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Mary Bledsoe

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Given the discussion regarding the lodgers at 1026 North Beckley on the Hank Killam thread, I thought it might be worthwhile having a look at Mary Bledsoe and 621 N. Marsalis.

Remembering that Oswald stayed a short time at this rooming house in October and if it wasn't for Bledsoe not liking Oswald, he would not have had to relocate to North Beckley.

Mary Bledsoe is a very interesting person. A member of the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Camillia Club, plus she was the President of the Dallas Navy Mothers Club. She was married to J.E. Bledsoe (friend of G.B. Dealey) and who was an official at Southern Pacific Railroad. They had two sons, Porter and Dick Bledsoe.

During the late 1940's and early 1950's, Porter attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington D.C.

Her brother was James 'Pete' Germany who attended the Lubbock Flying School and at the time of the assassination was plant manager of Taylor Press Inc.

Mary Bledsoe was also allegedly travelling on the same bus as Oswald just after the assassination. Newspaper reports at the time make some interesting comments attributed to Bledsoe.

"He looks like a maniac."

"His sleeve was out here...his shirt was undone."

"Was a hole in it, hole, and he was dirty, and I didn't look at him. I didn't want to know I even seen him..."

Mary Bledsoe died in 1969.



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Given the discussion regarding the lodgers at 1026 North Beckley on the Hank Killam thread, I thought it might be worthwhile having a look at Mary Bledsoe and 621 N. Marsalis.

Remembering that Oswald stayed a short time at this rooming house in October and if it wasn't for Bledsoe not liking Oswald, he would not have had to relocate to North Beckley.

Mary Bledsoe is a very interesting person. A member of the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Camillia Club, plus she was the President of the Dallas Navy Mothers Club. She was married to J.E. Bledsoe (friend of G.B. Dealey) and who was an official at Southern Pacific Railroad. They had two sons, Porter and Dick Bledsoe.

During the late 1940's and early 1950's, Porter attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington D.C.

Her brother was James 'Pete' Germany who attended the Lubbock Flying School and at the time of the assassination was plant manager of Taylor Press Inc.

Mary Bledsoe was also allegedly travelling on the same bus as Oswald just after the assassination. Newspaper reports at the time make some interesting comments attributed to Bledsoe.

"He looks like a maniac."

"His sleeve was out here...his shirt was undone."

"Was a hole in it, hole, and he was dirty, and I didn't look at him. I didn't want to know I even seen him..."

Mary Bledsoe died in 1969.



A few weeks ago, I was looking through Benson's "Who's Who in the JFK Assassination" and on page 42 under the biography section for Mary E. Bledsoe, there was a sentence which stated

"The Midlothian Mirror (April 10, 1969) reported, "......we have learned theat her son was acquainted with [assassination suspect] David Ferrie."

and then........"Like Oswald, Bledsoe's son was trained by Ferrie when Ferrie was a captain in the Civil Air Patrol."

I am more than aware that not everything written in the English language about the Kennedy Assassination is true. I am also aware that just establishing the link [or at least the photograph] showing Ferrie and Oswald together, the famous photo seen on Frontline - Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald......was a very contentious affair.

What I find interesting, is that in Who's Who in the bio for David Ferrie there is a corresponding passage which states "As Captain David Ferrie of the Civil Air Patrol, Ferrie counted among his students Oswald and the son of Mrs. Mary Bledsoe, Oswald's one-time landlady. Who's Who in the JFK Assassination see page 133

So what I am wondering is

1. It is one thing for Penn Jones to have perhaps made a mistake about this factoid, but it is quite another thing for Benson to cite the passage in the Ferrie bio section, stating it as fact.......

2. If, perhaps there is something to all of this, which son is being referenced Porter, or the other brother Dick, who apparently lived in California in 1969?

See Below

Mrs. Mary Bledsoe

Funeral Services for Mrs. Mary Esther Bledsoe, of 621 N. Marsalis, a Dallas resident for more than 40 years will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the Dudley M. Hughes Funeral Chapel, 400 E. Jefferson. Burial will be in Grove Hill Memorial Park.

Mrs. Bledsoe, a native of Ennis, died here Thursday.

She was a member of the Daughters of the Confederacy, a member and former President of the Dallas Naval Mothers Club and a member of the Camellia Club and the Archer Sunday School Class of the Oak Cliff Methodist Church.

Survivors: Two sons, Porter Bledsoe of Dallas and Dick Bledsoe of California; a brother,

Porter L. Germany of Ennis,

two grandchildren and one


If I recall correctly both the son's of Mary Bledose had backgrounds, which would not rule out the other if there is truth to the allegation.....

Edited by Robert Howard
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Also of interest is the very interesting BLEDSOE DOCUMENT, a copy of a DPD offense report

found in the files of Marguerite Oswald. (some, like Dave Perry, claim it is a forgery JOKE)

It is a typewritten report on an official DPD form, that Mary Bledsoe called police because

of an alternation between her roomer, O.H. Lee, and a Jack Rubenstein, in which some

furniture suffered damage. The address for Rubenstein, if I remember right, was the

same as the Carousel Club. A week after the report, Bledsoe requested that Mr. Lee move out.

Perry claims the document is just a joke because in the margin an unknown person had WRITTEN

IN PENCIL a crude code which can be decoded to say "U ARE A FINK".

However, it is never suggested who made up the prank, and who was the butt of the prank...

nor suggested how it used a REAL DPD offense report...OR THAT IT IS A CRIME TO SUBMIT


I still think the Bledsoe document is genuine and needs further study.


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I did do some checking regarding the Bledsoe boys and could not find anything that tied either of them to Ferrie and or the CAP. I will continue to keep looking.

That obit you posted is interesting as James 'Pete' Germany is not mentioned. I have some loose connections that associate him with Gen. Walker but nothing concrete yet.


Edited by James Richards
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Also of interest is the very interesting BLEDSOE DOCUMENT, a copy of a DPD offense report

found in the files of Marguerite Oswald. (some, like Dave Perry, claim it is a forgery JOKE)

It is a typewritten report on an official DPD form, that Mary Bledsoe called police because

of an alternation between her roomer, O.H. Lee, and a Jack Rubenstein, in which some

furniture suffered damage. The address for Rubenstein, if I remember right, was the

same as the Carousel Club. A week after the report, Bledsoe requested that Mr. Lee move out.

Perry claims the document is just a joke because in the margin an unknown person had WRITTEN

IN PENCIL a crude code which can be decoded to say "U ARE A FINK".

However, it is never suggested who made up the prank, and who was the butt of the prank...

nor suggested how it used a REAL DPD offense report...OR THAT IT IS A CRIME TO SUBMIT


I still think the Bledsoe document is genuine and needs further study.



Here it is Jack...


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Also of interest is the very interesting BLEDSOE DOCUMENT, a copy of a DPD offense report

found in the files of Marguerite Oswald. (some, like Dave Perry, claim it is a forgery JOKE)

It is a typewritten report on an official DPD form, that Mary Bledsoe called police because

of an alternation between her roomer, O.H. Lee, and a Jack Rubenstein, in which some

furniture suffered damage. The address for Rubenstein, if I remember right, was the

same as the Carousel Club. A week after the report, Bledsoe requested that Mr. Lee move out.

Perry claims the document is just a joke because in the margin an unknown person had WRITTEN

IN PENCIL a crude code which can be decoded to say "U ARE A FINK".

However, it is never suggested who made up the prank, and who was the butt of the prank...

nor suggested how it used a REAL DPD offense report...OR THAT IT IS A CRIME TO SUBMIT


I still think the Bledsoe document is genuine and needs further study.



Here it is Jack...


Thanks, Bernice....it has been years since I looked at it. The "FINK" code is TYPED IN, NOT HANDWRITTEN

AS I HAD STATED. That is a scan of it I posted about ten years ago. You are a packrat like me!


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Dave Perry and the Debunkers (They should be a rock band)

claim that the document was forged as a hoax on Mark Lane, but when the copy they sent to Lane was returned in the mail, they sent it to Penn Jones.

They claim it wasn't against the law because they didn't give it to the police.

Forging evidence in a homicide is a crime, and a federal crime when the mails are used.

Of course Perry won't say who was responsible, we have to take his word for it.

There's also the "Dear Mr. Hunt" letter, which I don't think is a forgery, and the so-called "Zipper" documents that are part of a planned disinformation campaign that appears to blame the assassination on the CIA.

The origin of the questionable Bush - National Guard documents, which led to the departure of Dan Rather from CBS, has never been established either, and may come from the same source.

And Porter Bledsoe is still alive, living in Dallas. He used to hang at the Green Glass bar, near the West End, and was working as a late night motel clerk, out of his league if his posted education is accurate. He could probably answer some of our questons.

I also thought "Mary's Box" of evidence, delivered to the Dallas PD by Oswald's former landlady, and since disappered, was Mary Bledsoe, but now I understand it was a different Mary.


Edited by William Kelly
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And Porter Bledsoe is still alive, living in Dallas. He used to hang at the Green Glass bar, near the West End, and was working as a late night motel clerk, out of his league if his posted education is accurate. He could probably answer some of our questons. (Bill Kelly)


In April of 2005, a man named Porter Bledsoe was killed by an axe wielding Vietnam vet named James Moseley. They were rooming together. Bledsoe was listed as being 80 years of age.

I wonder if this could be the same guy?


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James Richards Posted Today, 05:40 AM


Thanks for posting that report.

Does anyone know if Officers White and Hargis were ever asked about this report?

The other question is, who is this witness H.H. Grant?



Yes, White and Hargis. Any chance that this might have been offcr. Roscoe White and Hargis as in the motorcycle cop Hargis riding on the back left side of the presidential limo during the 11/22/63 motorcade.

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James Richards Posted Today, 05:40 AM


Thanks for posting that report.

Does anyone know if Officers White and Hargis were ever asked about this report?

The other question is, who is this witness H.H. Grant?



Yes, White and Hargis. Any chance that this might have been offcr. Roscoe White and Hargis as in the motorcycle cop Hargis riding on the back left side of the presidential limo during the 11/22/63 motorcade.


If I remember correctly, the J.C. White mentioned was positioned on the west side of the triple underpass at the time of the assassination but wasn't able to hear any shots because of a noisy freight train. :unsure:


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Bernice,

Would you be so kind as to repost the Bledsoe document please?

Thanks - Steve

Also of interest is the very interesting BLEDSOE DOCUMENT, a copy of a DPD offense report

found in the files of Marguerite Oswald. (some, like Dave Perry, claim it is a forgery JOKE)

It is a typewritten report on an official DPD form, that Mary Bledsoe called police because

of an alternation between her roomer, O.H. Lee, and a Jack Rubenstein, in which some

furniture suffered damage. The address for Rubenstein, if I remember right, was the

same as the Carousel Club. A week after the report, Bledsoe requested that Mr. Lee move out.

Perry claims the document is just a joke because in the margin an unknown person had WRITTEN

IN PENCIL a crude code which can be decoded to say "U ARE A FINK".

However, it is never suggested who made up the prank, and who was the butt of the prank...

nor suggested how it used a REAL DPD offense report...OR THAT IT IS A CRIME TO SUBMIT


I still think the Bledsoe document is genuine and needs further study.



Here it is Jack...


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I have no idea where this came form now, it may be of some interest....to you.......B...

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Warren Commission

Alphabetical Roster of Persons Providing Information

This table provides an alphabetical listing of individuals providing information to the Warren Commission and the location of that information in the published record. This list incorporates information provided by deposition, statement, affidavits, etc., and differs from other tables in this review which focus, in the main, on sworn depositions.


Last Name. First Name. Volume .Page. Description

Ables Don. 7 .239 .Jail clerk, Dallas Police Department and so on......

Abt John 10 116 Attorney, New York City

Adamcik John 7 202 Member, Dallas Police Department

Adams R. 10 136 Placement Interviewer, TSBD

Adams R. 11 480 Placement Interviewer, TSBD

Adams Victoria 6 386 Employee, TSBD

Akin Gene 6 63 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Alba Adrian 10 219 Acquaintance of Oswald in New Orleans

Allen Mrs. J. 11 472 Secretary, Chamberlin-Hunt Academy

Altgens James 7 515 Witness at Dealey Plaza. AP photographer.

Anderson Eugene 11 301 Marine Corps marksmanship expert

Andrews, Jr Dean 11 325 Attorney, New Orleans

Applin George 7 85 Witness at Oswald's arrest

Arce Danny 6 363 Employee, TSBD

Archer Don 12 395 Member, Dallas Police Department

Armstrong, Jr Andrew 13 302 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Arnett Charles 12 128 Member, Dallas Police Department

Aycox James 15 203 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Baker Marrion 3 242 Member, Dallas Police Department

Baker Mrs. Donald 7 507 Employee, TSBD

Baker T. 4 248 Member, Dallas Police Department

Ballen Samuel 9 45 Acquaintance of Oswalds in Texas

Barbe, Jr Emmett 11 473 Employee, William B. Reilly, Company

Bargas Tommy 10 160 Superintndent, Leslie Welding Company

Barnes W. 7 270 Member, Dallas Police Department

Barnett W. 7 539 Member, Dallas Police Department

Barnhorst Colin 10 284 Desk clerk, YMCA, Dallas

Bashour Fouad 6 61 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Batchelor Charles 15 114 Assistant, Chief, Dallas Police Department

Batchelor Charles 12 1 Assistant, Chief, Dallas Police Department

Bates Pauline 8 330 Public stenographer, Fort Worth

Baxter Charles 6 39 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Beaty Buford 12 158 Member, Dallas Police Department

Beavers William 14 570 Psychiatrist, Dallas

Beers, Jr Ira 13 102 Newspaper photographer, Dallas

Bellocchio Frank 15 466 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Belmont Alan 5 1 Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Benavides Domingo 6 444 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Benton Nelson 15 456 Television reporter, CBS

Bieberdorf Fred 13 83 First aid attendent, Dallas Health Department

Biggio William 15 48 Member, Dallas Police Department

Blalock Vance 10 81 Observed Oswald in New Orleans

Bledsoe Mary 6 400 Oswald's former landlady in Dallas

Bogard Albert 10 352 Automobile salesman, Dallas

Bookhout James 7 308 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Boone Eugene 3 291 Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County

Boswell J. 2 376 Doctor, Bethesda Naval Hospital

Botelho James 8 315 Acquantance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Bouck Robert 4 294 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Boudreaux Anne 8 35 Acquaintance of Oswald in his youth

Bouhe George 8 355 Acquaintance of Oswalds in Texas

Bowers, Jr Lee 6 284 Employee, Union Terminal Company. Witness at RR yard behind Dealey Plaza

Bowron Diana 6 134 Nurse, Parkland Hospital

Boyd Elmer 7 119 Member, Dallas Police Department

Branch John 15 473 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Brennan Howard 3 211 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Brennan Howard 11 206 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Brennan Howard 3 140 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Brennan Howard 3 184 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Brewer E. 6 302 Member, Dallas Police Department

Brewer Johnny 7 1 Witness of Oswald's arrest

Brian V. 5 47 Member, Dallas Police Department

Bringuier Carlos 10 32 Cuban attorney

Brock Alvin 12 171 Member, Dallas Police Department

Brock Mary 7 593 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Brock Robert 7 593 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Brooks Donald 10 143 Employment counselor, Texas Employment Commission

Brown C. 7 246 Member, Dallas Police Department

Brown Earle 6 231 Member, Dallas Police Department

Brown Peter 11 470 Counsel for Community Service Society, New York

Burcham John 11 473 Chief of Unemplyment Insurance, Texas Employment Commission

Burns Doris 6 397 Employee, TSBD

Burroughs Warren 7 14 Employee, Texas Theater

Cabell Earle 7 476 Mayor of Dallas

Cabell Mrs. Earle 7 485 Wife of Mayor of Dallas

Cadigan James 4 89 Document expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Cadigan James 7 418 Document expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Call Richard 8 322 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Callaway Ted 3 351 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Camarata Donald 8 316 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Carlin Bruce 15 641 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Carlin Bruce 13 201 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Carlin Karen 13 205 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Carlin Karen 15 656 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Carr Waggoner 5 258 Attorney General, State of Texas

Carrico Charles 3 357 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Carrico Charles 6 1 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Carro John 8 202 Probation officer, New York City, 1952-54

Carroll Bob 7 17 Member, Dallas Police Department

Carswell Robert 5 486 Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury

Carswell Robert 4 299 Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury

Carter Clifton 7 474 Assistant to President Johnson

Cason Frances 13 89 Telephone clerk, Dallas Police Department

Cason Jack 7 379 President, TSBD

Caster Warren 7 386 Assistant manager, Southwestern Publishing Company, TSBD

Chayes Abram 5 307 Legal Advisor, Department of State

Chayes Abram 5 327 Legal Advisor, Department of State

Cheek Bertha 13 382 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Church, Jr George 11 115 Passenger with Oswald on SS Marion Lykes

Church, Jr Mrs. George 11 116 Passenger with Oswald on SS Marion Lykes

Clardy Barnard 12 403 Member, Dallas Police Department

Clark Max 8 343 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Clark Richard 7 235 Member, Dallas Police Department

Clark William 6 18 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Clements Manning 7 318 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Cole Alwyn 4 358 Document examiner, Treasury Department

Cole Alwyn 15 703 Document examiner, Treasury Department

Combest B. 12 176 Member, Dallas Police Department

Connally, Jr John 4 129 Governor of Texas

Connally, Jr Mrs. John 4 146 Wife of Governor of Texas

Connor Peter 8 317 Acquaintance of Oswald in the Marine Corps

Conway Hiram 8 84 Fort Worth neighbor of the Oswald's in Oswald's youth

Corporon John 11 471 Official of New Orleans radio station

Couch Malcolm 6 153 TV news cameraman, Dallas

Coulter Harris 5 408 State Department interpreter

Cox Roland 15 153 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

Crafard Curtis 14 1 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Crafard Curtis 13 402 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Craig Roger 6 260 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Crawford James 6 171 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Creel Robert 11 477 Employee, Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans

Crowe (AKA Bill DeMar) William 15 96 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Crowley James 11 482 Intelligence specialist, Department of State

Croy Kennith 12 186 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

Crull Elgin 15 138 City Manager of Dallas, Texas

Crutchshaw Wilbur 12 206 Member, Dallas Police Department

Cunningham Cortlandt 7 591 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Cunningham Cortlandt 2 251 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Cunningham Cortlandt 3 451 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Cunningham Helen 11 477 Employment counselor, Texas Employment Commission

Cunningham Helen 10 117 Employment counselor, Texas Employment Commission

Curry Jessie 15 641 Chief, Dallas Police Department

Curry Jessie 15 124 Chief, Dallas Police Department

Curry Jessie 4 150 Chief, Dallas Police Department

Curry Jessie 12 25 Chief, Dallas Police Department

Curtis Don 6 57 Doctor, Parkland Hospitial

Daniels John 13 298 Employee, Dallas parking lot

Daniels Napolean 12 225 Former member, Dallas Police Department

Davis Barbara 3 342 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Davis Floyd 10 356 Operator, Sports Drome Rifle Range

Davis Virginia 6 454 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Davis Virginia 10 363 Wife of Floyd Guy Davis

Day J. 7 402 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Day J. 4 249 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Day J. 7 401 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

De Morenschildt George 9 196 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

De Morenschildt Jeanne 9 285 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Dean Patrick 5 254 Member, Dallas Police Department

Dean Patrick 12 415 Member, Dallas Police Department

Decker J. (Bill) 12 42 Sheriff, Dallas County

Delgado Nelson 8 228 Acquaintance of Oswald's in Marine Corps

Dhority C. 7 149 Member, Dallas Police Department

Dhority C. 7 380 Member, Dallas Police Department

Dietrich Edward 15 269 Guard, Armored Motor Services

Dillard Tom 6 162 Photographer-journalist, Dallas

Dillon C. 5 573 Secretary of the Treasury

Dobbs Farrell 11 208 International Secretary, Socialist Workers Party

Dobbs Farrell 10 109 International Secretary, Socialist Workers Party

Donabedian George 8 289 Captain, U.S. Navy

Donovan John 8 289 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Dougherty Jack 6 373 Employee, TSBD

Dowe Kennith 15 430 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Dulany Richard 6 113 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Duncan, Jr William 15 482 Employee, radio station, Dallas

Dymitruk Lydia 9 60 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Dziemian Arthur 5 90 Wound ballistics expert, U.S. Army

Eberhardt A. 13 181 Member, Dallas Police Departnment

Edwards Robert 6 200 Employee, Dallas City Courthouse

Euins Amos 2 201 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Evans Julian 8 66 Husband of Myrtle Evans

Evans Myrtle 8 45 Acquaintance of Marguerite Oswald in Oswald's youth

Evans, Jr Sidney 13 195 Resident of Jack Ruby's apartment house

Fain John 4 403 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Fehrenbach George 15 289 Resident of Ashland, Oregon

Feldsott Louis 11 205 President, Crescent Firearms, Inc.

Fenley Robert 11 314 Reporter, Dallas

Finck Pierre 2 377 Doctor, Bethesda Naval Hospital

Fischer Ronald 6 191 Auditor, City of Dallas

Fleming Harold 15 159 Employee, Armored Motor Service, Inc.

Folsom, Jr Allison 8 303 Lieutenant-Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps

Ford Declan 2 322 Husband of Kathrine N. Ford and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Ford Kathrine 2 295 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Foster J. 6 248 Member, Dallas Police Department

Frazier Buell 7 531 Employee, TSBD and neighbor of the Paines in Irving, Texas

Frazier Buell 2 210 Employee, TSBD and neighbor of the Paines in Irving, Texas

Frazier Robert 7 590 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Frazier Robert 3 390 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Frazier Robert 5 58 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Frazier W. 12 52 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Fritz John 7 403 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Fritz John 15 145 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Fritz John 4 202 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Fuqua Harold 13 141 Parking attendant in basement of Dallas city hall

Gallagher John 15 746 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Gangl Theodore 11 478 Employee, Padgett Printing Corp.

Garner Jesse 10 276 Neighbor of the Oswalds in New Orleans

Garner Mrs Jesse 10 264 Landlady of Oswald in New Orleans

Gauthier Leo 5 135 Inspector, Federal Bureau of Investigation

George M. 11 155 Landlord of Oswalds in Dallas

Geraci, III Philip 10 74 Resident of New Orleans who met Oswald

Gibson John 7 70 Witness to Oswald arrest

Gibson Mrs Donald 11 123 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Giesecke, Jr Adolph 6 72 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Givens Charles 6 345 Employee, TSBD

Glover Everett 10 1 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Goin Donald 15 168 Armored car operator

Goldstein David 7 594 Owner, Dave's House of Guns

Goodson Clyde 15 596 Member, Dallas Police Department

Graef John 10 174 Oswald's supervisor, Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas

Graf Allen 8 317 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Grant Eva 14 429 Sister of Jack Ruby

Grant Eva 15 321 Sister of Jack Ruby

Graves Gene 11 479 Secretary, leslie Welding Company

Graves L. 7 251 Member, Dallas Police Department

Graves L. 13 1 Member, Dallas Police Department

Gravitis Dorothy 9 131 Acquaintance of Mrs Paine in Dallas

Gray Virginia 11 209 Employee, Duke University Library

Greener Charles 11 245 Proprietor, Irving Sports Shop

Greer William 2 112 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Gregory Charles 4 117 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Gregory Charles 6 95 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Gregory Paul 9 141 Son of Peter Paul Gregory and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Gregory Peter 2 337 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Guinyard Sam 7 395 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Hall C. 15 62 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Hall Elena 7 391 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Hall John 8 406 Husband of Elena Hall and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Hall Marvin 15 174 Employee, Armored Motor Service, Dallas

Hallmark Garnett 15 488 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Hamblen C. 11 311 Employee, Western Union Telegraph Company

Hankal Robert 13 112 Director, television station, Dallas

Hansen, Jr Timothy 15 438 Member, Dallas Police Department

Hardin Michael 13 94 City ambulance driver

Hargis Bobby 6 293 Member, Dallas Police Department

Harkness D. 6 308 Member, Dallas Police Department

Harrison WIlliam 12 234 Member, Dallas Police Department

Hartogs Renatus 8 214 Psychiatrist, New York City

Hawkins Ray 7 91 Member, Dallas Police Department

Haygood Clyde 6 296 Member, Dallas Police Department

Heindel John 8 318 Acquaintance of Oswald in the Marine Corps

Helmick (Sweat) Wanda 15 396 Employee of Ralph Paul, an acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Helms Richard 5 120 Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency

Helms Richard 11 469 Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency

Henchliffe Margaret 6 139 Nurse, Parkland Hospital

Henslee Gerald 6 325 Member, Dallas Police Department

Herndon Bell 14 579 Polygrapher, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Hicks J. 7 286 Member, Dallas Police Department

Hill Clinton 2 132 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Hill Gerald 7 43 Member, Dallas Police Department

Hill Jean 6 205 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Hine Geneva 6 393 Employee, TSBD

Hodge Alfred 15 494 Owner, Buckhorn Trading Post

Holland S. 6 239 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Holly, Jr Harold 12 261 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

Holmes Harry 7 289 U.S. Postal Inspector

Holmes Harry 7 525 U.S. Postal Inspector

Hoover J. 5 97 Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Hosty, Jr James 4 440 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Howlett John 9 425 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Howlett John 7 592 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Hudson Emmett 7 558 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Huffaker, Jr Robert 13 116 Newsman, Dallas

Hulen, Jr Richard 10 277 Employee of Dallas YMCA

Hulse C. 13 99 Member, Dallas Police Department

Humes James 2 347 Doctor, Bethesda Naval Hospital

Hunley Bobb 11 476 Employee of Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans

Hunt Jackie 6 76 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Hunter Gertrude 11 253 Witness concerning alleged encounter with Oswald

Hunter Gertrude 11 275 Witness concerning alleged encounter with Oswald

Hutchison Leonard 10 327 Owner of grocery store in Irving

Hutson Thomas 7 26 Member, Dallas Police Department

Issacs Martin 8 324 Employee, Special Services Welfare Center, New York

Jackson Robert 2 155 News photographer, Dallas

Jackson Theodore 13 299 Attendant at Dallas parking lot

James Virginia 11 180 International Relations Officer, Office of Soviet Affairs, State Department

Jarman, Jr James 3 198 Employee, TSBD

Jenkins Marion 6 45 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Jenkins Ronald 15 600 News editor, radio station, Dallas

Jimison R. 6 125 Orderly, Parkland Hospital

Johnson Arnold 10 95 Director of Information and Lecture Bureau, Communist Party, U.S.A.

Johnson Arthur 10 301 Owner of roominghouse in Dallas where Oswald resided

Johnson Lyndon 5 561 President of the United States

Johnson Marvin 7 100 Member, Dallas Police Department

Johnson Mrs Arthur 10 292 Wife of Arthur C. Johnson

Johnson Mrs Lyndon 5 564 Wife of President of the United States

Johnson Priscilla 11 442 Newspaper reporter who interviewed Oswald in Russia

Johnson Speedy 15 607 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Johnson, Jr Joseph 15 218 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Johnston David 15 503 Justice of the Peace, Dallas

Jones O. 12 58 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Jones Ronald 6 51 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Kaiser Frankie 6 341 Employee, TSBD

Kaminsky Eillen 15 275 Jack Ruby's sister

Kantor Seth 15 71 Reporter, Dallas

Kaufman Stanley 15 513 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Kellerman Roy 2 61 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Kelley Edward 13 146 Porter, Dallas City Hall

Kelley Thomas 5 175 Inspector, U.S. Secret Service

Kelley Thomas 5 129 Inspector, U.S. Secret Service

Kelley Thomas 7 590 Inspector, U.S. Secret Service

Kelley Thomas 7 403 Inspector, U.S. Secret Service

Kennedy Mrs John 5 178 Widow of President John F. Kennedy

Killon Charles 7 591 Firearms identification expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

King Glen 15 51 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Klause Robert 5 535 Printer of handbill attacking President Kennedy

Kleinlerer Alexander 11 118 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Kleinman Abraham 15 383 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Kline William 15 640 Agent, U.S. Customs

Knight Frances 5 371 Director, Passport Office, Department of State

Kramer Monica 11 212 Tourist in Minsk in 1961

Kravitz Herbert 15 231 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Kriss Harry 12 266 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

Krystinik Raymond 9 461 Fellow employee of Michael R. Paine in Texas

Lane Doyle 13 221 Clerk, Western Union Telegraph Company

Lane Mark 2 32 Attorney, New York

Lane Mark 4 546 Attorney, New York

Latona Sebastian 4 1 Fingerprint expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Lawrence Perdue 7 577 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Lawson Winston 4 317 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Leavelle James 7 260 Member, Dallas Police Department

Leavelle James 8 14 Member, Dallas Police Department

LeBlanc Charles 10 218 Maintenance man, William B. Reilly Company

Lee Ivan 11 481 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Lee Vincent 10 86 Official, Fair Play for Cuba Committee

Lee Vincent 11 208 Official, Fair Play for Cuba Committee

Lehrer James 11 464 Reporter, Dallas

Leslie Helen 9 160 Member of Russian-speaking community in Dallas

Lewis Aubrey 11 318 Employee, Western Union Telegraph Company

Lewis Erwin 8 323 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Lewis L. 15 703 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Light, Jr Frederick 5 94 Wound ballistics expert, U.S. Army

Litchfield, II Wilbyrn 14 95 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Lord Billy 11 117 Passenger with Oswald on SS Marion Lykes

Lovelady Billy 6 336 Employee, TSBD

Lowery Roy 12 271 Member, Dallas Police Department

Lujan Daniel 7 243 Appeared in lineup with Oswald

Lux J. 11 206 Employee of H.L. Green Company

Malley James 11 468 Inspector, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mallory Katherine 11 210 Tourist in Minsk in 1961

Mamantov Ilya 9 102 Member of Russian-speaking community in Dallas

Mandella Arthur 4 48 Fingerprint expert, New York City Police Department (Accompanied by Joseph A. Mooney)

Markham Helen 7 499 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Markham Helen 3 305 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Martello Francis 11 471 Lieutenant, New Orleans Police Department

Martello Francis 10 51 Lieutenant, New Orleans Police Department

Martin B. 6 289 Member, Dallas Police Department

Martin Frank 12 277 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Martin James 2 1 Former business manager for Mrs Lee Harvey Oswald

Martin James 1 469 Former business manager for Mrs Lee Harvey Oswald

Maxey Billy 12 285 Member, Dallas Police Department

Mayo Logan 12 291 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

McClelland Robert 6 30 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

McCone John 5 120 Director, Central Intelligence Agency

McCullough John 15 373 Reporter, Philadelphia

McCurdy Danny 15 529 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

McDonald M. 3 295 Member, Dallas Police Department

McFarland John 11 214 Passenger on bus with Oswald to Mexico City in 1963

McFarland Meryl 11 214 Passenger on bus with Oswald to Mexico City in 1963

McKinzie Louis 13 147 Porter, Dallas City Hall

McMillon Thomas 13 37 Member, Dallas Police Department

McVikar John 5 318 Foreign Service Officer stationed at American Embassy in Soviet Union in 1959-61

McVikar John 5 299 Foreign Service Officer stationed at American Embassy in Soviet Union in 1959-61

McWatters Cecil 2 262 Busdriver, Dallas

Meller Anna 7 379 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Meyers Lawrence 15 620 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Michaelis Heinz 7 372 Manager, Seaport Traders, Inc.

Miller Austin 6 223 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Miller Dave 15 450 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Miller Louis 12 297 Member, Dallas Police Department

Mitchell Mary 6 175 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Molina Joe 6 368 Employee, TSBD

Montgomery L. 13 21 Member, Dallas Police Department

Montgomery L. 7 96 Member, Dallas Police Department

Mooney Luke 3 281 Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County

Moore Henry 7 212 Member, Dallas Police Department

Moore Russell 15 251 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Munmford Pamela 11 215 Passenger on bus with Oswald to Mexico City in 1963

Murphy Joe 6 256 Member, Dallas Police Department

Murphy Paul 8 319 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Murray, Jr David 8 319 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Murret Charles 8 180 Uncle of Lee Harvey Oswald, New Orleans

Murret John 8 188 Cousin of Lee Harvey Oswald, New Orleans

Murret Lillian 11 472 Sister of Marguerite Oswald and aunt of Lee Harvy Oswald, New Orleans

Murret Lillian 8 91 Sister of Marguerite Oswald and aunt of Lee Harvy Oswald, New Orleans

Murret Marilyn 8 154 Cousin of Lee Harvey Oswald, New Orleans

Naman Rita 11 213 Tourist in Minsk in 1961

Nelson Doris 6 143 Nurse, Parkland Hospital

Newman John 15 534 Advertising department employee, Dallas newspaper

Newman William 12 314 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

Nichols Alice 14 110 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Nichols H. 7 325 Former president, Dallas Bar Association

Nicol Joseph 3 496 Firearms identification expert, Illinois Department of Safety

Norman Harold 3 186 Employee, TSBD

Norton Robert 15 546 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

O'Brien Lawrence 7 457 Assistant to President Kennedy

O'Donnell Kenneth 7 440 Assistant to President Kennedy

O'Sullivan Frederick 8 27 Acquaintance of Oswald at Beauregard Junior High School, New Orleans

Odio Sylvia 11 367 Former citizen of Cuba, residing in Dallas

Odum Bardwell 11 468 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Ofstein Dennis 10 194 Employee, Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas

Olds Gregory 7 322 President, Dallas chapter, American Civil Liberties Union

Oliver Alfred 5 74 Wound ballistics expert, U.S. Army

Oliver Revilo 15 709 Member of the council of the John Birch Society

Olsen Harry 14 624 Former member, Dallas Police Department

Olsen Kay 14 640 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Osborne Mack 8 321 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Oswald Marguerite 1 126 Mother of Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald Marina 5 387 Widow of Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald Marina 1 1 Widow of Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald Marina 5 588 Widow of Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald Marina 5 410 Widow of Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald Marina 11 275 Widow of Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald Robert 1 264 Brother of Lee Harvey Oswald

Owens Calvin 7 78 Member, Dallas Police Department

Paine Michael 2 384 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Michael 9 434 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Michael 11 398 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Ruth 9 331 Wife of Michael R. Paine and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Ruth 3 1 Wife of Michael R. Paine and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Ruth 11 389 Wife of Michael R. Paine and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Ruth 11 153 Wife of Michael R. Paine and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Paine Ruth 2 430 Wife of Michael R. Paine and acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Palmer Thomas 15 206 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Pappas Icarus 15 360 Reporter, radio station, New York City

Patterson B. 15 744 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Patterson Bobby 12 334 Member, Dallas Police Department

Patterson Robert 14 126 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Paul Ralph 14 134 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Paul Ralph 15 664 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Pena Orest 11 346 Owner, Habana Bar, New Orleans

Pena Ruperto 11 364 Brother of Orest Pena

Perry Malcolm 3 366 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Perry Malcolm 6 7 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Perry W. 7 232 Member, Dallas Police Department

Peterman Viola 8 38 Neighbor of Oswald family in New Orleans

Peters Paul 6 68 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Peterson Joseph 14 615 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Phenix George 13 123 Television cameraman and reporter, Dallas

Pic John 11 1 Half brother of Lee Harvey Oswald

Pic, Jr Edward 7 196 First husband of Marguerite Oswald

Pic, Jr Edward 11 82 First husband of Marguerite Oswald

Pierce Edward 13 156 Employee, Dallas City Hall

Pierce Rio 7 76 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Pierce Rio 12 337 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Pinkston Nat 6 334 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Piper Eddie 6 382 Employee, TSBD

Piper Eddie 7 388 Employee, TSBD

Pitts Elnora 13 228 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Pizzo Frank 10 340 Assistant manager of auto agency, Dallas

Poe J. 7 66 Member, Dallas Police Department

Postal Julia 7 8 Cashier, Texas Theater

Potts Walter 7 195 Member, Dallas Police Department

Powell Nancy 15 404 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby (AKA Tammie True)

Powers Daniel 8 266 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Powers David 7 472 Assistant to Presdent Kennedy

Price Charles 6 148 Adminstrator, Parkland Hospital

Price, Jr Malcolm 10 369 Patron, Sports Drome Rifle Range

Priddy, Jr Hal 13 239 Relief dispatcher, O'Neil Funeral Home in Dallas

Pryor Roy 15 554 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Pugh Oran 15 640 Agent, U.S. Customs

Pullman Edward 15 222 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Putnam James 12 341 Member, Dallas Police Department

Putnam James 7 74 Member, Dallas Police Department

Quigley John 4 431 Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Rachal John 11 474 Employee, Loiusiana Department of Labor, New Orleans

Rackley, Sr George W. 6 273 Employee, Coordinated RR Company

Raigorodsky Paul 9 1 Member of Russian-speaking community in Dallas

Randle Linnie 2 245 Buell Wesley Frazier's sister and neighbor of Ruth Paine

Ray Natalie 9 27 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas (Mrs Thomas M. Ray)

Ray Thomas 9 38 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas and husband of Natalie Ray

Ray Valentine 8 415 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas (Mrs Frank H. Ray)

Rea Billy 15 571 Advertising staff, Dallas newspaper

Reeves Huey 13 243 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Reid Mrs Robert 3 270 Employee, TSBD

Reilly Frank 6 227 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Revill Jack 5 33 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Revill Jack 12 73 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Reynolds Warren 11 434 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Rheinstein Frederick 15 354 Producer-director, NBC

Rich Nancy 14 330 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Richey Marjorie 15 192 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Richey Warren 13 255 TV engineer, Fort Worth

Riggs Alfreadia 13 166 Porter, Dallas City Hall

Riggs, Jr Chester 10 229 Landlord of the Oswalds in Fort Worth

Ritchie James 11 191 Passport Officer, Department of State

Roberts Earlene 6 434 Housekeeper at Oswald's roominghouse in Dallas

Roberts Earlene 7 439 Housekeeper at Oswald's roominghouse in Dallas

Robertson Mary 7 404 Employee, Dallas Police Department

Robertson, Jr Victor 15 347 Reporter, Dallas

Rodriguez Elvaristo 11 339 Bartender at Habana Bar, New Orleans

Rogers Eric 11 460 Neighbor of the Oswalds in New Orleans

Romack James 6 277 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Rose Guy 7 227 Member, Dallas Police Department

Ross Henrietta 6 123 Technician, Parkland Hospital

Rossi Joseph 15 235 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Roussel, Jr Henry 8 320 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marine Corps

Rowland Arnold 2 165 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Rowland Barbara 6 177 Witness at Dealey Plaza and wife of Arnold L. Rowland

Rowley James 5 449 Chief, U.S. Secret Service

Rubenstein Hyman 15 1 Brother of Jack Ruby

Ruby Earl 14 364 Brother of Jack Ruby

Ruby Jack 14 504 Convicted murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald

Ruby Jack 5 181 Convicted murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald

Ruby Sam 14 488 Brother of Jack Ruby

Rusk Dean 5 363 Secretary of State

Russel Harold 7 594 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Ryder Dial 11 224 Employee, Irving Sports Shop

Salyer Kennith 6 80 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Saunders Richard 15 577 Advertising staff, Dallas newspaper

Sawyer J. 6 315 Inspector, Dallas Police Department

Sawyer Mildred 8 31 Neighbor and acquaintance of Oswald as a youth in New Orleans

Schmidt, Jr Hunter 11 240 City editor, Dallas

Scibor Mitchell 7 370 Employee, Kleins Sports Shop

Scoggins William 3 322 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Seely, Jr Carroll 11 193 Assistant Chief, Legal Division, Passport Office, Department of State

Semingsen W. 10 405 Employee, Western Union Telegraph Company

Senator George 14 164 Roommate of Jack Ruby

Servance John 13 175 Head Porter, City Hall and Municipal Building, Dallas

Shaneyfelt Lyndal 5 176 Photgraphy expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Shaneyfelt Lyndal 5 138 Photgraphy expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Shaneyfelt Lyndal 7 410 Photgraphy expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Shaneyfelt Lyndal 4 279 Photgraphy expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Shasteen Clifton 10 309 Owner of barbershop in Irving, Texas

Shaw Robert 6 83 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Shaw Robert 4 101 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Shelley William 6 327 Employee, TSBD

Shelley William 7 390 Employee, TSBD

Shields Edward 7 393 Employee, TSBD

Shires George 6 104 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Siegel Evelyn Grace 8 224 Social worker, New York City

Simmons Ronald 3 441 Weapons evaluation expert, U.S. Army Weapons System Division

Sims Richard 7 158 Member, Dallas Police Department

Skelton Royce 6 236 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Slack Garland 10 378 Patron, Sports Drome Rifle Range

Slack Willie 12 347 Member, Dallas Police Department

Slaughter Malcolm 13 261 Resident in Jack Ruby's apartment building

Smart Vernon 13 266 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Smith Bennierita 8 21 Acquaintance of Oswald at Beauregard Junior High School, New Orleans

Smith Glenn 10 399 Service station attendant in Dallas

Smith Hilda 11 474 Employee, Louisiana Department of Labor, New Orleans

Smith Joe 7 531 Member, Dallas Police Department

Smith John 13 277 TV technician, Fort Worth

Smith William 7 82 Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene

Smith, Jr Edgar 7 565 Member, Dallas Police Department

Snyder Richard 5 260 Foreign Service Officer, stationed in the U.S Embassy in the Soviet Union, 1959-61

Solomon James 12 87 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Sorrels Forrest 7 332 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Sorrels Forrest 7 592 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Sorrels Forrest 13 55 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Standifer Roy 15 614 Member, Dallas Police Department

Standridge Ruth 6 115 Head nurse of operating room, Parkland Hospital

Staples Albert 11 210 Dentist at Baylor University, College of Dentistry

Statman Irving 10 149 Assistant District Director of Dallas District, Texas Employment Commission

Steele Don 12 353 Member, Dallas Police Department

Steele, Jr Charles 10 62 Resident of New Orleans who assisted Oswald in distribution of handbills

Steele, Sr Charles 10 71 Father of Charles Hall Steele, Jr

Stevenson M. 15 133 Deputy Chief, Dallas Police Department

Stevenson M. 12 91 Deputy Chief, Dallas Police Department

Stombaugh Paul 4 56 Hair and fiber expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Stombaugh Paul 15 702 Hair and fiber expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Stovall Richard 7 186 Member, Dallas Police Department

Stovall Robert 10 167 President, Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, Dallas, Texas

Strong Jesse 13 284 Employee, Western Union Telegraph Company

Stuckey William 11 156 Radio program director, New Orleans

Studebaker Robert 7 137 Member, Dallas Police Department

Surrey Robert 5 420 Publisher of handbill attacking President Kennedy

Tague James 7 552 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Talbert Cecil 12 108 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Talbert Cecil 15 182 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Tasker Harry 15 679 Taxicab driver in Dallas

Taylor Gary 11 470 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Taylor Gary 9 73 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas

Thompson Llewellyn 5 567 Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia

Thornley Kerry 11 82 Acquaintance of Oswald in Marines Corps

Tice Wilma 15 388 Resident of Dallas

Tobias, Sr Mahlon 10 251 Manager of aprtment house where the Oswald's resided, Dallas

Tobias, Sr Mrs Mahlon 10 281 Wife of Mahlon F. Tobias, Sr

Tomlinson Darrell 6 128 Senior engineer, Parkland Hospital

Tormey James 10 107 Executive secretary, Hall-Davis Defense Commission

Truly Roy 3 212 Superintendent, TSBD

Truly Roy 7 380 Superintendent, TSBD

Truly Roy 7 591 Superintendent, TSBD

Turner F. 7 217 Member, Dallas Police Department

Turner Jimmy 13 130 TV director, Fort Worth

Twiford Estelle 11 179 Wife of Horace Elroy Twiford

Twiford Horace 11 179 Member, Socialst Labor Party, Houston, Texas

Underwood James 6 167 Assistant news director, TV and radio, Dallas

Vaughn Roy 12 357 Member, Dallas Police Department

Vinson Phillip 8 75 Reporter, Fort Worth

Voebel Edward 8 1 Acquaintance of Oswald in Beauregard Junior High School, New Orleans

Voshinin Igor 8 448 Member of Russian-speaking community in Dallas

Voshinin Mrs Igor 8 425 Acquaintance of the Oswalds in Texas and wife of Igor Vladimir Voshinin

Wade Henry 5 213 District Attorney, Dallas Country

Waldman William 7 360 Vice president, Klein's Sporting Goods, Inc

Waldo Thayer 15 585 Reporter, Fort Worth

Walker C. 7 34 Member, Dallas Police Department

Walker MG Edwin 11 404 Resident of Dallas and object of shooting in April 1963

Walker, Jr Ira 13 289 Broadcast technician, Fort Worth

Wall Breck 14 599 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby (AKA Billy Ray Wilson)

Walthers Eddy 7 544 Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County

Warner Roger 15 619 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Waterman Bernice 5 346 Adjudicator, Passport Office, Department of State

Watherwax Arthur 15 564 Printer, Dallas newspaper

Watson James 12 372 Member, Dallas Police Department

Weinstock Louis 11 207 General manager, The Worker

Weissman Bernard 11 428 Co-draftsman and signer of Novemeber 22, 1963 full-page advertisement

Weissman Bernard 11 428 Co-draftsman and signer of Novemeber 22, 1963 full-page advertisement

Weitzman Seymour 7 105 Deputy constable, Dallas County

West Troy 6 356 Employee, TSBD

Westbrook W. 7 109 Captain, Dallas Police Department

Wester Jane 6 120 Nurse, Parkland Hospital

Whaley William 2 292 Taxicab driver, Dallas

Whaley William 6 428 Taxicab driver, Dallas

Whaley William 2 253 Taxicab driver, Dallas

White J. 6 253 Member, Dallas Police Department

White Martin 6 82 Doctor, Parkland Hospital

Whitworth Edith 11 262 Manager, used furniture store, Irving, Texas

Wiggins Woodrow 12 388 Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department

Wilcox Laurance 10 414 District Manager, Western Union Telegraph Company

Williams Bonnie 3 161 Employee, TSBD

Willis Linda 7 498 Daughter of Phillip L.Willis

Willis Phillip 7 492 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Wittmus Ronald 7 590 Fingerprint expert, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Wood Homer 10 385 Patron, Sports Drome Rifle Range

Wood Sterling 10 390 Son of Dr. Homer Wood

Wood Theresa 10 398 Wife of Dr. Homer Wood

Worley Gano 12 378 Reserve force, Dallas Police Department

Worrell, Jr James 2 190 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Wright Norman 15 244 Acquaintance of Jack Ruby

Wulf William 8 15 Acquaintance of Oswald in his youth

Yarborough Ralph 7 439 U.S. Senator from Texas

Yeargan, Jr Albert 11 207 Employee, H.C. Green, Dallas

Youngblood Rufus 2 144 Agent, U.S. Secret Service

Zahm James 11 306 Marine Corps expert on marksmanship

Zapruder Abraham 7 569 Witness at Dealey Plaza

Edited by Bernice Moore
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