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RFK Never Believed the Warren Commission

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Witnesses describe Robert Kennedy's reaction to the Warren Commission findings and reveal his intent to re-investigate the assassination once elected President.



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Thanks for that Gil.

I thought Talbot and Bob were quite good on this.  After Talbot left that stage in SF, the technicians working on the film, that is the photographic, sound guys and gaffer, all asked me, "Hey Jim is the next guy as good as this guy was?"

RFK was the first conspiracy theorist, and his idea, the CIA, exiles and Mob was pretty right on.  Amazingly so.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for that Gil.

I thought Talbot and Bob were quite good on this.  After Talbot left that stage in SF, the technicians working of the film, that is the photographic, sound guys and gaffer, all asked me, "Hey Jim is the next guy as good as this guy was?"

RFK was the first conspiracy theorist, and his idea, the CIA, exiles and Mob was pretty right on.  Amazingly so.

Thank you and Oliver for getting Talbot on video saying the same thing he wrote in his book. These video clips are critical for future generations.

We owe you both a debt of gratitude. Thank you again.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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You are welcome Gil.

The way I look at it, the material in book form would hit maybe 20,000 people on a good day in America.

With Oliver's film, millions saw it across  the globe since it sold in 18 countries.


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4 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

Why would Ethel Kennedy invite Allen Dulles to RFK’s funeral? Surely RFK would have shared any doubts he had about the Warren Commission with his wife.


You raise an interesting question. And then in the immediate aftermath of the JFKA, RFK1 sought consultation and even solace in the company of CIA Director John McCone. Evidently, RFK1 and McCone had developed a collegial and friendly working relationship. It helped that Hickory Hill and CIA HQ were nearly adjacent, and that RFK1 took a deep interest in CIA anti-Castro actions and planning. 

On 11/22 the McCone-RFK1 meeting lasted for two hours. McCone was, of course, JFK's man in the CIA, and by most accounts, a smart guy and Cold Warrior.

It may be RFK1 and Kennedys suspected not CIA leadership, but rather rogue elements connected to the US intelligence community, of perping the JFKA.

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On 9/29/2024 at 3:46 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for that Gil.

I thought Talbot and Bob were quite good on this.  After Talbot left that stage in SF, the technicians working on the film, that is the photographic, sound guys and gaffer, all asked me, "Hey Jim is the next guy as good as this guy was?"

RFK was the first conspiracy theorist, and his idea, the CIA, exiles and Mob was pretty right on.  Amazingly so.

Robert Kennedy, like Jackie Kennedy, Evelyn Lincoln and Kenny O'Donnell, immediately thought LYNDON JOHNSON murdered JFK and that is the because Robert Kennedy was the point man on the Kennedys "destroy LBJ" program that was ongoing in full gear in November, 1963, and which Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware of.

[As for who was the first conspiracy theorist in the JFK assassination, Lyndon Johnson - at Parkland Hospital from 1:20-1:26PM was immediately telling Malcolm Kilduff that COMMUNISTS had just murdered JFK - while so much of the world immediately thought that the Dallas Right Wing had just murdered Kennedy. Weird that LBJ would say something like that as in tune with local Dallas politics as he was.]

RFK's suspicions of other actors were all secondary to his primary suspicion of Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination. But Robert Kennedy could not exactly hold a press conference and announce to the world that he and JFK were trying their very best to destroy LBJ, get Johnson to resign the Vice Presidency and thus remove LBJ from the 1964 Democratic ticket. Remember LBJ was the one pushing for Kennedy to come down to Texas, as John Connally told Doug Thompson. LBJ was the first to announce JFK was coming to Texas in spring, 1963 while at the same time Johnson knew the Kennedys were going to drop him from the 1964 Democratic ticket (no matter what JFK said/lied about publicly later on in fall, 1963).

The first thing the Kennedys did AFTER JFK assassination was to send their close personal friend William Walton to Moscow (within a week of JFK's death) to tell the Russians that the selection of LBJ as vice president had been a GREVIOUS MISTAKE and any detente with the Russians would have to wait until Robert Kennedy would/could hopefully become president one day.

LBJ top aide Horace Busby strongly implies that Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware by Nov. 4, 1963 that the Kennedys had sent a SWAT team of over **FORTY** national reporters to Texas to utterly destroy him  https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/lyndon-johnson-was-acutely-aware-by-nov.html  I wonder how LBJ would’ve reacted?

Burkett van Kirk (GOP Senate Rules Committee counsel) and James Wagenvoord (Life Magazine assistant editor) prove the Kennedys were out to destroy LBJ in November of 1963 http://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2021/08/senate-counsel-burkett-van-kirk-and.html

National Review’s Phil Brennan knew in real time all about the Kennedys’ ongoing plan to destroy LBJ with the media in fall of 1963: https://www.newsmax.com/Pre-2008/Some-Relevant-Facts-About/2003/11/18/id/677423/

Election Night 11/8/60 – VP-Elect Lyndon Johnson was the most UNHAPPY man that reporter Margaret Mayer had ever seen https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/election-night-1181960-lyndon-johnson.html

Arthur Schlesinger on Robert Kennedy being convinced at one point that Lyndon Johnson had murdered John Kennedy

 "We tried to perpetuate the myth by convincing ourselves that we were good and that LBJ was evil. I remember one time Bobby telling me he was convinced that Lyndon was behind his brother's death. 'Come on Bob. Get real.' I said. His other theory had it that Richard Nixon and Howard Hughes were somehow involved. He hated them both. 'Nixon's a true slimebucket,' he said. 'And I should have investigated Hughes years ago.'"

 [C. David Heymann, RFK, p. 365]


Ethel Kennedy in 1963 was 100% for dumping Lyndon Johnson and replacing him as VP with her husband Robert Kennedy. She advocated this repeatedly


           At the time of JFK’s death (November 1963), there was talk among Kennedy insiders of dumping LBJ as a running mate in the 1964 election. Ethel Kennedy made repeated recommendations that there be a Kennedy-Kennedy ticket, RFK to fill the vice-presidential slot. It is doubtful, however, that such a plan would have passed muster with either the president of the attorney general.


 [David Heymann, RFK, p. 542]

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on how Lyndon Johnson was presented as a nemesis to the Kennedy family when he was a kid


 “Lyndon Johnson was rather a nemesis to the family while we were growing up,” reminisced Bobby, Jr. “In retrospect, he was one of the best presidents we ever had, but during the heat of battle, the kids all regarded him as some kind of ogre.”


 [David Heyman, RFK, p. 367]


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