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The Following Reveals The True Level Of JFK and RFK Hate Amongst Some Of The Higher Levels Of CIA Authority. E.G. Rome CIA Chief William Harvey.

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There is a remarkable interview ( even mind blowing imo ) accessible on You Tube of the widow of William King Harvey, C.G. Harvey, a former CIA employee herself who worked on "Operation Paperclip."

In her last years she was incredibly, even viciously critical of JFK, JACKIE KENNEDY and RFK. She described them as "really scum."

Obviously reflecting her deceased husband's similar personal views of the Kennedys.

C.G. Harvey also stated in this interview that "Bobby Kennedy and my husband were absolutely enemies. Pure enemies." And that Bobby was "an idiot."

She and her husband much more respected and preferred the company of Mafioso capo ( under Chicago Outfit head Sam Giancana ) John Roselli ( real name Filippo Sacco- Mafia nickname "Handsome Johnny" ) who Mrs. Harvey still affectionately remembered as simply "Johnny." 

"I loved Roselli."

"Roselli definitely was Mafia. He definitely was a crook. And he definitely pulled off all kinds of stunts with the Mafia but" ... "Johnny was a real patriot" she warmly recalled.

( yes, you read that right...incredible!")

"My husband ( Bill Harvey ) used to say if I had to ride shotgun, that's the guy ( Roselli ) I would take with me."

Think about the reality of this top CIA man in Rome and his wife's personal hatred of the Kennedy's and yet at the same time, their love and devotion to a Mafioso big shot like Roselli. 

If that perverse hate filled disloyalty toward one's own president versus love and respect for a high level organized crime figure dichotomy doesn't disturb your sense of JFK danger amongst his own agency hierarchy...what would?

Another thing about Harvey's widow that sickened me was her total lack of feeling for Jackie Kennedy and her children's suffering and loss on 11,22,1963.

Here is a woman near the end of her life...and she cannot say anything good or even slightly sorry about the brutally traumatized Jackie Kennedy except to call her "scum?"

You'd think a woman might mellow in a more female bonding empathetic way into her last days toward a woman with young children who suffered so much pain and loss on 11,22,1963.

Jackie lost her husband at the young age of just 34! And in such a beyond words brutal and traumatic way. What if Mrs. Harvey had suffered a similar pain and loss?

But to Mrs. Harvey ... she still could not give Jackie Kennedy one word of older age female kindness tolerance empathy and instead referred to her as "really scum." What a cold hearted *****!

It's truly important to watch the following William Harvey historical perspective interview. In fact I urge you to do so.

In this world-exclusive video, JFK Facts presents a fascinating interview with C.G. Harvey, the widow of legendary CIA officer William King Harvey. Clara Grace Harvey was a CIA officer herself who worked on Operation Paperclip, the agency’s program to evacuate scientists from Nazi Germany.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Thanks JB for posting this. 

After recent re-consideration, I more strongly suspect that the the RFK1A was perped by the same people behind the JFKA.

The true perps (not the cat's paws) could not risk RFK1A in the Oval Office. 

The JFKA/RFK1A are the same story. If a play, Act I and Act II. 

Evidently Davis Talbot was of the view the JFKA triggered the RFK1A. 

For me...the proof was in re-reading about the snuff job on RFK1A investigation. Why a snuff job if Sirhan was just a demented loner, or even connected to Arab terror groups? 

I wonder what would have to happen for the truth to come out on these two assassinations. 

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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

There is a remarkable interview ( even mind blowing imo ) accessible on You Tube of the widow of the William King Harvey. C.G. Harvey, a former CIA employee herself who worked on "Operation Paperclip."

In her last years she was incredibly, even viciously critical of JFK, JACKIE KENNEDY and RFK. She described them as "really scum."

Obviously reflecting her deceased husband's similar personal views of the Kennedys.

C.G. Harvey also stated in this interview that "Bobby Kennedy and my husband were absolutely enemies. Pure enemies." And that Bobby was "an idiot."

She and her husband much more respected and preferred the company of Mafioso capo John Roselli ( real name Filippo Sacco- Mafia nickname "Handsome Johnny" ) who Mrs. Harvey still affectionately remembered as simply "Johnny." 

"I loved Roselli"

"Roselli really was Mafia. And he really did pull off some real shenanigans but" ... "Johnny" was a "real patriot" she warmly recalled.

( yes, you read that right...incredible!")

"My husband ( Bill Harvey ) used to say if he needed someone to watch his back" that's the guy ( Roselli ) I would take with me."

Think about the reality of this top CIA man in Rome and his wife's personal hatred of the Kennedy's and yet at the same time, their love and devotion to a Mafioso big shot like Roselli. 

If that perverse hate filled disloyalty toward one's own president versus love and respect for a high level organized crime figure dichotomy doesn't disturb your sense of JFK danger amongst his own agency hierarchy...what would?

Another thing about Harvey's widow that sickened me was her total lack of feeling for Jackie Kennedy and her children's suffering and loss on 11,22,1963.

Here is a woman near the end of her life...and she cannot say anything good or even slightly sorry about the brutally traumatized Jackie Kennedy except to call her "scum?"

You'd think a woman might mellow in a more female bonding empathetic way into her last days toward a woman with young children who suffered so much pain and loss on 11,22,1963.

Jackie lost her husband at the young age of just 34! And in such a beyond words brutal and traumatic way. What if Mrs. Harvey had suffered a similar pain and loss?

But to Mrs. Harvey ... she still could not give Jackie Kennedy one word of older age female kindness tolerance empathy and instead referred to her as "really scum." What a cold hearted *****!

It's truly important to watch the following William Harvey historical perspective interview. In fact I urge you to do.

In this world-exclusive video, JFK Facts presents a fascinating interview with C.G. Harvey, the widow of legendary CIA officer William King Harvey. Clara Grace Harvey was a CIA officer herself who worked on Operation Paperclip, the agency’s program to evacuate scientists from Nazi Germany.


I just get soooooo tired of people telling me John Kennedy's unhinged sexual promiscuity is not relevant to anything OR that it did not occur.

It DID occur. It WAS ugly. And JFK was highly COMPROMISED because of this. Btw, journalist Lawrence Wright has a story of Cong. Kennedy's advance team demanding two prostitutes for JFK (which Lawrence Wright's dad was supposed to provide) if he were to make a speech in Oklahoma for some bankers and Chamber of Commerce types. This completely jibes with what William King Harvey's CIA underlings told Harvey about JFK. Harvey told the story below to his wife C.G..

JFK’s travels: https://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/travels/president/kennedy-john-f

 July 1-2, 1963 – JFK was in both Rome and Naples where he met with Italian President Segni and NATO officials. On July 2, 1963 he met with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican City

 [Interviewed Mrs. William King Harvey (CG was her name) occurred in 1999 in Indianapolis, IN at her retirement home by Scott and Andy Alderton]

 Mrs. William King Harvey (C.G. Harvey):


 But the thing that really was upsetting was when Jack was in Rome visiting the embassy, my husband being head of the CIA there had to assign two men among with his group of servicemen who were protecting him and these two men were required to get Italian prostitutes into Jack’s bed two at a time. And uh it was a sorry thing and my niece said now don’t say that Auntie CG you don’t know if it’s true. I said “they were working for my husband and they reported to him and he told me and I think it’s true. And then um he was doing that in Rome…






Edited by Robert Morrow
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Posted (edited)

If Wild Bill Harvey ( head of ZR-Rifle assassination squad ) was your pure enemy... you've got a BIG problem.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

If Wild Bill Harvey ( head of ZR Rifle assassination squad ) was your pure enemy... you've got a BIG problem.

Ungainly, physically unattractive, filled with self-righteous animosity, and an alcoholic with access to weapons and gunsels....

What's not to like?

Someone perped the JFK/RFK1 assassinations. Harvey? Or did it go higher?  

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Do I think William King Harvey orchestrated the JFK assassination? Doubt it, but I used to think so. I am more in the "General Edward Lansdale" did it for LBJ and the Texans camp. But people with the mindset of Harvey were involved.

The CIA’s John Whitten on why his colleague CIA’s William King Harvey might have told his wife to destroy his papers after his death:

“He was too young to have assassinated McKinley and Lincoln. It could have been anything.”

Web link: https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=50527


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Posted (edited)

In reading more about Bill Harvey I came across this anecdotal reference to General Lansdale. That he ( Lansdale ) once referred to Harvey as "America's James Bond."

JFK's extreme and uncontrollable compulsion for having quicky sex with random women here and abroad while married clearly drove many of his enemies into even more of a tizzy angst toward him.

Like Wild Bill Harvey.

Yet, Harvey loved and palled around with a Mafioso Capo who probably bedded more women than JFK ever did?

I recently viewed the 2,000 film "13 days" written by David Self.

Here is a summary:

While the film carries the same title as the 1969 book Thirteen Days by former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, it is in fact based on the 1997 book, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis, by Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow. It is the second docudrama made about the crisis, the first being 1974's The Missiles of October, which was based on Kennedy's book. The 2000 film contains some newly declassified information not available to the earlier production, but takes greater dramatic license, particularly in its choice of O'Donnell as protagonist. It received generally positive reviews from critics who praised the screenplay and performances of the cast but was a box-office bomb grossing $66.6 million against its $80 million budget.

If the film is halfway accurate of the real event I have always been struck by the level of anger and resentment toward JFK and Bobby Kennedy by so many in the top echelons of power who opposed JFK's response to the Russian Cuba missile buildup at that time. Including several of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff and especially General Curtis LeMay. LeMay was depicted in the film as simply seething with anger and even hate toward JFK. Seeing him as much a traitor as anything else.

It's so easy to look back and see the reality of a level of hate toward JFK from so many of the power elite in this country that surely reached "Death Wish" heights.

Especially during the Bay Of Pigs, the firing of CIA head Allen Dulles, the Cuban missile crisis, the Oxford, Mississippi riots (with involuntary commitment of General Edwin Walker to a mental ward) and other school integration interventions by JFK and RFK, JFK's lowering the big Texas oil tax depletion allowance, Bobby's all out crack down on organized crime, and throw in another dozen actions by JFK that drove his enemies here in the U.S. to such deep anger and resentment toward him, it is surely logical and highly probable that the subject of JFK's removal while in office took place in their private back room conversations.

This highest power level JFK hatred was that extreme and a reality, based on documented facts. Which strengthens the proposal that JFK was likely taken out by someone in our own society versus a foreign one. JFK ( and RFK ) was "hated" on a higher level and by highest level power groups in this country much more than abroad.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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During the interim period after JFK defeated Nixon in the 1960 election and his being sworn in as President in January 1961 JFK was referred to by many as the President Erect and not as the President Elect. 

Robert Morrow is correct in calling attention to his addiction to sex.

Still as John Simkin has observed he rightly ranks among our better presidents.

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20 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


During the interim period after JFK defeated Nixon in the 1960 election and his being sworn in as President in January 1961 JFK was referred to by many as the President Erect and not as the President Elect. 

Robert Morrow is correct in calling attention to his addiction to sex.

Still as John Simkin has observed he rightly ranks among our better presidents.

Doug Caddy was in Washington, D.C. at this time. The important part about Doug's observation is this: MANY PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. AND IN POLITICS/JOURNALISM IN GENERAL KNEW IN REAL TIME 1960-1961 ABOUT JOHN KENNEDY'S SEXUAL PROMISCUITY.

Got that? I was not a secret among the elites, journalists, political operatives and government personnel who knew John Kennedy. It may have been a "secret" to the average person in Peoria, Illinois but was not a secret to what might be called "political insiders."

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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

Doug Caddy was in Washington, D.C. at this time. The important part about Doug's observation is this: MANY PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. AND IN POLITICS/JOURNALISM IN GENERAL KNEW IN REAL TIME 1960-1961 ABOUT JOHN KENNEDY'S SEXUAL PROMISCUITY.

Got that? I was not a secret among the elites, journalists, political operatives and government personnel who knew John Kennedy. It may have been a "secret" to the average person in Peoria, Illinois but was not a secret to what might be called "political insiders."

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Jackie as well?

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20 minutes ago, Paul Cummings said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Jackie as well?

Jackie Kennedy was acutely aware of and very unhappy about JFK's sexual promiscuity. In response, Jackie had her own affairs with certain men. I know she had an affair with Robert Kennedy, but I am not sure if that happened before the JFK assassination, but probably.

Jackie Kennedy, when White House photographer Cecil Stoughton told her Marilyn Monroe was going to attend JFK’s May 19, 1962 Birthday party at Madison Square Garden, said “Screw Jack” and left the room and did not attend the celebration:



 Morgan said he bought access to the negative while working on an upcoming documentary about the actress's death, "Marilyn Monroe: Murder on Fifth Helena Drive."

Stoughton, in interviews for the film, told Morgan the story behind the first lady's refusal to attend her husband's birthday gala.

"He's the one who told Jackie that Marilyn was going to be at the celebration, and her exact words were 'Screw Jack,' and she left the room and she did not go to the famous celebration," Morgan said.

Morgan's prints show details not clear in low-resolution, cropped copies that made their way onto the internet after the photo was licensed for a book about Monroe in 2004.


 [“Rare photo shows Marilyn Monroe with JFK, RFK,” Alan Duke, CNN, June 2, 2010]

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I do not care about JFK's private sex life, and rumors are only rumors. 

President George Bush Sr. bonked some lady, and his loyal wife thought about driving her car into opposing traffic.  Should we think about that, or...discuss Bush Sr's policies. 

BTW, some people think the Bushes played a hand in the JFKA/RFK1A miasma....

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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do not care about JFK's private sex life, and rumors are only rumors. 

President George Bush Sr. bonked some lady, and his loyal wife thought about driving her car into opposing traffic.  Should we think about that, or...discuss Bush Sr's policies. 

BTW, some people think the Bushes played a hand in the JFKA/RFK1A miasma....

Remember,  H.W. used to grope women and say his name was "David Copafeel" 

lols, lmao even.. 

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57 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Remember,  H.W. used to grope women and say his name was "David Copafeel" 

lols, lmao even.. 

I guess Nixon and Carter didn't have extra-marital affairs. 

Clinton was clean as a whistle, no?

Is this really what we want to talk about in EF-JFKA/RFK1A? 

Biden probably is having no extra-martial sex in his first term. That's important! 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I guess Nixon and Carter didn't have extra-marital affairs. 

Clinton was clean as a whistle, no?

Is this really what we want to talk about in EF-JFKA/RFK1A? 

Biden probably is having no extra-martial sex in his first term. That's important! 

This has secret service members talking about affairs 


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