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Which living person(s) knows the most about what actually happened in Dallas?

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@Robert Morrow I'll start a new topic later on today about the three tramps. With the recent added speculation given from RFK jnr as to the identity of the tallest tramp (he says is Woody Harrelson's dad, Charles) the subject of the three tramps isn't dead and done like people say it is.

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7 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:

@Robert Morrow I'll start a new topic later on today about the three tramps. With the recent added speculation given from RFK jnr as to the identity of the tallest tramp (he says is Woody Harrelson's dad, Charles) the subject of the three tramps isn't dead and done like people say it is.

Woody Harrelson has even said that one of the "three tramps" looks like his dad!

But here is the kicker, though: THE DALLAS POLICE WERE INVOLVED IN THE IMMEDIATE FRAMING OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD, therefore I don't think they were running around to grab the ACTUAL SHOOTERS OF JFK. 

My take on the 3 tramps is that they were not involved in the JFK assassination.

And if you want proof that the Dallas police were involved in the immediate framing of Lee Harvey Oswald, which pretty much means ELEMENTS of the Dallas police were involved in the JFK assassination, here it is:

Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html  Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960

(No, I do not think Dallas police chief Jesse Curry was involved in the JFK assassination; I merely think someone or some peoples in the Dallas police department were, probably the guys with intelligence connections.)

I really, really don't think the Dallas police on 11/22/63 were in the business of arresting the actual shooters of JFK. Key elements of Dallas police were facilitating the murder of JFK. I don't think they would arrest themselves!


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On 7/22/2024 at 1:42 AM, Robert Reeves said:

As you know, the very man himself (Seagrove) was a member here on this board and posted his opinion as to the identity of the man in the suit with the three tramps.

from https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/13678-edward-lansdale/

Anything Sterling Seagrave wrote about Gen. Edward Lansdale HAS to be read. Of course this man had the chops to murder JFK and he was certainly friends with the WRONG PEOPLE!

Another great Sterling Seagrave post on Edward Lansdale and the Huks and the vicious tactics he used on them in the Philippines


Sterling Seagrave:


Jack and Peter ~

Here's my promised bird's-eye view of Lansdale and the Huks, based on new material including a Pentagon study of newly declassified docs. For lots more detail on Lansdale's disinformation campaign, see The Marcos Dynasty.

Today many people think the Cold War began with the Berlin Airlift or the Korean War. In Asia it actually began in the Philippines early in 1946 when an authentic land-reform movement of poor farmers known as the Huks was malignantly re-labeled a deadly Marxist conspiracy to overthrow the Manila government. By pouring gasoline on the rural fire, wildly exaggerating its size and potential, claiming it was being funded and supplied by Moscow, the Huk protest movement was made to seem like a raging civil war, requiring urgent attention and millions of dollars in military aid to Manila. The man who went out of his way to provoke this, and later polished his skills in Vietnam, Laos, and Latin America, was the former advertising agency copywriter and account executive Edward Lansdale. He had spent World War II in San Francisco writing propaganda for the OSS, in the process wildly inflaming his imagination, then was sent to Manila in 1945 to keep him on the payroll under the escutcheon of U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence, G-2.

Lansdale did not dream up the Cold War, but he was an agent of those who did. His corporate clients this time were a powerful group of high-flying Wall Street bankers and lawyers, Washington bureaucrats and journalists, in what was called The Georgetown Set -- in particular a small group within the Set known as the Dulles brothers’ coven, a clandestine group of OSS officers, field agents and spooks, and their colleagues with secretive portfolios in various branches of the Roosevelt administration inherited by President Truman.

The war with Japan had twice altered political relationships throughout Asia. In China, the Dutch East Indies, Malaya, Indochina, Burma, and The Philippines, resistance groups fighting the Japanese became America’s allies. When the war ended, the same guerrilla forces initially became America’s enemies, without exception. In most cases, after the war the guerrillas continued to fight for independence from returning colonial powers, British, French, or Dutch.

During Japan’s occupation of The Philippines, there were guerrilla bands on different islands, but the most effective fighters were the Huks of central Luzon. Some 50,000 men and women, mostly tenant farmers in the rich agricultural lands of Pampanga and neighboring provinces. They took to the hills and harassed the Japanese effectively, often aided by American soldiers who escaped during the Bataan Death March. Most Huks had no education or political ideology, and were driven to rebellion by the tyranny of big landowners. But among their leaders were a few radical student activists, who entered politics after the war to continue campaigning for land reform. The big landowners fought back by calling them Marxist terrorists.

With things going badly in China for the regime of Chiang Kai-shek, the prospect of communist victories electrified the White House and State Department. In Japan, postwar land reform had already been achieved, but there was still time to clean up some war criminals and put them back in power; strikes, labor unions, and leftist politicians could be suppressed. The situation in the Philippines was more ambiguous.

In February 1946, the U.S. Congress debated the issue of Huk veteran rights. It had long been established that any Filipino who served in the U.S. military, including those who fought as guerrillas against the Japanese, were to be considered as American soldiers. In a move that shocked Filipinos, Congress initially denied the Huks their rights and benefits under the GI Bill, breaking a promise made to them by General MacArthur. They were also denied back-pay, hospitalization, mustering-out pay, and burial benefits. It was the first legislative sign that America had now entered into a Cold War mentality, not against a particular nation but against an alien state of mind, colored red, subgroup “terrorist”.

Philippine independence remained on schedule for July 4, 1946. The election for positions in the new government was held in April. A handsome and popular young Huk leader named Luis Taruc easily won a seat in the Filipino congress, but he and other Huk candidates were then rejected on unspecific allegations of ‘voting irregularities’. Shunned by the ruling elite, the Huks retreated into the rainforest and mountains they knew so well, and resumed their insurrection. The newly elected President Manuel Roxas, MacArthur’s designated candidate, declared a “mailed fist” policy toward the Huks.

The mailed fist was Lansdale at U.S. Army G-2 in Manila. His solution to the Huk ‘problem’ was a campaign of terror. As psychological warfare, he had village walls painted with the ‘all-seeing-eye’ of the ancient Egyptian sun god, called the Eye-of-Ra, or ‘evil eye’, then had villagers march in single file past a hooded figure whose nod was a death sentence -- a tactic borrowed from the Japanese kempeitai.

With an unlimited budget from Washington, Lansdale created death squads called Nenita Units, or ‘skull squads’, whose mission was to find and kill Huks wherever they could be found, including men, women, and children -- a policy the CIA later called ‘gradual extermination’. When armed Huks proved strangely difficult to find, all effort was devoted to wiping out villages ‘assumed’ to be associated somehow with the Huks. Hundreds of villages across central Luzon were mortared, shelled, torched with flame-throwers. American napalm was used to destroy crops and villages. Those farmers who escaped the flames were rounded up and shot. This brutality was worse than that of the Japanese occupation.

Stripped of disinformation, this was to exterminate all Filipino peasant farmers who would not submit to exploitation by the oligarchic families favored by Washington. (Here it is worth bearing in mind some interesting figures: During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, approximately 250,000 Filipinos are believed to have died; during the American conquest of the Philippines at the end of the Spanish-American War, when most of the U.S. Army were in the Philippines, the Filipino casualty figure was approximately 1-million.)

As Lansdale had no combat experience, he sought out American veterans with unusual experience killing Japanese. Foremost among them was Lieutenant Charles ‘Boh’ Bohannan, who had made a name for himself killing Japanese in New Guinea. To head all the Nenita death squads Lansdale and Bohannan chose a sleekly handsome Filipino with a bottomless appetite for killing. Napoleon Valeriano was a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy who had fought in Bataan, then escaped from a Japanese prison camp to be picked up by a U.S. submarine and taken to Australia. There he became a protege of MacArthur and his head of G-2, General Charles Willoughby, with whom Valeriano shared a pathological anticommunism. Valeriano quickly rose to colonel’s rank in the U.S. Army, and after Japan’s surrender went after the men he blamed for his father’s death during the war, whom he believed to be members of ‘the Manila Politburo’. It was the start of his new career dedicated to anticommunist death squads and ‘skull-squadrons’ in The Philippines, Indochina, and Central America, all under the guidance of Lansdale and Bohannan.

In Luzon, they applied these terror tactics to everyone they could find in large tracts of land considered ‘free kill zones’ in which death squads killed all villagers, farmers, loggers, fishermen, rural laborers, or members of isolated tribes of aborigines. In most cases, no effort whatever was made to identify them as Huks before they were killed. The ‘skull-squadrons’ rarely took prisoners, usually just stopping anybody they encountered and shooting them in the back of the head. Whether or not they were Huks did not matter.

Soon, not a day passed when bodies were not seen floating in the rivers, or strewn by roadsides. Valeriano’s ‘Nenita’ death-squads were roaring around Central Luzon with skull-and-crossbones flags flying from their jeeps and scout cars, looking for victims of all ages. Their cruelty and lust for murder were psychotic. A Filipino senator wrote to President Roxas demanding the removal of Valeriano from Pampanga, “for having committed many atrocities, not only against dissident elements but against law-abiding people.”

The Nenita wasted no time with legal procedures or even interrogation. In return, the Huks, who had learned to fight under brutal Japanese occupation, treated captured Military Police with equal viciousness. Bohannan and Valeriano countered by then demanding mutilation of bodies. They introduced a new weapon in their terror campaign: two ice-picks taped together and used to stab villagers in the throat, leaving what looked like vampire bite-marks in a horror movie. Ghoulish stories of vampires were spread across the countryside, of which these mutilation killings were evidence.

The reason Lansdale had such a deep purse and a completely free hand to say and do whatever he wished, was an event that happened in total secrecy, making him the darling of what would become the new CIA. Immediately after his first arrival in Manila in September 1945, Lansdale heard the buzz in G-2 about a secret operation at Bilibad Prison where an agent named Santa Romana was torturing a Japanese officer. The prisoner, Major Kojima Kashii, had driven General Yamaxxxxa around in a command car during the last months of the war. It was widely believed that he knew the locations of secret vaults where the Japanese had hidden tons of treasure taken as war loot from across Asia. In previous months, big hoards of Nazi gold and art treasures had been found in Europe. The Japanese hoard could be even bigger, as Japan had started looting many years earlier when it invaded Korea in 1895. If Santa Romana could force the major to show them the vaults, America could recover vast sums of gold, platinum, barrels of currency taken from banks, and priceless art works including solid gold Buddha statues. Even better, The Philippines were still an American colony, so there would be no need to share the treasure with the allies, as had happened in Europe.

Excited, Lansdale put himself in charge of the torture. Eventually he persuaded Santa Romana to try bribery, and soon afterward Major Kojima showed them the entrances to twelve vaults scattered across northern Luzon. Inside they found solid gold ingots stacked six feet tall in row after row across chambers the size of tennis courts. Lansdale flew to Tokyo to brief MacArthur, then to Washington where he briefed the War Department and President Truman’s chief security adviser, Navy Commander Clark Clifford. Truman decided the vaults in The Philippines must be recovered secretly to avoid a global financial crisis.

While Lansdale was in Washington, Clifford introduced him to the Dulles coven. Among its members were policy-makers such as Averill Harriman, John McCloy, Paul Nitze, George Kennan, Dean Acheson, David Bruce, Walt Rostow, and ‘Chip’ Bohlen -- pointmen for the most powerful families in America. The hard core of the Dulles coven were a small group of very secretive and conspiratorial men who would head the new CIA: Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, Tom Braden, Cord Meyer, James Angleton, Tracy Barnes, Frank Wisner, and Desmond FitzGerald. Because Allen Dulles knew little about the Orient, Wisner and FitzGerald would be in charge of black operations in Asia. This group adopted Lansdale, and for years afterward whenever he was in Washington, he was a favorite guest at the weekly drinking parties in the Allen Dulles household. There he became especially close to Wisner and FitzGerald. As a man obsessed by secret societies and covert operations, Lansdale had fantasies of cabals ruling Europe and the United States from the shadows. His introduction to the Dulles coven, and its extreme secrecy, affirmed his most eccentric imaginings. These men were the eye at the top of the pyramid, whose responsibility was to maintain surveillance and control of everyone beneath them. Lansdale knew that in the 18th century, Freemasons were famously involved in revolutionary movements in Europe. Some of America’s Founding Fathers had been Masons, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Benedict Arnold, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock. The pervasive influence of Freemasonry was manifest for all to see in the cryptic symbols on U.S. Currency, the Great Seal, and the designs and inscriptions of monuments and public buildings in the capital. From this it was only a small jump to Lansdale’s fetish with the Wedjat, or Eye-of-Ra, the magisterial eye of the ruling Establishment, and its self-proclaimed illuminati. Flattered and inspired by all the attention from these men in the inner circle of power, Lansdale returned to Manila with a mission, and a free hand to do whatever he could to block the spread of communism in Asia, starting with the Huks.

According to a Pentagon study of documents recently declassified, Lansdale told Bohannan explicitly: “I have the charges, you invent the facts!”

There were careers to be boosted, great sums to be misappropriated by the U.S. Congress for the new anti-communist crusade. As Lansdale pointed out many times, this was best done by stirring the pot, and scaring everyone.

“If there isn’t fire,” he told Bohannan, “we’ll light one.” If the Huks were not sufficiently ‘marxist’ or sufficiently ‘terrorist’, Lansdale and Bohannan would and did stage all the acts of terror needed, using special units of the Philippine Army pretending to be Huks, while Lansdale’s movie cameras filmed the attacks. (See THE MARCOS DYNASTY for the bizarre details.)

Lansdale launched a public relations spectacle modeled on the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). HUAC had got its start in the mid-1930s, investigating Nazi and Soviet propaganda inside the United States. After the Nazi defeat in 1945, HUAC focussed exclusively on Communists and ‘fellow travelers’. One committee member famously asked a witness whether Elizabethan playwright Christopher Marlowe had been a member of the Communist Party. Senator Joe McCarthy went on a rampage of accusations that destroyed the careers of government officials, diplomats, scientists, and more than 300 artists—film directors, radio commentators, actors and screenwriters. Some, like Charlie Chaplin, left the U.S. for good. In most cases, only allegations were necessary to doom the person named.

Lansdale persuaded cooperative Filipino congressmen to create the House Un-Filipino Activities Committee of the Philippine Congress. Its public hearings started in October 1948, with Immigration Commissioner Fabre testifying that “Communistic tendencies among aliens here will spread unless the government takes [action].” Fabre said four White Russian emigres seeking refuge in the Philippines were ordered to be deported because of the danger that they might be smuggling weapons and money tok the Huks. No evidence whatever was provided to support the notion. The skipper of a Russian ship had refused to take them aboard. Shanghai authorities also refused to accept them. Commissioner Fabre got lurid press coverage when he declared that one of the four imprisoned White Russians had lost his temper and “threatened to come back here as a two-star general”.

Fabre could not avoid acting as Lansdale’s mouthpiece because Bohannan had learned that Fabre was operating his own Immigration Department racket, extorting big payments from people who overstayed their visas.

Violent events then changed the rules of habeas corpus. On April 28, 1949, the widow of prewar President Manuel Quezon was on her way by car through the Sierra Madre mountains to inaugurate the Quezon Memorial Hospital in her home town of Baler. She was accompanied by her eldest daughter, and son-in-law. Mrs. Quezon was hugely popular as a ‘queen-mother and patron saint’, but Lansdale considered her a dangerous populist. According to press reports, her small motorcade was “ambushed by 210 Huks under the leadership of Commander Stalin” -- a name dreamed up by Lansdale. Mrs. Quezon, her daughter and son-in-law, all died. The outpouring of grief over their death, blamed on the Huks, made it easy for President Quirino to shut down civil rights in October 1950 by declaring martial law, suspending habeas corpus throughout the country. TIME magazine quoted a Philippine Congressman saying that suspension of habeas corpus was “less to ferret out Communists than to intimidate Quirino critics.”

This outburst of hypocrisy -- punishing the weak for the crimes of the strong -- was a particular sorepoint to the popular Dr. Victor Buencamino, head of the School of Veterinary Science and onetime advisor to President Quezon. His family were among Pampanga’s biggest landowners, with thousands of acres of sugar cane, but he was appalled by what his fellow oligarchs had done to Filipinos:

“It was the task of my generation, under the leadership of Quezon, to seek the independence of this country. Then came the war, and something snapped. It was patriotic to steal from the enemy; to sabotage him. The only trouble was that long after the war was over, the stealing orgy went on, not the least among those in positions of authority. The desire to possess material things became a pervasive obsession. The prewar brand of integrity seems to have been destroyed. Vote buying became more rampant. Terrorism reigned, often with the acquiescence of the men at the top. Quezon once said he’d rather have a government run like hell by the Filipinos than a government run like heaven by the Americans. It is a tragedy that a government run like hell came so soon.”

For Lansdale, Bohannan, and Valeriano, it was only a test-run for Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and all of Central America.



Edited by Robert Morrow
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On 7/16/2024 at 4:44 AM, Ron Bulman said:

If not Sarti, Soutre?

Souêtre always said he was in Spain at the time of the murder, statements confirmed by two or three witnesses. I think it was Mertz who was in Dallas, at the request of the SDECE (for some reason I don’t know) and then was expelled. For the French shooter, I prefer a guy like Henri Pugibet, an ex-Vichyst France, exfiltrated by the OSS of Dulles in 45 and sniper ( he opened an elite shooting school in southern France in 42 ). His killer profile ( he worked for Trujillo notably ) and his activities for the CIA in Cuba and then in Mexico where he lived afterwards, are, in my opinion, a perfect candidate.


Sorry for the time taken to respond; I have not enabled the notification of responses.

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7 hours ago, Frederic Galle said:

Souêtre always said he was in Spain at the time of the murder, statements confirmed by two or three witnesses. I think it was Mertz who was in Dallas, at the request of the SDECE (for some reason I don’t know) and then was expelled. For the French shooter, I prefer a guy like Henri Pugibet, an ex-Vichyst France, exfiltrated by the OSS of Dulles in 45 and sniper ( he opened an elite shooting school in southern France in 42 ). His killer profile ( he worked for Trujillo notably ) and his activities for the CIA in Cuba and then in Mexico where he lived afterwards, are, in my opinion, a perfect candidate.


Sorry for the time taken to respond; I have not enabled the notification of responses.

Frederic. - did Pugibet ever say who hired him? 

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10 hours ago, Frederic Galle said:

Souêtre always said he was in Spain at the time of the murder, statements confirmed by two or three witnesses. I think it was Mertz who was in Dallas, at the request of the SDECE (for some reason I don’t know) and then was expelled. For the French shooter, I prefer a guy like Henri Pugibet, an ex-Vichyst France, exfiltrated by the OSS of Dulles in 45 and sniper ( he opened an elite shooting school in southern France in 42 ). His killer profile ( he worked for Trujillo notably ) and his activities for the CIA in Cuba and then in Mexico where he lived afterwards, are, in my opinion, a perfect candidate.


Sorry for the time taken to respond; I have not enabled the notification of responses.

I'd never heard of Pugibet  until I read Coup in Dallas by Hank Albarelli.  He's mentioned on a couple of pages in the book, but then there is an 8-page essay at the end on him by Alan Kent.  He concludes he was involved as he was there 11/19/63- 11/22/63 at the Stoneleigh Hotel but likely not as a shooter, what capacity undetermined.  I've not read about the sniper/shooting school part.  Where is that from?  

As an aside, I see you're from Normandy.  I'm descended from there per the work of my mother and others.  A very small, diluted percentage by now.

It seems a to many greats grandfather than I can remember (though mother once counted them) was a Nobleman of Normandy born in 1036.  Airaid Fitz Stevens.  He was given Command of the Mora, the lead ship by William the Conqueror in his invasion of England in 1066, leading to the battle of Hastings and his conquest of England.  Araid received a large land grant. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/31/2024 at 6:44 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Je n'avais jamais entendu parler de Pugibet jusqu'à ce que j'ai lu Coup à Dallas de Hank Albarelli. Il est mentionné sur quelques pages du livre, mais il y a ensuite un essai de 8 pages à la fin d'Alan Kent. Il conclut qu'il s'y trouvait le 11/19/63-11/22/63 à l'hôtel Stoneleigh, mais probablement pas en tant que tireur, quelle capacité indéterminée. Je n'ai pas lu sur la partie sniper/tirer l'école. D'où vient-il ?

En passant, je vois que vous êtes de Normandie. Je descends de là par le travail de ma mère et d'autres. Un très petit pourcentage dilué maintenant.

Il semble à beaucoup de grands-pères que je ne me souvienne (bien que la mère les ait comptés) était un Nobleman de Normandie né en 1036. Airaid Fitz Stevens. Il reçoit le commandement du Mora, le navire de tête de Guillaume le Conquérant lors de son invasion de l'Angleterre en 1066, conduisant à la bataille de Hastings et à sa conquête de l'Angleterre. Araid a reçu une importante concession de terres.

H.Pugibet was from a very rich French family. His grandfather made a fortune in Central America (Cuba, then Mexico). In the latter country he was a great man because he created the first factory where cigarettes were manufactured industrially. created the first radio station and landed and took off the first plane there. He was also a close friend of the local dictator (who was also called Trujillo, I think). A square in the historic city centre of Mexico City is named after him.

His father made a fortune in creating a luxury car brand and introduced a breed of beef to the US and Canada to tenderize meat.

At the end of the 1930s, Pugibet enlisted in the French air force but was unable to participate in combat. He joined the Vichy France and eventually created the JFOM, a kind of Hitlerite youth in the French style. This organization is a great success and he was awarded by the first deputy of Marshal Petain before being ousted from the head of his organization. He then created a school of snipers near Carcassonne.

And in 44, surprise, he is exfiltrated by the OSS as part of the operation "Paperclip", in the category "intelligence agent".

When he returns to France in 45, he's briefly detained but all the proceedings concerning him are closed without further action or disappear. In the report of one of the investigations, it is stated that he is guilty of what is reproached to him but released for "services rendered". So he must have had some support.
Then, he opened spreading companies in Cuba and then in Mexico using notably fleets of Bell 47, devices that could only be sold with the agreement of the brand new CIA of Dulles. He then joins the secret police in Trujillo, becoming one of their right-hand men and runs away when things start to smell bad for this dictator.


For my part, I am a pure Norman ( my parents traced their genealogy at least until the end of the 18th century. )
I see you are from Fort Worth; perhaps we will meet when I make my trip to Texas in the next few years.

Edited by Frederic Galle
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