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T.F. Bowley, A Wind-Up Wristwatch & 1:17

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16 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

The police tapes say nothing about the exact time Tippit got shot.

Helen Markham did in fact identify Oswald in the police line up... AFTER SHE SAW A PICTURE OF HIM ON TV: Helen Markham (spartacus-educational.com)



T.F. Bowley tells us what he did upon arriving on the scene, actions which would take 60 to 90 seconds at the most.  Bowley tells us he arrived, got out of his car, walked over to the body and saw there was nothing he could do for the officer, then went over and grabbed the mic from Benavides to report the shooting.

Bowley reported the shooting at 1:17.


As for Markham, she most certainly did NOT see a picture of Oswald on television before attending the lineup.  Maybe go read her testimony?


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19 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Greg Doudna said:

"...and a few years later Chapman in National Enquirer quoted Jimmy Burt as saying categorically that Oswald was not the killer."

Just a side note, Greg...

I have the audio of the entire interview between Chapman and Burt.

Nowhere in the interview does Burt say that the killer was NOT Oswald.

@Greg Doudna

Yes, I know you have informed of this before, noted.

First, both Jimmy Burt and William Smith were lying at points in their stories, the giant exhibit A on that being Jimmy Burt's conflicting statements concerning whether he and William ran down a block to get to the Tippit patrol car, or as he told in an FBI interview, they drove in his car there, a rather major discrepancy; however the independent testimonies of Frank Wright and blanket-girl telling of Jimmy Burt's car there say the run from a block away is the untruthful one.

Second, if they were a block away any up or down on identification of Oswald as the killer would be of little value because too far away. However, they weren't a block away. They were in Jimmy Burt's car (or at least one of them was, because the car was there) immediately in front of Tippit's patrol car, the car facing backwards directly toward Tippit as he pulled up, at the time Tippit was killed. Then moments later they drove away, which may be why not more than two witnesses are known to have said they saw that car there (in addition to Jimmy Burt himself putting himself and Wm and his car there, to the FBI).

Third, and to go to your point, you are saying, you have the audio of an entire Al Chapman interview with Jimmy Burt, and in that interview Burt does not say the killer was NOT Oswald. 

You conclude that was Al Chapman's sole, solitary source of information from Jimmy Burt, and therefore Al Chapman's bylined article in the National Enquirer overtly and explicitly quoting Jimmy Burt saying he saw the killer and the killer was NOT Oswald, was false, and a witting lie by Al Chapman (or National Enquirer, one or the other). Do I have your reasoning represented accurately?

I am looking at two pages numbered "10" and "11" which have Al Chapman commenting at 11:00 pm later the same day on an interview he did with Jimmy Burt on Feb 7, 1968, between 2:30 and 3:30 pm. These two pages, which are the only two pages I have on that, are only some additional comment of Chapman following the interview, not the transcript itself however, which appears to have been in the preceding pages with the closing four lines of the transcript at the top of p. 10. 

Can you confirm this is the interview to which you refer?

Assuming the answer is yes (if not, please specify the interview to which you refer?):

Your point falters, for this reason: it is clear Al Chapman talked with Jimmy Burt about the Tippit crime scene and Jimmy Burt's involvement in it, more than just that one-hour interview named on Feb 7.

The reason that is known is in his comments on that interview, Al Chapman makes reference to a wider range of discussions he has had with Jimmy Burt.

For example, in his comments (recorded later the same day of that interview), Al Chapman says:

"This is Al Chapman who you heard interview Jimmy Earl Burt who now lives at 404 E. Tenth in Dallas, Texas. This is the address at which Officer Tippit was shot in front of this house. There's a few things I would like to say here that Jimmy was in a hurry he took time off work to go home to his apartment and make this interview so we didn't get everything on it that we wanted to. There are a few things I'd like to go over..."

There are quite a few things that follow in which Al Chapman appears to be telling or reviewing additional things he had been told by Jimmy Burt which are not in the interview. 

The point being, your reason cited is not probative evidence that either Al Chapman or National Enquirer blatantly fabricated and published a wholly untrue statement attributed to Jimmy Burt.

Because, the absence of that statement, as presented in National Enquirer, in the formal one-hour Feb 7, 1968 interview itself is not the total source of Jimmy Burt information Al Chapman had. There were previous discussions. 

Is possible for you to give a link to that interview, either in the audio or transcript? I would like to study it if I could get access to it.

If the interview is not accessible in either of those forms, could you answer two questions from your access to it?

(1) Does Jimmy Burt say the killer WAS Oswald--does the interview contradict the quotation attributed to him in the Chapman National Enquirer article? (I note in your wording you do not claim that, is why I ask.) Could you say Jimmy Burt's exact words (as best as you can) on the identification question, in that interview? 

(2) Could you say what, if anything, Jimmy Burt says in that interview (exact words from the interview if possible) about seeing the killer have his hands on the right side of the Tippit patrol car as he leaned in to talk to Tippit?

Bottom line, you have NOT established Jimmy Burt did not say the statement attributed to him in print, in which he is quoted as stating the Tippit killer was not Oswald. At best you have questioned how secure is it to know Burt told Chapman that, which is not the same thing. 

From the two pages summary I can read of Al Chapman, he does not strike me as intending to lie about what Jimmy Burt told him, but strikes me as attempting to present Jimmy Burt's statements truthfully.

Edited by Greg Doudna
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According to Bowley’s November 22, 1963 affidavit, he picked up his daughter from the Robert L. Thornton Elementary School at 12:55 PM and approached the scene of the Tippit killing by proceeding north on Marsalis and turning west on to 10th Street.

From Google Maps the distance from R. L. Thornton (6011 Old Ox Rd.) to the Tippit site via Marsalis and 10th Street is approximately 7.0 miles and a driving time of approximately 15 minutes, depending on speed, traffic and stop lights.

Bowley was picking up his wife and daughter to go on a weekend trip. It is likely he arranged with the school to pick up his daughter at a specific time, 1:00 PM. Probably anxious about being on time for his trip (he left the Tippit site right after helping load Tippit onto the ambulance so he could pick up his wife), Bowley probably tried to get ahead of schedule by arriving at the school a little early (12:55 by his watch). If Bowley’s watch was five minutes slow, he actually arrived at the school at 1:00 PM and did not have to wait for his daughter.

The 12:10 PM time Bowley noted in his affidavit is consistent with his watch being approximately 5 minutes slow and the travel time between his reported time and locations.

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Bowley seems very sure of his times. And he did not make his statement until December 2nd. Maybe he should be asked what he had for lunch. I wonder whether he synchronized his drugstore watch with the Atomic Clock that morning?

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On 4/3/2024 at 4:32 PM, Bill Brown said:
All in all, Bowley is on the radio about 60 to 90 seconds after arriving.  Bowley's report to the dispatcher was at 1:17.  Therefore, Bowley arrived around 1:15/1:16.  His 1960's era windup wristwatch, which he claims read 1:10 when he arrived, was 5 minutes slow.

All speculation.

Bowley was never called to testify. The only statement he made was an affidavit taken by an unknown officer ( 24 H 202 ). In that affidavit, he stated, "I looked at my watch and it said 1:10 pm." He leaves no doubt what time his watch displayed.

When you claim his watch was 5 minutes slow, you're speculating without any evidence to back it up, choosing to "explain what makes sense" instead of looking at the evidence to the contrary.

There is overwhelming and corroborating evidence that the murder occurred before 1:15.

Bowley's time of 1:10 pm for his arrival is corroborated by other evidence.

Firstly, if the murder occured at or after 1:15, Helen Markham is not standing on the corner. She's on her bus and well on her way to work.

Markham had been walking along Patton on her way to "catch the 1:15 bus" to work at the corner of Patton and East Jefferson, one block from the shooting. She told the Commission that she had left her house a little "after 1:00", walked one block to Tenth and Patton and placed the time of the shooting at 1:06 - 1:07 pm.

Mr. BALL. You think it was a little after 1?

Mrs. MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1.

Mr. BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you?

Mrs. MARKHAM. 1:15.

Mr. BALL. So it was before 1:15 ?

Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, it was.

( 3 H 306 )

The time of the shooting HAD to have been before 1:15, otherwise Mrs. Markham was never going to get her bus.

Helen Markham had to walk two blocks to catch her bus. She had only walked one block when she witnessed the murder. The 1:15 time for the shooting is ridiculous for two reasons: it implies that either Mrs. Markham left her house too late to catch her bus, or that she would have taken over ten minutes to walk that one block.

Markham's sworn affidavit put the time of the murder at "approximately" 1:06 pm:


Markham's estimation that the shooting occurred at 1:06 is completely consistent with her walk to the bus stop taking a total of 10-12 minutes. This is supported by the schedule of the bus Mrs. Markham was trying to catch, which indicates that the time the bus would get to Patton and Jefferson was 1:12 pm.


You can't have Markham on the corner at 1:15 AND the murder occurring at that time.

Her bus arrives at Patton Ave and East Jefferson at 1:12 and leaves at 1:15. She can't be one block away at 1:15 and still catch her bus.

Either you have the crime occurring after 1:15 pm and Markham is on her bus, or you have Markham on the corner witnessing the murder BEFORE 1:15.

But you can't have it both ways. The evidence doesn't support it.

Tippit's last radio broadcast ( Car 78 ) was at 1:08 pm. At that time, he was still alive.


The evidence now indicates that the time of the murder was between the 1:08 of his last transmission and the 1:12 arrival of Mrs. Markham's bus.

Secondly, there are the transcripts of the police log.

Commission Document 1420 is the transcript of the Dallas police log for 11/22/63. It shows that T.F. Bowley made the original call on the radio at 1:16 ( page 52 ).

BUT the ambulance WENT TO THE WRONG LOCATION before it arrived at the Tippit shooting scene. On page 54, The ambulance responding to the call ( 602 ) radioes that he's arrived at the scene, ( Code 6 ) the time is noted as 1:19. Then he asks, "what's that address on Jefferson ?" He's redirected by the dispatch to a second wrong address, "501 East Tenth".

On the next page, the ambulance once again indicates a Code 6 ( out at destination ).

On the following page, although the ambulance has already arrived, there is a second use of the police car radio by a civilian ( highlighted in blue ) to report the shooting.


Why on earth would someone use the police radio to report the shooting a second time if the ambulance was already on the scene ? Is this evidence that the dictabelt has been tampered with ?

Thirdly, witnesses in the neighborhood placed the time of the shooting closer to 1:00 pm, rather than after 1:15.

Ted Callaway " about 1 pm" ( 24 H 204 )
Sam Guinyard "about 1pm" ( 24 H 210 )
Barbara Davis "a few minutes after 1pm" ( CD 87, pg. 556 )
Domingo Benavides " it was about 1 o'clock" ( 6 H 446 )

Francis Kinneth "approximately 1 pm" ( Oswald 201 file, Vol 25, part 2 of 2, pg. 119 )
Frank Cimino "around 1pm" ( Oswald 201 file, Vol. 8, pg. 239 )

Mrs. Higgins "heard the shots and ran out her front door to see Tippit lying in the street. She said it was 1:06. She knew that because she was watching TV and the announcer said it. So she automatically checked her clock when he said it and he was right." ( Barry Ernest interview with Mrs. Higgins from his book, "The Girl on the Stairs", 2010 )

Not one witness puts the murder later than 1:10 pm.

Fourthly, Dallas Police Officers Davenport and Bardin escorted the ambulance with Tippit's body to Methodist Hospital. Their report indicates that Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:15 pm.


Not only was Tippit pronounced dead, he was pronounced "dead on arrival ". The term D.O.A. means that the victim was "dead on arrival" or "dead on admission" to the hospital. In the case of a D.O.A., doctors at the hospital have no way of knowing when a victim actually lost his life, so the time of pronunciation of death is based on the time of arrival at the hospital, hence dead-on-ARRIVAL.

The report of the officers is corroborated by the "Permit for Autopsy" , which states that Tippit was indeed "dead on arrival" and that the time of his arrival was 1:15 pm.


Tippit couldn't have been shot later than  1:15 as the Commission ( and you ) contend if his body was arriving D.O.A. at the hospital at 1:15.

Fifthly, in his interview with the House Select Committee on Assassinations, in September 1977, ambulance driver Jasper Clayton Butler said that from the time the ambulance company got the call to the time Tippit was pronounced dead was "approximately four minutes."


This puts the call from police to the ambulance company at 1:11, again, consistent with Bowley's arrival time of 1:10 and Tippit's last use of the radio at 1:08. 

This puts the killing in the 1:08-1:10 range, a physical impossibility for Oswald to have been in that location if he left his roominghouise a few minutes after 1:00.

Sixthly, there is evidence that the FBI tampered with the written record.

The FBI claimed that it interviewed Dr. Richard Liquori, who pronounced Tippit dead and that Liquori stated that he pronounced Tippit dead at 1:25 pm.

But if you look closely at the time, the original time was handwritten over to read 1:25.


And this wasn't the only document the FBI changed the time by hand to read "1:25". They did the same thing in their report on the records of the Dudley Hughes Funeral Home.


Dr. Liquori was never called to testify. A homicide case where the doctor who pronounces the victim dead is never called to testify ?

I suggest to the reader that these documents originally said "1:15" and the second "1" was altered by hand to a "2 ".

Seventhly, and finally, more than one witness claimed to have seen Oswald BEFORE Tippit was murdered, more than 3/4 of a mile from the murder scene.

Perhaps the most damaging evidence to an Oswald-killed-Tippit scenario comes from the man who ran the concession stand at the Texas Theater, Warren ( Butch ) Burroughs, who said he saw Oswald enter the Texas Theater between 1:00 and 1:07 pm.


Burroughs said that Oswald had purchased popcorn about 1:15 and then sat next to a pregnant woman who went to the bathroom and then disappeared.

A second witness who puts Oswald inside the Texas Theater at the time of the Tippit killing was Jack Davis.

Author Bill Simpich writes, "Burroughs’ story was corroborated by eighteen-year-old Jack Davis, never questioned by the Warren Commission, who remembered at 1:15 seeing Oswald squeeze in right next to him at the mostly deserted theater during the opening credits to the movie, then got up quickly and sat down next to someone else. Davis stated that Oswald sat next to him and then another patron before going out to the lobby."

Documentation indicates that Tippit was pronounced dead on arrival at Methodist Hospital at 1:15. Given the four minute approximate that it took for the ambulance to respond to the call and transport the fallen officer, I believe that the timeline supports that Tippit was killed before 1:11. I believe he was killed between 1:08 and 1:10.

Tippit's last broadcast was at 1:08 pm. He called dispatch twice and got no response.

T.F. Bowley came upon Tippit lying in the street, looked at his watch and it said 1:10.

If Tippit was killed AFTER 1:15, Helen Markham and T. F. Bowley would not have been witnesses. Markham would have been on her bus and Bowley would have already picked up his daughter at school.

The documented evidence supports a shooting timeline prior to 1:15 pm, probably in the 1:08-1:10 range, too early for Oswald to have walked to the scene from his roominghouse, even if he left at 1:00 pm.

When it comes to the time of the murder, you can believe the dictabelt or you can believe the mountain of corroborating evidence to the contrary.

But the timing of the Tippit murder as proof for or aganist Oswald's guilt becomes insignificant when you consider that Oswald had an alibi. Two witnesses ( Burroughs and Davis ) saw Oswald in the Texas Theater at or before 1:15 pm and their corroborating accounts make it impossible for him to have been Tippit's killer.

Learn the case.


Edited by Gil Jesus
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In depth research beats Warren Commission regurgitation every time.

Great post.

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The Texas Theatre is 1.0 miles from Oswald’s rooming house. Tippit was murdered 0.8 miles away from Oswald’s rooming house. Why is it impossible for Oswald to get to the Tippit murder site by 1:15 PM but possible to get to the theatre between 1:00 and 1:07 PM?

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4 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

The Texas Theatre is 1.0 miles from Oswald’s rooming house. Tippit was murdered 0.8 miles away from Oswald’s rooming house. Why is it impossible for Oswald to get to the Tippit murder site by 1:15 PM but possible to get to the theatre between 1:00 and 1:07 PM?

I can't speak for others but here is my take on this. Burroughs' time memory of 1:00 to 1:07 for Oswald in the theater is from decades later and as you note, not too plausible that Oswald could have gotten there on foot in that time. Something like 1:15-1:20 entry into the theater arriving either by bus south on Beckley or on foot would be more realistic.

The major problems with Oswald at the Tippit crime scene at ca. 1:15 (or whenever) are: why would Oswald walk there? And the encounter of Tippit with his killer has all the appearance of an ambush and a professional killing, not a spontaneous spooked impulse shooting as supposed of Oswald. The issues are complicated involving witnesses and the FBI report of a revolver match to shell hulls incriminating Oswald, but the question of why would Oswald choose to walk there (Tenth and Patton) remains ... along with its not Oswald's fingerprints, but may be the killer's fingerprints, on the passenger car door where Helen Markham directly said on Nov 22 she saw the killer lean down and put his arms against the patrol car before he got Tippit out of the car and shot him dead... and the earliest witness descriptions of the Tippit killer had the killer with wavy black hair and the closest witness to the killer from only ca. 15 feet away said the killer had a block cut rear hairline, neither of which agree with Oswald ... and another credible suspect exists who does match the facts and physical descriptions of the killer, a recent hire of Ruby who had hitman experience and expertise (and who was misidentified as Oswald on other known occasions) ... 

The only explanation I have seen that attempts to make sense of why Oswald would be at Tenth and Patton is that of Burt Griffin's recent book, and it is possible Myers also said something like this somewhere: that Oswald was on his way to a Marsallis bus stop, where he would use his transfer and get to a Greyhound bus station by city bus, from where he might then take a bus to Mexico which he could afford with the $11.20 or whatever it was he had in his pocket. (If this was an escape, it was not a very well-planned one.) 

The alternative is Oswald was found in the Texas Theatre because that is where he went from his rooming house and entered, wearing his blue jacket upon entry to the theater, as a paying customer, for the purpose of meeting someone there (https://www.scrollery.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/T-Jackets-112.pdf).   

Edited by Greg Doudna
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Clearly, the DPD radio recording trumps Bowley's watch, though it could have been faked. Anything is possible. But we should not ignore the fact that Bowley and Markham and the time of death in the Autopsy Permit all line up nicely for an earlier shooting time.  Also, as Gil Jesus pointed out, relevant times were altered in FBI documents. Something funny went on here. Shots were fired around 1:15, but something else also may have happened. Bowley and Markham both have Ruby connections. This implies coordination. Both "Ruby witnesses" report an earlier time. Perhaps the shooting had been planned for an earlier time and Bowley and Markham stayed the course with their timings while events changed course.

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6 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

The Texas Theatre is 1.0 miles from Oswald’s rooming house. Tippit was murdered 0.8 miles away from Oswald’s rooming house. Why is it impossible for Oswald to get to the Tippit murder site by 1:15 PM but possible to get to the theatre between 1:00 and 1:07 PM?

Because he rode a bus to get to the theater.

Earlene Roberts saw him standing  at the bus stop outside the roominghouse after he left. ( 7 H 439 )



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2 hours ago, Richard Bertolino said:

Clearly, the DPD radio recording trumps Bowley's watch, though it could have been faked. Anything is possible. But we should not ignore the fact that Bowley and Markham and the time of death in the Autopsy Permit all line up nicely for an earlier shooting time.  Also, as Gil Jesus pointed out, relevant times were altered in FBI documents. Something funny went on here. Shots were fired around 1:15, but something else also may have happened.

You can't have the shooting at 1:15 and Markham standing on the corner, a block from her bus. At 1:15, she would have been on her bus. She testified to that.

So either the shooting was at 1:15 and Markham never witnessed it because she was on her bus, or she DID witness it and it occurred before 1:15. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she DID witness the murder ( other witnesses place her there ) so the shooting HAD to have occurred BEFORE 1:15.

Mr. Brown's theory that Bowley used the radio at 1:17 is in error and it's based on the dictabelt being accurate.

Unlike some of you folks, I don't rely on the dictabelt being accurate. I've already given an example of the recording of a second civilian use of the police radio to call for help ( blue highlight ) AFTER the ambulance has arrived on the scene ( pink highlight ). No one's been able to explain why the civilian ( Callaway ? ) made a second broadcast for help AFTER the ambulance had reportedly arrived.


When I see things depicted out of their logical order, this certainly raises my suspicion over the accuracy of that order. Maybe other people have no problem with this, but to me it makes no sense. A second call for help SHOULD have occurred BEFORE the ambulance arrived. This is common sense. The fact that the second call appears on the dictabelt AFTER the ambulance arrived leads me to believe that the dictabelt is not accurate and may have been tampered with.

The evidence indicates Mrs. Markham was on the corner at 1:06-1:07. Her testimony indicates Tippit was alive and confronted someone on foot.

The evidence indicates Tippit was alive and used his radio at 1:08.

The evidence indicates he was dead at 1:10.

The evidence indicates his body arrived at Methodist Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival at 1:15.

The evidence indicates the FBI altered two reports dated 11/29 to reflect that Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:25.

Like I've said, you can believe the dictabelt, or you can believe everything else to the contrary.


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10 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

You can't have the shooting at 1:15 and Markham standing on the corner, a block from her bus. At 1:15, she would have been on her bus. She testified to that.

So either the shooting was at 1:15 and Markham never witnessed it because she was on her bus, or she DID witness it and it occurred before 1:15. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she DID witness the murder ( other witnesses place her there ) so the shooting HAD to have occurred BEFORE 1:15.

Mr. Brown's theory that Bowley used the radio at 1:17 is in error and it's based on the dictabelt being accurate.

Unlike some of you folks, I don't rely on the dictabelt being accurate. I've already given an example of the recording of a second civilian use of the police radio to call for help ( blue highlight ) AFTER the ambulance has arrived on the scene ( pink highlight ). No one's been able to explain why the civilian ( Callaway ? ) made a second broadcast for help AFTER the ambulance had reportedly arrived.


When I see things depicted out of their logical order, this certainly raises my suspicion over the accuracy of that order. Maybe other people have no problem with this, but to me it makes no sense. A second call for help SHOULD have occurred BEFORE the ambulance arrived. This is common sense. The fact that it the second call is depicted AFTER the ambulance arrived leads me to believe that the dictabelt is not accurate and may have been tampered with.

The evidence indicates Mrs. Markham was on the corner at 1:06-1:07. Her testimony indicates Tippit was alive and confronted someone on foot.

The evidence indicates Tippit was alive and used his radio at 1:08.

The evidence indicates he was dead at 1:10.

The evidence indicates his body arrived at Methodist Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival at 1:15.

The evidence indicates the FBI altered two reports dated 11/29 to reflect that Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:25.

Like I've said, you can believe the dictabelt, or you can believe everything else to the contrary.


Unlike you, I don't rely upon the honesty of Helen Markham. I notice that you do quote Dictabelt transcripts when it suits your purpose. You did this to identify a call from Tippit at the time you wanted. If you listen to the recording, you won't be able to hear that "78," yet you use it because you like it. Altering transcripts is very easy compared to altering audio recordings. Apparently that was done for your preferred transcript. Not that you aren't wonderful and awesome, of course.

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9 minutes ago, Richard Bertolino said:

Unlike you, I don't rely upon the honesty of Helen Markham. I notice that you do quote Dictabelt transcripts when it suits your purpose. You did this to identify a call from Tippit at the time you wanted. If you listen to the recording, you won't be able to hear that "78," yet you use it because you like it. Altering transcripts is very easy compared to altering audio recordings. Apparently that was done for your preferred transcript. Not that you aren't wonderful and awesome, of course.

You don't have to rely on the honesty of Helen Markham when there is corroborating evidence that supports what she says.

I identified a call at the time I WANTED ? I use it because I like it ? No I use it because it's evidence and part of the official record.

I identified what was cited on the transcript as Tippit's last call.  I didn't make the transcript up myself, it's part of the official record. I didn't alter it.

It's cited for anyone to double-check. I merely cited it as the last time we know Tippit was alive.

It's cited on both the Dallas Police transcript ( CE 705 ) and the FBI version ( CD 1420 ).

And yes, it is audible on the recording. I have it a copy of it.

Anyone who knows me knows I don't make stuff up. I may not always be right, but I don't make stuff up.

Everything I post I back up with evidence. And I cite everything in red so anyone who doesn't believe me can check my sources for themselves. It's called transparency.

If you have evidence that Tippit never made the two attempts to call his dispatcher at 1:08 or was alive after 1:10 pm please post it.

I'd be interested in seeing your evidence. Thanks in advance.


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On 4/8/2024 at 2:35 PM, Bill Brown said:


T.F. Bowley tells us what he did upon arriving on the scene, actions which would take 60 to 90 seconds at the most.  Bowley tells us he arrived, got out of his car, walked over to the body and saw there was nothing he could do for the officer, then went over and grabbed the mic from Benavides to report the shooting.

Bowley reported the shooting at 1:17.


As for Markham, she most certainly did NOT see a picture of Oswald on television before attending the lineup.  Maybe go read her testimony?


I don't rely upon the honesty of T. F. Bowley, either.

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2 hours ago, Richard Bertolino said:

Unlike you, I don't rely upon the honesty of Helen Markham. I notice that you do quote Dictabelt transcripts when it suits your purpose. You did this to identify a call from Tippit at the time you wanted. If you listen to the recording, you won't be able to hear that "78," yet you use it because you like it. Altering transcripts is very easy compared to altering audio recordings. Apparently that was done for your preferred transcript. Not that you aren't wonderful and awesome, of course.

I owe you an apology. While the Dallas Police transcript shows the caller to be "78", ( Tippit ) the FBI transcript shows the callers to be two different units, the first being "58" and the second being "488". I went back and listened to the audio and the FBI transcript is correct. The two calls made at 1:08 that the Dallas Police attributed to Tippit were not made by him. This is the FBI transcript and I've added the audio to show this to be true.

Note: The FBI did not transcribe all the the broadcasts only those they felt were pertinent. So you're going to hear exchanges that are not on the transcript. 


I erred in saying that both versions of the radio transcripts had the same information. I also erred in taking the Dallas PD version as gospel without comparing it to the FBI version. When I did and found the conflict between the two transcripts, I went back and studied the audio and found that the FBI transcript was the correct one.

I apologize to anyone who was misled. The two calls to dispatch made at 1:08 were NOT made by Tippit.

But that doesn't mean he was killed at 1:15.

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