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I guess I missed this.  "The race is on to track down JFK's killer. But before he is arrested he kills again."  From National Geographic?  I'm laughing as I type.   Guess I'll watch it and maybe eat crow.  Surprised it popped up on msn at this time.


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“Manhunt” is just a rebranding of Nat Geo’s “One Day in America” episode—same show.

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This show has Frazier now claiming he saw Oswald walking south on the east side of Houston Street, crossing Elm Street and turning east on Elm Street before getting lost in the crowd. Does he explain why he never said anything about this to the Warren Commission in his book Steering Truth?

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14 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

This show has Frazier now claiming he saw Oswald walking south on the east side of Houston Street, crossing Elm Street and turning east on Elm Street before getting lost in the crowd. Does he explain why he never said anything about this to the Warren Commission in his book Steering Truth?

Bingo.  Wes facing South in the TSBD doorway means Oswald walking by to his left means he was walking South on Houston, then crossed it heading east on Elm.  To the bus then taxi?  This video has a lot in it, pictures and video in particular.  Re watched it tonight, a few notes in a day or two. 

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The video is actually titled One Day in America, an official collaboration with the Sixth Floor Musem.   It does have some outstanding photographs and video, some I've never seen before, or at least remember.

Fraizer seems possibly more open and honest than in the past.  Then comes Ruth, her most dramatic performance ever?  She frames Lee and Marina.

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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Bingo.  Wes facing South in the TSBD doorway means Oswald walking by to his left means he was walking South on Houston, then crossed it heading east on Elm.  To the bus then taxi?  This video has a lot in it, pictures and video in particular.  Re watched it tonight, a few notes in a day or two. 

When I heard that, I wondered why Oswald would cross to the south side of Elm Street when he knew he would have to wait for a bus on the NORTH side of Elm Street.

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A few more notes.

9:40. I've never seen some of these scenes of the DPD searching the 6th floor.

15:00 (?) Same thing about scenes from the Tippit funeral.

17:00 Johnny Brewer, I pointed him out, he was looking directly at me when he said "I am not resisting arrest."

20:40 The hearse leaving Parkland, I've never seen this.

24:45 The wink and a smile after LBJ's inauguration.  I can't think of the guy's name, one of LBJ's Texas cronies?  A famous picture, zoomed in on here focusing on this guy, the side of LBJ's head looking at him, Ladybird also smiling but maybe strained, and Jackie, horrified, devastated.

35:50 Ruth, seems more dramatic, acting than I remember anywhere else I've seen her talk.  "Six officers arrived and one (anger in her raised voice) asked, "Are you a Communist?"  "Did Lee have a rifle, no I said, then translated to Marina, she said yes, he did.  Then led them to the garage and pointed to the blanket on the floor."  More.



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Posted (edited)

How did Marina know Lee had a rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage?

Did she see this being unloaded when she first arrived at Ruth Paines?

Did she happen to notice it later when she went into her and Lee's belongings to get things she needed for her and their baby Junie?

Didn't Ruth and I believe her estranged husband Michael help unload Marina's and Lee's belongs when they first arrived?

Lee wasn't there to do the unloading. He was back in New Orleans.

If the blanket ( with the rifle inside ) was in the initial moving load one would think it might have been noticed. I doubt Marina secreted the rifle and hid it under other things in the load so Ruth and Michael couldn't see it?

In this documentary Ruth expressed abhorrence that Lee had a rifle in her home. She didn't know he did. She said she would never have allowed such a thing in her home with her children.

I am sure Ruth felt angry that Marina knew Lee's rifle was among their belongs and didn't tell her.


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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Didn't Ruth and I believe her estranged husband Michael help unload Marina's and Lee's belongs when they first arrived?

Lee wasn't there to do the unloading. He was back in New Orleans.

Yes, both Ruth and Michael testified to the WC they did not unload a rifle after Ruth's roundabout summer 1963 trip to Naushon Island and picking up Marina in New Orleans when questioned about it.

Ruth said Oswald told her he rode a bus from NO to Dallas.  So, I guess he toted it and those seven little file cabinets of his also in the garage, per Michael, confiscated by the DPD and Dallas Sheriff's Office, on the bus to Dallas.

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes, both Ruth and Michael testified to the WC they did not unload a rifle after Ruth's roundabout summer 1963 trip to Naushon Island and picking up Marina in New Orleans when questioned about it.

Ruth said Oswald told her he rode a bus from NO to Dallas.  So, I guess he toted it and those seven little file cabinets of his also in the garage, per Michael, confiscated by the DPD and Dallas Sheriff's Office, on the bus to Dallas.

So, do you think Oswald brought the rifle to Ruth Paine's house himself?

Perhaps on the bus to visit Marina. And perhaps coordinating his arrival with the rifle at a time when Ruth may have been out, leaving Marina alone?

Was Marina questioned about how and when the rifle was brought in and placed in their belongings?

Marina knew of the rifle's presence. She knew because she volunteered this to the police who asked he if her husband owned a rifle the day of the assassination.

Yet, again, Ruth Paine said she sure didn't know of any rifle in her garage. Michael Paine also.

The garage was a single car garage. Actually quite small in square footage from pictures of it.

The Oswald's belongings couldn't have been that much in size and number of items. No furniture at all. 

Obviously Ruth and Michael never snooped through the Oswald items. 

So, they may just have not noticed or cared about a rolled up blanket amongst the item pile.

Yet, the big question is when and how the rifle arrived to the Paine garage.

Ruth didn't see it when she and Marina and Lee were loading her station wagon in New Orleans to begin the trip back to her home in Irving, TX.

And how much could Ruth's station wagon even hold when they packed it in New Orleans?

Ruth obviously had many other items in the car already.

She had her 2 children and herself and whatever they needed on their months long trip to visit family back East. 

I've seen the wagon. With Marina and her baby June that is 5 people in the front and back seat area. 

Just leaves whatever room left in the back-end area and maybe something tied on top?

A rolled-up carpet with a rifle inside would surely have been noticed imo.

Unless perhaps Lee had thrown in a packed Marine duffle bag in the initial load in New Orleans and had the rifle packed tightly inside of it with clothes?

And maybe he went into the Paine garage on one of his visits and surreptitiously pulled the rifle out of the bag at that time? Still, Marina knew the rifle was there and was wrapped in a blanket. She had to have seen the rifle herself before 11,22,1963.

She knew about the rifle and one would think she would have been furious at Lee for allowing it to be in the Paine garage. 

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1 hour ago, Kevin Balch said:

If Oswald brought the rifle to the Paine’s house, he would have to had brought it to Mexico City, right?

I am not sure, but could one rent a locker at the local YMCA back in those days? Roomy enough to store a duffel bag with a broken down rifle inside?

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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 6:45 AM, Joe Bauer said:



Interesting take by the author Thomas Mallon regards the Ruth Paine/Marina Oswald relationship at the 58+ minute mark in the video above.

After 11,22,1963 Marina was placed in hotel custody by the feds during their weeks of interrogating her.

Marina stopped communicating with Ruth at that time.

Mallon says Ruth was devastated.

Mallon suggest that this extremely forlorn reaction on Ruth's part to their separation was truly a "love story." That Ruth's letters to Marina were deeply romantic in tone and words.

However, Marina did not reciprocate in the same feeling way toward Ruth and hardly at all if in any way.

Mallon asked Ruth about her deep feelings regards Marina and Ruth " twinklingly" said matter-of-factly/shockingly ..."oh, like we were lesbians?"

And even more curious Ruth paused and instead of just saying "no ... we were not lesbians"...instead said this oddly left turn quote "Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that."

Mallon said he personally didn't believe there was any physical aspect to Ruth's and Marina's relationship.

However, he also clearly postulates however Ruth's deep romantic feelings toward Marina was truly a "love story."

If Marina was similarly intimate feeling inclined toward Ruth, "my guess" would be that Ruth would have embraced that kind of a relationship with Marina with  adoring abandon.

I don't look at this aspect of Ruth and Marina's relationship simply in a titillating way.  I feel that if Mallon is right about Ruth's extreme love feelings toward Marina...one could surmise that perhaps there might be some truth to the theory that Ruth could have had a competitive adversarial mind set toward Lee regards Marina's affections.


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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I am not sure, but could one rent a locker at the local YMCA back in those days? Roomy enough to store a duffel bag with a broken down rifle inside?

I was thinking of how he got across the border (each way) with the rifle.

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