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Frank Sturgis and Bill O'Reilly

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Around about 1975, Bill O'Reilly (current employee of Fox News) conducted an interview with Frank Sturgis; O'Reilly being with Miami's WFAA at the time.

Sturgis offered the opinion that the CIA planned the Watergate break-in because they felt Nixon was amassing considerable autonomous power and that he was overly interested in the JFK assassination with an eye to exposing it all.

BTW, Sturgis also passed the belief that Deep Throat was Robert Bennett.

That aside, does anyone know if a transcript of that interview still exists?



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Guest Matt Allison

Interesting information, James. Hopefully someone can locate a transcript.

Wonder whether O'Reilly's office would have it?


I emailed O'Reilly's office some time back. So far no reply.


IIRC, sometime after 'JFK' was released, O'Reilly also conducted an interview with Sylvia Odio.

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Around about 1975, Bill O'Reilly (current employee of Fox News) conducted an interview with Frank Sturgis; O'Reilly being with Miami's WFAA at the time.

Sturgis offered the opinion that the CIA planned the Watergate break-in because they felt Nixon was amassing considerable autonomous power and that he was overly interested in the JFK assassination with an eye to exposing it all.

BTW, Sturgis also passed the belief that Deep Throat was Robert Bennett.

That aside, does anyone know if a transcript of that interview still exists?



James, you have the station WRONG...because WFAA is in Dallas.


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Interesting information, James. Hopefully someone can locate a transcript.

Wonder whether O'Reilly's office would have it?


I emailed O'Reilly's office some time back. So far no reply.


IIRC, sometime after 'JFK' was released, O'Reilly also conducted an interview with Sylvia Odio.


During that same period, O'Reilly had permanent employment as a teacher at a school just blocks from my home in Opa-Locka, Florida. He was, Like Gratz, an "up-and-coming-stringer" dabbling in the news biz.

Later on, he assisted former FBI SAIC [Jacksonville, FL Filed Office] Athur Nehrbass in the "OUTING" of one Gerry Patrick Hemming [via FBI snitch & doubled DGI agent -- "The Right Honorable Blessed Reverend Espinoza"] as a Castro Agent !!

I had pissed off Nehrbass by commenting [to Bob Ford & John Cummings] and making references to the FBI's extant "Boy Scout" naivette' -- and especially as to my doubts about John Adrian O'hare's alleged "death" during the "Bell Mortgage Case" lawsuit against the CIA !!

JJA instigated a reward for Nehrbass' "insights" with a "promotion" to an empty desk at the new Miami FBI Field Office. Soon thereafter, he was hired by the Dade County Sheriff [Metro-Dade Pub/Safety Dept.] to a posting with their "Organized Crime Bureau" [O.C.B.].

There he ran afoul of some of the detectives whom I had worked with --- generating a competent team of folks who might develope sufficient international & off-shore banking expertise, necessary to set up money laundering "stings" against the drug cartels and their Miami minions.

Once again Nehrbass was "banished" -- and he quickly sought help from his CIA buddies. He was soon hired by Felix Rodriguez's childhood buddy Nick Navarro, who then ran the Broward County Sheriff's Dept. OCB.

NOTE: Nick Navarro, while then a "Siragusa Team" Federal Bureau of Narcotics Agent [1963]; was a party to the briefing at the MI/CIC covert-HQ for the JFK security detail at MIA on 11/18/1963.

Navarro later was elected as Sheriff of Broward County. Last I heard he operates in conjunction with a former Miami Herald reporter [one of JM/WAVE's Journ/cover agents - AM/CARBON-11]; and has luxurious office right next door in down town Fort Lauderdale, directly across the street from the "Sun-Sentinel" -- a CIA coopted entity made infamous by the antics of Sturgis and the Buchanan brothers.




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I did a search to try to find something on O'reilly and Sturgis and I didn't find anything, but this turned up:

But in 1963, Sturgis did report to the FBI that he had a "fistfight" with Lee Harvey Oswald. This report was the first link discovered between the JFK assassination and Watergate.

That ties in nicely with all the other references that connect the Kennedy assassination and Watergate.

I hope you all did not know about this reported fistfight because it's all news to me, and I do not want to bore you here.

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Since "Mat Wilson" has now become something of an institution on this forum, just who the hell is he? (If he's not Lynne Foster.) He can't even spell his first name right. He needs to plagiarize a "t" from somewhere and add it on.

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Around about 1975, Bill O'Reilly (current employee of Fox News) conducted an interview with Frank Sturgis; O'Reilly being with Miami's WFAA at the time.

Sturgis offered the opinion that the CIA planned the Watergate break-in because they felt Nixon was amassing considerable autonomous power and that he was overly interested in the JFK assassination with an eye to exposing it all.

BTW, Sturgis also passed the belief that Deep Throat was Robert Bennett.

That aside, does anyone know if a transcript of that interview still exists?



James, you have the station WRONG...because WFAA is in Dallas.



Well send this bloke to"Dance-with-Matilda" !!

That was WQAM. [You might recall "The Alan Courtney Show" (Dec. 1962) -- wherein LHO called in and I directed Davy to take the call ?!]

WQAM was later purchased by one of Mas Canosa's proprietaries, and which was coordinated by Bernardo de Torres and Ninotchka Perez.

Cheers Mate [and hugs to the Sheilas]



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Since "Mat Wilson" has now become something of an institution on this forum, just who the hell is he? (If he's not Lynne Foster.) He can't even spell his first name right. He needs to plagiarize a "t" from somewhere and add it on.

sorry Ron, you are going to have to wait for the anwer to that.

I did a search for you and mattwilson.com is under construction.

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I did a search for you and mattwilson.com is under construction.

I can't wait. (He sure found that "t" pretty fast!)

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Is it Mat Wilson, or is it Matt Wilson?


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Guest John Gillespie

I did a search for you and mattwilson.com is under construction.

I can't wait. (He sure found that "t" pretty fast!)

Now you have me confused.

Is it Mat Wilson, or is it Matt Wilson?

...or is it Lynne Fostter??

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I did a search for you and mattwilson.com is under construction.

I can't wait. (He sure found that "t" pretty fast!)

Now you have me confused.

Is it Mat Wilson, or is it Matt Wilson?

...or is it Lynne Fostter??

Can I have "an opinion of substance", please?

Who do you think is responsible for the Kennedy assassination?

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