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Zapruder alteration - possible?

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According to Doug Horne:

This is How the Z-film was altered:

Where: Hawkeye Works, Kodak HQ, Rochester, NY

When: Sunday, November 24, 1963

Why: To Blackout the real exit wound in the back of the head and paint on a large, false, 'exit' wound to the right front of the head.

How: With an aerial-image system.

Technical Aspects of Film Alteration - David Healy

(Thank you David, for this simple explanation;

it sounds so simple without Colby and Lameson blowing smoke)


Oxberry aerial-image system:


The Oxberry aerial-image animation stand. The projector at the base of the stand cast an aerial image into the same plane as the art-work, at the top of the table. Both the aerially-imaged color mster and the art work are then re-photographed by the camera above.

If, however, art-work - such as a painted image on a transparent animation cel - is laid on to the animation cel board in the plane of the aerially-imaged master positive, then it will be photoraphed simultaneously with the live-action scene, bouth components being equally well-defined. Since the paints on the animation cel are opaque, the drawings are 'self-matting', obscuring those portions of the aerial image which would otherwise be picked up by the camera lense. Since the cel is transparent in all other areas, the aerial image passes through it and is recorded on the camera.

Raymond Felding - Professor of Communications, University of Houston

- The technique of special effects cinematography -


Michael T. Griffith


[Editor's note: Michael T. Griffith is a two-time graduate of the Defense

Language Institute in Monterey, CA, and of the U.S. Air Force Technical

Training School in San Angelo, TX.

* Dr. Roderick Ryan believes he has discovered that the limousine is actually standing still in Z303 but is moving in Z302, even though the limousine appears to be moving at a nearly uniform speed in the film during this time. See Noel Twyman, BLOODY TREASON (Rancho Santa Fe, CA: Laurel Publishing, 1997, pp. 158-159, 164-165). Notes Twyman,

Experience tells us that the limousine could not have decelerated from 11

miles per hour to a complete stop in 1/18 second. (BLOODY TREASON, p. 165)

Dr. Ryan made this discovery by analyzing the blurring of background images in the two frames. Moreover, Dr. Ryan's son, who also works in motion picture film technology, studied the film and confirmed his father's discovery (BLOODY TREASON, p. 159).

In case some might be wondering about Dr. Ryan's background, he is a retired scientist from Kodak. He holds a Ph.D. from USC, majoring in cinema and communications. He worked for Kodak for 29 years. He spent his entire career in motion picture film technology. He is a recipient of the Scientific and Engineering Award from the Society of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He has authored numerous books on motion picture technology and several articles on motion picture science. In addition, he is a Fellow of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and a member of the Committee for Selection of Scientific and Technical Awards, Special Effects, Documentary Films.

Another example is the account of surveyor Chester Breneman, who was allowed to study enlargements of Zapruder frames to aid him in determining locations and distances. Breneman insisted that on some of the

frames he saw a blob of blood and brain blow out from the back of Kennedy's head. No such event is visible on the current film. (As mentioned, some witnesses in the plaza likewise saw blood and brain blown backward.)

I would like to address two questions that have been raised by those who deny alteration: Why would the forgers, who were presumably trying to conceal or remove evidence of multiple gunmen and of shots from the front, produce an altered film that included the rapid backward head snap seen in the current film? And, why would the forgers have produced a film that contained indications of more than three shots? My answer to both of these objections is twofold: One, they do not explain the evidence of alteration. If there is scientific proof of alteration, then these philosophical objections must be rejected. Two, I do not believe the forgers were at all satisfied with the results of their tampering. I think

they had to create the backward head snap because they had to remove images that were even more unacceptable and problematic. We must keep in mind that the Zapruder film was suppressed from public view for over a decade. In short, I believe the forgers concluded that even after all of their editing the film was still unacceptable, and that this is why the film was suppressed for so long.

A declassified CIA document indicates the Zapruder film was detoured to a sophisticated CIA photographic lab relatively soon after the assassination, and quite possibly on the night of the shooting. Professor Phillip Melanson has discussed this declassified document and what it reveals about the handling of the film in his famous article "Hidden Exposure: Cover-Up and Intrigue in the CIA's Secret Possession of the Zapruder Film" in THE THIRD DECADE (November 1984).

Edited by William Kelly
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According to Doug Horne:

This is How the Z-film was altered:

Where: Hawkeye Works, Kodak HQ, Rochester, NY

When: Sunday, November 24, 1963

Why: To Blackout the real exit wound in the back of the head and paint on a large, false, 'exit' wound to the right front of the head.

How: With an aerial-image system.

Technical Aspects of Film Alteration - David Healy

(Thank you David, for this simple explanation;

it sounds so simple without Colby and Lameson blowing smoke)


Oxberry aerial-image system:


The Oxberry aerial-image animation stand. The projector at the base of the stand cast an aerial image into the same plane as the art-work, at the top of the table. Both the aerially-imaged color mster and the art work are then re-photographed by the camera above.

If, however, art-work - such as a painted image on a transparent animation cel - is laid on to the animation cel board in the plane of the aerially-imaged master positive, then it will be photoraphed simultaneously with the live-action scene, bouth components being equally well-defined. Since the paints on the animation cel are opaque, the drawings are 'self-matting', obscuring those portions of the aerial image which would otherwise be picked up by the camera lense. Since the cel is transparent in all other areas, the aerial image passes through it and is recorded on the camera.

Raymond Felding - Professor of Communications, University of Houston

- The technique of special effects cinematography -


Michael T. Griffith


[Editor's note: Michael T. Griffith is a two-time graduate of the Defense

Language Institute in Monterey, CA, and of the U.S. Air Force Technical

Training School in San Angelo, TX.

* Dr. Roderick Ryan believes he has discovered that the limousine is actually standing still in Z303 but is moving in Z302, even though the limousine appears to be moving at a nearly uniform speed in the film during this time. See Noel Twyman, BLOODY TREASON (Rancho Santa Fe, CA: Laurel Publishing, 1997, pp. 158-159, 164-165). Notes Twyman,

Experience tells us that the limousine could not have decelerated from 11

miles per hour to a complete stop in 1/18 second. (BLOODY TREASON, p. 165)

Dr. Ryan made this discovery by analyzing the blurring of background images in the two frames. Moreover, Dr. Ryan's son, who also works in motion picture film technology, studied the film and confirmed his father's discovery (BLOODY TREASON, p. 159).

In case some might be wondering about Dr. Ryan's background, he is a retired scientist from Kodak. He holds a Ph.D. from USC, majoring in cinema and communications. He worked for Kodak for 29 years. He spent his entire career in motion picture film technology. He is a recipient of the Scientific and Engineering Award from the Society of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He has authored numerous books on motion picture technology and several articles on motion picture science. In addition, he is a Fellow of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and a member of the Committee for Selection of Scientific and Technical Awards, Special Effects, Documentary Films.

Another example is the account of surveyor Chester Breneman, who was allowed to study enlargements of Zapruder frames to aid him in determining locations and distances. Breneman insisted that on some of the

frames he saw a blob of blood and brain blow out from the back of Kennedy's head. No such event is visible on the current film. (As mentioned, some witnesses in the plaza likewise saw blood and brain blown backward.)

I would like to address two questions that have been raised by those who deny alteration: Why would the forgers, who were presumably trying to conceal or remove evidence of multiple gunmen and of shots from the front, produce an altered film that included the rapid backward head snap seen in the current film? And, why would the forgers have produced a film that contained indications of more than three shots? My answer to both of these objections is twofold: One, they do not explain the evidence of alteration. If there is scientific proof of alteration, then these philosophical objections must be rejected. Two, I do not believe the forgers were at all satisfied with the results of their tampering. I think

they had to create the backward head snap because they had to remove images that were even more unacceptable and problematic. We must keep in mind that the Zapruder film was suppressed from public view for over a decade. In short, I believe the forgers concluded that even after all of their editing the film was still unacceptable, and that this is why the film was suppressed for so long.

A declassified CIA document indicates the Zapruder film was detoured to a sophisticated CIA photographic lab relatively soon after the assassination, and quite possibly on the night of the shooting. Professor Phillip Melanson has discussed this declassified document and what it reveals about the handling of the film in his famous article "Hidden Exposure: Cover-Up and Intrigue in the CIA's Secret Possession of the Zapruder Film" in THE THIRD DECADE (November 1984).


"It's possible that the film of the century is more intimately related to the crime of the century than we ever knew - not because it recorded the crime of the centur, as we have assumed, but because it was itself an instrument of conspiracy."

- The late Professor Phil Melanson

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Bill in Melanson's information there are many questions regarding whether they had the original.or what copy.....in the book ''THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX '' I recall in David Lifton's Pig On A Leash in his article there are several pages on Lilian Zapruder.information and his contacting her .I do not have the book handy so i cannot quote nor give you the page numbers, but i do recall reading that david had i think a couple of telephne conversations with her i believe and i do think he mentions he taped them, but anyway she told him that Abraham simply gave it to them the film...the authourities i think feds were mentioned.not sure from memory....have a look and see what he and she had to say..it may clarify this part..or help to...best b...

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Bill in Melanson's information there are many questions regarding whether they had the original.or what copy.....in the book ''THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX '' I recall in David Lifton's Pig On A Leash in his article there are several pages on Lilian Zapruder.information and his contacting her .I do not have the book handy so i cannot quote nor give you the page numbers, but i do recall reading that david had i think a couple of telephne conversations with her i believe and i do think he mentions he taped them, but anyway she told him that Abraham simply gave it to them the film...the authourities i think feds were mentioned.not sure from memory....have a look and see what he and she had to say..it may clarify this part..or help to...best b...

Thanks Bernice,

Only half of "Pig on a Leash" is no line, and I've asked Prof. Fetzer if he would post the entire chapter but he would rather argue about anything than actually provide the chapter that is cited by Doug Horne.

I've been told to get a copy of the second edition rather than the first, because there are significant changes.

As soon as I get a copy I will copy or retype the entire chapter and post it for research purposes.

If anyone knows David Lifton, perphaps he will send me or post a complete text of his "Pig on a Leash."

As David Healy also notes, Lifton's talk is posted at Youtube in 10 minute segements and among those eight or so segments is the references to the "Hawkeye Works."

I will transcribe that segment when I get my computer sound back, if someone will tell me which one it is.


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Bill in Melanson's information there are many questions regarding whether they had the original.or what copy.....in the book ''THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX '' I recall in David Lifton's Pig On A Leash in his article there are several pages on Lilian Zapruder.information and his contacting her .I do not have the book handy so i cannot quote nor give you the page numbers, but i do recall reading that david had i think a couple of telephne conversations with her i believe and i do think he mentions he taped them, but anyway she told him that Abraham simply gave it to them the film...the authourities i think feds were mentioned.not sure from memory....have a look and see what he and she had to say..it may clarify this part..or help to...best b...

Thanks Bernice,

Only half of "Pig on a Leash" is no line, and I've asked Prof. Fetzer if he would post the entire chapter but he would rather argue about anything than actually provide the chapter that is cited by Doug Horne.

I've been told to get a copy of the second edition rather than the first, because there are significant changes.

As soon as I get a copy I will copy or retype the entire chapter and post it for research purposes.

If anyone knows David Lifton, perphaps he will send me or post a complete text of his "Pig on a Leash."

As David Healy also notes, Lifton's talk is posted at Youtube in 10 minute segements and among those eight or so segments is the references to the "Hawkeye Works."

I will transcribe that segment when I get my computer sound back, if someone will tell me which one it is.


Bill...PIG ON A LEASH is 120 pages long...it is not a short chapter.


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Bill in Melanson's information there are many questions regarding whether they had the original.or what copy.....in the book ''THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX '' I recall in David Lifton's Pig On A Leash in his article there are several pages on Lilian Zapruder.information and his contacting her .I do not have the book handy so i cannot quote nor give you the page numbers, but i do recall reading that david had i think a couple of telephne conversations with her i believe and i do think he mentions he taped them, but anyway she told him that Abraham simply gave it to them the film...the authourities i think feds were mentioned.not sure from memory....have a look and see what he and she had to say..it may clarify this part..or help to...best b...

Thanks Bernice,

Only half of "Pig on a Leash" is no line, and I've asked Prof. Fetzer if he would post the entire chapter but he would rather argue about anything than actually provide the chapter that is cited by Doug Horne.

I've been told to get a copy of the second edition rather than the first, because there are significant changes.

As soon as I get a copy I will copy or retype the entire chapter and post it for research purposes.

If anyone knows David Lifton, perphaps he will send me or post a complete text of his "Pig on a Leash."

As David Healy also notes, Lifton's talk is posted at Youtube in 10 minute segements and among those eight or so segments is the references to the "Hawkeye Works."

I will transcribe that segment when I get my computer sound back, if someone will tell me which one it is.


Bill see David Lifton 6 part 3 for information that Lilian Zapruder told him on the phone tape..that he zapruder gave the original

film to he believes the ss...at 9.18...when i hear back i shall be in touch best b...much of the the information found in pig is within these tapes...not all but much..

To: "Bernice" <bmoore1242@rogers.com>ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 1


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 2


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 3


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 4


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 5


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 6


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 7


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 8


ZAPRUDER FAKERY 6 - David Lifton Part 9


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Technical Aspects of Film Alteration - David Healy

(Thank you David, for this simple explanation;

it sounds so simple without Colby and Lameson blowing smoke)

Yes if it sounds convincing to people like you who no nothing about the subject, Posner sounds convincing to people who no nothing about the subject as well. Zavada and Fielding say he's wrong


Oxberry aerial-image system:


The Oxberry aerial-image animation stand. The projector at the base of the stand cast an aerial image into the same plane as the art-work, at the top of the table. Both the aerially-imaged color mster and the art work are then re-photographed by the camera above.

If, however, art-work - such as a painted image on a transparent animation cel - is laid on to the animation cel board in the plane of the aerially-imaged master positive, then it will be photoraphed simultaneously with the live-action scene, bouth components being equally well-defined. Since the paints on the animation cel are opaque, the drawings are 'self-matting', obscuring those portions of the aerial image which would otherwise be picked up by the camera lense. Since the cel is transparent in all other areas, the aerial image passes through it and is recorded on the camera.

Raymond Felding - Professor of Communications, University of Houston

- The technique of special effects cinematography -

No one disputes that filmmakers have composited images since the early 20yh century, the question is whether this could have been done without leaving tell tale signs,even Star Wars had mat marks

* Dr. Roderick Ryan believes he has discovered that the limousine is actually standing still in Z303 but is moving in Z302, even though the limousine appears to be moving at a nearly uniform speed in the film during this time. See Noel Twyman, BLOODY TREASON (Rancho Santa Fe, CA: Laurel Publishing, 1997, pp. 158-159, 164-165). Notes Twyman,

Experience tells us that the limousine could not have decelerated from 11

miles per hour to a complete stop in 1/18 second. (BLOODY TREASON, p. 165)

Dr. Ryan made this discovery by analyzing the blurring of background images in the two frames. Moreover, Dr. Ryan's son, who also works in motion picture film technology, studied the film and confirmed his father's discovery (BLOODY TREASON, p. 159).

I'd like to see Ryan's study is it available anywhere?

As David Healy also notes, Lifton's talk is posted at Youtube in 10 minute segements and among those eight or so segments is the references to the "Hawkeye Works."

What exactly do you think this proves? No one disputes that Lifton says this,do you think he is infallible? Pope Lifton I? sortalike

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I'd like to see Ryan's study is it available anywhere?

Just buy "Bloody Treason"

Although you did not want to fork over $85.00 for Livingstones book I doubt you will buy BT either as it is very rare and always sels in the $100.00 range

I think you should invest in BT Len, not only can you re-sell it, the book may change your views on more then the Z-film alteration issue

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I'd like to see Ryan's study is it available anywhere?

Just buy "Bloody Treason"

Although you did not want to fork over $85.00 for Livingstones book I doubt you will buy BT either as it is very rare and always sels in the $100.00 range

I think you should invest in BT Len, not only can you re-sell it, the book may change your views on more then the Z-film alteration issue

Sorry Dean, I'm not spending $100 plus shipping to Brazil for an out of print self published book just to read a few pages even if I could resell it at a loss (because I'm shipping from Brazil). Perhaps you could scan those pages like you did the Wilson book. That way anybody reading this thread could read them as well. [Host them at a 3rdparty site non-members can see them too].Is Ryan's report really not available anywhere else?

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I'd like to see Ryan's study is it available anywhere?

Just buy "Bloody Treason"

Although you did not want to fork over $85.00 for Livingstones book I doubt you will buy BT either as it is very rare and always sels in the $100.00 range

I think you should invest in BT Len, not only can you re-sell it, the book may change your views on more then the Z-film alteration issue

Sorry Dean, I'm not spending $100 plus shipping to Brazil for an out of print self published book just to read a few pages even if I could resell it at a loss (because I'm shipping from Brazil). Perhaps you could scan those pages like you did the Wilson book. That way anybody reading this thread could read them as well. [Host them at a 3rdparty site non-members can see them too].Is Ryan's report really not available anywhere else?

Sorry Len

Im not going open the book up all the way to put on my scanner, the book is 900+ pages and very big

I do not want to mess up the spine or split the glue ends of the pages

Remember this book is not only valuable but its also my favorite, I want to keep it in mint condition

I could quote what Ryan says out of the book word for word

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Start typing!

Well a simple please might make me want to do it

But ordering me to type it all out is not going to get me all pumped up to do it

And its X-mas

Give me some time and ask nicely and I will see what I can do

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