal secretary Evelyn Lincoln immediately felt LBJ was in on the deed. Jackie wasn't thinking the same?

And with her elite class Eastern establishment upbringing and sophistication I feel certain Jackie K. looked at LBJ as a crude Southern Good Ole Boy.

Her own husband never used LBJ speak peppered with crude vulgarities such as "Bung Hole", "Nut Sack" and Negras."  

And Jackie surely had her own particularly high standard sense of physical attraction. JFK was the epitome of movie star glamor handsome. Women around the world would swoon upon seeing his tan, perfect teeth smile, warm eyes and healthy shock of brown hair and heathy super fit athletic body.

LBJ on the other hand had a beady eyed, big nose hang dog face, elephant sized ears and almost bald head on top of a large pot bellied, lumbering Baby Huey body.

I couldn't help but think Jackie Kennedy was purposely acting the exaggerated, sultry and flirty talk, mutual affection part in those one-on-one exchanges with LBJ.

Leading him on as an inside joke!

And maybe laughing hysterically along with whoever she was in the room with right after those calls?

If Jackie was speaking to LBJ in those calls with mutual flirty love and respect expressing sincerity ... you got me and all I can say is..."what the heck?'

Classy, JFK loving Jackie ... please say it wasn't so!


Oh, you can find LBJ talking with Jackie on YouTube. Look up the link and post it please so I can get my daily throw up in.

Lyndon Johnson wanted to have sex with Jackie Kennedy as a way of dominating her, Robert Kennedy and disgracing her dead husband John Kennedy. Jackie, of course, hated LBJ and never returned to the White House while he was there despite many, many invitations by LBJ.

Lyndon Johnson makes “cowboy love” to Jackie post assassination

Flirts with widow after slaughtering JFK, wants to be “daddy” of Caroline and John-John

 From LBJ: Architect of American Ambition:

           “During his first five weeks in office, Johnson called Jackie numerous times. Instinctively, awkwardly, he attempted to make what Hubert Humphrey referred to as “cowboy love” to her. A conversation the first week in December was typical: “Your picture was gorgeous. Now you had that chin up and that chest out and you looked so pretty marching in the front page of the New York Daily News … well,” LBJ said “I just came, sat in my desk and started signing a log of long things, and I decided to I wanted to flirt with you a little bit…. Darling, you know what I said to the Congress – I’d give anything in the world if I wasn’t here today … Tell Caroline and John-John I’d like to be their daddy!”

 [Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 423]   





Edited by Robert Morrow
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6 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

“During his first five weeks in office, Johnson called Jackie numerous times. Instinctively, awkwardly, he attempted to make what Hubert Humphrey referred to as “cowboy love” to her. A conversation the first week in December was typical: “Your picture was gorgeous. Now you had that chin up and that chest out and you looked so pretty marching in the front page of the New York Daily News … well,” LBJ said “I just came, sat in my desk and started signing a log of long things, and I decided to I wanted to flirt with you a little bit…. Darling, you know what I said to the Congress – I’d give anything in the world if I wasn’t here today … Tell Caroline and John-John I’d like to be their daddy!”

Dear God....that's just SICK!

SICK, SICK, SICK, SICK ........... SICK!

So, Robert, you think Jackie was actually playing LBJ for a fool in her breathy Marilyn Monroe "Oh, Mr, President" back and forth with the pervert LBJ?


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Sorry Robert Montenegro the thread has turned to this.  Robert Morrow, since I don't follow you, are you still featured from time to time on Alex Jones show?

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Sorry Robert Montenegro the thread has turned to this.  Robert Morrow, since I don't follow you, are you still featured from time to time on Alex Jones show?

No, Ron, I have not been on the Alex Jones show since August of 2011 when I exposed the bisexual adultery of the Governor of Texas Rick Perry who was leading in the GOP presidential polls at that time. Rick Perry was holding up a Bible and campaigning for President of the USA while camouflaging a very hypocritical and "not so secret" life of bisexual adultery.

Here is a clip of my ball busting interview at the time that Rick Perry had just announced for president and was leading in the GOP presidential polls in August, 2011: 



Earlier that week I had taken out an advertisement in the Austin Chronicle asking the general public "Have you Ever Had Sex with Rick Perry" "Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?" | Salon.com because so-called "rumors" of his rampaging adultery were so strong in Austin, TX.

That ad went viral on the internet and even Rush Limbaugh mentioned it in his national radio show and it was discussed on Fox's "The Five" show.

There was a former Texas state representative, reputed to have been on of Rick Perry's gay lovers, who had retained a Washington, D.C. lawyer to represent him in a major book deal which would have consumated if Rick Perry had become the GOP nominee in 2012.

After Rick Perry's campaign had blown up after a debate performance when he could not remember which 3 federal departments he wanted to eliminate, former Travis County Democratic chair Glenn Maxey wrote a book about Rick Perry's "alleged" life of homosexual adultery while he was Texas Governor - Former Legislator Investigates Rumors About Perry's Sexuality – Texas Monthly 

Glenn Maxey is a well known former Texas Democratic state representative as well as a top "gay activist" in the Austin, TX area. 

I was hearing from the "ladies" about Rick Perry and Glenn Maxey was hearing from the "boys" in Austin's gay community where "gay rumors" about Rick Perry were running absolutely rampant in Austin where I live.

"Alleged rumors" about Rick Perry were so strong that Hustler's Larry Flynt offered $1 million for anyone who had confirmable sexual dirt on Christian values Texas governor Rick Perry - Larry Flynt offers $1 million for sexual dirt on Perry (yahoo.com)

At this point Rick Perry's presidential campaign began to organically implode as Perry starting choking in debate answers, literally on the day that Larry Flynt's $1 million dollar offer was issued.

To this day, I still have a record of an outraged Austin homosexual man left a recording on my answering machine that one of his friends had had sex with Rick Perry. The man was fuming about the rampant hypocrisy of super anti-gay politician Rick Perry.

Weirdly, in 2014 Gov. Rick Perry started making public comments that being gay is something you battle like alcoholism - Rick Perry: Being Gay Is Something You Battle, Like Alcoholism | KQED You may interpret those weird comments however you like.

Ron Bulman - in answer to your original question - no, I have not been on the Alex Jones since then but I did play a key role in Alex Jones getting hooked up with Roger Stone who I had helped with his "LBJ Did It" book on the JFK assassination.

In 2011 Alex Jones gave me his personal cell phone number and said call me anytime. I did that from time to time and Jones never once responded to my voicemails as he ghosted me.


LBJ would often tell his male aides to have sex with female reporters as a way of controlling them. Even while he was in college at San Marcos in 1929 LBJ would have one of his male friends try to date and control the girlfriends of his political enemies and bust up their relationships. LBJ biographer Robert Caro has detailed this.

In summer 1964, President Lyndon Johnson was angling to have sex with Washington Star reporter Mary McGrory, then age 45, because she was a well known media partisan of the Kennedys:


[“Lyndon Johnson tried to seduce a DC journalist,” Geoff Earle, NY Post, May 3, 2014]

"LBJ Asked to Go All the Way" NY Post May 3, 2014 by Geoff Earle

Lyndon Johnson was obviously very sick in his head and that moral and spiritual sickness was often expressed in his sexual psychopathy and I could give you many examples on that.

In my *opinion* Lyndon Johnson was chomping at the bit to have sex with Jackie Kennedy as a way of controlling her and also disgracing the Kennedys at the same time. Jackie Kennedy, who like Robert Kennedy, hated the guts of LBJ and she was having none of that although for survival reasons she would flirt back with LBJ when he called her on the phone:

Here is LBJ talking with Jackie on 12/2/1963 a mere 10 days after the JFK assassination. LBJ knows she is extremely vulnerable and I interpret this as Jackie being in survival mode (I suggest reading the comments section here): 











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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Dear God....that's just SICK!

SICK, SICK, SICK, SICK ........... SICK!

So, Robert, you think Jackie was actually playing LBJ for a fool in her breathy Marilyn Monroe "Oh, Mr, President" back and forth with the pervert LBJ?


Here is the 12/2/63 LBJ-Jackie phone call you were looking for. Note it is a mere 10 days after the JFK assassination and Jackie is extremely vulnerable at this point: 

and here is a January 1, 1964 LBJ-Jackie phone call:


Edited by Robert Morrow
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Shouldn't the title of this thread be "Was Lyndon Johnson trying to seduce Jack Kennedy after the JFK assassination?"

Which of course he was. LBJ would often tell his aides to have sex with female reporters saying stuff, paraphrasing, "After she gets a good _______, she will come around."

LBJ tried it himself with Mary McGrory, a well-known Kennedy mouthpiece in the media. She declined.

And he was trying the same thing with Jackie as gross and disgusting as it sounds. Because that is who LBJ was.

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