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Ramparts Magazine and the JFK Assassination

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Ramparts Magazine was published between 1962-1975. It was funded by a devout Catholic and was initially a monthly Church-and-secular-affairs magazine. Warren Hinckle was its talented editor. At the time he held right-wing political opinions but was opposed to the Vietnam War and gradually moved to the left. Ramparts was one of the few journals to fully investigate the JFK assassination. Hinckle employed William Turner as one of his main journalists. Turner’s Jesuit education had caused him to rebel against J. Edgar Hoover and he became one of the key figures in exposing FBI dirty tricks campaigns. Hinckle commissioned Turner to write an article on the Warren Commission. This led to some full-scale research into the CIA and the Anti-Castro Cuban community. Hinckle also published some important research carried out by the great Penn Jones.

Ramparts was also the first journal to discover aspects of Operation Mockingbird. As a result the magazine was targeted by the CIA and this eventually led to its demise.

I am currently reading Hinckle’s amazing "If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade”. I will be posting some extracts from this book on this thread. You can read some of Ramparts’s articles here:


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Here is an extract from Warren Hinckle's book, If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade, about Jim Garrison:

My last communication with Garrison was on November 5, 1968. It was not untypical. I was interrupted in midexplanation to an unhappy investor (Keating's stormy departure had not helped the money-raising situation). The investor was turning a tinge yellow at my suggestion that the only way to insure the return of the $20,000 he had previously loaned Ramparts was to cover his bet with an additional $50,000. The interruption was an emergency long-distance telephone call from New Orleans. The caller was in no mood to inquire about the weather. "This is urgent," Jim Garrison said. "Can you take this in your mailroom? They'd never think to tap the mailroom extension."

I excused myself to go to the mailroom for a moment on a matter of high priority and left the investor, sputtering like a referee without a whistle, alone with the latest negative balance sheets. In the mailroom, two bearded Berkeleyite mail boys were running the postage machine under the influence of marijuana. I told them to take a walk around the block and get high on company time, and locked the door behind them.

Garrison began talking when I picked up the mailroom extension: "This is risky, but I have little choice. It is imperative that I get this information to you now. Important new evidence has surfaced. Those Texas oilmen do not appear to be involved in President Kennedy's murder in the way we first thought. It was the Military-Industrial Complex that put up the money for the assassination - but as far as we can tell, the conspiracy was limited to the aerospace wing. I've got the names of three companies and their employees who were involved in setting up the President's murder. Do you have a pencil?"

I wrote down the names of the three defense contractors - Garrison identified them as Lockheed, Boeing, and General Dynamics - and the names of those executives in their employ whom the District Attorney said had been instrumental in the murder of Jack Kennedy. I also logged a good deal of information about a mysterious minister who was supposed to have crossed the border into Mexico with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the assassination; the man wasn't a minister at all, Garrison said, but an executive with a major defense supplier, in clerical disguise. I knew little about ministers crossing the Rio Grande with Oswald - but after several years of fielding the dizzying details of the Kennedy assassination, I had learned to leave closed Pandora's boxes lie; I didn't ask.

I said that I had everything down, and Garrison said a hurried good-bye: "It's poor security procedure to use the phone, but the situation warrants the risk. Get this information to Bill Turner. He'll know what to do about the minister. I wanted you to have this, in case something happens... "

I unlocked the mailroom door, and returned to my office. The investor was gone.

I typed up a brief memorandum of the facts as Garrison had relayed them and burned my notes in an oversized ashtray I used for such purposes. I Xeroxed one copy of the memo, which I mailed to myself in care of a post office box in the name of Walter Snelling, a friendly, non-political bartender in the far-removed country town of Cotati, California, where I routinely sent copies of all supersecret Ramparts documents. That night I hand delivered the original to Bill Turner, the former FBI agent in charge of the magazine's investigation of the Warren Commission. Turner had drilled me in a little G-Man security lingo. According to our code, I called him at home and said something about a new vacuum cleaner. He replied that he'd be right over, and said he would meet me at the bar at Trader Vic's, which meant that I was to actually meet him at Blanco's, a dimly lit Filipino bar on the fringe of Chinatown, where we often held secret meetings. That was the way we did things in those days.

"Those days" encompassed several years of sniffing, as Sam Goldwyn might say, along the greenhorn trail of red herrings in the 26 volumes of the Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. We began asking rude questions in 1965, and by 1968, with paranoia in full bloom, we had divided almost everyone, by some sort of conspiracy litmus test, into "them" and "us." Even "us" was subdivided into good guys, not-so-good-guys, dangerous fanatics and fifth columnists. We ended up seeing "them" lurking behind every potted plant rented by the CIA; and, occasionally, we found a real spook in the shadows.

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Here is an extract from Warren Hinckle's book, If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade, about Jim Garrison:

I hope you post more from this particular story....

since we many of us have been thinking Tx. and oil for a long time now.

(Of course I have always thought Garrison was onto it from the start).


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John, one thing that I found fascinating was William Turner's reports on how he came into possession of the manuscript "Farewell America". I have seen a lengthy piece he once wrote on it.

Can't remember if there is a thread on "Farewell America" but if not it might be worth starting one. It is an intereresting story. As I am sure you and most readers know, it is believed "Farewell America" was written by a member of French intelligence.

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Fascinating stuff, John. I hope there's more to come. I would like to know who those executives mentioned by Garrison were. The theory that it was the work of the Aerospace wing of the MIC may be closer to the mark than we think.

In Robert Dallek's "JFK-an unfinished life", the author points out that JFK appointed LBJ to be Chairman of the National Space Council (being a canny politician, he probably did this so LBJ would take the fall if there was a major mishap in any of the flights). LBJ worked closely with James Webb, the boss of NASA. Complaints from lobbyists and congressmen from Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania that LBJ was awarding all the contracts to his friends in Texas and California soon followed. JFK responded by appointing Richard Callaghan as aide to Webb in order to ascertain LBJ's "influence on the Space Agency". What I'm suggesting is that if those defence contractors had a hand in planning the assassination, then LBJ would be the first to know. And I believe he knew.

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John, one thing that I found fascinating was William Turner's reports on how he came into possession of the manuscript "Farewell America".  I have seen a lengthy piece he once wrote on it.

Can't remember if there is a thread on "Farewell America" but if not it might be worth starting one.  It is an intereresting story.  As I am sure you and most readers know, it is believed "Farewell America" was written by a member of French intelligence.

I will start a thread on this later today. Warren Hinckle writes about it in great detail. French intelligence were behind the book. The important question concerns who French Intelligence were working for. Hinckle believes it could have been the CIA. The other possibility is the Kennedy family. More later.

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Here is an extract from Warren Hinckle's book, If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade, about Jim Garrison:

Garrison began talking when I picked up the mailroom extension: "This is risky, but I have little choice. It is imperative that I get this information to you now. Important new evidence has surfaced. Those Texas oilmen do not appear to be involved in President Kennedy's murder in the way we first thought. It was the Military-Industrial Complex that put up the money for the assassination - but as far as we can tell, the conspiracy was limited to the aerospace wing. I've got the names of three companies and their employees who were involved in setting up the President's murder. Do you have a pencil?"

I wrote down the names of the three defense contractors - Garrison identified them as Lockheed, Boeing, and General Dynamics - and the names of those executives in their employ whom the District Attorney said had been instrumental in the murder of Jack Kennedy.

References to General Dynamics is very interesting. In 1963 Senator John Williams of Delaware began investigating the activities of Bobby Baker. As a result of his work, Baker resigned as the secretary to Lyndon B. Johnson on 9th October, 1963. During his investigations Williams met Don Reynolds and persuaded him to appear before a secret session of the Senate Rules Committee.

Reynolds told B. Everett Jordan and his committee on 22nd November, 1963, that Johnson had demanded that he provided kickbacks in return for him agreeing to this life insurance policy. This included a $585 Magnavox stereo. Reynolds was also told by Walter Jenkins that he had to pay for $1,200 worth of advertising on KTBC, Johnson's television station in Austin. Reynolds had paperwork for this transaction including a delivery note that indicated the stereo had been sent to the home of Johnson.

Reynolds also told of seeing a suitcase full of money which Bobby Baker described as a "$100,000 payoff to Johnson for his role in securing the Fort Worth TFX contract". His testimony came to an end when news arrived that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated.


This TFX contract had gone to General Dynamics. The order had been placed by Fred Korth, JFK's Navy Secretary. According to author Seth Kantor, Korth only got the job after strong lobbying from LBJ. Korth was forced to resign on 1st November, 1963. LBJ would have followed if JFK had not been killed in Dallas. We also now know that it had been Robert Kennedy who had been leaking this information to John Williams.


After LBJ gained power Williams was one of his first targets. He was blackmailed and eventually was forced to resign in 1970.

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I don't remember where I read it but I believe I've read that, shortly before he was killed, Robert Kennedy was investigating LBJ's ties to Jack Halfen and Carlos Marcello. If memory serves this story was first brought to his attention by a Ramparts article. Do Hinkle or Turner refer to such an article in their books?

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I don't remember where I read it but I believe I've read that, shortly before he was killed, Robert Kennedy was investigating LBJ's ties to Jack Halfen and Carlos Marcello.  If memory serves this story was first brought to his attention by a Ramparts article.  Do Hinkle or Turner refer to such an article in their books?

I will check this. I have just received William Turner's book on Robert Kennedy. Take a look at this passage from Hinckle's book. It refers to the Kennedy family and the assassination. It is an interesting story:


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  • 6 years later...
John, one thing that I found fascinating was William Turner's reports on how he came into possession of the manuscript "Farewell America".  I have seen a lengthy piece he once wrote on it.

Can't remember if there is a thread on "Farewell America" but if not it might be worth starting one.  It is an intereresting story.  As I am sure you and most readers know, it is believed "Farewell America" was written by a member of French intelligence.

I will start a thread on this later today. Warren Hinckle writes about it in great detail. French intelligence were behind the book. The important question concerns who French Intelligence were working for. Hinckle believes it could have been the CIA. The other possibility is the Kennedy family. More later.

French intelligence were behind the book. The important question concerns who French Intelligence were working for. Hinckle believes it could have been the CIA. The other possibility is the Kennedy family. More later.

Why the French? What? If anything, did the French have to do with Kennedy's assassination?

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Scott, JFK and DeGaulle are similar issues in several ways.

French Intelligence were the ones that chased down the DeGaulle hit and essentially ran PERMINDEX out of Europe. As DeGaulle complaigned to various counties, the PERMINDEX game was over in Europe. Seems like BCI went down shortly afterwards with the Zionist's Intelligence tied to the Mossad.

Motives: DeGaulle "Bailed Out" on the Israel nuke bomb efforts (The Dimona Reactor) because they would not declair to IAEA, and DeGaulle freed Algeria. DeGaulle was not playing ball with the big Internationalist's visions to stomp out Socialism, as in Algeria. DeGaulle was too much like JFK and DeGualle was playing JFK's game.

Lets not forget the guy from Tunis, Carlos Marcello, came from the country right next door to Algeria, that went Socialist. Marcello lied about his country of origin, so JFK and company tossed him out in the equitraial jungle to get rid of him. Unfortunately, he snuck back into the US. Ferrie worked with Marcello, plus the CIA gang.

Just like in the US, there are the light and the dark side players. The left over effects from some of the French issues of the Protocals basic origin---Rothschilds banking buddy Oligarchy. All those concepts were first outed in France. Then recast and used to stir up things in Russia.

PERMINDEX was Not Dead in the US however. They were blasted out of Europe and Rome, but Nagy ends up in Dallas, and his ole Buddy George Mandello ended up in New Orleans later. They are still marketing their talents as they did on DeGaulle. Nagy eventually goes to Rockefeller, the same guy that helped start JBS. And PERMINDEX slowly disappears and morphs into other new names.

There is some of these other LBJ dirty dealing factors involved, like Johnson was the one behind the NASA efforts, and knew about the NAZI's at Ft. Bliss, TEXAS. These NAZI's essentially became the "Red Stone Arsenal" rocket program at Huntsville, Alabama and shortly after that they became the main scientists behind the NASA space program. Huntville was protected by DISC and Bloomfield. LBJ became the appointed one by LBJ to usher in NASA, as it all started in TEXAS and at Ft. Bliss.

Johnson likely knew all the dirt on the White Sands tests that Curtis LeMay had been hiding at Wright-Patterson, OH and that JFK letter of November 12, 1963 seeking all the stories on the UFO issues, meaning mostly the Roswell, NM cover up was a huge issue. Roswell was home to the Goddard rocket program and Ft. Bliss is just South of White Sands Testing Range where all the Goddard and NAZI rocket testing occured, as well as the first Atomic Bomb test.

That JFK asked that question was a huge issue for the CIA cover up experts on the NAZI issues, for Curtis Lemay trying to cover it all up for the Air Force, and for LBJ and his NAZI buddies from Ft. Bliss Texas. JFK could have used the information like a nuclear bomb, if he so desired. There are war crime over up issues associated with White Sands testing. JFK could have had people hung with revelations of that information.

Add that onto the contract rigging and you'll get to the bottom of things. LBJ was likely leveraging the JFK seeking info on the UFO cover ups as a reason to drag in Dorburger/Bell Aerospace Systems (rocket motors) and the NAZI elements, DISC, PERMINDEX, et al. Add in HL Hunt was also a big NAZI sympathizer, and Gen. Walker was tight with the Gahlen Spy network and one finds all kinds of dirt. Those that knew ultimately about a lot of war crimes tied to nuclear experiments at White Sands, with NAZIs, the Air Force, Defense Contractor interestes, et al.

Martin, later merged Lockheed was building ICBMs in Colorado, and they came to take over the Oak Ridge and other nuclear works after the messy mining company called Union Carbide bailed out. Oak Ridge made lots of the ICBM parts for missles, not only the actual missile parts (MRV nesting assemblies, structural supports, and Nosecones), but the nuclear warhead parts too. Incidentally, Union Carbide was the one behind Bopol, India and making tons of nuclear plant workers very sick from poor controls to toxic exposures in the US.


Martin aerospace, later Lockheed aerospace rocket group was run from Colorado, as was Union Carbide. Lockheed's missle group is responsible for polluting the Colorado River with dangerous PerChlorate missile fuels that affects water quality clear to California.

Lockheed Skunk Works of California were the ones behind the creation of Area 51, a designation of the map of the USAEC NTS property in Nevada. Their super security now hides the Roswell/NAZI data from White Sands.

I'd say Garrison got very very close.


Perhaps the most interesting issue on why Nagy might have been working PERMINDEX into the Rockefeller interests links to Human Experimental Testing begun in the early 1900s. Turns out that the Rockefeller industrial interests were keen to learn what low level toxics did to people in the food chain. So, they find an isolated Equitrial Tribe disconnected from civilization to try things on. This whole region was upset with gold mining and mercury pollution at the time, and they didn't stop there. After they screwed them up significatly, they move them up to the Panama Canal Zone, and do some more tests.


This site gives a hint:



In America, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.


Other books like "Darkness in El Dorado" carry a few more hints.

And some Human Experiments meetings in Albuquiqe, NM under the O'leary adminstration had an eyewitness present some more information.

A number of the White Sands testing people saw little Brown Skin people stuffed in cages a whole lot closer to the explosion than they were.


I think the bottom line for defense contrators beyond just the three Garrison seemed to have spotted was that all of them universally were against JFK's Peace plans.

Oak Ridge hated JFK over cut backs and Peace efforts, and there was more hate for JFK in Oak Ridge, under Union Carbide, than that in Dallas. If there was a top military contractor that wanted JFK killed it was Oak Ridge's. They liked the defense work and it was part nuclear bombs and via "work for others" lots of things like missle parts for ICBM's, etc. Oak Ridge had CIA connections directly for counter proliferation, and a Y-12 person that went to High School With Jack Ruby that is tied with having JFK killed.

Defense Industries work on one theme, an extremely strong defence in place at all times, even if they have to fabricate wars, to keep the defense industries funded. Their other mantra is to always take the wars to their turf, even if they have to make up things to keep them busy on foreign territory.

There is never any such thing as Peace to be tolerated in the Defense Industry mindset of the US and the Pentagon. If Peace gets close, they'll find a war to make a war somewhere. That is the central mantra for the Mil / Ind Network. The idea is to keep several shipyards working for defense issues, subs and surface ships. Keep up the high tech weapons developments funding for remote wars.

JFK didn't like wars, or the Mil / Ind Networks games to keep US Defense strong, but LBJ would underwrite almost every game to feed the defense industry, especially those in Texas.

JFK wanted the Peave Dividends and the corrupt Defense and Banking groups wanted the US deep in debt and used and abused.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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It would be good for a thread to crank up on the issues of Garrison's finding Defence Contractor issues linked to LBJ, as further reason LBJ was in deep trouble.

But also keep in mind that the JBS types plan was to toss out all the alternative leads they could to keep the heat off their rears. They had a number of games planned to point the fingers at others, if anyone got too close to them in the Dallas JBS. LHO was the first line of diversion, the Patsy, but if that failed there were other levels to toss the hounds off their trail. The reason they recruited so many Jewish types into the plot was to take them down as a second lead for the hunds to follow, and perhaps the third was tossing out the Defense Contractor issues would keep the eyes off Dallas. Certainly, Oak Ridge defense contractors and DISC allied with CIA were involved with the JFK assassination

Oswald only worked for a short period, as there were too many holes in their scripted assassination.

As it built with Garrison, it not only scooped up LBJ and Hoover, but half the defense industry, aerospace rockets, and nuclear warheads. That would be enough negative impact to stop a serious Govt. investigation right in its tracks. As things like the Atomic Energy Act could be envoked.

All that because Garrison found the Dallas JSB gang and the PERMINDEX deals and even Bloomfield, which set off the other diversion tactics.

Keep in mind that Garrison was being played more strongly as he got real close to the main culprits, and NBC and Walter Sheridan were pulling lots of strings as Garrison would not be "paid off" to drop things. Walter Sheridan was the NBC Mockingbird crook that mislead RFK on the issue that Garrison had basically nailed all the Crooks following the initial Jack Martin lead from Banister. Walter Sheridan did lots of damage to Garrison. That the Mockingbirds were so intent on ruining Garrison is assurance he got the root of the problems exposed.

It is a natural thing for the US Mil / Ind Networks thinking to be violently against Peace. All the Defence Contractors depend on wars and believe in always keeping up an offence that can take on three wars at once. OF all the Defence Contractors, Oak Ridge was the most connected and powerful, and right in the middle of plotting to kill JFK.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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