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The Head Wound Explained

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Merry Christmas all :

For some reason I am having extreme difficulty in loading "this Particular thread". I therefore expect this to be my last attempt to post on "this"


I am going to use this as an excuse to somewhat broaden the original topic. I am doing this only, that some who might be interested, may better understand, "my views" on the shootings....not only the "headshot /headshots".

In that many of you will think my ideas quite bizarre, I believe them, and must therefore state such. This is "out of the box" speculation, and I have no PROOF to substantiate it. I also, due to my problem posting in this thread, will "probably" not be able to respond to some of the ridicule which I foresee !

I am not placing the following in necessarily their order of occurrence.

A) JFK is struck in the throat by either 1) a shot from the North knoll or 2) by a sound supressed

handgun, concealed by "an Elm Street spectator". Concealed in possbly a camera, a hat, a womans purse...or several other possible concealments. 3) A glass fragment from a windshild shot from either position. I feel that he is DEFINITELY indicating throat trauma, and throat trauma only, as Zapruder captures him emerging from behind the sign.

:cheers JFK is struck in the back as reportedly seen by Secret Service follow up (unable to determine Z frame). I believe this to be a shallow wound as reported, and may have been the source of CE399 "magic bullet".

C) JFK may have been struck in Posterior head by a small caliber (.22cal) bullet in the time frame approximating Z311.

D) JFK was struck at the hairline, above the right eye by either rifle fire from the knoll, or again by a heavy caliber concealed and sound supressed handgun, wielded by an Elm Street spectator.

I think that Connally was most likely not struck by any of the bullets which struck JFK and that he was struck by two separate bullets.

I feel that there were three or four bullets which contacted JFK, and two which struck JBC. I feel that there were three misses. Probably a total of nine shots fired from four and even possibley five separate shooters.

I feel that the possibly two "ELM STREET SHOOTERS"

had the easiest escape scenario as they blended into the crowd with their concealed and "silenced" handguns.

This brings me to my final unsupported theory.

The Z film was partially altered, thru possibly frame excision, because "A" shooter was captured (probably one of my proposed Elm Street shooters).

This excision was "known by the conspirators" to create what appears to be a very strange wound reaction by JFK. However, it had to be done immediately or destroy the entire film. They could not show another "shooter" and maintain their lone nut, deranged, Cuban sypathizer story !

As I stated, I may not be able to answer your counters in this thread....tho I could in another.

"...And to all a goodnight" !

"Crazy" Charlie Black

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Charles Black' wrote:

Merry Christmas all :

For some reason I am having extreme difficulty in loading "this Particular thread". I therefore expect this to be my last attempt to post on "this"


I am going to use this as an excuse to somewhat broaden the original topic. I am doing this only, that some who might be interested, may better understand, "my views" on the shootings....not only the "headshot /headshots".

In that many of you will think my ideas quite bizarre, I believe them, and must therefore state such. This is "out of the box" speculation, and I have no PROOF to substantiate it. I also, due to my problem posting in this thread, will "probably" not be able to respond to some of the ridicule which I foresee !

I am not placing the following in necessarily their order of occurrence.

A) JFK is struck in the throat by either 1) a shot from the North knoll or 2) by a sound supressed

handgun, concealed by "an Elm Street spectator". Concealed in possbly a camera, a hat, a womans purse...or several other possible concealments. 3) A glass fragment from a windshild shot from either position. I feel that he is DEFINITELY indicating throat trauma, and throat trauma only, as Zapruder captures him emerging from behind the sign.

:cheers JFK is struck in the back as reportedly seen by Secret Service follow up (unable to determine Z frame). I believe this to be a shallow wound as reported, and may have been the source of CE399 "magic bullet".

C) JFK may have been struck in Posterior head by a small caliber (.22cal) bullet in the time frame approximating Z311.

D) JFK was struck at the hairline, above the right eye by either rifle fire from the knoll, or again by a heavy caliber concealed and sound supressed handgun, wielded by an Elm Street spectator.

I think that Connally was most likely not struck by any of the bullets which struck JFK and that he was struck by two separate bullets.

I feel that there were three or four bullets which contacted JFK, and two which struck JBC. I feel that there were three misses. Probably a total of nine shots fired from four and even possibley five separate shooters.

dgh: hey Charlie.... your estimate of the DP shot total isn't too far off from what Doug Hornes interview with the NPIC folks [who reviewed the Zapruder film] concluded

I feel that the possibly two "ELM STREET SHOOTERS"

had the easiest escape scenario as they blended into the crowd with their concealed and "silenced" handguns.

This brings me to my final unsupported theory.

The Z film was partially altered, thru possibly frame excision, because "A" shooter was captured (probably one of my proposed Elm Street shooters).

This excision was "known by the conspirators" to create what appears to be a very strange wound reaction by JFK. However, it had to be done immediately or destroy the entire film. They could not show another "shooter" and maintain their lone nut, deranged, Cuban sypathizer story !

As I stated, I may not be able to answer your counters in this thread....tho I could in another.

"...And to all a goodnight" !

"Crazy" Charlie Black

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I've got many old 8mm as well as super-8 sound films and the 8mm is terrible for clarity, even in an editor.

I also noticed the four frames that somebody put up. I think his name was Ashton. He mentions, and shows the head going forward. But what he doesn't mention and no one that I read mentioned ( I didn't read them all, maybe somebody did) is the fact that also in those four frames you can tell that either Zapruder was moving backwards, or he had a zoom lens and was zooming out. That would have to be taken into consideration for any movement in the frame, of Kennedy's head. You can see, not only the seat of the car "zooming" out, but also a green border comes into the frame from something. Not sure what that is, because I don’t think it can be the car because the car was black wasn't it?

Anyway, just wondered about those things.

About the color of the President's car - The limo was dark blue.

The point made above touches on the need for stable images and this is why I take so much time in stablizing the frames in order to track the most minute movements of those individuals inside the limo. What stabilizing the images will do is cut out any degree of error in interpretating movement brought on by Zapruder's constant moving of the camera as he filmed the assassination. I have read many post where faulty observations were made because of camera jiggling, which doesn't mean the poster wasn't correct in what he or she was seeing, but rather they were not considering that other factors were giving an illusion of movement that simply was not there. One such example was the idea that JFK's head had been hit by a bullet prior to the exposure of Z312, thus causing signs of the head moving forward at that point. By stabilizing the images in Z311 and Z312, I was able to conclude to my own satisfaction that no such movement existed. (stabilized example of Z311 and Z312 in motion below)

Bill Miller

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Those actions happen in the same frame. Sit as JFK was and have someone tap you on the head from the front and you will experience the same motion. The more violent the hit - the more violent the reaction.

Bill Miller

Bill, what actions happen in the same frame?

Chris, I am talking about the initial shockwave that drives the President's right shoulder rearward at the same instant that his head rocks forward. Many times I have posted about the rotation of the limo as it traveled left to right across Zapruder's field of view. This gives an illusion that the limo is rotating counter clockwise - simple angle changes that represent perspective. An example of this particulr occurrence could be compared to a lunar eclipse where the sun (Jackie) gets blocked out by the moon (JFK) and as the limo passes with each frame - more of Jackie should appear from behind the President.

Watch the clip below showing what happens between Z311 and Z312. Pay close attention to the horizontal plane as the crease in Jackie's jackets inner forearm moves out and down from behind JFK's back as the President is rotating away from the camera. Also note the sun spot on Jackie's chest that also disappears behind the President during the same natural occurrence. Study them for they will be important in my next example .... (see below)

Now watch what happens between Z312 and Z313. Instead of the natural occurence of the President rotating away from the camera which would cause the same effects as what I just pointed out about the two prior frames (Z311 and Z312) running in conjuntion with each other - JFK's head goes forward and his shoulder is driven backwards. Al Carrier, upon consulting some experts, once explained this occurence in a more technical way than I was able to do it, but what it boiled down to was the instantaneous absorbtion of the initial shockwave as it passed through the President's body from a bullet hitting the top portion of JFK's head on a downward trajectory from the front. (see below)

If you paid close attention to the two places I mentioned in the prior clip and tracked them in this clip, you will have noticed that the sun spot on Jackie's coat continued on its natural path, but the crease in her coat sleeve actually lost ground due to JFK's shoulder being driven backwards. Had JFK's shoulder remained stationary, then the natural roatation of the limo through Zapruder's field of view would have caused that crease in Jackie's forearm to continue coming out from behind the President's back, but all that was momentarily reversed upon the President's body absorbing that initial shock as the shoulder was driven rearward. This occurence happens in one frame just as the bone plate was suspended in midair for that one frame. With the head driven forward as far as it could go - the shoulder going backwards and the head forward at the same instant caused a type of whiplash effect and is why the 35th President of the United States was seen moving back and to the left in the next fraction of a second. Try the same thing with your own body and I think you too, will see how this could naturally happen.

I hope these examples have offered a better insight into what I have been saying for the past several years.

Bill Miller

Bill, It looks as though JFK's shoulder movement from 312-313 is due to camera movement. The movement of objects in

the car except for (Jack's head and Jackie) appear to move in coordination with the camera.

Here's a gif to show what I'm describing.


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Bill, It looks as though JFK's shoulder movement from 312-313 is due to camera movement. The movement of objects in

the car except for (Jack's head and Jackie) appear to move in coordination with the camera.

Chris, I understand that there is some motion blur going on between frames, but that clip you posted is not stable ... even the two frames look like a pulsating heart beat when seen in motion.

The limo is rotating counter clockwise with each frame Zapruder captures. I mentioned focusing on a certain point(s) in my previous post. The example below shows one such point.

I created this clip so that the rotation of the car could be seen in slow motion. The crease in Jackie's sleeves move out from behind the President between Z311 and Z312 just as one should expect them to do.

However, despite some motion blur between Z312 and Z313, the President's top right shoulder moves backwards, thus eliminating the rotation of the limo for than instant. In doing so it didn't allow the creases in Jackie's coat to countinue coming out from behind the President. My experience with all of this is that motion blur still allows one to see through the ghost image. (see below)

In frame Z313, the top of the right shoulder does slide backwards beyond the ghost image of the motion blur, thus it hides Jack's coat creases which if nothing else - they should have continued coming out from behind the President.

Bill Miller

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I am not placing the following in necessarily their order of occurrence.

And for some reason you persist in posting the same off-topic dispersal into the Head Wound thread.

You're not willfully trying to distract from the topic are you? It's because you just don't know any better, am I right?


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"And no other thing or person in the moving vehicle exhibits anything even remotely close to the violent sudden forward jerk of John F. Kennedy's head as the right front portion of his forehead explodes outward, to the front."

What the hell is that suppose to mean??? ..."explodes outward, toward the front."

Am I missing something, here?

It would seem.

Hi Terry. Merry Christmas.

Let's dissect the phrase you're having trouble with.

  • EXPLODE: to burst, fly into pieces, or break up violently; to burst forth violently.
    OUTWARD: proceeding or directed toward the outside or exterior, or away from a central point (see also "EXPLODE," above)
    FRONT: the foremost part or surface of anything; the part or side of anything that faces forward
    FORWARD: toward the front; toward the bow or front of a vessel or aircraft; situated in the front or forepart; lying ahead or to the front

So "what the hell" that statement means is that the FRONT of JFK'S head (that's the face side), above the right eye (which is on the FRONT of the head) EXPLODES (bursts open, bursts forth violently) OUTWARD (away from a central point, such as, e.g., the center of the skull) and in bursting OUTWARD does so TOWARD THE FRONT, meaning in the direction the limo is facing and traveling, in the direction that JFK facing. That OUTWARD BURSTING of the FRONT of the skull happens to take place just as JFK's head jerks FORWARD (toward the FRONT) violently at Zapruder 313.

Just in case you still are having difficulty with that, I've done yet another anim for you to study to see if you possibly can make out visually what I have just described carefully and in detail, and this time I've solidly colored in the space indicating the distance the head travels in one frame, from Z312 to Z313 (including this time the sudden change in position of the right ear), and remains so slammed forward through Z314, where brain matter is seen having flown FORWARD out through the exploded opening in the FRONT of the skull. I've now circled that ejecta and drawn in lines indicating its apparent (obvious) path of travel OUTWARD through FRONT of the skull. So here all that is. The "stairstepping" seen at the bottom part and side of the image in several of the frames is because I have "stabilized" this anim, aligning all the images on the curb in the background and on the trailing edge of the "rollbar" metal piece that goes across the limo:


In this anim, I've attempted also to address a couple of things several others, I believe, brought up earlier in the discussion:

  • 1. Outlining other occupants and items in the limo to compare their relatively static attitudes during the frames where JFK's head slams violently forward, and,
    2. Using Zapruder stills other than the ones I used in the first go-'round that I had gotten off the internet somewhere, and which obviously somebody had filled in with green on the bottom on some of the frames, I guess to compensate for however they cropped and aligned the various frames. Anyway, it was creating confusion or question, and I only had used them because they were handy and zoomed in on the head shot.

And at this point if you—or anybody in the world—still cannot see what I have described, and what I have carefully put into clear, inarguable visual form, and cannot see the large flap of skull that has been blown OUTWARD toward the FRONT after the head slams forward, I am definitely the wrong person to be talking to about it: I've never even dabbled in opthamology, or in cures for severe chronic denial.


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Bill, It looks as though JFK's shoulder movement from 312-313 is due to camera movement. The movement of objects in

the car except for (Jack's head and Jackie) appear to move in coordination with the camera.

Chris, I understand that there is some motion blur going on between frames, but that clip you posted is not stable ... even the two frames look like a pulsating heart beat when seen in motion.

The limo is rotating counter clockwise with each frame Zapruder captures. I mentioned focusing on a certain point(s) in my previous post. The example below shows one such point.

I created this clip so that the rotation of the car could be seen in slow motion. The crease in Jackie's sleeves move out from behind the President between Z311 and Z312 just as one should expect them to do.

However, despite some motion blur between Z312 and Z313, the President's top right shoulder moves backwards, thus eliminating the rotation of the limo for than instant. In doing so it didn't allow the creases in Jackie's coat to countinue coming out from behind the President. My experience with all of this is that motion blur still allows one to see through the ghost image. (see below)

In frame Z313, the top of the right shoulder does slide backwards beyond the ghost image of the motion blur, thus it hides Jack's coat creases which if nothing else - they should have continued coming out from behind the President.

Bill Miller

Bill, this movie is frame 312-313 in 10% opacity increments.

I still don't see a distinction between blurring and shoulder movement.

Anyone else?



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Bill, this movie is frame 312-313 in 10% opacity increments.

I still don't see a distinction between blurring and shoulder movement.

Anyone else?



Let's get a few things straight so we can at least start on the same plane ... feel free to mention any numbered point that you do not understand because each one is important.

1) I count only 7 frame transitions, thus these are not at 10% opacity increments.

2) The limo rotates away from Zapruder's camera with each frame. This is because the angle Zapruder has to the occupants changes with each film frame as the car moves forward. (see Z311 and Z312 example below)

This means that even if the occupants were stationary dummies - the crease in Jackie's coat would continue to come out from behind JFK just as the sun would do in relation to the moon as seen from the earth if we were watching a lunar eclipse.

3) The limo blur that you pointed out blurs to the east because Zapruder moves his camera at the same instant. (see below)

JFK blurs to the west not because Zapruder moved his camera, but because the President's body has just taken a jolt. So instead of more of Jackie's coat sleeve creases becoming more visible - the instant backward movement of JFK's right shoulder hid the rotation of the limo pertaining to Jackie's sleeve crease, the shade line on the coat drops, and where the suit coat was solid in tone above the red line, which hid JFk's flesh colored neck - it is now flesh colored because the shoulder moved backwards which caused the blur to be seen on the right/to the west. (see below)

To recap: the limo blurs to the east because Zapruder moved his camera - JFK's shoulder blurs in the opposite direction because JFK's trunk was jolted rearward as the body absorbed the impact of the bullet.

Bill Miller

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"And no other thing or person in the moving vehicle exhibits anything even remotely close to the violent sudden forward jerk of John F. Kennedy's head as the right front portion of his forehead explodes outward, to the front."

What the hell is that suppose to mean??? ..."explodes outward, toward the front."

Am I missing something, here?

It would seem.

Hi Terry. Merry Christmas.

Let's dissect the phrase you're having trouble with.

  • EXPLODE: to burst, fly into pieces, or break up violently; to burst forth violently.
    OUTWARD: proceeding or directed toward the outside or exterior, or away from a central point (see also "EXPLODE," above)
    FRONT: the foremost part or surface of anything; the part or side of anything that faces forward
    FORWARD: toward the front; toward the bow or front of a vessel or aircraft; situated in the front or forepart; lying ahead or to the front

So "what the hell" that statement means is that the FRONT of JFK'S head (that's the face side), above the right eye (which is on the FRONT of the head) EXPLODES (bursts open, bursts forth violently) OUTWARD (away from a central point, such as, e.g., the center of the skull) and in bursting OUTWARD does so TOWARD THE FRONT, meaning in the direction the limo is facing and traveling, in the direction that JFK facing. That OUTWARD BURSTING of the FRONT of the skull happens to take place just as JFK's head jerks FORWARD (toward the FRONT) violently at Zapruder 313.

Just in case you still are having difficulty with that, I've done yet another anim for you to study to see if you possibly can make out visually what I have just described carefully and in detail, and this time I've solidly colored in the space indicating the distance the head travels in one frame, from Z312 to Z313 (including this time the sudden change in position of the right ear), and remains so slammed forward through Z314, where brain matter is seen having flown FORWARD out through the exploded opening in the FRONT of the skull. I've now circled that ejecta and drawn in lines indicating its apparent (obvious) path of travel OUTWARD through FRONT of the skull. So here all that is. The "stairstepping" seen at the bottom part and side of the image in several of the frames is because I have "stabilized" this anim, aligning all the images on the curb in the background and on the trailing edge of the "rollbar" metal piece that goes across the limo:


In this anim, I've attempted also to address a couple of things several others, I believe, brought up earlier in the discussion:

  • 1. Outlining other occupants and items in the limo to compare their relatively static attitudes during the frames where JFK's head slams violently forward, and,
    2. Using Zapruder stills other than the ones I used in the first go-'round that I had gotten off the internet somewhere, and which obviously somebody had filled in with green on the bottom on some of the frames, I guess to compensate for however they cropped and aligned the various frames. Anyway, it was creating confusion or question, and I only had used them because they were handy and zoomed in on the head shot.

And at this point if you—or anybody in the world—still cannot see what I have described, and what I have carefully put into clear, inarguable visual form, and cannot see the large flap of skull that has been blown OUTWARD toward the FRONT after the head slams forward, I am definitely the wrong person to be talking to about it: I've never even dabbled in opthamology, or in cures for severe chronic denial.



"Outlining other occupants and items in the limo to compare their relatively static attitudes during the frames where JFK's head slams violently forward, and,"

What I'm seeing is JFK's body slipping down with his hands slipping away from his throat, elbows down, at this point, as the fatal shot impacts his skull at the right temporal/parietal region, driving his head further down before the exploding ejecta emanating from the right antero/lateral aspect of the skull forces his head up and backward to the left, posteriorly.

"and cannot see the large flap of skull that has been blown OUTWARD toward the FRONT after the head slams forward, I am definitely the wrong person to be talking to about it:"

What I'm seeing is the large flap of skull, first dangling anteriorly after the initial impact that severed it from the right hemiphere, when his head was driven down further at the moment of impact at the right temporal/parietal area. Then, I'm observing it hanging laterally to the skull from the right hemisphere of the brain from which it was severed after the initial force of the release of the ejecta emanating from the right antero/lateral aspect of the skull forced the head up and backward to the left, posteriorly.

That shot appears to have come from the area on the knoll to the right, over by the underpass. But, that's JMHO.

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Bill, this movie is frame 312-313 in 10% opacity increments.

I still don't see a distinction between blurring and shoulder movement.

Anyone else?



Let's get a few things straight so we can at least start on the same plane ... feel free to mention any numbered point that you do not understand because each one is important.

1) I count only 7 frame transitions, thus these are not at 10% opacity increments.

2) The limo rotates away from Zapruder's camera with each frame. This is because the angle Zapruder has to the occupants changes with each film frame as the car moves forward. (see Z311 and Z312 example below)

This means that even if the occupants were stationary dummies - the crease in Jackie's coat would continue to come out from behind JFK just as the sun would do in relation to the moon as seen from the earth if we were watching a lunar eclipse.

3) The limo blur that you pointed out blurs to the east because Zapruder moves his camera at the same instant. (see below)

JFK blurs to the west not because Zapruder moved his camera, but because the President's body has just taken a jolt. So instead of more of Jackie's coat sleeve creases becoming more visible - the instant backward movement of JFK's right shoulder hid the rotation of the limo pertaining to Jackie's sleeve crease, the shade line on the coat drops, and where the suit coat was solid in tone above the red line, which hid JFk's flesh colored neck - it is now flesh colored because the shoulder moved backwards which caused the blur to be seen on the right/to the west. (see below)

To recap: the limo blurs to the east because Zapruder moved his camera - JFK's shoulder blurs in the opposite direction because JFK's trunk was jolted rearward as the body absorbed the impact of the bullet.

Bill Miller

Bill, the movie I supplied starts with a complete frame 312. Their are 9 transition steps until a complete frame 313 arrives.

To view this, use Quicktime if possible. Start from the beginning. Use keyboard right arrow and hit it one at a time. Each arrow is in 10% increments. There is a total of 9 increments plus a complete 312 at the beginning and a complete 313 at the end.

If you only see 7 increments in my movie, then it's not very constructive to talk about shoulder movement.

Do you see shoulder movement in my movie?

I don't.



I'm not saying there isn't movement, I'm saying I do not see it.

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Do you see shoulder movement in my movie?

I don't.



I have reviewed your movie very closely despite its very small size and I would like to point out something to you that I have said several times now .... I will use your movie as the example.

The limo rotates counter clockwise with each frame, thus if JFK's shoulder was to remain stationary and not moved an inch (remember the dummie reference I used previously), then one would still see more of Jackie's sleeve creases coming out from behind the President. This is a rule of physics concerning perspective and how it is viewed by way of an ever changing angle to the subjects. The reason for it not being seen in your clip is because you positioned your frames in such a way to make the shoulder not appear to move, but in doing so you removed the rotation of the limo which should have caused more of Jackie to become visible between those two frames. In other words, if YOU see no rotation between JFK and Jackie between Z312 and Z313, then it is because of the President's right shoulder moving backwards as the energy of the force of the impact passed down the trunk of his body.

Take a moment and consider what I said about the blurring issues. Zapruder moves his camera in a way that causes the forward moving limo to blur to the east. If JFK was stationary, then he too, should blur in the same direction that the limo did. But JFK blurred to the west, which means that his shoulder moved with Zapruder's pan, but only faster. The back of JFK (the east side of his back) did not blur as the front side did because the shoulder moving backwards for that one instant canceled out the rotation between JFK and his wife.

Below is a line drawn over the edge of the suit coat of JFK. In Z313 the image blurs, but forget the blur and look where the solid part of the coat has moved to ...

Bill Miller

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As well as the shift due to the Limo from left to right and the camera following, the Limo is also travelling from up to down.

This shift is being ignored.

One would expect, alll things being equal that more of Jackies right ( her right) forearm would become visible. It doesn't. Quite the opposite. Less is becoming visible.

Look also at the angle between her right upper arm and her left upper arm.

There is a 'scissoring' ovemement.

She is pushing Kennedy upright. This push continues into 313.

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As well as the shift due to the Limo from left to right and the camera following, the Limo is also travelling from up to down.
John, I don't know if the sinking in elevation is all that important for the stabilization has not only adjusted for that, but when the car was moving at its fastest speed - I blieve that the FBI said it was moving forward at 11 inches per Zframe. The car had slowed even more by Z312/313, but even at 11 inches of distance traveled per film frame it wouldn't cause the limo to sink that much in elevation ... or so I would think.
One would expect, alll things being equal that more of Jackies right ( her right) forearm would become visible. It doesn't. Quite the opposite. Less is becoming visible.

That is the point I have been trying to make.

Bill Miller

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