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Donald Norton

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It seems Donald O. Norton, unlike Joltin' Joe, has not left and gone away. I have 3 new addresses for him in Avon Park, FL.

Donald O. Norton

1006 Percy Ave

Avon Pk, FL

Donald O. Norton

1006 Anoka Ave (as of March 1, 2005)

Avon Park, FL

Then there's a doctor listed:

Dr. Donald B Geldart

1006 W. Pleasant St

Avon Park, FL 33825-2966

What is with "1006"?

There were no business listings for him. Except a Donald O. Norton in MT with a steak restaurant. I will keep plugging along.

There's some stunning research into Donald O. Norton on the blog: thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com

Mostly in Sept. 2005 and thereabouts. Some pictures too.


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Why are you stalking this guy again?

There's another Don Norton on the Outer Banks.


Bill, Donald O. Norton is a figure in the Kennedy Assassination. To what extent, only John Armstrong knows. He pretended to be Lee Oswald. He knows things he's not telling. And when Robert Oswald gets on TV, he gleams as he tells the public what a dipxxxx his brother was. Robert claims to be Oswald's brother. He is not. The more we search for truth, the more we can understand what happened November 22, 1963. Norton claimed to be Lee Oswald to Mae Brussels. Weren't you there when he approached her? Are you feeling sorry for him?


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The most curious address of all for DONALD O. NORTON

is the one on COSTA BRAVA in Las Vegas, which is identical address

to a CIA safehouse which was the same address as ART SWANSON,

"JFK researcher" and admitted CIA "former employee".

Armstrong's research established that this "safehouse" is owned

by neither Swanson nor Norton...but by a bank believed to be

a CIA front in St. Louis.

I believe Donald O. Norton is likely Robert's brother. I don't know

who Donald P. Norton may have been.

Someone ought to research the TWO NORTONS in depth. It might

just be the key to cracking the case.


Edited by Jack White
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Why are you stalking this guy again?

There's another Don Norton on the Outer Banks.


Bill, Donald O. Norton is a figure in the Kennedy Assassination. To what extent, only John Armstrong knows.

Hi Kathy, I understand he is a figure in the KA. John Armstrong isn't talking.

He pretended to be Lee Oswald.

Was it Donald O. or Donald P. Norton who prentended to be LHO and when?

He knows things he's not telling.

Has anyone tried asking him?

And when Robert Oswald gets on TV, he gleams as he tells the public what a dipxxxx his brother was. Robert claims to be Oswald's brother. He is not.

Robert certainly knows more than he says.

The more we search for truth, the more we can understand what happened November 22, 1963.


Norton claimed to be Lee Oswald to Mae Brussels.

The way I understand it he sent Mae money in the mail to keep up her research, and she suspected Norton was an LHO impersonator.

Weren't you there when he approached her?

Indeed I was, though not paying much attention at the time. But which Norton was it - Donald O. or Donald P. ?

Are you feeling sorry for him?

I don't feel sorry for him, I'd like to meet him again, now that he has my attention. I think witnesses and suspects should be treated special - given the beneift of the doubt and given the opportunity to answer questions, preferably under oath in Congressional Hearing or Court.

There's another thread on Don Norton on this forum somewhere, but here's my file on Donald O.

And I agree with Jack that there is a lot of room for further investigaiton - BK

DONALD P. NORTON – By William E. Kelly, Jr. [ bkjfk3@yahoo.com ] As summarized from interview notes taken by investigators (Charles Ward/R. Billings) for the New Orleans District Attorney (NODA) and newspaper clips, released by the NARA under the JFK Act.

Born on January 23, 1932, a native of Columbus, Georgia, Donald P. Norton was raised and educated in Georgia before entering the U.S. Air Force in October, 1949. A musician who played the organ and self-described TV personality, Norton enlisted with the understanding he would play in the Air Force Band, which he did until 1952 when he was discharged over what he described as a “personal involvement” and an “indiscretion” that led to him being sentenced to six months in a federal prison.

Returning to Georgia he continued his musical education at a conservatory where he earned a bachelor and master degrees and in 1957 a job playing at the officers club at Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia, where he performed for and met generals and other officers and officals. While there he was approached by a man representing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who told him “we want to know who does what to whom,” which the NODA investigator surmised, “the obvious implication being that it would his duty to ferret out homosexuals in high military places.” The money, Norton said, was good, $500 a month, and Norton continued what he called his “witch hunting” assignment until 1958, when the colonel who employed him was charged with embezzlement.

Norton then moved to Atlanta where he performed on weekends at the officers club, whose secretary Norton was convinced, was also a government agent, continuing to turn over information about homosexuals, proof “based on experience.”

In early 1958 he received a phone call from his contact who asked him if he would like to take a trip to Cuba. He met “Hugh Pharris” at the Easter Airline ticket counter at the Atlanta Airport. “Pharris” gave him a case of phonograph records, saying “it is in the jackts,” samples of which he was to take to Carlo Media, a Cuban television personality, who was also working for the CIA at the time. “Pharris” was described as a man who wore sun glasses and a very sloppy wig, who Norton is convinced was David Ferrie. A young lady was with him, Carlotta Roth, a dancer at the Domino Lounge in Atlanta. After traveling to Cuba, Norton returned to Georgia via Miami and New York and reported to his CIA contact in Atlanta.

Norton said his next assignment was to infiltrate the Fulton County jail, where he was placed in the same cell with Robert Bolling, accused of dynamiting a synagogue. Other assignments were more his specialty, to determine the existence of homosexuals in government jobs.

In 1960, while on a pleasure trip to New Orleans, Norton said he went to the My-O-My Club, a homosexual hangout, where he saw “Hugh Pharris” (aka David Ferrie), though he didn’t break operational security and talk to him.

According to the NODA investigation report of the interview with Norton, “…it should be noted that the man’s (Norton’s) physical appearance and his behavior indicate at a glance his sexual nature. A man of rather delicate features, slightly overweight, he is extremely nervous, a chain smoker, which may well be explained by the fact that he is indeed frightened. On the other hand, he is a fast-talking, well rehearsed witness, although his testimony is often confusing due to his penchant for inconsequential gossip. He has a very inflated ego about his musical talents and his ability to decipher weaknesses of others. He describes himself as a passive homosexual who is really a bisexual, although the latter terminology must be considered doubtful. On observation it must be stated that it seems unlikely that a man of such homosexual tendencies would be employed by the intelligence agency, but, as he described the nature of his work, this was exactly the reason they hired him. He described the reason for going to work for the agency as two-fold. One, ‘they had something on me,’ he says, and two, ‘the money was good.’”

Norton said he was paid on an assignment-by-assignment basis, received his orders by phone from a man who was only identified as “the Captain,” and never heard the term “CIA” by the initials used to describe the agency, and the first reference was the last reference to the company. He was tightly insulated from other CIA operatives and only knows of a few others who have worked for the agency.

In September, 1962, Norton said he was given the assignment of delivering $50,000 to the Hotel Yamajel, in Monterray, Mexico. Driving in his own 1956 Buick, he registered under his own name.

According to the NODA investigator’s report, “It should be noted here that Norton’s knowledge of Cuban policy of this country is extremely vague. He is able to theorize as if it were some revelation that the United States or CIA was behind the overthrow of Batista, but then when Castro threw out the CIA, it in turn, and the U.S. government turned against Castro. He does however say that Carlo Media, the CIA-employed Cuban is now in a Castro prison, so he thinks. He says that after the Castro overthrow his only assignment involving Cuba was this courier trip to Monterray to turn over $50,000 to Harvey Lee…”

After registering at the Yamajel Hotel, Norton said he was met by “Harvey Lee” before he could even get to his room. They went into the bar and had a few beers. Norton described “Harvey Lee” as “a man of slight build who dressed casually, who appeared identical to Oswald except for the fact that his hair was not as thin as the hair of the man he saw in pictures identified as Lee Harvey Oswald.”

Norton also noted that “Harvey Lee” refused to look him in the eye. When asked where he was from, Norton recalled the answer, he thinks, was New Orleans. In return for the case of money, in return Norton was given a case of documents in manila envelops, “the nature of which he does not know.”

From Monterray, Norton said he then drove to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where he became a television personality and played at the bar of the Georgian Terrace restaurant. “There he was met by a man he can only describe as resembling Oral Roberts, the evangelist, and says this man came to him and used the code identification ‘the weather is very warm in Tulsa,” and Norton turned over the documents to him in the parking lot, where the man was driving a Volkswagon.

Returning to the United States, Norton was arrested at the behest of Albert Penn of Five Points, Alabama, who Norton knew as a homosexual, and from whom he received some of his instructions. Penn accused Norton of stealing checks, but he was acquitted of the charge and released.

In 1965 Norton went to Albany, Georgia, where he was contacted by “the Captain,” who may be also known as “Del Merton.” In Albany in 1966 he saw a man he now knows to be Clay Shaw with James A. Gray, an extreme right-wing political power, talking together at the Double Gate Country Club. Gray then offered to help establish Norton in Albany with a $6,000 loan, which was ostensibly and surreptitiously repaid by the CIA. Norton described Gary as a dangerous person and moneyman behind the Continental Room, where Gordon Leonard was the front man. Norton later crossed paths with Clay Shaw once again at the Domino Bar in Atlanta.

In Albany, Norton was told to recruit the services of an ex-Marine police officer, John Stickler, and a friend, Jack C. White, Jr., but failed to follow through on the assignment.

In late November 1966 Norton was instructed to go to Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, where he was to get the names of the homosexuals working at the missile tracking station on Grand Bahama, his last assignment for the CIA. After a week he returned to Miami where he called his contact, a “Mr. Green,” who informed him that “something was brewing in New Orleans and…he should take a long, quiet vacation.”

According to the NODA report, “Norton claims he had no idea as to the nature of the New Orleans development, and that he had no idea why he was being told to take this vacation. It worried him a great deal, so he went on a long circuitous trip attempting to find out what was happening, shy he had been summarily dismissed, so to speak. He suspected that he had done something wrong but did not know the nature of the misdeed. He first went to Key West to contact a CIA friend there, but was unsuccessful. He returned to Miami but was unable to reach Green again. He then drove to Savannna, and by this time was really frightened. He got in a plane and flew to Dallas and tried to contact a man named Stanley Walsh, who he had known in Houston, a man he describes as a former trapeze artist, a former paratrooper who had been working for the agency…”

Flying to Honolulu, Norton contacted a retired naval captain, a doctor then in private practice, who told Norton to forget the problem. Another CIA contact, Bill Rusk, came from Texas, an alcoholic with Mafia connections who ran a liquor store in the Pioneer Hotel, who told him, “Join the party or get out.”

From there Norton went to Canada to hide out, but inexplicitly talked to a reporter, John Taylor of the British Columbia Vancover Sun, requesting that Taylor put him in contact with the New Orleans District Attorney’s office. On August 5, 1967, the headline read: “AMERICAN, ‘NOWHERE ELSE TO GO’ COMES HERE TO TELL FANTASTIC TALE LINKS CIA WITH OSWALD, CLAY SHAW.”

“A link between Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and the Central Intelligence Agency is claimed by a man now in Vancover. Donald P. Norton, 35, told The Sun he encountered all three while he was on the payroll of the CIA, the U.S. espionage agency.”

“Norton has been interviewed here and in New Orleans by officials of the New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrision, whose investigation has been questioned by many sources, alleged a conspiracy between Shaw and Oswald in the assassination of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy.”

“…Norton first came to see The Sun, July 8. Since then many details of Norton’s story have been confirmed. But the authenticity of his central claims defy verification by normal newspaper investigation…”


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Bill, I don't want to harrass someone, and I was surprised when you said I was "stalking" Norton -- that's Donald O. Norton.

But I want to thank you for your info on Donald P. Norton. I knew about him, but you provided me with a great more detail. He's a different man than Donald O.

Donald O. identified himself as Lee Oswald to Mae Brussel and witnesses. He went to Mae's house with the others and recited Harvey's former radio interview about Russia word for word.

Since I learned there were 2 men sharing LHO's identity, I know Harvey was shot by Ruby, and Lee disappeared. Is he Donald O. Norton? Doesn't look like Lee, but he claimed he was.

I think that his using 2 addresses, both of which are in 2 different places in Avon Park, and the number is 1006 and the doctor's address is 1006, very interesting. These are public records.


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Bill, I don't want to harrass someone, and I was surprised when you said I was "stalking" Norton -- that's Donald O. Norton.

But I want to thank you for your info on Donald P. Norton. I knew about him, but you provided me with a great more detail. He's a different man than Donald O.

Donald O. identified himself as Lee Oswald to Mae Brussel and witnesses. He went to Mae's house with the others and recited Harvey's former radio interview about Russia word for word.

Since I learned there were 2 men sharing LHO's identity, I know Harvey was shot by Ruby, and Lee disappeared. Is he Donald O. Norton? Doesn't look like Lee, but he claimed he was.

I think that his using 2 addresses, both of which are in 2 different places in Avon Park, and the number is 1006 and the doctor's address is 1006, very interesting. These are public records.


Hi Kathy,

I think more than two men shared LHO's identiy.

I don't think it as simple as Harvey & Lee.

It's important to keep track of the locations of witnesses and suspects since some day we may have a legal venue like a Congressional Hearing or Grand Jury where they can be called and properly questioned.

I'm not against stalking suspects, it's just they eventually have to be confronted and questioned properly.

There was a black guy named Jim Braden who lived on the same street as the real Jim Braden in LA, except decades later, and he was pissed at getting calls from JFK researchers thinking he was the guy taken into custody at Dealey Plaza.

And besides Don Norton, we know that Larry Crafard was twice mistaken for LHO, and at least once intentionally impersonated him.

As for Norton(s), more research is necessary.

But everybody can't be CIA.


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I suppose I'm just going to have to cave and buy Armstrong's book. This stuff if just too bloody interesting not to follow up on it.

A wise decision John. Harvey & Lee is an indispensable work in my opinion. Plus, its likely to be a good investment.

A copy of Armstrong's 1997 Dallas presentation is selling for $275.


Edited by Michael Hogan
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I suppose I'm just going to have to cave and buy Armstrong's book. This stuff if just too bloody interesting not to follow up on it.



seems the only way to get the updated version is on this website:


I tried looking on amazon a while back but they didn't have it.

I think it's a reasonable price - about $44 for a hardback book with a CD of further info.

Unfortunately postage to the UK is a lot so I think I will wait to get it until the next time I'm in Dallas and bring it back with me so I don't have to pay it or the added tax. Do you get charged in Ireland over internet shopping? Here you have to pay tax on anything over £18, which is hardly a lot!

Typical of 'rip off' Britain..... :rolleyes:

See you Sunday!

Edited by Francesca Akhtar
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I suppose I'm just going to have to cave and buy Armstrong's book. This stuff if just too bloody interesting not to follow up on it.


Don't expect to find anything on Norton in Harvey and Lee. John had to pare 2000 pages down

to 900 pages, and left out the Norton research, even though he spent months on it, including

trips to Ohio and Florida. A reason for it was that he could find no independent materials on

Norton beyond his own research. He did not want anything in the book which in the future

someone might debunk with materials not yet uncovered. In other words, the Norton investigation

is not yet complete.


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I suppose I'm just going to have to cave and buy Armstrong's book. This stuff if just too bloody interesting not to follow up on it.


Don't expect to find anything on Norton in Harvey and Lee. John had to pare 2000 pages down

to 900 pages, and left out the Norton research, even though he spent months on it, including

trips to Ohio and Florida. A reason for it was that he could find no independent materials on

Norton beyond his own research. He did not want anything in the book which in the future

someone might debunk with materials not yet uncovered. In other words, the Norton investigation

is not yet complete.


Thats understandable Jack. Given the nature of his investigation there would, naturally, be a lot of people dismissing it as wild and shoddy research had it not all been properly and reliably referenced. Does he give any account of his Norton research in the Lancer booklets or in a vhs presentation?


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I suppose I'm just going to have to cave and buy Armstrong's book. This stuff if just too bloody interesting not to follow up on it.


Don't expect to find anything on Norton in Harvey and Lee. John had to pare 2000 pages down

to 900 pages, and left out the Norton research, even though he spent months on it, including

trips to Ohio and Florida. A reason for it was that he could find no independent materials on

Norton beyond his own research. He did not want anything in the book which in the future

someone might debunk with materials not yet uncovered. In other words, the Norton investigation

is not yet complete.


Thats understandable Jack. Given the nature of his investigation there would, naturally, be a lot of people dismissing it as wild and shoddy research had it not all been properly and reliably referenced. Does he give any account of his Norton research in the Lancer booklets or in a vhs presentation?


Not that I know of. He shared information with a select few friends, but I recall no presentations.

He turned up numerous "spooky" associations, but nothing that is proof...just things that point

to agency involvement, and that of course is secret. Lots of circumstantial evidence, but nothing



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