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John Simkin: Unspeakable National Disgrace

Tomas Lowry

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I was going to ask for admission into your forum, having studied History, it's implications, the JFK Assassination for 35 years now , but after reading some of the posts there I've decided not to. It seems you guys (Simkin) are there without the least bit of concern about who killed JFK . A open and shut if it weren't for a lack of critical and classical thinking skills that pervade our society today and a willing suspension of disbelief that passes along with evidence (Horse manure) muttered by your forums advocates . Fueling a unhealthy American obsession with innuendo, hearsay evidence and contradictions, retained in the WCR, for posterity's sake and the historic record, to be reviewed by *QUALIFIED*! Historians at a later date for revision and turning it into some half arsed game, with sound bite sally (Simkin) is what I describe as a ' Unspeakable National Disgrace'. This man wouldn't know a Assassin even if he were shot in the rear end by one. Just great, a blind man leading the willfully blind on a chase up the Grassy Knoll that's looking more like Mt. Everest as every day goes by. Self importance must be the main goal of people who dither around the bush day in and day out for 44 years straight, never ending rearrangement of words into questions that were answered years ago . The determinable facts of the Assassination were discovered by the WCR, all the rest has been useless speculation bordering on the criminal and seduction of the most foul type that indicates lost time and effort by people who have no direction and have no self esteem. Reminds me of a group of little lost girls in a forest, on crutches crying for their MOMMA!

PS: Try posting that on your forum, I'd love to see the reactions, dropped jawed conundrums of disbelief , feigned postures of indignation and all the dead phone responses by your air headed followers ! I don't expect you to do this, cowards that hide behind the power of a deletion button are just cowards and no more.

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I was going to ask for admission into your forum, having studied History, it's implications, the JFK Assassination for 35 years now , but after reading some of the posts there I've decided not to. It seems you guys (Simkin) are there without the least bit of concern about who killed JFK . A open and shut if it weren't for a lack of critical and classical thinking skills that pervade our society today and a willing suspension of disbelief that passes along with evidence (Horse manure) muttered by your forums advocates . Fueling a unhealthy American obsession with innuendo, hearsay evidence and contradictions, retained in the WCR, for posterity's sake and the historic record, to be reviewed by *QUALIFIED*! Historians at a later date for revision and turning it into some half arsed game, with sound bite sally (Simkin) is what I describe as a ' Unspeakable National Disgrace'. This man wouldn't know a Assassin even if he were shot in the rear end by one. Just great, a blind man leading the willfully blind on a chase up the Grassy Knoll that's looking more like Mt. Everest as every day goes by. Self importance must be the main goal of people who dither around the bush day in and day out for 44 years straight, never ending rearrangement of words into questions that were answered years ago . The determinable facts of the Assassination were discovered by the WCR, all the rest has been useless speculation bordering on the criminal and seduction of the most foul type that indicates lost time and effort by people who have no direction and have no self esteem. Reminds me of a group of little lost girls in a forest, on crutches crying for their MOMMA!

PS: Try posting that on your forum, I'd love to see the reactions, dropped jawed conundrums of disbelief , feigned postures of indignation and all the dead phone responses by your air headed followers ! I don't expect you to do this, cowards that hide behind the power of a deletion button are just cowards and no more.

Welcome....I think...to this forum. You are entitled to your opinions, some of which might actually be correct. The death of JFK is indeed somewhat of an obsession to some of those here, because they believe it to be a national disgrace that the true facts were never disclosed by the government. Unlike you, I do not have any confidence that the WC "got it right". Neither the HSCA. If you look, you can read Tannenbaum's and Sprague's comments about what it was like dealing with Congress while trying to conduct another "official" murder investigation in the late 1970's. Those experienced criminal investigators left and a law professor (Blakey) was hired to "solve the crime". That was, of course, within the funding constraints allocated by the Congress. IOW, we'll get to "the truth" if it doesn't cost us too much money. Many folks here have spent countless hours researching documents, providing photos and help on their own or when asked. If it is not worth your time to register and peruse the forum, then please do not do so.

I appreciate living in these United States, but that does not automatically mean that I believe every official government report or press release issued by same government. It is my belief that some refuse to consider the possibility of government deception in the JFK case because, to do so, would so undermine their confidence in this country. I can accept the possibility of deception or a revealing of less than all of the known facts. To do so would not permanently lessen my long term confidence in this country.


Nick Bartetzko

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First they exhume Robert Gates, then Poppy and Poppy Jr. both break down and cry on TV, and now this?

The Dynasty must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to prop up the last flimsy, rotted walls of cover-up now, huh?

Ashton Gray

Edited by Ashton Gray
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I was going to ask for admission into your forum, having studied History, it's implications, the JFK Assassination for 35 years now , but after reading some of the posts there I've decided not to. It seems you guys (Simkin) are there without the least bit of concern about who killed JFK .

This man wouldn't know a Assassin even if he were shot in the rear end by one. Just great, a blind man leading the willfully blind on a chase up the Grassy Knoll that's looking more like Mt. Everest as every day goes by.

I find it funny that this man is talking as if he was thinking about asking for admission to a 'free forum' that he already had access to for he must have registered so to make a post in the first place.

Also, unless I have misread his response, he doesn't believe that a shot had been fired from in front of the President, thus his position must be that this smoke seen coming from the fence was the result of steam being released from an enclosed steampipe some 100+ feet away. If I am correct, then maybe it is just as well that he doesn't waste his time here.


Edited by Bill Miller
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I was going to ask for admission into your forum, having studied History, it's implications, the JFK Assassination for 35 years now , but after reading some of the posts there I've decided not to. It seems you guys (Simkin) are there without the least bit of concern about who killed JFK .

This man wouldn't know a Assassin even if he were shot in the rear end by one. Just great, a blind man leading the willfully blind on a chase up the Grassy Knoll that's looking more like Mt. Everest as every day goes by.

I find it funny that this man is talking as if he was thinking about asking for admission to a 'free forum' that he already had access to for he must have registered so to make a post in the first place.

Also, unless I have misread his response, he doesn't believe that a shot had been fired from in front of the President, thus his position must be that this smoke seen coming from the fence was the result of steam being released from an enclosed steampipe some 100+ feet away. If I am correct, then maybe it is just as well that he doesn't waste his time here.


Bill, I could be wrong, but I think Mr lowry emailed John as if he were wanting to register (emailing Johnis now part of that process), then changed mind "I was going to ask etc etc" before finally daring John to post it. John, of course, obliged... posting both as TL's bio and here as a new thread.

My personal view is that he does not meet the criteria to be posting here (teacher, researcher, author) but those standards are not enforced, so I see no reason he should not be allowed to hang around. What I do suggest is that he be corrected on factual errors in any posts once and once only. Long, drawn out debates that get nowhere are what he really wants. Deprive him of that and he'll wander off.

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If one is convinced that the case is open and shut, and has been since 1964, why would one spend a further 35 years studying the case? I am a relative newcomer to the forum, but I think it is unfair that you can generalise that all contributors are being led on a blind chase up the "grassy knoll". This is not a reflection of the level of debate which I have witnessed on this forum to date - from both those who see evidence of conspiracy and those who do not.

I for one have not yet reached a satisfactory conclusion as to who perpetrated this crime. If (like you) I take 35 years of study to reach my conclusion, then so be it.

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On viewing the title of this topic, I thought at the very least John must have been caught in bed with a Beefeater.

Turns out it's just a lone nut WC true believer exuding froth.

What a disappointment. :rolleyes: .

Sid, the shock value of that has dissipated somewhat due to the breaking down of tradition. They've just appointed the first female Beefeater, and she was almost attractive in a disturbing Soviet farm-girl kind of way.

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FWIW, Mr. Lowry is a regular over on the McAdams forum. He attacks conspiracy theorists constantly and insists over and over that they refuse to look at the issues, but then evades them like mad when they take the bait. He sent me an extremely hostile email after I put that video up on the web of Baden testifying with his exhibit upside down. He insinuated that I had somehow made everything up even though virtually everything in my video came from government documents. In my opinion he is not well, but he no doubt thinks the same of me. I'll let history (and not cherry-picked historians) be the judge.

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Guest Stephen Turner
On viewing the title of this topic, I thought at the very least John must have been caught in bed with a Beefeater.

Turns out it's just a lone nut WC true believer exuding froth.

What a disappointment. :blink: .

Sid, the shock value of that has dissipated somewhat due to the breaking down of tradition. They've just appointed the first female Beefeater, and she was almost attractive in a disturbing Soviet farm-girl kind of way.

Nothing wrong with Soviet farm girls Greg :rolleyes:

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I was going to ask for admission into your forum, having studied History, it's implications, the JFK Assassination for 35 years now , but after reading some of the posts there I've decided not to. It seems you guys (Simkin) are there without the least bit of concern about who killed JFK . A open and shut if it weren't for a lack of critical and classical thinking skills that pervade our society today and a willing suspension of disbelief that passes along with evidence (Horse manure) muttered by your forums advocates . Fueling a unhealthy American obsession with innuendo, hearsay evidence and contradictions, retained in the WCR, for posterity's sake and the historic record, to be reviewed by *QUALIFIED*! Historians at a later date for revision and turning it into some half arsed game, with sound bite sally (Simkin) is what I describe as a ' Unspeakable National Disgrace'. This man wouldn't know a Assassin even if he were shot in the rear end by one. Just great, a blind man leading the willfully blind on a chase up the Grassy Knoll that's looking more like Mt. Everest as every day goes by. Self importance must be the main goal of people who dither around the bush day in and day out for 44 years straight, never ending rearrangement of words into questions that were answered years ago . The determinable facts of the Assassination were discovered by the WCR, all the rest has been useless speculation bordering on the criminal and seduction of the most foul type that indicates lost time and effort by people who have no direction and have no self esteem. Reminds me of a group of little lost girls in a forest, on crutches crying for their MOMMA!

PS: Try posting that on your forum, I'd love to see the reactions, dropped jawed conundrums of disbelief , feigned postures of indignation and all the dead phone responses by your air headed followers ! I don't expect you to do this, cowards that hide behind the power of a deletion button are just cowards and no more.


There is only room for one "completely closed" mind on this forum, and I long ago laid claim to it.

Too bad that you did not shop around here, you just may have learned a few things which neither the WC nor the HSCA bothered to inform you of. Such as:

1. Some of the facts as relates to who & what LHO was and the games he was playing/being played.

2. Some of the facts about the third/last/final shot in the shooting sequence.(The Magic Bullet)

3. Some of the facts about the first shot in the shooting sequence.

4. That the WC was a complete misrepresentation of the facts of the assassination.

5. That the HSCA was also manipulated.

My mistake! I would suppose that my mind IS NOT completely closed, since I am fully aware of almost all of Specter & Company's frequent and ever so slight/sleight-of-hand manipulations of the evidence, as well as the extremely high probability of a conspiracy to assassinate JFK.


P.S. I do believe that the old saying was "A Closed Mind Opens no Doors".

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On viewing the title of this topic, I thought at the very least John must have been caught in bed with a Beefeater.

Turns out it's just a lone nut WC true believer exuding froth.

What a disappointment. :o .

Sid, the shock value of that has dissipated somewhat due to the breaking down of tradition. They've just appointed the first female Beefeater, and she was almost attractive in a disturbing Soviet farm-girl kind of way.

Nothing wrong with Soviet farm girls Greg :lol:

You only subscribed to Most Best Great Soviet Tractors & Harvesters Quarterly for the articles, I take it, Steve? :)

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