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Oswald at the Carousel?

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Wilbyrn Litchfield testified before the Warren Commission on April 16, 1964. (14H95). In his police affidavit of December 2nd, he had spoken of a man he thought looked like Oswald wearing a V-necked white sweater in the Carousel.

In his WC testimony, he was shown a picture of photographer Eddie Rocco (Armstrong exhibit 5302 in 19H36) and asked if that man looked the man he saw, whom he thought looked like Oswald. Litchfield said no.

If the interrogator has gone two pictures over, Litchfield might have had more to say.

William Crowe aka Bill DeMar testified on June 2, 1964 (15H96) that he had told people on Sunday November 24th that he had seen a man in the Carousel a week before the assassination that he thought looked like Oswald, who had been in the first row, and whom he had used in his memory act.

Crowe was shown a series of pictures that the interrogator referred to as Crafard exhibits 5205, 5206, 5212 and 5221, but were actually a series of Armstrong exhibits 5303 I through M (19H36 +)

Crowe was asked if the man up on the stage in 5303 J (19H37) looked like the man he thought was Oswald. Crowe said no.

Crowe was asked if the man in 5303 K (19H38) with his side facing the camera and not smiling looked like the man he thought was Oswald. Crowe said no.

Take a look at 5303 J (19H37) and 5303 K (19H38) and see if you don't see a man in a white V-necked white sweater.

These pictures were apparently taken in the Carousel in the first week of November, right when Litchfield said he was there.

Steve Thomas

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Armstrong Exhibit 5303-K

Steve Thomas

Very interesting! Last week I met my landlord's brother who was very knowledgeable about the assassination. (I'm going to ask him to join the forum.)

He told me that he had reviewed the files of Waggoner Carr (as you know, the Texas AG in 1963-1964) and in those files were reports of Ruby and Oswald being seen together at "gay bars" in the Houston area. Has anyone heard of these reports? Of course, my friend was not vcouching for the accuracy of the reports. I vaguely recall hearing allegations of a homosexual relationship between LHO and Ruby but I could not remember the context in which those allegations arose.

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I vaguely recall hearing allegations of a homosexual relationship between LHO and Ruby but I could not remember the context in which those allegations arose.

Rose Cheramie told Francis Fruge of the Louisiana State Police that she had worked for Ruby at his night club in Dallas and that Ruby and Oswald "had been shacking up for years." Fruge called Capt. Fritz of DPD with this information, but Fritz wasn't interested. (From report on Cheramie, HSCA 10:199-205)

Edited by Ron Ecker
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He told me that he had reviewed the files of Waggoner Carr (as you know, the Texas AG in 1963-1964) and in those files were reports of Ruby and Oswald being seen together at "gay bars" in the Houston area. Has anyone heard of these reports?

Read the statement of Travis Benkendorfer about Helen K. Smith aka Pixie Lynn in the Dallas Police Archives, Box 18 Folder # 11, Item # 3.


In the parlance of the day, "Dirt Trade" was a man passed around other men.

Picie Lynn would deny making these statements in Box 5, Folder # 7, Item# 27


Steve Thomas

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  • 19 years later...


https://youtu.be/wSTIVnplRrw  10 minutes into the video ... 

Dan Rather 24th November 1963 around 10 am to 11 am prior to the Oswald shooting, at Huston Street in front of the Sheriffs building, quote: " ...many people at this moment are looking at the building (TSBD)  FROM WHERE THE SHOTS CAME MOST OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE SEEN IT ..." LOL. Why a Warren Commission? Rather knew all facts and facets of the crime. He was Sherlock Holmes. He was more than Sherlock Holmes. He was a clairvoyant. He knew the findings of the Warren Commission one year prior ... as we know today: He was already injecting the cover into the brains of the american public with such ridiculous statements 

 " ...many people at this moment are looking at the building FROM WHERE THE SHOTS CAME MOST OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE SEEN IT ..."

 I regard Dan Rather as the last living incarnation of the Oswald cover story and a person who is married to that lie.

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