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A question for Tim Gratz

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[quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Dec 15 2005, 03:46 PM' post='48904']

Why don't you post a good link that relates to the Kennedy assassination, so that people can at least examine relevant documents.

I think that would be more interesting than stalking Gatz.

Ya Thomas, only Ms Foster-Dulles is allowed to stalk people. Didn't ya know? :)

I am just amazed, no one responds to her threads so she just post and re-posts. I have this running

"ignore all posts" monologue now on several threads.

By the way Nathenial, thank you for the audio link "Taking AIm". (Interview with Joan Mellen).


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Guest Stephen Turner
Dawn, have you said anything about this link which pins the Kennedy assassination on Richard Nixon?

Try maintaining the spirit of this board, it's supposed to be about the Kennedy assassination.

Yeah iv'e got something to say about it, I tried clicking on it (God only knows why) and my Google pop-up blocker went crazy, I have no idea what lurks there, but please think twice before clicking on it...

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I'm beginning to think that Mr. Gratz has been dethroned as the person most likely to lead a thread off its original topic and onto one that has been beaten to death.

Hoover is dead.

Garrison is dead.

Nixon is dead.

And all we get is speculation that, since these folks all had connections to the Mafia, they did the dastardly deed on 11/22/1963.

Now, I believe that Nixon was connected to both Kennedy assassinations, the MLK assassination, and the Wallace shooting. BUT since I cannot PROVIDE IRONCLAD PROOF, what I believe is immaterial; therefore, I don't try to take over threads and send all the topics that direction.

Instead, I keep reading and researching, hoping to find that piece of irrefutable evidence that either proves or disproves my theory once and for all. After almost 35 years, I still haven't found it. Oh, I can build a circumstantial case, but I CAN'T [yet] WRAP THIS ONE UP.

The Hoover stuff falls into my theory; the Garrison stuff falls into it; the Mafia stuff falls into it. BUT to be so smug as to think that my BELIEFS prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt would be intellectual arrogance...thinking that I'm SO much smarter than ALL these other people who have even MORE time and money invested in the JFK [and other] assassination. I won't be guilty of that sin of ego.

And Mat/Matt Wilson? Puh-LEEEEEEEEZE! Besides the propensity of the Wilson sites to try to infect the computers of the unknowing [now THERE'S a good way to convince people that your theories are right!], they simply contain too much information that is not attributed, and therefore can't be subjected to FACT-CHECKING...and aren't we interested in the FACTS? [OK, most of us, anyway.]

So now we have the Gratzian "Castro-did-it" theory being challenged by the Foster-proposed "Hoover-Garrison-Nixon cabal" theory, for the championship match in the "who can sidetrack more threads" playoffs.

At least I never had to put Mr. Gratz on 'ignore" status.

And Gary, you are correct...it's been awhile since Ms. Foster has posted a NEW link. Most are reruns of previously-posted, virus-carrying and popup-encrusted links.

Edited by Mark Knight
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Mark Knight wrote:

At least I never had to put Mr. Gratz on 'ignore" status.

Now if that isn't a great example of "damning with faint praise", I never heard one!

All (well, almost all) kidding aside,

Lynne is probably 50% correct on Garrison.

0% on Nixon and Hoover.

And I am about 80% sure of those conclusions!

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Dawn, have you said anything about this link which pins the Kennedy assassination on Richard Nixon?

Try maintaining the spirit of this board, it's supposed to be about the Kennedy assassination.

Lynne, I think you have previously posted that link.

I do not know why Lynne-Mat is posting links for me to open. I have made it clear her posts are blocked to

by me. And her links messed up my computer badly once so why would I ever do this again? I have now counted 7 others who registered the same complaint. Ignore her folks and she will find an other

place to haunt.


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Mr. Gratz, I meant my comment to say that, no matter how annoying your posts may become, at least they weren't totally disruptive to the community here on the forum. Since Ms. Foster has arrived, she has become a center of attention--not her theories, not her conclusions, not her ideas, but Ms. Foster herself--due to the disruptive nature of her posts, and due to her inability to let facts interfere with what she believes.

Mr. Gratz, even YOU have proved to be responsive to FACTS, no matter how obstinantly you cling to the Fidel-did-it scenario. That, to me, shows SOME degree of intellectual honesty...a quality lacking in Ms. Foster's posts.

And Tim, none of YOUR links have ever infected my computer [to my knowledge, at least].

But I disagree with your percentages. Lynne is probably 50% right on Nixon, 60% on Hoover, and 40% on Garrison...in MY opinion.

And I'm 100% sure of what I think...subject to correction, of course, with FACTS and not just the blind assertions found on the infectious Wilson links.

But to Ms. Foster, it isn't about being right; it's about being in-your-face, and about being noticed...hence the repeat posts when her last post hasn't been answered, and the hijacking of legitimate threads that don't happen to mention Hoover, Nixon, or Garrison.

[And my comments about YOU, Mr. Gratz, are at LEAST as complimentary as the ones toward me that began with insults about my mental capacity...so please accept my 'faint praise,' for exactly what it is.]

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Ms. Foster has broken rules 4 and 6 on many occasions . My question is why is she still here? Three strikes and your out I say Ms. Foster, if we followed this rule, you would have been banned long ago.

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