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Sy Hersh is at It Again

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Since William posted that piece of trash from England about Jackie, making more work for me, I might as well post my most recent demolition of a Kennedy smear.

Sy Hersh never got over the pounding he took over his godawful book about JFK, The Dark Side of Camelot.

As he has been slowly but surely marginalized by his former employers, the MSM, he has now taken refuge on Substack.

One of his preoccupations there is to somehow restore the reputation of his cruddy book on Kennedy.

Well, sorry Sy, you are exposed again.  I am getting a bit weary of doing this.

My Substack is still free.



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Word on the street is Remnick's problem with Hersh was that his long-time go-to source was Bernard McMahon.  (In his roundabout staccato way he more or less confirmed such to me.)  Find out who that is and I'll buy you a case of champagne.  


Just where are the Wormwood (and more?) "Medical Records" -- the ones that require presidential authorization to see?  They're somewhere no one would think to look.


At 1:16:30 Eric Olson names Bernard McMahon as Hersh's source


Edited by Matt Cloud
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BTW, Hersh also maintains that Oswald shot Kennedy.

How many of us know that the story behind why Jennings did that godawful Oswald did it special 2003 special goes back to this.

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5 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Why was the thread moved?

That's an interesting question.

There seems to be wildly proliferating new sections to EF-JFKA, to keep away from the EF-JFKA main-bar such disquieting topics as JFKA book reviews and the RFK1A. The RFK1A has been part and parcel of the EF-JFKA for decades, and appears to have been a twinned killing, but now the RFK1A is lodged in internet Siberia. 

Maybe we will see a special section on the JFK Records Act. I am planning a series on the Act entitled "The Machinery of Secrecy." 

There seems to be a lot of misfires in the moderation of the EF-JFKA lately.

Maybe someone else has a clue to what is going on. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That's an interesting question.

There seems to be wildly proliferating new sections to EF-JFKA, to keep away from the EF-JFKA main-bar such disquieting topics as JFKA book reviews and the RFK1A. The RFK1A has been part and parcel of the EF-JFKA for decades, and appears to have been a twinned killing, but now the RFK1A is lodged in internet Siberia. 

Maybe we will see a special section on the JFK Records Act. I am planning a series on the Act entitled "The Machinery of Secrecy." 

There seems to be a lot of misfires in the moderation of the EF-JFKA lately.

Maybe someone else has a clue to what is going on. 


Perhaps I said too much, again.  

I look forward to a colloquy on "The Machinery of Secrecy," what others have called a "torment" (Shills, 1956), and even a "science" (Moynihan, 1999).

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15 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Since William posted that piece of trash from England about Jackie, making more work for me, I might as well post my most recent demolition of a Kennedy smear.

Sy Hersh never got over the pounding he took over his godawful book about JFK, The Dark Side of Camelot.

As he has been slowly but surely marginalized by his former employers, the MSM, he has now taken refuge on Substack.

One of his preoccupations there is to somehow restore the reputation of his cruddy book on Kennedy.

Well, sorry Sy, you are exposed again.  I am getting a bit weary of doing this.

My Substack is still free.



With Hersh's the Dark Side of Camelot, you have to choose what is good in the book and what is bad. Hersh's book is 100% correct about JFK's unhinged sexual promiscuity. The Hy Raskin material in the book is extremely important about Lyndon Johnson strongarmed his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket at the very last money. The Burkett van Kirk material is extremely important proof that the Kennedys were trying to utterly destroy Lyndon Johnson in November of 1963 with a Senate Rules Committee investigation into the epic corruption of LBJ. James Wagenvoord, now deceased, of Life Magazine also confirms the Kennedy's "destroy LBJ" operation there was active in November, 1963.

I do think both JFK and Robert Kennedy wanted Fidel Castro assassinated before the Cuban Missile Crisis. They wanted "plausible deniability" and to let their CIA and Operation Mongoose minions to get anti-Castro Cubans to do the dirty work. 

As for General "Hanging Sam" Williams who was a very good friend of one of the murderers of JFK, Gen. Edward Lansdale, both John Newman and David LIfton around 1990 went to the Hoover archives for Lansdale's material and they found correspondence between Lansdale and Gen. Williams in which Lansdale said I AM COMING DOWN TO TEXAS TO VISIT YOU THIS FALL!! In my almost never humble opinion, Gen. Edward Lansdale recruited Operation Mongoose operatives to assassinate John Kennedy in what was a de facto enactment of "Operation Northwoods" which is a document that Lansdale very likely wrote for the Joint Chiefs of Staff: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/northwoods.html    The reason Lansdale was involved in the JFK assassination was his rage and fury over the death of his longtime Diem in a JFK- approved coup and also his own demotion from having any say in U.S. government policy on Vietnam.

Gen. Sam Williams lived in Denton, TX which is exactly 38 miles from Dealey Plaza. John Newman and David Lifton also found a "bumpstock" or a writing pad in Lansdale's possession from the Hotel Texas which is located in Fort Worth and it is the same hotel in which JFK and LBJ stayed the night before the JFK assassination.

JFK’s good friend Hy Raskin tells how Lyndon Johnson forced his way onto the Democratic ticket as VP in 1960: read the Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour Hersh, p.124-129:

Close JFK friend Hy Raskin: “Johnson was not being given the slightest bit of consideration by any of the Kennedys… On the stuff I saw it was always Symington who was going to be the vice president. The Kennedy family had approved Symington.” [Hersh, p. 124]

John Kennedy to Clark Clifford on July 13, 1960: “We’ve talked it out – me, dad, Bobby – and we’ve selected Symington as the vice president.” Kennedy asked Clark Clifford to relay that message to Symington “and find out if he’d run.” …”I and Stuart went to bed believing that we had a solid, unequivocal deal with Jack.” [Hersh, p.125]

Hy Raskin: “It was obvious to them that something extraordinary had taken place, as it was to me,” Raskin wrote. “During my entire association with the Kennedys, I could not recall any situation where a decision of major significance had been reversed in such a short period of time…. Bob [Kennedy] had always been involved in every major decision; why not this one, I pondered… I slept little that night.” [Hersh, p. 125]

John Kennedy to Clark Clifford in the morning of July 14, 1960: “I must do something that I have never done before. I made a serious deal and now I have to go back on it. I have no alternative.” Symington was out and Johnson was in. Clifford recalled observing that Kennedy looked as if he’d been up all night.” [Hersh, p. 126]

John Kennedy to Hy Raskin: “You know we had never considered Lyndon, but I was left with no choice. He and Sam Rayburn made it damn clear to me that Lyndon had to be the candidate. Those bastards were trying to frame me. They threatened me with problems and I don’t need more problems. I’m going to have enough problems with Nixon.” [Hersh, p. 126]

Raskin “The substance of this revelation was so astonishing that if it had been revealed to me by another other than Jack or Bob, I would have had trouble accepting it. Why he decided to tell me was still very mysterious, but flattering nonetheless.” [Hersh, p. 126]

From 'The Dark Side of Camelot' (1997) by Seymour Hersh

"That Friday started as a great day for Bobby Kennedy, and a potentially ruinous one for Vice President Lyndon Johnson. At ten o'clock in the morning, Donald Reynolds, a Washington insurance broker, walked with his lawyer into a small hearing room on Capitol Hill and began providing Burkett Van Kirk, the minority counsel of the Senate Rules Committee, with eagerly awaited evidence of unreported gift-giving to Johnson. Van Kirk had learned about Reynolds independently, but he and Bobby Kennedy had been secretly working together for weeks, through intermediaries, to accumulate evidence of payola against Johnson and Bobby Baker, Johnson's former Senate aide. Reynolds told Van Kirk and a Democratic staff member of the Rules Committee how he had listed Bobby Baker as a vice president of his insurance agency, and he claimed to have funneled off-the books cash to Baker - subsequently written off as a "business expense:' Reynolds told of making payoffs to Democratic Party officials, arranged through Baker's office in the Senate, in return for being allowed to handle the insurance on a large federal construction project. He told what little he knew of Ellen Rometsch and her associations at Baker's Quorum Club, the private club on Capitol Hill where senators and lobbyists shared drinks and other pleasures. And, finally, he told of selling life insurance to the vice president and being pressured in treturn to buy unnecessary advertisements on Johnson's television station in Austin, Texas - no one in Texas would be interested in buying insurance from a broker in suburban Maryland, 1,500 miles away. Reynolds also told of being compelled to provide Johnson with a stereo record player, as a kind of bonus. Bobby Baker had given the Johnson family a catalog, Reynolds testified, and Lady Bird Johnson had picked out the stereo she wanted. Reynolds was still being questioned at 2:30 P.m. when a secretary burst into the hearing room with the news from Dallas. Lyndon Johnson was now president of the United States, and no one was going to challenge his legitimacy because of a stereo set and a few thousand dollars' worth of television ads.

          Burkett Van Kirk remains convinced that Johnson would have been fighting for political survival had he remained vice president. “There’s no doubt in my mind,” Van Kirk told me in an interview, “that Reynolds’ testimony would have gotten Johnson out of the vice presidency.”

 Burkett Van Kirk remains convinced that Johnson would have been fighting for political survival had he remained vice president. "There's no doubt in my mind," Van Kirk told me in an interview, "that Reynolds's testimony would have gotten Johnson out of the vice presidency."

Burkett Van Kirk remains convinced that Johnson would have been fighting for political survival had he remained vice president. "There's no doubt in my mind," Van Kirk told me in an interview, "that Reynolds's testimony would have gotten Johnson out of the vice presidency."

[Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot, p  ]

 Don Reynolds was testifying on LBJ’s corruption at the exact moment JFK was being murdered by LBJ’s/CIA assassins.




Edited by Robert Morrow
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13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, Hersh also maintains that Oswald shot Kennedy.

How many of us know that the story behind why Jennings did that godawful Oswald did it special 2003 special goes back to this.

Hersh sure does indict Oswald on p. 439 in the Dark Side of Camelot.

I once got Seymour Hersh on the phone at his home a few years ago and asked him "What do you think about the possibility that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK?" And Hersh's immediately reply was "He would not have had the balls to do it!!"

SEYMOUR HERSH – LONE NUTTER – in his book The Dark Side of Camelot he blames the JFK assassination on Lee Harvey Oswald

From Timothy D. Naegle, “John F. Kennedy: The Most Despicable President In American History – posed on 4-10-2010


A footnote in history, perhaps, but a very important one is that JFK hurt his back cavorting in a West Coast swimming pool. He was “forced to wear a stiff brace that stretched from his shoulders to his crotch.” As Hersh concludes: “The brace would keep the president upright for the bullets of Lee Harvey Oswald.” [Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot, p. 439] [13] Hence, JFK’s sexual escapades may have contributed to his tragic death.

Seymour Hersh bio - https://www.newyorker.com/contributors/seymour-m-hersh

Seymour M. Hersh wrote his first piece for The New Yorker in 1971 and has been a regular contributor to the magazine since 1993. His journalism and publishing awards include a Pulitzer Prize, five George Polk Awards, two National Magazine Awards, and more than a dozen other prizes for investigative reporting. As a staff writer, Hersh won a National Magazine Award for Public Interest for his 2003 articles “Lunch with the Chairman,” “Selective Intelligence,” and “The Stovepipe.” In 2004, Hersh exposed the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in a series of pieces in the magazine; in 2005, he again received a National Magazine Award for Public Interest, an Overseas Press Club Award, the National Press Foundation’s Kiplinger Distinguished Contributions to Journalism Award, and his fifth George Polk Award, making him that award’s most honored laureate.

Seymour Hersh Education:

University of Chicago – history degree

No degree from Univ. of Chicago Law School where Hersh was expelled for bad grades

From Wiki:

His journalism and publishing awards include the 1970 Pulitzer Prize, the 2004 National Council of Teachers of English George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language, two National Magazine Awards, 5 George Polk Awards - making him that award's most honored laureate - and more than a dozen other prizes for investigative reporting:

·         1969: George Polk Special Award (for his My Lai reporting)

·         1970: Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting

·         1973: George Polk Award for Investigative Reporting; Scripps-Howard Public Service Award; Sidney Hillman Award

·         1974: George Polk Award for National Reporting

·         1981: George Polk Award for National Reporting

·         1983: National Book Critics Circle Award and Los Angeles Times Book Prize for The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House

·         2003: National Magazine Award for Public Interest for his articles "Lunch with the Chairman", "Selective Intelligence", and "The Stovepipe"

·         2004: following Hersh's 2004 articles in the New Yorker magazine exposing the Abu Ghraib scandal: National Magazine Award for Public Interest, Overseas Press Club Award, National Press Foundation's Kiplinger Distinguished Contributions to Journalism Award, and his fifth George Polk Award

·         2017: Sam Adams Award for Integrity[92]



·         Chemical and Biological Warfare: America's Hidden Arsenal. New York: Bobbs-Merrill; London: MacGibbon & Kee. 1968. ISBN 0-586-03295-9.

·         My Lai 4: A Report on the Massacre and Its AftermathRandom House. 1970. ISBN 0-394-43737-3.

·         Cover-Up: The Army's Secret Investigation of the Massacre at My Lai 4Random House. 1972. ISBN 0-394-47460-0.

·         The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White HouseSimon & Schuster. 1983. ISBN 0-671-44760-2.

·         The Target Is Destroyed: What Really Happened to Flight 007 and What America Knew About ItRandom House. 1986. ISBN 0-394-54261-4.

·         The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign PolicyRandom House. 1991. ISBN 0-394-57006-5. Full text available.

o    Arabic translation available.

·         The Dark Side of CamelotLittle, Brown & Company. 1997. ISBN 0-316-36067-8.

·         Against All Enemies: Gulf War Syndrome: The War Between America's Ailing Veterans and Their Government. New York: Ballantine Books. 1998. ISBN 0-345-42748-3.

·         Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu GhraibHarperCollins. 2004. ISBN 0-060-19591-6.

·         The Killing of Osama Bin Laden. Verso. 2016. ISBN 978-1-784-78436-2.

·         Reporter: A Memoir (Autobiography). New York, NY: Alfred Knopf, 2018 ISBN 978-0307263957 OCLC 1010776541

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I think it is a mistake to start sub categorizing threads so much that they are lost.   I don’t agree with the post but to make a JFK book discussion separate from this forum is not a good idea in my opinion.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That's an interesting question.

There seems to be wildly proliferating new sections to EF-JFKA, to keep away from the EF-JFKA main-bar such disquieting topics as JFKA book reviews and the RFK1A. The RFK1A has been part and parcel of the EF-JFKA for decades, and appears to have been a twinned killing, but now the RFK1A is lodged in internet Siberia. 

Maybe we will see a special section on the JFK Records Act. I am planning a series on the Act entitled "The Machinery of Secrecy." 

There seems to be a lot of misfires in the moderation of the EF-JFKA lately.

Maybe someone else has a clue to what is going on. 


1) If there is a demonstrable link between the JFK and RFK assassinations, or plausible theories or evidence supporting that, it should be allowed on the JFK assassination thread at Education Forum. But if the material is just purely about the RFK assassination with no obvious JFK assassination tie in, it should be elsewhere on an RFK assassination thread.

2) There are many in the JFK research community who look at JFK and the Kennedys through "rose colored glasses." They worship at the feet of these long dead politicians and have personal emotional attachments to them. To talk about the unhinged sexual promiscuity of the Kennedys and especially their beloved superhero John F. Kennedy is considered a personal affront to these people because they consider the Kennedys as emotional family members or totem Gods to be worshipped. It is like throwing holy water on vampires or water on the Wicked Witch of the West. These JFK groupies, and there are many in the field of JFK assassination research, when confronted with the very ugly truth about the Kennedys start behaving like Linda Blair's character in the Exorcist, which is their heads start turning around circles while they cuss and projectile vomit: all because someone is telling the ugly truth about their beloved Kennedys.

Someone once said it is not telling a lie about someone that makes them the angriest, it is telling the TRUTH about someone that really enrages them because there is NO DEFENSE against the truth.

It shouldn't be controversial in the slightest to say John Kennedy was a very reckless and sexually unhinged man and this tells us a lot about that sexual psychopath (JFK) and furthermore this character cavity had national security implications as well as facilitated his death in the JFK assassination.

But for the JFK Groupies, JFK and his extremely well depraved sexual behavior is the real "JFK and the Unspeakable."



Edited by Robert Morrow
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2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

1) If there is a demonstrable link between the JFK and RFK assassinations, or plausible theories or evidence supporting that, it should be allowed on the JFK assassination thread at Education Forum. But if the material is just purely about the RFK assassination with no obvious JFK assassination tie in, it should be elsewhere on an RFK assassination thread.

2) There are many in the JFK research community who look at JFK and the Kennedys through "rose colored glasses." They worship at the feet of these long dead politicians and have personal emotional attachments to them. To talk about the unhinged sexual promiscuity of the Kennedys and especially their beloved superhero John F. Kennedy is considered a personal affront to these people because they consider the Kennedys as emotional family members or totem Gods to be worshipped. It is like throwing holy water on vampires or water on the Wicked Witch of the West. These JFK groupies, and there are many in the field of JFK assassination research, when confronted with the very ugly truth about the Kennedys start behaving like Linda Blair's character in the Exorcist, which is their heads start turning around circles while they cuss and projectile vomit: all because someone is telling the ugly truth about their beloved Kennedys.

Someone once said it is not telling a lie about someone that makes them the angriest, it is telling the TRUTH about someone that really enrages them because there is NO DEFENSE against the truth.

It shouldn't be controversial in the slightest to say John Kennedy was a very reckless and sexually unhinged man and this tells us a lot about that sexual psychopath (JFK) and furthermore this character cavity had national security implications as well as facilitated his death in the JFK assassination.

But for the JFK Groupies, JFK and his extremely well depraved sexual behavior is the real JFK and the Unspeakable.



If it wasn’t for the courage and humanity of President John Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, this world would have undergone total nuclear annihilation in 1962. Think about that next time you feel the need to slander the man. 

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1 hour ago, Johnny Cairns said:

If it wasn’t for the courage and humanity of President John Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, this world would have undergone total nuclear annihilation in 1962. Think about that next time you feel the need to slander the man. 

"Slander" means you are lying about someone. Telling the absolute truth about a sexually deranged politician JFK - who most people would not want as a husband, son or father due to his rampaging adultery - is a whole other can of worms.

What is so hard about saying "John Kennedy, whose personal life was a self-created train wreck, made some wise decisions during the Cuban Missile Crisis which helped to avert WWIII?"

Important point - because of JFK's highly compromised sex life it allowed a maximally mentally and spiritually deranged man - Lyndon Johnson - to assume the nuclear reigns. LBJ almost got us into WWIII with the USS Liberty attack of June 8, 1967 and also LBJ approved, and later un-approved, the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam with "Operation Fracture Jaw" on 2/9/1968 in response to the Tet Offensive. On top of that LBJ pushed for all the carnage in the Vietnam War - a million died because of him.



Edited by Robert Morrow
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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

"Slander" means you are lying about someone. Telling the absolute truth about a sexually deranged politician JFK - who most people would not want as a husband, son or father due to his rampaging adultery - is a whole other can of worms.

What is so hard about saying "John Kennedy, whose personal life was a self-created train wreck, made some wise decisions during the Cuban Missile Crisis which helped to avert WWIII?"

Important point - because of JFK's highly compromised sex life it allowed a maximally mentally and spiritually deranged man - Lyndon Johnson - to assume the nuclear reigns. LBJ almost got us into WWIII with the USS Liberty attack of June 8, 1967 and also LBJ approved, and later un-approved, the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam with "Operation Fracture Jaw" on 2/9/1968 in response to the Tet Offensive. On top of that LBJ pushed for all the carnage in the Vietnam War - a million died because of him.



It’s quite clear by your response that you have no facts but rather unsubstantiated hearsay to back up your slander of President Kennedy.

Also why are you rambling on about LBJ? He’s not the topic of discussion, Jack Kennedy is. 

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1 hour ago, Johnny Cairns said:

It’s quite clear by your response that you have no facts but rather unsubstantiated hearsay to back up your slander of President Kennedy.

Also why are you rambling on about LBJ? He’s not the topic of discussion, Jack Kennedy is. 

John Kennedy's gargartuan adultery and sexual promiscuity is one of the most credibly documented facts in historical research. The sources are it are many, varied, very close to JFK, and credible. Let's hear from Sen. George Smathers who used to chase a lot of girls with JFK in the 1950's:


According to Smathers, “No one was off limits to Jack – not your wife, your mother, your sister.” During their Senate days, Kennedy and Smathers shared a pied-a-terre where they could carry on discreet affairs. Once, when Smathers was called away to the Senate, leaving Kennedy with both of their dates, he returned to find the ambitious senator chasing both girls around the apartment. Having two girls at once was one of Kennedy’s favorite pastimes,” Smathers said. 

George Smathers said that “just in terms of the time he spent with a woman, he was a lousy lover. He went in more for the quantity than quality.”


 [Irving Wallace, Amy Wallace, David Wallechinsky, Sylvia Wallace, The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People, p. 362]

And while we are at it, let's hear from Evelyn Lincoln, JFK's secretary of 12 years. Although Lincoln greatly admired Kennedy, she had this to say (notice how Lincoln mistakenly blames the women "chasing" JFK and not the principal himself:

Evelyn Lincoln knew a lot of dirt on John Kennedy, the man she adored. She said in 1998 “I spent half my time talking to women.” 


 March 18, 1998
Web posted at: 1:41 p.m. EST (1841 GMT)

NEW YORK (CNN) -- For more than a decade, Evelyn Lincoln was John F. Kennedy's personal secretary and one of his most trusted confidants.

Lincoln was by Kennedy's side from the time he became a U.S. senator until his death in Dallas, during his presidency. She kept hundreds of things she had collected from Kennedy until her own death in 1995, and she willed those items to collector Robert White.

"I one time asked her, 'Why pick through the trash and save his doodles?' and she said, 'because I knew he was special,'" White explained.

During Kennedy's presidency, Lincoln worked in a small room next to the Oval Office. In a 1989 interview with CNN's Larry King, Lincoln remembered Kennedy as a taskmaster.

"He wanted you to do the right thing at the moment. He wanted it done."

Lincoln said Kennedy even asked her to help sneak women into the White House.

"You know women chased him. Let's face it. There were young women. There were older women. They all did. I spent half of my time talking to women."

CNN's Tony Clark contributed to this report




Edited by Robert Morrow
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