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An attempt to bring an end to the JFK Forum

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I have filed a few dozen Civil R.I.C.O. lawsuits since the late 1970s.

[see: Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1961, et seq.]

How many were successful, Gerry?

Civil RICO has been used in child custody and divorce cases all over the U.S., and very successfully.  Moreover, under "Criminal R.I.C.O.", and expecially in the southern states such as Florida , Georgia, etc. -- entire judicial circuits have been adjudged to be "R.I.C.O. Enterprises" [along with individual prosecutor's offices, Public Defender's offices, etc. !!]

Then you will also know that without a demonstrable tort, such a case will not reach the discovery process, barring inept or activitist judicial intervention.  In the case you cite re: Christic, there was such a tort.  In the Gratz case to which you are responding here, just what, pray tell, has Gratz suffered?

What is behind all of this "Gratz Bashing" anyway??  Are folks supposed to adhere to some kind of "Party Line" on this forum??!!

Not at all, Gerry.  Read the posts; you'll see plenty of gentlemanly disagreement and polite dissent, invariably backed up with some kind of data.  Gratz spitballs content-free musings with great regularity, and much of the time treats the topics addressed here as a joke.  This doesn't ingratiate or endear, but is endured with measured hostility, by and large.  However, when Tim threatens lawsuits at the drop of a hat, all without the slightest basis, those of us who value this Forum take the matter personally and chastize him for making such vile but hollow threats.  Again, read the posts.  

I am the one with the documentation on the Soviet G.R.U./Cuban D.S.E./D.G.I. plot to assassinate JFK.  The very same G.R.U. that plotted to assassinate Khruschev during 1961 [but were dissuaded from same by K.G.B. Chief Vladimir Semichastny, who mandated that "...we will take care of him politically!!".

How does one know so much closely held information about the inner workings of an opponent's security agencies?  Presumably, you were involved?

The same G.R.U. which controlled the ICBM and other missile artillery regiments when they carried out "Operation Anadyr" [behind Khruschev's back] and moved the missiles and nuke warheads into Cuba during June, July, and August 1962.  My team received the first Intel on the missiles and we gave Senator Keating some tidbits, but were later forced to go to Florida Governor Ferris Bryant with same, and he then took action which forced JFK's hand during late September 1962. [see: Miami Herald, Aug. '62]

I suspect Canadian pilot Ron Lippert's observations were reported and on record prior to those of your own team, Gerry.  But then, his data was provided to the CIA for its legitimate use; not to Republicans for crass political use against the incumbent President.  Hence, it may be harder to obtain from CIA the dates on which Lippert provided them his observations than it is to get your volunteered admission to having been involved with just about everything, just about everywhere.

Gratz isn't about to discuss this matter in this forum because it is MY proprietary information, and will be going to a Federal grand jury in the near term.

Really?  Why did you wait forty plus years to mount this case, Gerry?  Just curious.

Chill out -- citizens and comrades,

It is not we who threaten to shut down this forum, Gerry.  If anyone should "chill out," it is your night-clerk/bookkeeper-in-arms.  Shorten his leash, Gerry, and we'll all be happier.


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I met with the Christic "investigators??" at Bud Fensterwald's office during the pendency of the suit, and gave them identification information as to the assassin who used an altered Danish passport, after having inserted the photo of one of the mercenaries who had fought for Somoza until July 1979. The Sandinistas had recovered his "alias" travel documents inside Somoza's bunker upon occupying Managua. (Gerry Hemming)


Was the inserted photo of Tony Izquierdo?


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I met with the Christic "investigators??" at Bud Fensterwald's office during the pendency of the suit, and gave them identification information as to the assassin who used an altered Danish passport, after having inserted the photo of one of the mercenaries who had fought for Somoza until July 1979.  The Sandinistas had recovered his "alias" travel documents inside Somoza's bunker upon occupying Managua. (Gerry Hemming)


Was the inserted photo of Tony Izquierdo?


The inserted photo was of "Angelo", and they thereafter traveled to Miami to "interrogate??!!" him at his desk inside the Headquarters/Miami Police Department Building. He laughed them out all the way to the parking lot.




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I have filed a few dozen Civil R.I.C.O. lawsuits since the late 1970s.

[see: Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1961, et seq.]

How many were successful, Gerry?

Civil RICO has been used in child custody and divorce cases all over the U.S., and very successfully.  Moreover, under "Criminal R.I.C.O.", and expecially in the southern states such as Florida , Georgia, etc. -- entire judicial circuits have been adjudged to be "R.I.C.O. Enterprises" [along with individual prosecutor's offices, Public Defender's offices, etc. !!]

Then you will also know that without a demonstrable tort, such a case will not reach the discovery process, barring inept or activitist judicial intervention.  In the case you cite re: Christic, there was such a tort.  In the Gratz case to which you are responding here, just what, pray tell, has Gratz suffered?

What is behind all of this "Gratz Bashing" anyway??  Are folks supposed to adhere to some kind of "Party Line" on this forum??!!

Not at all, Gerry.  Read the posts; you'll see plenty of gentlemanly disagreement and polite dissent, invariably backed up with some kind of data.  Gratz spitballs content-free musings with great regularity, and much of the time treats the topics addressed here as a joke.  This doesn't ingratiate or endear, but is endured with measured hostility, by and large.  However, when Tim threatens lawsuits at the drop of a hat, all without the slightest basis, those of us who value this Forum take the matter personally and chastize him for making such vile but hollow threats.  Again, read the posts.   

I am the one with the documentation on the Soviet G.R.U./Cuban D.S.E./D.G.I. plot to assassinate JFK.  The very same G.R.U. that plotted to assassinate Khruschev during 1961 [but were dissuaded from same by K.G.B. Chief Vladimir Semichastny, who mandated that "...we will take care of him politically!!".

How does one know so much closely held information about the inner workings of an opponent's security agencies?  Presumably, you were involved?

The same G.R.U. which controlled the ICBM and other missile artillery regiments when they carried out "Operation Anadyr" [behind Khruschev's back] and moved the missiles and nuke warheads into Cuba during June, July, and August 1962.  My team received the first Intel on the missiles and we gave Senator Keating some tidbits, but were later forced to go to Florida Governor Ferris Bryant with same, and he then took action which forced JFK's hand during late September 1962. [see: Miami Herald, Aug. '62]

I suspect Canadian pilot Ron Lippert's observations were reported and on record prior to those of your own team, Gerry.  But then, his data was provided to the CIA for its legitimate use; not to Republicans for crass political use against the incumbent President.  Hence, it may be harder to obtain from CIA the dates on which Lippert provided them his observations than it is to get your volunteered admission to having been involved with just about everything, just about everywhere.

Gratz isn't about to discuss this matter in this forum because it is MY proprietary information, and will be going to a Federal grand jury in the near term.

Really?  Why did you wait forty plus years to mount this case, Gerry?  Just curious.

Chill out -- citizens and comrades,

It is not we who threaten to shut down this forum, Gerry.  If anyone should "chill out," it is your night-clerk/bookkeeper-in-arms.  Shorten his leash, Gerry, and we'll all be happier.



The first few that I filed ["Notices of Intent"] were against the Drug Cartel's stateside money launderers and distributors. When it turned out that some had been "doubled" and were acting as informants for the FBI/DEA Drug Interdiction Task Force [later renamed the Vice/Prez D/Interdiction TF]; I was pursuaded to relent and join the task force, which I did for almost 4 years.

Others filed [and 100% "settled" successfully] were on behalf of convicts in the prisons of several states -- and wherein local authorities were attempting to use the forfeiture statutes against their family homes, vehicles, etc. !!

More than once, it also resulted in the quick paroling [or release to custody-at-large supervision] of the plaintiffs. I routinely filed as "Next Friend", and changed the laws [RE: Post-Conviction Relief] in several States. As you are nodoubt aware, I am refering to Stare decisis, not the nullification of a statute or rule; as that must be accomplished by a legislated body enacting an amendment or repeal of same -- until then, statutes adjudged unconstitional "vel non" remain on the books for years and years.

There was no "Cause of Action/Case or Controversy" [Tort?] in the Christic matter, that is why they lost and paid a heavy fine !!

You nag repeatedly as to "...read the posts !!" -- I have diligently read the posts, and I have yet to find Gratz "threatening" the forum. However, after noting your's [and others unmamed] proclivity for assuming the worst and taking statements out of context, I have repeatedly advised Gratz to refrain from even using any legalisms in his missives, as it seems to upset you girls no end !!

Never-the-less, I found his "treatise??" on Blakey & R.I.C.O. quite instructive,

not threatening. Grow up and get back to your usual well researched offerings on this forum.

You don't like Gratz -- well tough titty !! Get a life. You don't like him because he is a bible-thumper?? I am a diehard atheist, and served in several revolutionary activities, but I have opted to not adopt either right-wing nor left-wing "theologies". After laughing our asses off in Havana, with reference to self styled "left-wing/socialist/marxist" tourists who arrived in floods during early 1959, we chose to avoid these puffed-up fools -- and get on with our business [removing Somoza, Trujillo, Duvalier, et al.].

I have a tremendous dislike for dogmatic "evangelicals" of both the left and the right -- none have ever provided genuine support when it really mattered. "Che" found that out the hard way !!

As to K.G.B./G.R.U. -- go tho their extant websites, you might discover that quited a bit is overtly commented upon these days. Remember also, that I had access to more than just a few "Intel Insiders" over the years, and even 40 years ago they were quited casual in making these very same references at that time -- as they considered that to be quite routine, of no great consequence; and just the way that this business was done. [Mitrohkin does contain some tidbits of accuracy]

We gave Keating minor tidbits, because our sources demanded that nothing be exposed to the moles infesting "Camelot" at that time. Our RFK liaison did quietly make mention of "tidbits", but was rebuffed while staying at "Hickory Hill". Senator Smathers [Democrat] tried also, and witnessed a dinner plate being smashed at the Palm Beach Compound. We were left with DEMOCRATIC Governor Ferris Bryant, because we discovered that most of our Republican contacts were scared xxxxless assholes, and were of the same stripe as Generals Lemay & Powers, who wanted to start World War III or IV !! [Gov. Bryant's Air Nat'l Guard Adjutant General (2 Star General) came back to the Mansion in Tallahassee from DC, practically in tears, while briefing Gov. Bryant that the Pentagon & SAC were planning to "wait-it-out" !!

Ron Lippert got busted at Jose Marti Int'l, never uncovered one clue, and I would like to see any cites to authority on any of his "Intel" submissions.

CIA later attempted to claim our David Cabezas and Rumbaugh as their own, but were laughed out of town. Lippert "heard" some comments as to the S.A.M. AAA site equipment rumored to have arrived at Casilda [near Trinidad], but he even missed out on the broad daylight reports of SAM missiles banging against houses as they turned the corners of the extremely narrow streets of Trinidad enroute to Cienfuegos. So how the hell does he predate our firm June & July '62 confirmations?? [bTW, the warheads came in first !!]

There were rumors running wild inside Cuba as I left during October 1960, and not just about "cohetes" [missiles] -- to the point that when I stopped for coffee at a bodega in Pinar del Rio, I was accused by a crowd of being a Russian. I quickly confessed to them that they were "correcto" ["Cierto"]; and that I had parked my submarine just down the highway.

Why did I wait 40 years ??!! Are you just stupid, or a wise-ass -- or BOTH??!!

DGI's death squads have murdered scores of exiles since 1963, and their squads remain active to this day inside the U.S. !! Why do you think that the hammer fell so heavy on the "Miami-5"??; because the court received Intel as to their nexus with real bad guys, not just a snitch who might have?? assisted in Basulto's "Brothers" aircraft shootdown.

More importantly, those with insider knowledge of events opted to remain alive and well with their families [both inside Cuba, and in exile locales] -- which I consider to be a very smart series of decisions. Have you ever been in harm's way, or am I dealing with yet another mouthy wannabe ??

I expect that you will continue to provide us with somewhat more intelligent data in the near term, and avoid these amatuerish polemics.




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I have filed a few dozen Civil R.I.C.O. lawsuits since the late 1970s.

[see: Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1961, et seq.]

How many were successful, Gerry?

Civil RICO has been used in child custody and divorce cases all over the U.S., and very successfully.  Moreover, under "Criminal R.I.C.O.", and expecially in the southern states such as Florida , Georgia, etc. -- entire judicial circuits have been adjudged to be "R.I.C.O. Enterprises" [along with individual prosecutor's offices, Public Defender's offices, etc. !!]

Then you will also know that without a demonstrable tort, such a case will not reach the discovery process, barring inept or activitist judicial intervention.  In the case you cite re: Christic, there was such a tort.  In the Gratz case to which you are responding here, just what, pray tell, has Gratz suffered?

What is behind all of this "Gratz Bashing" anyway??  Are folks supposed to adhere to some kind of "Party Line" on this forum??!!

Not at all, Gerry.  Read the posts; you'll see plenty of gentlemanly disagreement and polite dissent, invariably backed up with some kind of data.  Gratz spitballs content-free musings with great regularity, and much of the time treats the topics addressed here as a joke.  This doesn't ingratiate or endear, but is endured with measured hostility, by and large.  However, when Tim threatens lawsuits at the drop of a hat, all without the slightest basis, those of us who value this Forum take the matter personally and chastize him for making such vile but hollow threats.  Again, read the posts.   

I am the one with the documentation on the Soviet G.R.U./Cuban D.S.E./D.G.I. plot to assassinate JFK.  The very same G.R.U. that plotted to assassinate Khruschev during 1961 [but were dissuaded from same by K.G.B. Chief Vladimir Semichastny, who mandated that "...we will take care of him politically!!".

How does one know so much closely held information about the inner workings of an opponent's security agencies?  Presumably, you were involved?

The same G.R.U. which controlled the ICBM and other missile artillery regiments when they carried out "Operation Anadyr" [behind Khruschev's back] and moved the missiles and nuke warheads into Cuba during June, July, and August 1962.  My team received the first Intel on the missiles and we gave Senator Keating some tidbits, but were later forced to go to Florida Governor Ferris Bryant with same, and he then took action which forced JFK's hand during late September 1962. [see: Miami Herald, Aug. '62]

I suspect Canadian pilot Ron Lippert's observations were reported and on record prior to those of your own team, Gerry.  But then, his data was provided to the CIA for its legitimate use; not to Republicans for crass political use against the incumbent President.  Hence, it may be harder to obtain from CIA the dates on which Lippert provided them his observations than it is to get your volunteered admission to having been involved with just about everything, just about everywhere.

Gratz isn't about to discuss this matter in this forum because it is MY proprietary information, and will be going to a Federal grand jury in the near term.

Really?  Why did you wait forty plus years to mount this case, Gerry?  Just curious.

Chill out -- citizens and comrades,

It is not we who threaten to shut down this forum, Gerry.  If anyone should "chill out," it is your night-clerk/bookkeeper-in-arms.  Shorten his leash, Gerry, and we'll all be happier.



The first few that I filed ["Notices of Intent"] were against the Drug Cartel's stateside money launderers and distributors. When it turned out that some had been "doubled" and were acting as informants for the FBI/DEA Drug Interdiction Task Force [later renamed the Vice/Prez D/Interdiction TF]; I was pursuaded to relent and join the task force, which I did for almost 4 years.

Others filed [and 100% "settled" successfully] were on behalf of convicts in the prisons of several states -- and wherein local authorities were attempting to use the forfeiture statutes against their family homes, vehicles, etc. !!

More than once, it also resulted in the quick paroling [or release to custody-at-large supervision] of the plaintiffs. I routinely filed as "Next Friend", and changed the laws [RE: Post-Conviction Relief] in several States. As you are nodoubt aware, I am refering to Stare decisis, not the nullification of a statute or rule; as that must be accomplished by a legislated body enacting an amendment or repeal of same -- until then, statutes adjudged unconstitional "vel non" remain on the books for years and years.

There was no "Cause of Action/Case or Controversy" [Tort?] in the Christic matter, that is why they lost and paid a heavy fine !!

You nag repeatedly as to "...read the posts !!" -- I have diligently read the posts, and I have yet to find Gratz "threatening" the forum. However, after noting your's [and others unmamed] proclivity for assuming the worst and taking statements out of context, I have repeatedly advised Gratz to refrain from even using any legalisms in his missives, as it seems to upset you girls no end !!

Never-the-less, I found his "treatise??" on Blakey & R.I.C.O. quite instructive,

not threatening. Grow up and get back to your usual well researched offerings on this forum.

You don't like Gratz -- well tough titty !! Get a life. You don't like him because he is a bible-thumper?? I am a diehard atheist, and served in several revolutionary activities, but I have opted to not adopt either right-wing nor left-wing "theologies". After laughing our asses off in Havana, with reference to self styled "left-wing/socialist/marxist" tourists who arrived in floods during early 1959, we chose to avoid these puffed-up fools -- and get on with our business [removing Somoza, Trujillo, Duvalier, et al.].

I have a tremendous dislike for dogmatic "evangelicals" of both the left and the right -- none have ever provided genuine support when it really mattered. "Che" found that out the hard way !!

As to K.G.B./G.R.U. -- go tho their extant websites, you might discover that quited a bit is overtly commented upon these days. Remember also, that I had access to more than just a few "Intel Insiders" over the years, and even 40 years ago they were quited casual in making these very same references at that time -- as they considered that to be quite routine, of no great consequence; and just the way that this business was done. [Mitrohkin does contain some tidbits of accuracy]

We gave Keating minor tidbits, because our sources demanded that nothing be exposed to the moles infesting "Camelot" at that time. Our RFK liaison did quietly make mention of "tidbits", but was rebuffed while staying at "Hickory Hill". Senator Smathers [Democrat] tried also, and witnessed a dinner plate being smashed at the Palm Beach Compound. We were left with DEMOCRATIC Governor Ferris Bryant, because we discovered that most of our Republican contacts were scared xxxxless assholes, and were of the same stripe as Generals Lemay & Powers, who wanted to start World War III or IV !! [Gov. Bryant's Air Nat'l Guard Adjutant General (2 Star General) came back to the Mansion in Tallahassee from DC, practically in tears, while briefing Gov. Bryant that the Pentagon & SAC were planning to "wait-it-out" !!

Ron Lippert got busted at Jose Marti Int'l, never uncovered one clue, and I would like to see any cites to authority on any of his "Intel" submissions.

CIA later attempted to claim our David Cabezas and Rumbaugh as their own, but were laughed out of town. Lippert "heard" some comments as to the S.A.M. AAA site equipment rumored to have arrived at Casilda [near Trinidad], but he even missed out on the broad daylight reports of SAM missiles banging against houses as they turned the corners of the extremely narrow streets of Trinidad enroute to Cienfuegos. So how the hell does he predate our firm June & July '62 confirmations?? [bTW, the warheads came in first !!]

There were rumors running wild inside Cuba as I left during October 1960, and not just about "cohetes" [missiles] -- to the point that when I stopped for coffee at a bodega in Pinar del Rio, I was accused by a crowd of being a Russian. I quickly confessed to them that they were "correcto" ["Cierto"]; and that I had parked my submarine just down the highway.

Why did I wait 40 years ??!! Are you just stupid, or a wise-ass -- or BOTH??!!

DGI's death squads have murdered scores of exiles since 1963, and their squads remain active to this day inside the U.S. !! Why do you think that the hammer fell so heavy on the "Miami-5"??; because the court received Intel as to their nexus with real bad guys, not just a snitch who might have?? assisted in Basulto's "Brothers" aircraft shootdown.

More importantly, those with insider knowledge of events opted to remain alive and well with their families [both inside Cuba, and in exile locales] -- which I consider to be a very smart series of decisions. Have you ever been in harm's way, or am I dealing with yet another mouthy wannabe ??

I expect that you will continue to provide us with somewhat more intelligent data in the near term, and avoid these amatuerish polemics.




Now I've heard it all!!!

GPH calling others wanna-be's!!!

Death squads stalking him, keeping him quiet for forty years! Stop it, your killing me! You are a legend in your own mind and have been for forty plus years! What a valuable resource you have been to our government in your wanna-be state of mind!

The WWF should create a wanna-be dream match between GPH and James Files. They could dance around the ring with Files spouting how big he was in the mafia and how the government used him while GPH could spout how big he was with the CIA and how he was utilized in the anti-Castro operation and in SE Asia. We could have Gratz, Dankbarr and the Key West Whako at ringside interpreting their bull****! Every simple mind that followed their story would pay to watch and purchase a video. It would be a trailer trash record!!!


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Al, while I have no idea where the truth ends and Gerry's stories begin, enough records and information have been derived from the government files to indicate Gerry was indisputably a SOF who had contact with Castro, Sturgis, Hall, etc. I believe there's also evidence he was an FBI informant somewhere along the line. So the man is no "wanna-be." He could very well be prone to exaggeration and story-telling, but to compare him to Files is unfair.

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Having had rather extensive conversations with Gerry, I can also state my opinion that he has an incredible intellect and memory. His intellect compares very favorably with the sharpest attorneys I had encountered.

How many people in the assassination research community were even aware that Pfeiffer had filed a FOIA suit to obtain access to the history he had prepared for the CIA? But Gerry knew.

He has also provided details about the Fitzgerald trip to Paris to see Cubela that are not in the public.

I think his disclosure of the identity of the Mexixo City mystery man is most important. And I think it significant that Sague's nickname was Saul, the same name attributed to the MCMM by McDonald.

And Gerry has been most gracious in providing extensive interviews and assistance to authors such as Twyman and Mellen, without requesting any compensation whatsoever.

In my opinion, he deserves better treatment. The Forum is fortunate to have his participation, especially in view of his health problems.

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The WWF should create a wanna-be dream match between GPH and James Files. They could dance around the ring with Files spouting how big he was in the mafia and how the government used him while GPH could spout how big he was with the CIA and how he was utilized in the anti-Castro operation and in SE Asia. We could have Gratz, Dankbarr and the Key West Whako at ringside interpreting their bull****! Every simple mind that followed their story would pay to watch and purchase a video. It would be a trailer trash record!!!

As Pat says, this is harsh, but it did make me laugh out aloud. Unlike Files, Gerry does indeed know a lot, but like Hunt, I expect him to take this information to the grave. I believe that Gerry has said in the past that he would never say anything that would betray his former comrades. That's unfortunate for people who want to discover who was responsible for JFK's death, but loyalty is an admirable trait in someone. Files is a different case but I just love that image created by Al of them dancing around the ring together (maybe with Tim and Wim in their corners drippling with anticipation of a knock-out and a big pay day).

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Al, while I have no idea where the truth ends and Gerry's stories begin, enough records and information have been derived from the government files to indicate Gerry was indisputably a SOF who had contact with Castro, Sturgis, Hall, etc.  I believe there's also evidence he was an FBI informant somewhere along the line.  So the man is no "wanna-be." He could very well be prone to exaggeration and story-telling, but to compare him to Files is unfair.

Pat, I agree and disagree with you at the same time. That is where the problem is with researchers in puting the likes of Hemming anf Files into proper perspective.

I have no doubt that Files worked for Nicolletti. But working for a low life mobster does not make him a qualified assassin that persons in control would trust or even consider utilizing. He was a street thug who operated in illegal criminal activities through the mob. Nothing more.

Hemming being considered important because he was SOF is laughable. Soldiers of Fortune are a dime a dozen and the reason they are soldiers of fortune is because they are not valuable enough to cut it through the military. They are wanna-be's. SOF is very different from Mercenaries. The latter is paid well because they have a background to show their value. SOF is those who want to be involved and have just enough background to spout out what they can do but never come through. The whole Cuban operation that utilized the likes of Sturgis and Hall is a classic example of how the operation was a joke from the start! They never achieved their goals and only bled off the government accounts, much as we saw in Central America in the '80's. Their were those within the military that could have achieved success, if that is what the true goal was, but we can now see how it was nothing but a sham. As far as the issue of FBI Informant, their are homeless defecating in their pants on streetcorners who are paid for observations by the feds. That does not make them important. In the case of GPH, he would have been termed a stooly due to his contacts with derelicts who were trying to disrupt intel ops inadvertantly.


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John, how many times did you read that I mentioned the RICO action only to show how it would be possible to legally disrupt the Forum, to prove that that was indeed not my intention. Heck, you wrote you thought I was "addicted" to it. Makes no sense to think I would try to "shut it down". Gerry read the numerous times that I said I was NOT threatening a RICO suit against the Forum or you. But I do not think residence or citizenship in a foreign country exempts one from the RICO laws.

It's funny, it seems the posts on the Forum are either very insightful and educational and indicative of deep thought or so silly and shallow as to be laughable.

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John, how many times did you read that I mentioned the RICO action only to show how it would be possible to legally disrupt the Forum, to prove that that was indeed not my intention.  Heck, you wrote you thought I was "addicted" to it.  Makes no sense to think I would try to "shut it down".  Gerry read the numerous times that I said I was NOT threatening a RICO suit against the Forum or you.  But I do not think residence or citizenship in a foreign country exempts one from the RICO laws.

Are you saying that you did not threaten me with this during the Shanet dispute? Do you want me to quote you on this? It is true that you said at the time of mentioning the RICO suit that you did not mean it as a threat. However, what other reason did you have for telling me how you could use a RICO suit to get hold of my financial assets.

You say "I do not think residence or citizenship in a foreign country exempts one from the RICO laws". You are either a xxxx or someone who knows nothing about the law. I can assure you that a RICO suit has no legal power in the UK. You might be able to send troops into other countries, but US laws do not apply to countries in Europe.

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John I don't think you understand the laws.

Did not Roman Polanski just successfully sue "Vanity Fair", an American publication, in England?

I can assure you if an English citizen violates the laws of the United States within this country he is subject to the laws of America. Thus, for example, the Guardian, which is distributed in the US, would be subject to libel laws in the US. The fact that many of your members are American demonstrates that the Forum reaches into the United States.

I suspect English laws do not give Americans a "free pass" to violate the laws of your country either. That is the way it should be, of course. A person who transacts business within a country is subject to the laws of that country.

The Forum presumably generates income from the United States, for instance, when an American member clicks on Amazon, an American company, and purchases a book displayed on the Forum. If you really think that business presence does not subject you to the laws of the United States, you have another "think" coming, John.

As they say, it does not take a rocket scientist or a law professor to understand that concept.

Would you agree, John, that long before the Shanet matter arose I had privately cautioned you to be careful about running afoul of the libel laws, and that caution was clearly made out of concern for the Forum?

But yes I was extremely upset that you allowed Shanet to publish a baseless charge against me without asking him to substantiate it. Forget about the libel laws, even common courtesy should have compelled you to first investigate the charge he later admitted he manufactured. But let us not rehash old wounds, aye?

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Al, while I have no idea where the truth ends and Gerry's stories begin, enough records and information have been derived from the government files to indicate Gerry was indisputably a SOF who had contact with Castro, Sturgis, Hall, etc.  I believe there's also evidence he was an FBI informant somewhere along the line.  So the man is no "wanna-be." He could very well be prone to exaggeration and story-telling, but to compare him to Files is unfair.


And here I was, partially convinced that "Miss Congeniality" had given up self-abuse in the shower ??!! -- It just leaves me emotionally drained. A "Rasslin'"

fan ??!! Do those big bruisers in their oily muscled bodies turn you on ??

After the Bay of Pigs, it was not a healthy move to claim ANY affiliation with the hated CIA, especially amongst the Miami Cubans. After 1967 [Garrison follies, Ramparts Nat'l Student Assoc., etc.], it wasn't wise to even mention knowledge of "The Company" anywhere in the USA. Dick Russell's use of the term "Agent" in the Argosy article was NOT well received by me, despite the fact that an "agent" is an informant reporting to a CIA Case "Officer".

"Informant" for the FBI ??!! The only time that S/As Bob Dwyer and Jim O'Conner could get a decent meal was to set up a phony "meet" with me, because,as they reported back repeatedly to the MIA/FO S.A.C. "...Hemming won't speak with us unless it is at Toby's restaurant [sW 12th Ave. & 1st St.]

and it MUST be a steak dinner (for all).."

The only info that JM/WAVE got on me [NOT from me], was via the Castro DGI agents they employed as spotters and snitches against ALL of the exile raider groups.

After Howard Davis had arranged for cash and thousands of dollars worth of maritime equipment, arms & munitions, radios, etc. from Texas & Maryland

financiers, Tony Cuesta veto'd Ramon Fonts OK for both of our persons on the "Baku" sinking operation !! Why? Because Tony swore that a "CIA buddy" had tipped him that "Davy" was a "Company Man", and that only I could go.

Font got between our fistfight, and that is how Andy St. George & our Tom Dunkin made the trip [with a little cash from Billings at LIFE naturally].

The same occurred with "Bayo" [who had broken with Tony after the "Baku Op"],

when -- after we had gotten heavy financing for a Haitian Op, Martino, Sturgis, et al. coopted our funding from Baltimore, and ultimately brought in Pawley on the deal, which was switched to a phony Sov/extraction Op. More wasted money,

and more interference from the "Company Pogues" !!

"Bayo's" coxwain [Cantin] left a large family behind, and they came to me in July '63 wanting to know why I was alive and their father/husband/uncle/cousin was MIA ??!! I took them straight to Bill Pawley's office in the Ingraham Bldg. and explained that one of our lawyers would soon be in touch. Against my verbal protestations, he handed the boys a wad of $100 bills. I remained behind after they left, and told Bill that it was a big mistake to give out the cash, as they were going to sue LIFE, Billings, and him for a bundle.

All parties later settled out of court and the family was awarded a large sum.

My extended family joins with "Miss Congeniality" in the infliction of abuse upon moi -- as they are furious with me for even uttering a word on these matters, despite that many years have passed in the aftermath of Kazak Jew Weberman's spurious foibles. When they learned of my giving an interview to a Canadian writer [Cigar Afficianado & Oliver Stone confidant] at a Ft. Lauderdale MacDonald's !! [vice the near Out-Back Steakhouse]; they have since defamed me as the "Kiddy-Meal Commando". "....What did he pay you Dad?...a Kiddy-Meal with extra fries !!

Can't win for losing. If anybody has a serious query, let me know down the road sometime.



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