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Kirk Ross

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    Surfing. History. Science. Pizza.

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  1. He starts by talking about the dishonest media, then: "There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump" and "you're going to get so much backing that your going to say please don't give us so much backing". Interesting first comments considering how things turned out. JANUARY 21, 2017 President Trump Remarks at the Central Intelligence Agency President Trump spoke to employees in the lobby of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia. It was his first event on his first full day as president. https://www.c-span.org/video/?422418-1/president-trump-tells-cia-we-rid-isis
  2. David, https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/ is a link to YOUR gmail account inbox. It will only work for someone logged into google with your credentials.
  3. I'm not sure what criteria was established pages ago, but here's my submission. And it's somewhat contemporaneous with the subject of this forum, not to mention in line with current events, so it's practically on topic.
  4. Ha, ha! You want/expect a "woke" Donald Trump. Of course he won't. What are the odds that there will be nobody in the crowd, right or left, with evil intentions who might see this as an opportunity? Which will, of course, require a response. Then what? Nothing good, that's what. Let's hope for another peaceful night.
  5. That's true, but they were very different times. Since the NG have been withdrawn what do you think would happen if they removed the fence and other non-ordinary protection? Is that what you are suggesting should be done?
  6. I think if the current set of protesters would change the demand from "defunding" to "demilitarization" they would get more broad spread support. Agreed. And his calm, deliberate demeanor while he did it in the open makes it worse, IMO. What could he have possibly been thinking?
  7. Looks real to me, but I'm no expert. Toxicology is reported. https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/documents/Autopsy_2020-3700_Floyd.pdf
  8. Maybe. Maybe not. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-hydroxychloroquine/study-authors-retract-influential-lancet-hydroxychloroquine-article-idUSKBN23B31W
  9. Look at page 3 more than half way down. He's mentioned. Probably just a coincidence. and Jones being in Mexico City and Cuba in '62, another coincidence
  10. FWIW, have you seen this? Not exactly the MSM take on it. http://jimhougan.com/JimJones.html
  11. Does it say anything about who or what he was representing, or if he was just there as an individual? Trying to remember what he was doing back then.
  12. wasn't it actually a scissor lift? Not a BIG difference, I know.
  13. Now that you mention it I think I was thinking of something in Acapulco. Can't remember where I read about it, though. So Paul, what I was thinking I remembered was that in the days prior to the assassination DeVosjoli, while working with Angeleton and Golitsyn became convinced that there was a mole inside SDECE and that he was targeted for assassination by the Soviets or communists or something like that. I don't recall him being placed in Dallas, I thought I remembered hims going to Mexico for a while to hide out. But that's just what I think I remember I read, not saying it's a fact. Can you give me some idea of what you are suggesting? His presence in Dallas sounds ominous, but I'm not really getting the implication of him even being there, much less going to Brandstetter's. What is it that you think might have been going on? Here's the assumption I'm operating on. https://www.edwardjayepstein.com/diary/devosjoli.htm according to Epstein, De Vosjoli told him that: "he had been posted to Washington in 1960 as the liaison officer between the French intelligence service, SDECE, and the CIA. He was the first French liaison officer. In this capacity, he worked closely with Angleton. Beginning in 1962, Angleton warned him that a CIA source, Anatoli Golitsyn, who had defected from the Russian Embassy in Finland, had revealed that the KGB had managed to infiltrate SDECE, his own intelligence service, at the highest levels. At first, he had assumed Golitsyn was a "lunatic". Then, Angleton gave him a "shopping list" of questions about US missile programs. It was, according to Golitsyn, to be filled by SDECE officers moonlighting for the KGB. Again, it sounded "insane" to him that French officers would be spies for the KGB and acquire US secrets on demand. His view changed radically when SDECE headquarters told him to organize a spying operation in Washington. Its targets were precisely the ones that Golitsyn had identified. He alerted the head of his service that a KGB spy ring was operating from within its ranks. In November 1963, he learned from an associate in France that he had been ordered assassinated by his own intelligence service. When he received a telegram the next week ordering him back to Paris, he assumed it was his death notice." So, based on that, it seems reasonable that he was trying to escape an assassination attempt. What are you thinking he was doing and do you discount the above Epstein/De Vosjoli account?
  14. What seems strange about it? Seems like a natural choice, given the situation. Wasn't Brandstetter's house well fortified, or am I thinking of someone else?
  15. I never thought it was silly. In my mind it's quite plausible. I just haven't seen any proof that it actually happened that way. That's why I asked. No. In addition to the examples you site, one closer to home is a book "The Pinochet File". Same cast, different setting. There was no "too far". I've read about Hemmings before. Not sure what to make of him. I'll follow up on your suggestions, though. Thanks.
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