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Sirhan's Upcoming Parole Hearing

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That article is based on his published works.

Arlene's article was based upon the lawsuits filed against him and the hospital.

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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


In medical science, usually the standard is replicable experiments and trials. 

Does a drug work? Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials. 

My reservation is that the purported use of Manchurian assassins seems entirely absent in recent decades. I have done Google searching, and the topic is rather thin.

No nation appears to have claimed another nation deployed a hypnotized assassin against them, or even just a spy or saboteur. 

In the case of Sirhan, there is the situation of him having four drinks on the night of RFK1A, and apparently Sirhan also a fan of "self hypnosis." The polka-dot dress girl  appears to have been a companion of some sort, perhaps to egg him on, after Sirhan went into some sort of fugue, or possibly to trigger a previous hypnotic suggestion.

It is possible Sirhan was responsible for putting himself into a state/fugue, or possibly, with very current hands on coaching (the polka-dot dress girl) a hypnotic suggestion might work. All very iffy. 

I would say the Sirhan case and the topic are somewhat sketchy. 

But let me ask you....can you find a credible story of a state or intel-state assassin acting under hypnotic suggestion in the last few decades?  

I am open minded on the topic. 







I think your standards are way too high in this specific area. We have countries like Russia and North Korea that likely have/had programs in place and other free world countries like the US, Canada and Israel. I would never expect to get materials from Russia or North Korea. These are top secret and very guarded programs that are compartmentalized. In my opinion, the loyalty of the individuals who run these programs in the free world is first to their organization/department and secondarily to the country they work for as administrations change over time and might be unfavorable to these programs. 

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5 hours ago, Nick Bartetzko said:


I think your standards are way too high in this specific area. We have countries like Russia and North Korea that likely have/had programs in place and other free world countries like the US, Canada and Israel. I would never expect to get materials from Russia or North Korea. These are top secret and very guarded programs that are compartmentalized. In my opinion, the loyalty of the individuals who run these programs in the free world is first to their organization/department and secondarily to the country they work for as administrations change over time and might be unfavorable to these programs. 



Thanks for your collegial comments.

Well, we have different views on this one, and that is fine.  That is what a forum is for. 

I remain on the skeptical side of the Manchurian assassin issue, but perhaps such automatons are possible. I would expect to see more examples by now of such purported assassins...but the topic (except in fiction) seems to have dropped off the table. 

One thought: 

As Spock, USS Enterprise said, "And military secrets are the most fleeting of all." 



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