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JFKA: Sylvia Meagher on KPFK Pacific Radio (NPR), 1967

Benjamin Cole

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One of the early researchers in the JFKA/RFK1A community was Sylvia Meagher (pronounced "Marr" btw), author of the book, Accessories After the Fact: The Warren Commission, the Authorities & the Report on the JFK Assassination. 

This is KPFK-Pacifica-NPR interviewing Meagher in 1967. 

Meagher states in this video, "it was (the Warren Commission's Report) less of an investigation of the assassination but more an outline for Oswald's prosecution".

Man, that lady was smart. The comparison to what NPR produces today on the JFKA/RFK1A is dispiriting. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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  • Benjamin Cole changed the title to JFKA: Sylvia Meagher on KPFK Pacific Radio (NPR), 1967
15 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Thanks Ben - I’ll listen 

Right-o Paul.

The early pioneers of the JFKA/RFK1A research community had a tough go of things. No internet, they had to keep paper files, and exchange letters and phone calls, make paper copies etc., but were often groping in the dark.

And we know what happened to Jim Garrison down in New Orleans. To be a prominent JFKA/RFK1A researcher was to hazard a career, or endure ridicule. Even be maligned as allied with anti-American forces. 

IMHO, Meagher was right about the WC being a prosecution, not an investigation.

I have come to realize that defines many official or Congressional "investigations." They are show trials, or kangaroo courts.  

As I always say, one reason to study the JFKA/RFK1A is to learn how government and media work....



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I had the very great pleasure of meeting with Sylvia Meagher in London in August 1977. One of the nicest people one could meet! My signed copy of her book, "Accessories After The Fact" is one of my prized possessions.

Edited by Chris Scally
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Thanks Ben. Chris - great experience. 
It really saddened me to listen to this, knowing that the interview was on KPFK. In the years since the silence on the assassination on those radio stations is deafening. How does one account for it? 

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I thought the scope was mounted left of centre to avoid the bolt arm action, but I won’t argue with Sylvia….

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8 hours ago, Chris Scally said:

I had the very great pleasure of meeting with Sylvia Meagher in London in August 1977. One of the nicest people one could meet! My signed copy of her book, "Accessories After The Fact" is one of my prized possessions.

CS--thanks for commenting. 

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6 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Thanks Ben. Chris - great experience. 
It really saddened me to listen to this, knowing that the interview was on KPFK. In the years since the silence on the assassination on those radio stations is deafening. How does one account for it? 

PB--thanks for your collegial comments. 

I can only offer IMHO and what I surmise on the decline of NPR. 

1. Op Mock never ended, just became better and better. 

2. NPR is led presently by Katherine Maher, who sure has a lot of links to government censorship regimes, including the increasingly compromised Wikipedia.  

 3. We have a new generation of journalists who are not skeptical of government per se, or even government intel agencies per se, but are skeptical (or worse) of the party they do not belong to.

Thus, anything done when the "other party"  is in power must be wrong, and anything done when the correct party is in power is right. 

Within wide swaths of legacy media, it is not journalism-hip presently to investigate or talk about the JFKA and RFK1A, or even the Biden Administration snuff job on the JFKA Record Act. 

And yes, if Trump wins and again welches on his vow to open up the JFK Records, right-wing media will find something else to talk about. 

Curiously, the ID-politics soaked left-wing media might not pick up on the JFK Records Act snuff job either, even under Trump. They are obsessed with the culture wars, winning in partisan-narrative shout-downs, or maybe Gaza.  The right-wing media is a mirror image, in many regards. 

However, the present NPR is especially galling, as they are publicly funded.

We are paying taxes to finance government-speak. 


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