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George Joannides

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I found this short video on the lawsuit that may be of interest:



I was reluctant to post this on your thread, because I did not want my postings to kill your thread.

This is not anything new. In 1980 a completed CIA and FBI file or the DR, the M-26-7, Joanides, and a Mr. Howard were destroyed in a fire in Grant Colorado. Portions of these reports were not declassified at that time. Some of the Classified CIA and FBI files were lost in that fire. However, a few were saved and the Colorado CBI turned those burned records and documents over to the FBI. The FBI question me as to my having those Classified files, and wanted to know how I obtained them. I refused to answer and I told them I would by glad to tell a federal judge and I requested they take me before one.

In 1987 on a FOIA request, filed by me, a few of those pages from those reports were released by the FOIA request to the FBI. The pages had burned marks around the edges and within the body of the documents. (I posted one of these documents a few days ago. Letter to Thomas Downing; reference Robert Morrow)

When I joined this forum this subject matter did surface and I was called a xxxx as to the documentation of which I speak. As a result days of posting replies to those who accused me were spend in an attempt to get, what I thought was interesting information to be researched by the community. Its been about four years now and here we are again.

Also, these burned files and documentation obtained from FOIA along with affidavits concerning Dallas Operations were turned over to Senator John Kerry and staff, as well as Senator Gary Hart as the investigations into The Iran/Contra and the Drug War were being investigated. (documented) At that point I was attacked by the IRS and I was shut down for over ten years... (documented)

I know all this means nothing now..., but this is to let anyone out there, who really cares about this matter, that this is old hat and has been tampered with and covered up for years. And those involved in its investigation have paid a dear price as to their freedoms to expose some of the events they were involved with or associated with concerning the DR, the M-26-7, Operative Howard, and Joanidis and those days of old.

I do not expect this thread to go anywhere, because some out there, and a few on this forum and in other places, are bound by a control nature, for whatever reason. They will see to it that this matter goes no further and it will die on the vine so to speak. And too, those who push for an investigation into this subject matter will be discredited.

As to the affidavits concerning Dallas and other documentation pertaining to the Iran/Contra, of which I turned over to Senator John Kerry and his investigators of 1986-91 were classified by the Kerry investigators, "Top Secret, Committee Sensitive" and will remain so, as I have been told, for fifty years.

My point: Information before the fact of this most recent interest on the subject matter was released by me and others as far back as the Church Committee of 1974 and at a later date, the Iran/Contra investigations of 1986-91.

Your doing damn good research Francesca, stay focused and keep up your good work. However, you are in the sights of some who still do not want this matter to surface. IMO and FWIW. Peace to You. Tosh

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Mr. Plumlee,

What information did you have on George E. Joannides, if you can recall?

Steve Rosen

I might have to revive my time line by a few months or so, but this is from memory.

The M-26-7 was formed in Mexico City about 1957 known as the Mexico/Arms Pack. (Joe Westbrook Rosales, Fureta Chomon and others I can not recall at the moment were the founders, I think) The Students from a Democratic Cuban operated from the University of Havana. At first there was no CIA involvement in those activities. This was Pro-Castro days. Castro was in the Mountains with about 80 or so rebels and was known to the CIA as Castro's Jul 26 revolution.

Soon the Students of the University was caught by Batista and some were jailed and some were executed. The group was splintered and most went with Castro's July 26th movement. Just before the M26-7 disbanded and threw in with Castro, the CIA step in and planted operatives within that group, the M26-7. Some of these operatives merged in with Castro's rebels and reported back to the CIA at Miami's Wave Station. (not JM/WAVE; it had not been formed as yet; and too, it was not known as Miami Station as yet) Operative Howard out of Washington DC was the POC (Point of Contact from this group of operatives) William Morgan who was with the Castro rebels was one of the CIA operatives who reported back, via cut-outs, back to CIA HDQ's Covert Action Group, (CAG) That's the first time I was aware of "Howard" which I some years later found out was Joannides. However, he would not become of interest until the early sixties after the DR and the Fair Play organizations and Oswald came on the scene.

This is a rough background as recall from memory. However, it is documented and If the CIA does release their files we can all read about how the CIA supported Batista, The M26-7 as well as Castro's July 26th Revolution, all at the same time.

I'm sure some will take issue with this rough recap on one operation which ran about six years. None the less it is my viewpoint and I think if the documents are released it will support this recap and other matters to some degree. All of the above is perhaps still classified. But I do not think my memory is "Classified". I have not released any documents to this effect and my seven years is long over on these matters. I'm not sure if any of this early background helps you in anyway...., but I thought it might. I think Harry Dean might have matters he could add, as to the early sixties material..., but I do not speak for Harry.

XXXXXI might have to revive my time line by a few months or so, but this is from memory.

The M-26-7 was fromed in Mexico City about 1957 known as the Mexico/Arms Pack. (Joe Westbrook Rosales, Fureta Chomon and others I can not recall at the moment were the founders, I think) The Students from a Domocratic Cuban operated from the University of Havana. At first there was no CIA involvement in that operation. This was Pro-Castro days. Castro was in the Mountains with about 80 or so rebels and was known to the CIA as Castro's Jul 26 revolution.

Soon the Students of the University was caught by Batista and some were jailed and some were executed. The group was splintered and most went with Castro's July 26th movement. Just befor the M26-7 disbanded and threw in with Castro, the CIA step in and planted operatives with that group, M26-7. Some of these operatives merged in with Castro's rebels and reported back to the CIA at Miami's Wave Station. (not JM/WAVE; it had not been forumed as yet; and to it was not known as Miami Station as yet) Operative Howard out of Washington DC was the POC (Point of Contact from this group of operatives. William Morgan who was with the Castro rebels was one of the CIA operatives who reported back, via cut-outs, back to CIA HDQ's Covert Action Group. Thats the first time I was aware of "Howard" which I some years later found out was Joannides. However, he would not become prominate until the early sixties after the DR and the Fair Play organizations and Oswald came on the scean. This is a rough background as recall from memory. However, it is documented and If the CIA does release their files we can all read about how the CIA supported Batista, The M26-7 as well as Castro's July 26th Revolution, all at the same time.

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Mr. Plumlee,

What information did you have on George E. Joannides, if you can recall?

Steve Rosen

I might have to revive my time line by a few months or so, but this is from memory.

The M-26-7 was formed in Mexico City about 1957 known as the Mexico/Arms Pack. (Joe Westbrook Rosales, Fureta Chomon and others I can not recall at the moment were the founders, I think) The Students from a Democratic Cuban operated from the University of Havana. At first there was no CIA involvement in those activities. This was Pro-Castro days. Castro was in the Mountains with about 80 or so rebels and was known to the CIA as Castro's Jul 26 revolution.

Soon the Students of the University was caught by Batista and some were jailed and some were executed. The group was splintered and most went with Castro's July 26th movement. Just before the M26-7 disbanded and threw in with Castro, the CIA step in and planted operatives within that group, the M26-7. Some of these operatives merged in with Castro's rebels and reported back to the CIA at Miami's Wave Station. (not JM/WAVE; it had not been formed as yet; and too, it was not known as Miami Station as yet) Operative Howard out of Washington DC was the POC (Point of Contact from this group of operatives) William Morgan who was with the Castro rebels was one of the CIA operatives who reported back, via cut-outs, back to CIA HDQ's Covert Action Group, (CAG) That's the first time I was aware of "Howard" which I some years later found out was Joannides. However, he would not become of interest until the early sixties after the DR and the Fair Play organizations and Oswald came on the scene.

This is a rough background as recall from memory. However, it is documented and If the CIA does release their files we can all read about how the CIA supported Batista, The M26-7 as well as Castro's July 26th Revolution, all at the same time.

I'm sure some will take issue with this rough recap on one operation which ran about six years. None the less it is my viewpoint and I think if the documents are released it will support this recap and other matters to some degree. All of the above is perhaps still classified. But I do not think my memory is "Classified". I have not released any documents to this effect and my seven years is long over on these matters. I'm not sure if any of this early background helps you in anyway...., but I thought it might. I think Harry Dean might have matters he could add, as to the early sixties material..., but I do not speak for Harry.

XXXXXI might have to revive my time line by a few months or so, but this is from memory.

The M-26-7 was fromed in Mexico City about 1957 known as the Mexico/Arms Pack. (Joe Westbrook Rosales, Fureta Chomon and others I can not recall at the moment were the founders, I think) The Students from a Domocratic Cuban operated from the University of Havana. At first there was no CIA involvement in that operation. This was Pro-Castro days. Castro was in the Mountains with about 80 or so rebels and was known to the CIA as Castro's Jul 26 revolution.

Soon the Students of the University was caught by Batista and some were jailed and some were executed. The group was splintered and most went with Castro's July 26th movement. Just befor the M26-7 disbanded and threw in with Castro, the CIA step in and planted operatives with that group, M26-7. Some of these operatives merged in with Castro's rebels and reported back to the CIA at Miami's Wave Station. (not JM/WAVE; it had not been forumed as yet; and to it was not known as Miami Station as yet) Operative Howard out of Washington DC was the POC (Point of Contact from this group of operatives. William Morgan who was with the Castro rebels was one of the CIA operatives who reported back, via cut-outs, back to CIA HDQ's Covert Action Group. Thats the first time I was aware of "Howard" which I some years later found out was Joannides. However, he would not become prominate until the early sixties after the DR and the Fair Play organizations and Oswald came on the scean. This is a rough background as recall from memory. However, it is documented and If the CIA does release their files we can all read about how the CIA supported Batista, The M26-7 as well as Castro's July 26th Revolution, all at the same time.


Thanks for clarifying these details on Johannides and DRE, Bill.

I'm really looking forward to your book's release. You're one of the last true patriots left, you know.

I'm glad you're still here, and decided to stick around for as long as you have.


Edited by Terry Mauro
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Why is the CIA trying to block the release of Joannides Documents??

What vital information could be obtained from these classified documents?


Wade: Its really simple. To release these buried documents would:

(1) Compromise Methods and Procedures.

(2) The true identities of CIA operatives and case officers associated with Joannides would be revealed: example...

Fravel Brown; William Kent; Jerry Droller; Lado Fernandez; Johnny Smith: "Lionel"; HL Hunt; Paul Lee; Larry Allen; Mc Cord; Sergio Jaun Capistro; Juan Diaz; Pablo Duran; "Zapata", Rex Beardsley, Robert Bennett; and a host of other "unknowns" and the many operations they were associated with.

I have recently been told by a reliable Pentagon "Source" that this information has been, "FORCED" to the surface and the CIA has no choice but to comply as to the documents relating to the above agents and operatives.

(the above information is now documented Information released before the fact, as to the release dates of the CIA's classified documentation)

Edited by William Plumlee
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(5) What is your expectation or sense of what the CIA will come up with regarding Joannides on the scheduled April 30 hearing?

I think we'll get something and hope it is of interest. We may get stonewalled.

We will get an explanation of the missing 17 monthly progress reports on the DRE/AMSPELL program during Joannides handling of the group, whether they exist or whether they have been destroyed.

We will get some sense of the size of the Joannides' operational file.

We might get some declassified documents out of the file. Those could be important or trivial.

We'll learn if there are any Joannides records in the 1,100 JFK records that have been classified until 2017.

I hope for more clarity on the Phillips-Joannides relationship and Joannides' movements in 1963. If Joannides travelled to New Orleans in the summer of 1963, that would be newsworthy.

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CIA Still Stonewalls on JFK Mystery Man

By Jefferson Morley 04/30/2008 07:20PM Flouting a federal court order, the CIA refused Wednesday to make public long-secret records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

At a federal court hearing in Washington, CIA attorneys declined to provide any records related to the secret operations of a deceased undercover officer named George Joannides whose role in the JFK story has never been explained by the agency.

A three-judge appellate court panel ruled in December that the agency had to search its files for records of Joannides' secret operations in 1963, when he served undercover in Miami running "psychological warfare" operations against the government of Fidel Castro. The court also ordered the CIA to explain why 17 reports on Joannides' secret operations in 1962-1964 are missing from the National Archives.

The CIA provided no written explanation of its actions during a hearing before Judge Richard Leon. Afterwords, agency attorney John Truong claimed orally that a search of files on Joannides operations found no records responsive to my 2003 Freedom of Information Act request.

Truong offered no explanation, written or oral of the missing records, In December, Judge Judith Rogers ruled that the CIA's previous explanation of the 17 missing reports was inadequate. "On remand the CIA must supplement its explanation," she wrote. That has yet to happen, despite the agency promising to comply with the appellate court order by April 30.

Also, here's a link to a short, neat film on the subject that explains a lot:


And pinhead Dale K. Myers dragging Bringuier out of the woodwork to denounce Morley and Morley's reasonable response:


Edited by William Kelly
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