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Our hosts Invision have rigorously checked the entire forum for any of the problems reported here and not found any.

The provider of the contextual advertising is doing the same and while they do their adverts have been removed.

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one of the first things I do if I sense an attack, is ... pull the plug on the modem, ...
What's a modem? :blink:
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"one of the first things I do if I sense an attack, is to look at the fire alarm* window of logs, and press ctraltdel to see whats consuming resources, if need be is pull the plug on the modem, then consider cleaning everything out and restarting."

*eh??? firewall.

I think it's the funny shaped box with blinking lights. Just kidding, it IS the funny shaped box with flashing lights. Anyway mine is. Sometimes those lights flash on and off in different colors and patterns in a way that is different from what one might expect. Using a sledgehammer at that point or fiddling about trying to figure out what's the chatter or disconnecting and then working it out depends on what choices you make. Of course if there is no virus or successful hacking going on and the security suite is working as it should then what's the problem? Give the 'what if' more weight? Trust things to work as the blurb says? Fiddle with preferences and find there's really no problem at all after all? I dunno. Things to consider though.

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Robert you beat me to it. The joys of having a mac is that you don't have to worry about all the things mentioned above :D

I've used them for 8 years now and never had a virus once or had to worry about spyware etc.

I agree though- switching to Firefox might help. I find it much more efficient than IE. It seems to render the pages much better, on my mac anyway

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Robert you beat me to it. The joys of having a mac is that you don't have to worry about all the things mentioned above :D

I've used them for 8 years now and never had a virus once or had to worry about spyware etc.

I agree though- switching to Firefox might help. I find it much more efficient than IE. It seems to render the pages much better, on my mac anyway

Enjoy the Mac immunity while you can, Mac viruses are on the way. I have read that the Mac OS is actually easier to hack now than Windows.

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Getting back briefly to the gravaman of this thread if I may.

I am in a position to announce that the forum is and always has been free from the problems suggested in this thread.

The adverts will remain off the site until I have confirmation that they too are clean.

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Getting back briefly to the gravaman of this thread if I may.

I am in a position to announce that the forum is and always has been free from the problems suggested in this thread.

The adverts will remain off the site until I have confirmation that they too are clean.

Thank you.

It was annoying trying to use the back button and then discovering there were innumerable snipernet windows open.


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this problem is ONLY appearing on the Ed Forum ... and it ONLY happens when I arrive there as a "guest," i.e., before I sign in.

It seems to me that one way to solve the problem is to never log out. That way, whenever you come back, you're already logged in. (This reminds me of a joke about the Old Log Inn. But that's off subject and off color too.)

Also, Mark said someone suggested switching to Firefox. I would recommend that anyway. I started using Firefox months ago, and find it much preferable to IE. It just seems to work better.


"Also, Mark said someone suggested switching to Firefox. I would recommend that anyway. I started using Firefox months ago, and find it much preferable to IE. It just seems to work better."

Hi guys. At the risk of sounding totally illiterate, what is Firefox, and what is IE? I've seen a part of my Temporary Internet Files that open with an IE. folder, in which the cookies are stashed. I found this out when I began cleaning out my cookies before shutting down. I have Norton 2005, the $69.00 package that I renew on line every November. I don't see pop-ups when I lurk on the Ed Forum. But, I do remember seeing alot of activity at the top of the screen a few months back. I'm not sure if they were pop-ups, though.



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IE is Internet Explorer, the Web browser that comes with Windows.

Firefox is a Web browser that can be downloaded free, and IMO is a better browser.



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IE is Internet Explorer, the Web browser that comes with Windows.

Firefox is a Web browser that can be downloaded free, and IMO is a better browser.



I received several trojans and a few pop up viruses trying to attach to my computer at work while viewing the JFK Debate site. This happened for around 4 days straight at from June 10th on. Luckily, the viruses were repelled or "quarantined" by my virus protection. But I started to wonder why would someone post viruses on the site.

Was it a student, or someone else? Did someone want to discourage us from sharing information on the JFK Assassination? Aww-- that's paranoid thinking.

-- Bill Grote

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IE is Internet Explorer, the Web browser that comes with Windows.

Firefox is a Web browser that can be downloaded free, and IMO is a better browser.




Thanks, Ron. I'm running 98 SE, with DSL, at present. Will I have the capabilities for downloading it, or do I need 2000, XP, or NT, instead? I'm off to work, but will get back to you tonight.

Thanks, again for any info.


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I'm running 98 SE, with DSL, at present. Will I have the capabilities for downloading it, or do I need 2000, XP, or NT, instead?

Yes, you can run it according to the listed requirements:


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I'm running 98 SE, with DSL, at present. Will I have the capabilities for downloading it, or do I need 2000, XP, or NT, instead?

Yes, you can run it according to the listed requirements:



Thanks, Ron. I just downloaded it.

Funny how I never made the connection of IE. I guess it's because I've always referred to it as "Explorer," totally disregarding, "Internet."


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IE is Internet Explorer, the Web browser that comes with Windows.

Firefox is a Web browser that can be downloaded free, and IMO is a better browser.



I received several trojans and a few pop up viruses trying to attach to my computer at work while viewing the JFK Debate site. This happened for around 4 days straight at from June 10th on. Luckily, the viruses were repelled or "quarantined" by my virus protection. But I started to wonder why would someone post viruses on the site.

I had the same problem and had to re-instal Norton firewall. It tied my computer up almost a day.

I think there are nasty people out there who would like nothig better than see this place crash and burn.

But John has great protection and we have rather good firewalls as well.


Was it a student, or someone else? Did someone want to discourage us from sharing information on the JFK Assassination? Aww-- that's paranoid thinking.

-- Bill Grote


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