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The True Perps Behind the JFKA/RFK1A? A Simple Math Idea

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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Indeed. And who might be your informant?

You have the same level of access as anyone  to what is published in the first edition Of CiD.  Do you identify code for Mossad  in any of the published screenshots or referenced entries?



Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A. 


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I am informed that some of Pierre Laffite's notations are code language for Mossad assets and agents. 

By who?  Specifics?

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35 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A. 


Right.  I'm sure. 

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28 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

By who?  Specifics?


I'm running a survey of those who signed NDA'S. I doubt seriously any would deliberately break their pledge. On the other hand, I've little doubt Benjamin Cole is quite capable of stirring the pot instead of having a serious discussion about Albarelli's contribution  to the investigation or the advances being made by those he trusted. 

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

By who?  Specifics?

Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A. 

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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A. 

@Ron BulmanI propose EF provide a Romper Room located perhaps next door to the Water Cooler?

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16 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A. 

Ben, I'm curious if you've seen any evidence that George Joannides' fingerprints are to be found in the lead up to the assassination of Robert Kennedy?  You and Jonathan appear persuaded the two murders are linked beyond the obvious. 

I also wonder what might have been had Morley not been so resistant to Hank's inroads into an investigation (he, Jeff M.) seemed to committed to .... at least to the extent of dislodging JFK government files. (That would be files maintained by agencies that provided cover for the para-goverment thugs behind the plot? In hindsightit seems laughable. )  


Since you've gained access to Hank's archives, you probably know the backstory here? 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hank Albarelli <hankalbarelli@icloud.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 10:44 AM
Subject: found this today-- sent to Morley a few years ago...
To: leslie sharp <lesliemsharp>



Joannides & Lafitte in New Orleans, 1963


Over fifteen years ago, while beginning to research a book on the odd death of U.S. Army biochemist, Dr. Frank R. Olson, I became aware of the existence of an enigmatic character with the unlikely name Jean Pierre Lafitte. The origins of my awareness came from my perusal of the 1952 and 1953 diaries of Federal Bureau of Narcotics official George Hunter White; a September 20, 1977 article in the New York Times by investigative journalists John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas; and the private notes and correspondence of James R. Phelan, an investigative journalist and writer, who, in the 1950s through the 1960s, was quite close to both Lafitte and White.


Later, during the year 2000, my knowledge about Lafitte grew considerably greater after I was consulted on Frank Olson’s murder by investigators for New York City District Attorney Robert Morgenthau’s office. Spurred by these meetings, I made about a dozen trips to northern New England and southern Florida to interview several individuals who were close to Pierre Lafitte.


About 18 months ago, while researching a forthcoming biography of George Hunter White, these interviews resulted in my gaining access to some of the personal writings of Lafitte, including his private date books, which stylistically are quite similar to those of FBN official and CIA consultant, George White. Suffice it to say, I became intrigued with the life and activities of the man known as Jean Pierre Lafitte, who beginning in 1952, through to about 1978, covertly work for the FBN, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and INS. Lafitte also managed to carry out a number of major, international swindling schemes and operated a number of well-known restaurants.


In June 1952, according to a letter by George White, the CIA officially recruited Lafitte as a “special employee” after he was summoned to Washington, D.C. to meet with CIA officials, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and James Jesus Angleton. Wrote White: “Expecting to be at CIA only a day, Lafitte was held over for a few days. I hope to hell they know what they are in for. I suspect even to that crew that he’s one of a kind.” While at CIA headquarters, Lafitte also met Agency Security Chief, Sheffield Edwards, Frank Wisner, and Richard Helms. Subsequently, Lafitte undertook a number of covert domestic and international assignments for the CIA, including a trip to the Republic of the Congo in December 1960, which coincided with the January 1961 CIA-assisted assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Lafitte’s work for the CIA lasted until about 1978.


While writing my book on Olson’s murder, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments [Trine Day, 2009], of which Lafitte played an integral and deadly role, I could not avoid learning about a number of provocative connections between Monsieur Lafitte and Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Not the least of these connections was that Lafitte, using an assumed named, throughout the 1960s lived in New Orleans. Indeed, in an incident that caused a flap at CIA headquarters in December 1969, the FBI arrested Lafitte in New Orleans. Briefly detained, he was released after a number of discrete phone calls from Capitol Hill were made to FBI headquarters. At the time of his arrest, Lafitte worked as the head chef at the Plimsoll Club, then part of the International Trade Mart. 


Portions of Lafitte’s datebooks for his New Orleans years are revealing of his dealings with various CIA officials, including at least 3 apparent meetings with CIA Western Hemisphere Division employee, George Efythron Joannides. Interestingly, Lafitte’s second encounter with Joannides occurred the second week of August 1963, just days after Lee Harvey Oswald’s Friday, August 9 arrest for provoking a disturbance through leafleting for his Fair Play for Cuba Committee New Orleans chapter. Lafitte’s handwritten notations for Friday, August 16, 1963 read: “… at Antoines room— Martello, Joanides [sic] & Labadie. Quigly [sic] interview Oswald over street demonstration. Call Holdout.” Another notation, made 6 days later reads: “Talk Joanides Cuba—refers to K Organization in Mexico— similar setup now. [D]iscuss with King, ask George and Charles about Havana, Mexico trips…”


NOTES: “Antoines room” is thought to be Antoine’s, a well-known New Orleans restaurant that hosted meetings and gatherings in a number of private rooms. There are several references to Antoine’s in the date books.  “Martello” appears to be a reference to New Orleans Police Department officer, Lt. Francis L. Martello; not to be confused with Francis “Monk”  Martello. Lt. Martello interviewed Oswald in the New Orleans lockup on August 10, 1963. “Quigly” is perhaps a misspelling of the name Quigley. FBI SA John L. Quigley also interviewed Oswald in New Orleans jail. “Labadie” is a known alias, as in Jean Labadie, that Lafitte used often in New York City, but it is also the surname of Stephen J. Labadie, a special agent for the FBI. “Holdout” is unknown; perhaps it is a code-name for a program or confidential informer. “King” is most likely J.C. King, CIA Western Hemisphere director, but could possibly be William Harvey, as some CIA associated people occasionally and mockingly referred to Harvey as “King.” “George and Charlie” are believed to be FBN officials.



Copyright © 2013—H.P. Albarelli Jr. 



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11 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Ben, I'm curious if you've seen any evidence that George Joannides' fingerprints are to be found in the lead up to the assassination of Robert Kennedy?  You and Jonathan appear persuaded the two murders are linked beyond the obvious. 

I also wonder what might have been had Morley not been so resistant to Hank's inroads into an investigation (he, Jeff M.) seemed to committed to .... at least to the extent of dislodging JFK government files. (That would be files maintained by agencies that provided cover for the para-goverment thugs behind the plot? In hindsightit seems laughable. )  


Since you've gained access to Hank's archives, you probably know the backstory here? 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hank Albarelli <hankalbarelli@icloud.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 10:44 AM
Subject: found this today-- sent to Morley a few years ago...
To: leslie sharp <lesliemsharp>



Joannides & Lafitte in New Orleans, 1963


Over fifteen years ago, while beginning to research a book on the odd death of U.S. Army biochemist, Dr. Frank R. Olson, I became aware of the existence of an enigmatic character with the unlikely name Jean Pierre Lafitte. The origins of my awareness came from my perusal of the 1952 and 1953 diaries of Federal Bureau of Narcotics official George Hunter White; a September 20, 1977 article in the New York Times by investigative journalists John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas; and the private notes and correspondence of James R. Phelan, an investigative journalist and writer, who, in the 1950s through the 1960s, was quite close to both Lafitte and White.


Later, during the year 2000, my knowledge about Lafitte grew considerably greater after I was consulted on Frank Olson’s murder by investigators for New York City District Attorney Robert Morgenthau’s office. Spurred by these meetings, I made about a dozen trips to northern New England and southern Florida to interview several individuals who were close to Pierre Lafitte.


About 18 months ago, while researching a forthcoming biography of George Hunter White, these interviews resulted in my gaining access to some of the personal writings of Lafitte, including his private date books, which stylistically are quite similar to those of FBN official and CIA consultant, George White. Suffice it to say, I became intrigued with the life and activities of the man known as Jean Pierre Lafitte, who beginning in 1952, through to about 1978, covertly work for the FBN, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and INS. Lafitte also managed to carry out a number of major, international swindling schemes and operated a number of well-known restaurants.


In June 1952, according to a letter by George White, the CIA officially recruited Lafitte as a “special employee” after he was summoned to Washington, D.C. to meet with CIA officials, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and James Jesus Angleton. Wrote White: “Expecting to be at CIA only a day, Lafitte was held over for a few days. I hope to hell they know what they are in for. I suspect even to that crew that he’s one of a kind.” While at CIA headquarters, Lafitte also met Agency Security Chief, Sheffield Edwards, Frank Wisner, and Richard Helms. Subsequently, Lafitte undertook a number of covert domestic and international assignments for the CIA, including a trip to the Republic of the Congo in December 1960, which coincided with the January 1961 CIA-assisted assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Lafitte’s work for the CIA lasted until about 1978.


While writing my book on Olson’s murder, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments [Trine Day, 2009], of which Lafitte played an integral and deadly role, I could not avoid learning about a number of provocative connections between Monsieur Lafitte and Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Not the least of these connections was that Lafitte, using an assumed named, throughout the 1960s lived in New Orleans. Indeed, in an incident that caused a flap at CIA headquarters in December 1969, the FBI arrested Lafitte in New Orleans. Briefly detained, he was released after a number of discrete phone calls from Capitol Hill were made to FBI headquarters. At the time of his arrest, Lafitte worked as the head chef at the Plimsoll Club, then part of the International Trade Mart. 


Portions of Lafitte’s datebooks for his New Orleans years are revealing of his dealings with various CIA officials, including at least 3 apparent meetings with CIA Western Hemisphere Division employee, George Efythron Joannides. Interestingly, Lafitte’s second encounter with Joannides occurred the second week of August 1963, just days after Lee Harvey Oswald’s Friday, August 9 arrest for provoking a disturbance through leafleting for his Fair Play for Cuba Committee New Orleans chapter. Lafitte’s handwritten notations for Friday, August 16, 1963 read: “… at Antoines room— Martello, Joanides [sic] & Labadie. Quigly [sic] interview Oswald over street demonstration. Call Holdout.” Another notation, made 6 days later reads: “Talk Joanides Cuba—refers to K Organization in Mexico— similar setup now. [D]iscuss with King, ask George and Charles about Havana, Mexico trips…”


NOTES: “Antoines room” is thought to be Antoine’s, a well-known New Orleans restaurant that hosted meetings and gatherings in a number of private rooms. There are several references to Antoine’s in the date books.  “Martello” appears to be a reference to New Orleans Police Department officer, Lt. Francis L. Martello; not to be confused with Francis “Monk”  Martello. Lt. Martello interviewed Oswald in the New Orleans lockup on August 10, 1963. “Quigly” is perhaps a misspelling of the name Quigley. FBI SA John L. Quigley also interviewed Oswald in New Orleans jail. “Labadie” is a known alias, as in Jean Labadie, that Lafitte used often in New York City, but it is also the surname of Stephen J. Labadie, a special agent for the FBI. “Holdout” is unknown; perhaps it is a code-name for a program or confidential informer. “King” is most likely J.C. King, CIA Western Hemisphere director, but could possibly be William Harvey, as some CIA associated people occasionally and mockingly referred to Harvey as “King.” “George and Charlie” are believed to be FBN officials.



Copyright © 2013—H.P. Albarelli Jr. 



Mum's the word. These walls have ears.

Keep your eye on the sparrow. 

And remember the sparrow---the ultimate clue, the key that unlocks the truth. 

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48 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Mum's the word. These walls have ears.

Keep your eye on the sparrow. 

And remember the sparrow---the ultimate clue, the key that unlocks the truth. 

I asked if your research led you to conclude Joannides played a role albeit cameo in the plan to assassinate Robert Kennedy at the Ambassador in LA? 

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The ink smudges to the left of
run sparrow run
... are a result of the datebook being closed after the November 24 entry is made in the same ink. 
....created the smudges seen on the db page for the 22nd. RED lines up exactly, and the string of smudges on the second line runs the length of AIRPORT on the 24th. 
If Red and Airport were entered on the 24th and the datebook was closed resulting in the smudges, that could explain indentation of Run Sparrow Run [and] Fly on the next line; however, doesn't this beg the question of why the author is asking JA about Tippett -- written by the same hand with the same writing instrument -- on the 22nd?
What if the Rene entry is entered first because they've been advised Tippett's been shot.  
Then the same author later grabs the ink pen,   
not sure where this leads us. 
.... a work in progress, @Benjamin Cole@Jonathan Cohen
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11 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I asked if your research led you to conclude Joannides played a role albeit cameo in the plan to assassinate Robert Kennedy at the Ambassador in LA? 

If you consult your tea leaves in the waning afternoon sun, you will find the answer to your questions. 

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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If you consult your tea leaves in the waning afternoon sun, you will find the answer to your questions. 

They read, "he's a buffoon and don't waste time." Not sure who "he" is.

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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

They read, "he's a buffoon and don't waste time." Not sure who "he" is.

In the dappled fading light of a summer afternoon, you will swoon when you discover who "he" is....and indeed, you will imbibe his verisimilitudes, and find unbounded euphoria....

It's all there in Lafitte's second notebook...mystical incantations and inscriptions...


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37 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

In the dappled fading light of a summer afternoon, you will swoon when you discover who "he" is....and indeed, you will imbibe his verisimilitudes, and find unbounded euphoria....

It's all there in Lafitte's second notebook...mystical incantations and inscriptions...


I figured out who "he" -- the buffoon -- is.

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Ben, your recent posts resemble trolling to me.  Which I think falls under the "Stalking, taunting or harassing a member" definition for forum penalties.  

There is a Laffite daybook for 1963, seen and possessed by respected author Hank Albarelli, also seen and read by Leslie Sharp and several others.  You provide no proof of existence of your claim of another.


"Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A."


"Mum's the word. These walls have ears.

Keep your eye on the sparrow. 

And remember the sparrow---the ultimate clue, the key that unlocks the truth."

"If you consult your tea leaves in the waning afternoon sun, you will find the answer to your questions."


"In the dappled fading light of a summer afternoon, you will swoon when you discover who "he" is....and indeed, you will imbibe his verisimilitudes, and find unbounded euphoria....

It's all there in Lafitte's second notebook...mystical incantations and inscriptions..."




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