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Oh no, not Lucien Sarti again

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The one man who could have revealled the facts regarding Sarti was murdered about 10 years ago. Nelson Gross was a former aide to Richard Nixon and a narcotics agent.

Amongst his papers was a complete dossier on Sarti including where he was on November 22, 1963. I submit it wasn't Dealey Plaza.

I also submit that there was indeed a Frenchman dispatched to Dallas that weekend but not as a shooter, instead this guy was skilled in explosives.

Just my opinion of course.


James, you didn't tell us his name. Even if he wasn't the shooter we need the name, man. :ice:D

FWIW, I can't see how a US military sniper could be persuaded to kill his own President, regardless of which General or intelligence official told him to do it. It would need to be one who already harboured a pathological hatred for JFK.

Corsican snipers still seem the most likely candidates, imo.


If you have a spare couple of years <_< , I suggest you look into Marc Krausse and his connections to Robert Emmett Johnson and Montreal.

And Myra, the explosives aspect would have been a contingency plan. JFK was not going to survive that day come what may.

As to military snipers, there is fertile ground to research here if one is prepared to get one's hands dirty. It involves Conein, Poshepny, three shooters and their commander on a flight out of Laos. Two of these shooters being for back-up near the Dallas Trade Mart and the third splintered off for Dealey Plaza.

As a starting point, I would suggest a complete study of General Carroll from the DIA.


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The one man who could have revealled the facts regarding Sarti was murdered about 10 years ago. Nelson Gross was a former aide to Richard Nixon and a narcotics agent.

Amongst his papers was a complete dossier on Sarti including where he was on November 22, 1963. I submit it wasn't Dealey Plaza.

I also submit that there was indeed a Frenchman dispatched to Dallas that weekend but not as a shooter, instead this guy was skilled in explosives.

Just my opinion of course.


James, you didn't tell us his name. Even if he wasn't the shooter we need the name, man. :ice:D

FWIW, I can't see how a US military sniper could be persuaded to kill his own President, regardless of which General or intelligence official told him to do it. It would need to be one who already harboured a pathological hatred for JFK.

Corsican snipers still seem the most likely candidates, imo.


If you have a spare couple of years <_< , I suggest you look into Marc Krausse and his connections to Robert Emmett Johnson and Montreal.

And Myra, the explosives aspect would have been a contingency plan. JFK was not going to survive that day come what may.



Thanks for the reply James.

Are you basing your theory on information for which you can share a source, or just general knowledge of contingency planning for "Executive Action" scenarios?

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The one man who could have revealled the facts regarding Sarti was murdered about 10 years ago. Nelson Gross was a former aide to Richard Nixon and a narcotics agent.

Amongst his papers was a complete dossier on Sarti including where he was on November 22, 1963. I submit it wasn't Dealey Plaza.

I also submit that there was indeed a Frenchman dispatched to Dallas that weekend but not as a shooter, instead this guy was skilled in explosives.

Just my opinion of course.


James, you didn't tell us his name. Even if he wasn't the shooter we need the name, man. :ice:D

FWIW, I can't see how a US military sniper could be persuaded to kill his own President, regardless of which General or intelligence official told him to do it. It would need to be one who already harboured a pathological hatred for JFK.

Corsican snipers still seem the most likely candidates, imo.


If you have a spare couple of years <_< , I suggest you look into Marc Krausse and his connections to Robert Emmett Johnson and Montreal.

And Myra, the explosives aspect would have been a contingency plan. JFK was not going to survive that day come what may.



Thanks for the reply James.

Are you basing your theory on information for which you can share a source, or just general knowledge of contingency planning for "Executive Action" scenarios?


There is always contingencies for these sorts of things. There are back-up plans, a variety of unknowing patsies and modes for deception. The actual participants have no idea regarding the bigger picture and those in the wings who do not get pulled into play have no idea how close or not they came to involvement.

On another day, the patsy could have been David Ferrie, Jack Lawrence, Loran Hall or any number of people.

Shooting JFK in an open car on the streets of a modern American city was the easy part.


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I can't see how a US military sniper could be persuaded to kill his own President, regardless of which General or intelligence official told him to do it.

I don't think that a military sniper in this or a similar case would be told who the target is. He wouldn't even know what city he's in. He wouldn't know who the target is until he's in the crosshairs (assuming he could recognize him). Then what do you do, with all that you've been trained for and maybe a split second to decide to disobey the order that brung you?

The people behind the killings needed plausible deniability. I don't see them using U.S. serviceman, or members of the mafia. No way. They'd outsource it to professional killers. If someone like SARTI got caught, what was he gonna say? Who would believe him? If Sgt. Hatchcock got caught, there'd be records of his travels, etc.

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Pat Speer Posted Today, 05:23 AM

QUOTE(Ron Ecker @ May 4 2007, 04:00 AM)

QUOTE(Mark Stapleton @ May 4 2007, 02:44 AM)

I can't see how a US military sniper could be persuaded to kill his own President, regardless of which General or intelligence official told him to do it.

I don't think that a military sniper in this or a similar case would be told who the target is. He wouldn't even know what city he's in. He wouldn't know who the target is until he's in the crosshairs (assuming he could recognize him). Then what do you do, with all that you've been trained for and maybe a split second to decide to disobey the order that brung you?

The people behind the killings needed plausible deniability. I don't see them using U.S. serviceman, or members of the mafia. No way. They'd outsource it to professional killers. If someone like SARTI got caught, what was he gonna say? Who would believe him? If Sgt. Hatchcock got caught, there'd be records of his travels, etc.

Pat, do you mean Gunnery Sargent Hathcock?

At any rate, I was hinting at the possibility of a US sniper, not necessarily a military man, a professional hunter would probably get the job done and as a location I don't mean the shots were fired from the TSBD alledged sniper's lair either.

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James Richards Posted Today, 03:42 AM

QUOTE(Mark Stapleton @ May 4 2007, 12:44 PM)

QUOTE(James Richards @ May 3 2007, 10:20 PM)


The one man who could have revealled the facts regarding Sarti was murdered about 10 years ago. Nelson Gross was a former aide to Richard Nixon and a narcotics agent.

Amongst his papers was a complete dossier on Sarti including where he was on November 22, 1963. I submit it wasn't Dealey Plaza.

I also submit that there was indeed a Frenchman dispatched to Dallas that weekend but not as a shooter, instead this guy was skilled in explosives.

Just my opinion of course.


James, you didn't tell us his name. Even if he wasn't the shooter we need the name, man.

FWIW, I can't see how a US military sniper could be persuaded to kill his own President, regardless of which General or intelligence official told him to do it. It would need to be one who already harboured a pathological hatred for JFK.

Corsican snipers still seem the most likely candidates, imo.


If you have a spare couple of years , I suggest you look into Marc Krausse and his connections to Robert Emmett Johnson and Montreal.

And Myra, the explosives aspect would have been a contingency plan. JFK was not going to survive that day come what may.

As to military snipers, there is fertile ground to research here if one is prepared to get one's hands dirty. It involves Conein, Poshepny, three shooters and their commander on a flight out of Laos. Two of these shooters being for back-up near the Dallas Trade Mart and the third splintered off for Dealey Plaza.

As a starting point, I would suggest a complete study of General Carroll from the DIA.


James, you raise interesting points. Regarding Laos and sharpshooters, are you referring to information of a discussion from a year or two ago, regarding "Pakse Base man"? I vaguely recall this and the look-a-like in Dealy plaza. One of the active participants in this discussion was Al Carrier, who seemed to be pretty confident that the "Pakse base man" he researched had ties to Dealy plaza and to 11/22/63. I'm going off memory here so it may be a bit off. Sorry. I'll look for that thread, and if I find it, I'll post a link on this one.

If the Corsican connection and the Pakse base man tie in with credible evidence, this could be interesting. One other related issue I'd like to know more about, is the person stopped at the knoll by Officer Smith, who presented Secret Service (or other government LE) credentials, who had "dirty fingernails". In other words, in retrospect Smith should had arrested this man for further questioning, but didn't. The word "mechanic" comes to mind of this fellow with the dirty fingernails, and I'm not talking about someone who fixes cars.

From a documentary I saw some time ago, I recall Officer Smith talking about this incident, he seemed to be "kicking himself" because he let the fellow go.

Any comments James or anyone else?

Edited by Antti Hynonen
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Yes, Al and I seperately researched this aspect and we were able to uncover some of the same names which is when things went south.

I respect Al's decision and I have decided to back away from this angle myself. Ryan Crowe and I went after one of these guys who now has Blackwater connections and needless to say, we wish we hadn't.

Even though these guys may not have fired a shot in anger, they were in Dallas.



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Hi James,

Thanks for your reply. Can you elaborate about what went south? What is Blackwater?

Are you saying that this angle may or may not be the correct angle to pursue in the greater JFK case, but it got, shall I say "too hot to touch"?

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Hi James,

Thanks for your reply. Can you elaborate about what went south? What is Blackwater?

Are you saying that this angle may or may not be the correct angle to pursue in the greater JFK case, but it got, shall I say "too hot to touch"? (Antti Hynonen)


Basically, pressure was brought to bear to drop it. I won't go into details unless Ryan wishes to comment.

Blackwater is a private military group who are plugged into several government contracts. They handled security in New Orleans after Katrina and are currently in Iraq amongst other places.

This angle out of Laos was just one aspect of a bigger plan. It is most important but will never be proved by documents as none exist. It gets kind of complicated but I believe they were designated as back-up and were not employed for Dealey Plaza (except for one team member).

Al may disgree with the actual deployment of team members but bottom line is that they were involved.



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Ok, thanks for the additional info.

IMO these are very interesting facts, namely that you were pressured to drop investigating and that the individuals under investigation were in Dallas and involved in the coup.

Do you see a direct tie to Sarti or associates through the Laos angle? If so, can you explain any of the details?

I fully understand if you can't answer that.

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Ok, thank you, James.

Since you are a photo expert, what do you think of the photo comparison of "PBM" and lamp post man?

This thread:


and post #12




I am far from a photo expert but thank you for the nice words.

It is my opinion that Pakse Base Man is not the guy in Dealey Plaza. Ultimately that hasn't got anything to do with what was going on out of Laos though. I believe that Pakse Base Man in indeed Jim Bill Lair.


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