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news about the Darnell film

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6 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

Wow. For the first time ever my eyes see (BWF almost chatting to) an older woman, not LHO. And I WANT it to be LHO! 

Thanks of your honesty. I've said from the very first thread in which this was discussed that it looked to me like a woman but received guffaws and insults as a result. It's good to know I wasn't hallucinating, or at least alone in my hallucination.  

Edited by Pat Speer
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13 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I'm afraid we've all been bamboozled.... again.

I've studied the Darnell film extensively and have it mostly memorized -- at least so the relevant parts of it. And one thing I could see right away when I watched the so-called original  version of it at the 6th Floor Museum (above), is that that film actually has LESS detail than the better extant copies that we've had for decades!

What has apparently happened is that NBC finally succumbed to public pressure for release of the film, but the government or CIA made sure that something important could not be found in the film. They made sure it couldn't by removing detail from the film.

I have long suspected that this would happen.


You're on to something, Sandy.

The 45 second snippet I posted of the Darnell film the museum said it purchased from NBC is now in the museum's NBC 5 Archive Collection, "Aftermath in Dealey Plaza".  The film was posted there 4 weeks ago.

In the comments there, Denis Morisette asked the pertinent question of the museum:  Did you get the original?  Posted 13 hours ago. No answer yet.

Yes, that's the same guy who said in this thread Oswald could not be on the steps because he was at the 6th floor window.  When I asked how Oswald could have gotten down the stairs after the shooting without being seen or heard by anyone, Denis replied the question was off topic.  Apparently we have stumbled into Denis' comedy act. 

Five hours ago Linda Gioana Zambini, a well known researcher, replied to Denis' question:  "It doesn't look like the original to me.  I think I have Darnell frames clearer than that!"

It seems obvious that NBC at some point knew what the film showed. At least to the extent early on that the figure looked enough like Oswald to raise the kind of serious questions about the official version of the murder that they wanted to avoid.  That's only due diligence if they were going to take the drastic step of hiding the Darnell and Wiegman films.

As they told Alec Baldwin when rejecting his idea to show a film around the 50th anniversary,--a film critical of the Oswald story--NBC's *corporate policy* has always been to support the WR.

After hiding the film for 60 years, this latest ploy of selling a fake version to the museum is just the latest limited hangout designed to conceal the truth.


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