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15th birthday of my second life

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If so you never had the privilege we can only conclude you wanted to join, but for some reason they turned you down.

Since serving in the military is not a right, it stands to reason that it is a privilege--whether you want to join or not. I never had any interest in a military career, hence the college route. BTW, I also support professions such as engineering, carpentry, and lawn maintenance, even though I perform none of them. Does that make me a hypocrite too?

You said you studied at UW, a college student from a good school it the kind of volunteer recruiters dream about. So either you have something seriously wrong with you (other than being a right-winger but don’t think that bothers the military) or you were being disingenuous.

Military recruiters typically stake out high schools when looking for soldiers, not colleges. The intelligence agencies are more interested in the college crowd, as are the civil service departments. Do you even live in the States? This stuff is common knowledge.

The problem with being a ‘chicken hawk’ is that it’s a bit hypocritical you advocate frequently sending troops into combat but never volunteered to sever yourself.

I see, so anybody who supports a war should sign up for said war. Do I read you right? Talk about a cluttered battlefield. Methinks this only applies to wars you object to. Why not start smaller? I support police

protection, so naturally I should be walking a beat, right? I'm also in favor of garbage collection, so I shouldn't be wasting my time doing PR, correct? I like drivable roads, so naturally I should be laying tar

with the orange vest guys, right?

Ever used fossil fuels like coal? Sure you have. Coal mining has claimed a lot of lives recently. And yet consumers like you sit back and reap the benefits of their sacrifice and hard work. Get down in that coal mine, Len! Get down in that coal mine!

Ever put a diamond on your wife's finger? Diamond mining can be positively lethal. Get your ass in that diamond mine, Len!

Ever pumped gasoline into your car? Of course you have. Drilling for (and later refining) that oil can be pretty hazardous, no? Get your ass on that oil rig, Len! Pronto! Or are you too "chicken"?

You wanna play games? Fine, let's play games.

I never volunteered either but my position is that force should only be used as a last resort and have a very limited definition of “last resort”.

Probably because you're a pacifist, which is objectively pro-insurgent.

Just because an American opposes the policies of Bush doesn’t make them unpatriotic,

It is if dissent is all you bring to the table.

IIRC Theodore Roosevelt said something along the lines that unquestionably backing the president is the opposite of patriotism

I think you're misquoting him.

even Barry Goldwater indicated he thought the current crew running the GOP were extremists, I guess he was a closet ‘pinko’.

Wow. Once upon a time Barry was the "extremist" in these circles. Guess he's moving up in the world.

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Here' what you said 6 years ago:

"Nine years ago this month an unsuccessful assassination attempt was made on me, putting me in the hospital for 22 days. There is no proof that it was connected to the JFK case, but it was very suspicious. It could be interpreted that an attempt was made to "set up" another JFK researcher as a patsy; the would-be killer stole my car and abandoned it about 100 yards from the workplace of another researcher. I find that too odd to be coincidence, in a city as big as Fort Worth. Some of these stalkers may do it just for "fun". They probably also paint graffiti in public places. They may not be paid by the CIA, but their activities put them in the cover-up camp."


While it’s true you never said the post above or this thread that it’s 100% certain that’s why you were attacked you obviously want the reader to reach that conclusion.

Isn't it interesting that Colby has been tracking what I have been saying

for six years. What dedication to his job!


PS...the reader might note a difference in what I stated between

22 days and 24 days. The reason is that I had to go back to the

hospital for two days because of developing a 102 degree fever

after returning home. Turns out the fever was finally diagnosed

as an allergy to SULFA, which I was being given by IV at home

to combat lung infection in my punctured lung.

COMMON SENSE: ask yourself...who trolls the internet and saves

every message written by Jack White for the past 6 years and

more? What is their motive? What others are they spying on?

How can they so readily call up 6-year old messages? Why are

those messages considered important by a guy in Brazil?

I believe intelligent people can see through this smokescreen.

Right? What agency has a motive? What agency has international

operatives...with a license to xxxxx? ....00?


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Not true. I posted a long reply to Simkin yesterday and cast a cold eye towards Putin's Russia in several different posts. Look harder. BTW, not all of these threads require bloated dissertations on my part. Quality, not quantity.

And what a poor show you put on, at that. The quality was very lacking.

Edited by Owen Parsons
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Not true. I posted a long reply to Simkin yesterday and cast a cold eye towards Putin's Russia in several different posts. Look harder. BTW, not all of these threads require bloated dissertations on my part. Quality, not quantity.

And what a poor show you put on, at that. The quality was very lacking.

Owen, Mommy needs the computer. Off to bed you go.

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Brendan, In Andy's response (post 31) there was a message there that you should take seriously. Applaud the good post - laugh at the bad ones, but do it with actual facts and data.

Bill, the man called me a little xxxx and a dummard. From that I'm supposed to infer "seriousness"?

One liners are good to make a point once in a while, but it seems to be all you are bringing to the table these days. Your position is nothing if you do not at least appear to be able to explain it in any detail.

Not true. I posted a long reply to Simkin yesterday and cast a cold eye towards Putin's Russia in several different posts. Look harder. BTW, not all of these threads require bloated dissertations on my part. Quality, not quantity.

Brendan, you DO look like a little xxxx and a dummard. Andy may be responding simply to amuse himself because, from what I've seen, this board isn't his "bag baby". Let's face it, YOU'RE here to amuse yourself. You argue a moderately average politico set but it's patently obvious that you google your ass off when you have fumble around to support your lone assassin position. You're here to "disinfect" this "liberal cesspool" remember? Hey, I used to be a young Republican-as a freshman in College-I'm an Edwards guy now but more power to YOU rocket man. Face it, ya like pissing people off at night because you kiss their ass all day. I'd like to see you argue what this particular board was set up for even if you do suck at it. All the other political stuff you and the rest of the hysterics engage in can occur "outside the bar". If you wouldn't act like a complete jackass you'd get that lady friend you've been looking for...unless you're a closeted liberal homo (not that there's anything wrong with that) but if you were....it would explain a lot of this behavior....or.....it might be because your a Badger. Go HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bill, the man called me a little xxxx and a dummard. From that I'm supposed to infer "seriousness"?

Accuracy rather than "seriousness" as your subsequent performance has amply demonstrated.

You appear to communicate only in facile right wing cliches as is rather typical of the uptight bigoted sociopaths often associated with the "Christian" Right.

I agree with those posters who have suggested that to engage you in debate is a rather pointless exercise.

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Nope. Sorry sonny, more like THE CLYDE AWARD of the day

Terry, you really need to work on your comebacks. The one above is so oooollldddd. Do you have no other weapons in your arsenal?

Oh boy BS, you asked for it. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ter will eat you for lunch.

(And promptly throw up- figuratively speaking, of course).

Don't you have another place to haunt?


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[quote name='Brendan Slattery' date='Jul 17 2006, 12:05 AM' post='68776']


Ever serve your country in the military?

Just curious...

Never had the privilege.

So what are you waiting for? There are two wars in progress. Sign up!!

Or you just a phony " patriot" like W was/is.? (imho)

"So now you are one of the brave few, after all we need boys like you

Well I hope the day never comes, here's your live round son..."

Gun Shy (10,000 Maniacs)


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Despite efforts to twist this story, I have never thought or claimed

that this attack was related in any way to my JFK research.

I have just presented the facts. I do not know what they mean.

Several other researchers, including Fletcher Prouty and Mary Ferrell

thought otherwise. Prouty called me much later and said it was like an

agency operation...disguised as a break-in. In the same phone call

he said the agency considered me "the most dangerous JFK researcher"

because people understand photos better than documents. Fletch

worked for years in the Pentagon with CIA guys.

I had just finished two weeks of "free work" as photo consultant

to Oliver Stone on JFK. I spent two hours showing Stone photos

and giving him background one Saturday. I furnished him with over

a hundred photos which he used for authenticity in costumes and

sets. After the attack, Stone sent to my hospital room a gigantic

floral display which cost at least $200; I still have the giant vase.

If related, some have suggested it was a "message to Oliver".

I have never claimed that Gary Mack was in any way related to

the attack; to the contrary, there may have been an effort to

implicate him in some way, in the abandonment of my car at

his place of employment...at the locked gate to the Channel 5

parking lot.

It is a wierd case:

1. clean-cut caucasian male attacker

2. totally naked at 5 a.m. Sunday

3. attacker not drunk but could have been on drugs

4. small, but very muscular, like a body builder

5. robbery was not motive, as he could have stolen and left

6. killing me was his objective; he attacked me in bed silently

7. police scoured the neighborhood without finding his clothes

8. they did find his shoes by the window he broke to get in

9. perhaps oddest of all, he took a nighttime swim in my

swimming pool before breaking into my house, drank two

Dr Peppers from the pool refrigerator, and left behind a

cloth-wrapped TOYOTA TOOL KIT. He wiped the soft drink

cans clean of fingerprints...indicating some premeditation.

It is almost comical...a guy wearing only shoes wandering

thru the neighborhood at 5 a.m. carrying a Toyota Tool Kit.

If it were fiction, it would not be believable; it was totally


Again...I do not consider it related to my research. But

many do.


PS. Interestingly, researchers believe that at least three

agency moles made their way into the Stone organization

in Dallas in order to access scripts and influence decisions.

One of them even romanced a Stone staffer and obtained

preliminary scripts. Oddly, the moles were listed in the

film credits, and I was not, even though my contributions

were greater. One of the early purloined scripts made its

way to Harold Weisberg, prompting Harold to denounce

the film as "fiction". But that is another story.


Is that why Weisberg became soooo anti-Garrison? (I don't know the story there, just the animosity : Weisberg, toward Garrsion.)

I agree with Andy: just ignore the twit, BS.


ps Andy nice having you here. I like your style. Have we converted you

yet? B) Or is it still just "morbid curiosity" ?


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If so you never had the privilege we can only conclude you wanted to join, but for some reason they turned you down.

Since serving in the military is not a right, it stands to reason that it is a privilege--whether you want to join or not. I never had any interest in a military career, hence the college route.

What sort of ass backwards logic is that a desire to join is a privilege? Obviously not, it's a question of taste and motivation, as you admit in the 2nd sentence you didn't join because you didn't want to, thus your statement that you "never had the privilege" was a lie. There is nothing inherently wrong with not joining just as long as you are straight about it and don't try to make up misleading semantic excuses.

BTW, I also support professions such as engineering, carpentry, and lawn maintenance, even though I perform none of them. Does that make me a hypocrite too?

Poor analogy, the question is not about supporting or not supporting having a military but supporting a public policy (i.e. to go war) to risk to the life, limb and sanity of those in the armed forces.

You said you studied at UW, a college student from a good school it the kind of volunteer recruiters dream about. So either you have something seriously wrong with you (other than being a right-winger but don't think that bothers the military) or you were being disingenuous.

Military recruiters typically stake out high schools when looking for soldiers, not colleges. The intelligence agencies are more interested in the college crowd, as are the civil service departments. Do you even live in the States? This stuff is common knowledge.

No, I don't live in US anymore but I was born raised and went to college (among other things) there. Yeah they stake out high schools and especially high schools in economically depressed areas where they already have hard enough time finding recruits. Spending a lot of time on college campuses wouldn't make much sense due to the cost (time is money) to benefit ratio due to low number of takers. You don't think they're interested in college types? Then why do they have ROTC etc? Do you really think they'd have turned you down? "Sorry Brendan, we only accept volunteers who don't have college degrees, try the CIA"

The problem with being a 'chicken hawk' is that it's a bit hypocritical you advocate frequently sending troops into combat but never volunteered to sever yourself.

I see, so anybody who supports a war should sign up for said war. Do I read you right? Talk about a cluttered battlefield. Methinks this only applies to wars you object to.

You sorta have a point but then again you don't. I advocate only sending US troop into combat when there is a compelling motive, not whenever it suits the policy goals of a political clique. IIRC none of the pro-war crowd that currently surrounds Bush ever severed in the military during wartime. Rumsfeld signed up for the Navy after the Korean War ended (though he turned 18 in 1950) and he was the only of them to have served in the active military.

Why not start smaller? I support police protection, so naturally I should be walking a beat, right? I'm also in favor of garbage collection, so I shouldn't be wasting my time doing PR, correct? I like drivable roads, so naturally I should be laying tar with the orange vest guys, right?


Ever put a diamond on your wife's finger? Diamond mining can be positively lethal. Get your ass in that diamond mine, Len!

Ever pumped gasoline into your car? Of course you have. Drilling for (and later refining) that oil can be pretty hazardous, no? Get your ass on that oil rig, Len! Pronto! Or are you too "chicken"?

You wanna play games? Fine, let's play games.

Poor analogy as pointed out above, and wow you were so proud of it that you really wore it thin!

I never volunteered either but my position is that force should only be used as a last resort and have a very limited definition of "last resort".

Probably because you're a pacifist, which is objectively pro-insurgent.

I'm probably a 'warmonger' by the standards of this forum though I'm a liberal Democrat, I supported the invasion of Afghanistan and thought (like Colin Powell) that Bush Sr. should have waited longer before attacking Iraq in the 1st Gulf War. Opposing the war in Iraq is not "objectively pro-insurgent", there wouldn't be any insurgents if that country hadn't been invaded. That invasion has made the US more vulnerable to terrorist attack and LESS safe than before, why do think bin-Laden wanted Bush to win in the 2004 election?

Just because an American opposes the policies of Bush doesn't make them unpatriotic,

It is if dissent is all you bring to the table.

It isn't if everything an administration does is worthy of dissent, in any case you have no evidence that is "all" I "bring to the table". The right to dissent is one of the cornerstones of the "American way" that you rightwing types so frequently want to send other into harm's way to defend.

IIRC Theodore Roosevelt said something along the lines that unquestionably backing the president is the opposite of patriotism

I think you're misquoting him.

You thought wrong. He actually made two comments along those lines.

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."

"Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star", 149

May 7, 1918


"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiently or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else."


Now that I'm quoting 1 GOP of "W's" predecessors, I can't resist quoting another

"Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the United Nations' mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression that we hoped to establish." — George H. W. Bush

even Barry Goldwater indicated he thought the current crew running the GOP were extremists, I guess he was a closet 'pinko'.

Wow. Once upon a time Barry was the "extremist" in these circles. Guess he's moving up in the world.

Once again you missed the point, it's exactly because Goldwater was an extremist that I quoted him, is enlightening that even he though the guys you support were too extreme. It wouldn't have made much sense for me to have quoted someone like Tom Hayden or Cynthia McKinney.

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Here' what you said 6 years ago:

"Nine years ago this month an unsuccessful assassination attempt was made on me, putting me in the hospital for 22 days. There is no proof that it was connected to the JFK case, but it was very suspicious. It could be interpreted that an attempt was made to "set up" another JFK researcher as a patsy; the would-be killer stole my car and abandoned it about 100 yards from the workplace of another researcher. I find that too odd to be coincidence, in a city as big as Fort Worth. Some of these stalkers may do it just for "fun". They probably also paint graffiti in public places. They may not be paid by the CIA, but their activities put them in the cover-up camp."

Isn't it interesting that Colby has been tracking what I have been saying for six years. What dedication to his job!

Jack - Typical tactict of someone caught in a lie or without any valid arguments, try to change the subject by questioning the motives of your opponent.

The quote contadicts your denial that you never indicated the attack was JFK related.

I didn't even know who you were back then. I only heard about you about a year ago. I haven't been keeping tabs on you as should have been obvious since I provided a link to the Webpage that quotes you (typically of course you edited that out of your reply), perhaps Robert Perry "has been tracking what (you) have been saying for six years" but that's his and your problem, I never met or communicated with him.

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Here' what you said 6 years ago:

"Nine years ago this month an unsuccessful assassination attempt was made on me, putting me in the hospital for 22 days. There is no proof that it was connected to the JFK case, but it was very suspicious. It could be interpreted that an attempt was made to "set up" another JFK researcher as a patsy; the would-be killer stole my car and abandoned it about 100 yards from the workplace of another researcher. I find that too odd to be coincidence, in a city as big as Fort Worth. Some of these stalkers may do it just for "fun". They probably also paint graffiti in public places. They may not be paid by the CIA, but their activities put them in the cover-up camp."

Isn't it interesting that Colby has been tracking what I have been saying for six years. What dedication to his job!

Jack - Typical tactict of someone caught in a lie or without any valid arguments, try to change the subject by questioning the motives of your opponent.

The quote contadicts your denial that you never indicated the attack was JFK related.

I didn't even know who you were back then. I only heard about you about a year ago. I haven't been keeping tabs on you as should have been obvious since I provided a link to the Webpage that quotes you (typically of course you edited that out of your reply), perhaps Robert Perry "has been tracking what (you) have been saying for six years" but that's his and your problem, I never met or communicated with him.

You must be referring to DAVE Perry, the agent. He has been tracking me since

about 1991. In case you don't know, when Gerald Posner was here "researching"

CASE CLOSED, he was Perry's house guest for a week or so. He even brought

the slimeball to the JFK class at UTA. Perry was a college classmate of Gus Russo,

he of "THE CIA CALLS ME GUS" fame, I think at U of Maryland in the DC area.

Slattery can fill you in on the CIA recruiting on college campuses. It is not surprising

that Dave has a website attacking me. He has been on my case more than 15 years.

Apparently he is also assigned to Buell Wesley Frazier.

Who is "Robert Perry"?


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Excellent post! Now perhaps this wanna be -whatever the h*** he is -will go over to McAdams, where he will actually find some friends. Surely they must have a forum.

Otherwise, I sure wish I could remember who gave me the "ignore" instructions last year when that lunatic Lynn Foster ("Dulles" - was posting both her insipid comments, together with links to that *person*, Mat Wilson -(she probbly WAS Mat Wilson) . Links that caused a virus if you were stupid enuf to open one. (I did one time).

Help: How do I utilize the "Ignore" function??? Much apprecaition.


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