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Possible Rambler lead?

Steve Thomas

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In his Sheriff's Report filed on November 23, 1963, Deputy Sheriff, Roger Craig wrote about a man seen running down the hill in front of the TSBD and getting into a light colored Rambler. "The man driving this station wagon was a dark complected white male."


On April 1, 1964 he testified before the WC, and tld them, "Mr. BELIN - What about the man who was driving the car?

Mr. CRAIG - Now, he struck me, at first, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..."


Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." The names of the families who resided at the house together have been whited out.

His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker and that after the assassination, residents of this address began to receive a lot of mail from Miami, New York, and Mexico. His report redacts the names of people who have been receiving mail at that address.

On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976." A source told Heitman that this automobile was owned by ......


(If anyone has an unredacted version of this Report, I'd sure like to see it)

Okay, here's the kicker.

CD 913 is a March 30, 1964 Report of Robert Gemberling. Included in this Report is information relative to the "Kill the Kennedy Klan" bumper sticker and persons receiving mail at an address in Garland.


However, Gemberling's report INCLUDES the names of the people. The mail being reported on dates from late December and early January, 1964.

Heitman's Report of April 29th is a copy of Gemberling's March 30th.

Among the people receiving mail at 806 E. Monica Dr. were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana.

Among the Miscellaneous CIA Series, there is an unauthored FBI Report of the various anti-Castro groups in Dallas: JURE, 30th of November, Alpha 66-SNFE, etc.


On pages 4 and 5 of that Report, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro furnished the following list of the present officers of SNFE. Among that list of people were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana.

On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)


In his 11/26/63 follow up Report, Deputy Sheriff, Buddy Walthers wrote that the Cubans who had been at the Harlandle house had moved out between seven days before the President was shot and one day after he was shot.

Did they move to Garland, and was this the Rambler Roger Craid saw?

Steve Thomas

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Just to add to the Rambler intrigue in the JFK case, the current issue of Walt Brown's JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly includes a letter dated March 24, 1964 from a Louisiana insurance agency to Clay Shaw in New Orleans, regarding the insurance policy on his 1962 Rambler station wagon.

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Just to add to the Rambler intrigue in the JFK case, the current issue of Walt Brown's JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly includes a letter dated March 24, 1964 from a Louisiana insurance agency to Clay Shaw in New Orleans, regarding the insurance policy on his 1962 Rambler station wagon.

Now that is a substantive and probative contribution...............................

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Just to add to the Rambler intrigue in the JFK case, the current issue of Walt Brown's JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly includes a letter dated March 24, 1964 from a Louisiana insurance agency to Clay Shaw in New Orleans, regarding the insurance policy on his 1962 Rambler station wagon.

Now that is a substantive and probative contribution...............................

Actually, I think we can do better than that - a whole bunch of 'folks' owned Ramblers at this point in time. I don't know if there is documentation to support that, but it is a fact.

- lee

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Just to add to the Rambler intrigue in the JFK case, the current issue of Walt Brown's JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly includes a letter dated March 24, 1964 from a Louisiana insurance agency to Clay Shaw in New Orleans, regarding the insurance policy on his 1962 Rambler station wagon.


Thanks for mentioning this.

For interested non-subscribers, the "Rambler" piece will be the featured article from the October 2006 issue of DPQ, available free of charge.

I hope to have it on the website


on Saturday morning.


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Actually, I think we can do better than that - a whole bunch of 'folks' owned Ramblers at this point in time. I don't know if there is documentation to support that, but it is a fact.

- lee

I liked this one...

From the WC testimony of Bernard Weissman:

Mr. WEISSMAN. We left out one man, one of the original men. His name was James Moseley.

Mr. JENNER. Was he a GI with you?

Mr. WEISSMAN. No; he was an American civilian. His father was a major--is a major in the Army.

I met him when I went into the organization.

Mr. JENNER. How did he come to be in Munich? Was his father stationed there?

Mr. WEISSMAN. His father was stationed there. But he was also employed by Rambler--he was selling Ramblers.

I have been looking for some connection between the Miller/Whitter gunrunning case, the right wing activities of Larry Schmidt and the Joiner family, Lawrence Howard and Loren Hall running guns through Dallas, and the anti-Castro Cubans.

So far I have not found any, but I keep looking.

One interesting thing, Warren Commission Document #320 is a memo from SS Agent Rowley. On page 162 of that Report there is a newspaper article from October 27, 1963 - I can't make out which paper - concerning the Stevenson incident.

In the article, Bobbie Joiner said there was no preplanning for Stevenson incident, but that, “some of the signs used were stored at former Major General Edwin A. Walker’s headquarters on Turtle Creek Blvd.”


This was the same incident that Larry Schmidt took credit for in one of his letters to Bernard Weissman.

On page 6 of Wallace Heitman’s April 29 Report, right in the middle of a discussion about the Cubans in Garland, he says that his source said that (blank) and (blank) had told him that they had attended the meeting at the Dallas Municipal Auditorium in October, 1963 where Adlai Stevenson had given a speech and that they had worn placards outside the Auditorium which were anti-Stevenson in context.


I'm not sure what this proves, other than these people were at the same place at the same time. Did they know each other? I don't know.

Steve Thomas

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Guest John Gillespie

Just to add to the Rambler intrigue in the JFK case, the current issue of Walt Brown's JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly includes a letter dated March 24, 1964 from a Louisiana insurance agency to Clay Shaw in New Orleans, regarding the insurance policy on his 1962 Rambler station wagon.

Now that is a substantive and probative contribution...............................

Actually, I think we can do better than that - a whole bunch of 'folks' owned Ramblers at this point in time. I don't know if there is documentation to support that, but it is a fact.

- lee


"...a whole bunch of 'folks' owned Ramblers at this point in time."

Quite true. The Rambler monologues have spawned a conundrum. In keeping with the icthyological theme, they may as well have been colored herring red.


In his Sheriff's Report filed on November 23, 1963, Deputy Sheriff, Roger Craig wrote about a man seen running down the hill in front of the TSBD and getting into a light colored Rambler. "The man driving this station wagon was a dark complected white male."


On April 1, 1964 he testified before the WC, and tld them, "Mr. BELIN - What about the man who was driving the car?

Mr. CRAIG - Now, he struck me, at first, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..."


Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." The names of the families who resided at the house together have been whited out.

His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker and that after the assassination, residents of this address began to receive a lot of mail from Miami, New York, and Mexico. His report redacts the names of people who have been receiving mail at that address.

On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976." A source told Heitman that this automobile was owned by ......


(If anyone has an unredacted version of this Report, I'd sure like to see it)

Okay, here's the kicker.

CD 913 is a March 30, 1964 Report of Robert Gemberling. Included in this Report is information relative to the "Kill the Kennedy Klan" bumper sticker and persons receiving mail at an address in Garland.


However, Gemberling's report INCLUDES the names of the people. The mail being reported on dates from late December and early January, 1964.

Heitman's Report of April 29th is a copy of Gemberling's March 30th.

Among the people receiving mail at 806 E. Monica Dr. were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana.

Among the Miscellaneous CIA Series, there is an unauthored FBI Report of the various anti-Castro groups in Dallas: JURE, 30th of November, Alpha 66-SNFE, etc.


On pages 4 and 5 of that Report, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro furnished the following list of the present officers of SNFE. Among that list of people were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana.

On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)


In his 11/26/63 follow up Report, Deputy Sheriff, Buddy Walthers wrote that the Cubans who had been at the Harlandle house had moved out between seven days before the President was shot and one day after he was shot.

Did they move to Garland, and was this the Rambler Roger Craid saw?

Steve Thomas


Great work, as usual, Steve. You may have topped yourself here. I wonder - hope - if you or someone could do a "by street" or Cole's type of thing on the nearby residents of that time @ 806 E. Monica or the assessed owner during that period? I've found over the years that that sort of thing can be fruitful, as you know. But, one never knows what can be unearthed.

Just a thought. Thanks.


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"there was no preplanning for Stevenson incident, but that, “some of the signs used were stored at former Major General Edwin A. Walker’s headquarters on Turtle Creek Blvd.” "

During the visit there was also a second meeting (private luncheon) during which a plane flew over Dallas towing an anti UN sign.


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  • 5 years later...

In his Sheriff's Report filed on November 23, 1963, Deputy Sheriff, Roger Craig wrote about a man seen running down the hill in front of the TSBD and getting into a light colored Rambler. "The man driving this station wagon was a dark complected white male."


On April 1, 1964 he testified before the WC, and tld them, "Mr. BELIN - What about the man who was driving the car?

Mr. CRAIG - Now, he struck me, at first, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..."


Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." The names of the families who resided at the house together have been whited out.

His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker and that after the assassination, residents of this address began to receive a lot of mail from Miami, New York, and Mexico. His report redacts the names of people who have been receiving mail at that address.

On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976." A source told Heitman that this automobile was owned by ......


(If anyone has an unredacted version of this Report, I'd sure like to see it)

Okay, here's the kicker.

CD 913 is a March 30, 1964 Report of Robert Gemberling. Included in this Report is information relative to the "Kill the Kennedy Klan" bumper sticker and persons receiving mail at an address in Garland.


However, Gemberling's report INCLUDES the names of the people. The mail being reported on dates from late December and early January, 1964.

Heitman's Report of April 29th is a copy of Gemberling's March 30th.

Among the people receiving mail at 806 E. Monica Dr. were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana.

Among the Miscellaneous CIA Series, there is an unauthored FBI Report of the various anti-Castro groups in Dallas: JURE, 30th of November, Alpha 66-SNFE, etc.


On pages 4 and 5 of that Report, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro furnished the following list of the present officers of SNFE. Among that list of people were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana.

On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)


In his 11/26/63 follow up Report, Deputy Sheriff, Buddy Walthers wrote that the Cubans who had been at the Harlandle house had moved out between seven days before the President was shot and one day after he was shot.

Did they move to Garland, and was this the Rambler Roger Craid saw?

Steve Thomas

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