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Sandy Larsen

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About Sandy Larsen

  • Birthday 11/18/1955

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  1. You know, you might be the only person in all of Denmark named Mark Ulrik! (The website says "less than 3.") Ulrik is very rare, with only 117 in Denmark.
  2. Thanks Mark! I live in Utah, where the Mormons settled. Among the Mormons were a lot of Danish and other Scandinavia converts. I've known people here with all but three of the surnames listed (Kristensen, Thomsen, Møller. and Mortensen). BTW, my great, great, great grandfather's name was Lars Larsen.
  3. Mark, I'm just curious. I am told that I get my surname from a Danish immigrant. Is Larsen a common surname there? What about Lars? is that still used as a given name?
  4. If somebody addressed me as "Mister Larsen," I would think they were in a jovial mood. If I jovially addressed somebody in the same way and the person took offense, I would apologize and try not to make that mistake again. Human interaction can be messy. Especially when it's in words only with no tone of voice.
  5. I personally like the LN and CT labels. Says in a nutshell where a person stands... at least so if the person fits well into one of those categories. It's like being labeled a conservative or liberal. Religious, agnostic, or atheist. I happen to be very liberal, a strong CTer, and religious in a way.
  6. Kirk, Apparently your laptop screen is too small. Do this: Quote somebody's post. Press and hold down the CTRL (Control) key. While holding that down, tap the MINUS key. You might have to tap it a few time. Then release the CTRL key. The <Ctrl>- key combination makes everything in your browser window smaller. When you make it small enough, the forum software will sense that there is room enough for the extra drop-down menus. And so they will appear! When you're finished, you can make everything bigger by using the <Ctrl>+ key combination... if you want.
  7. There's a really good video of Nikki Haley saying that on her stump speech. The Dems should use it as an ad for Harris.
  8. I agree. Who knows what will happen to election-day turnout with a couple of unknowns on the ticket. Or if independents on the fence will decide to vote for Trump.
  9. Do you mean, the text-size drop-down box at the top of the editing window is not there? What about the drop-down box for setting the text color? Are you using Windows? Are you using a desktop computer or laptop?
  10. Thank goodness the higher powers that AOC spoke of aren't asking Kamala to leave too. We might be okay.
  11. In science -- including forensic science -- nothing is factual because nothing in science can be proven. (Though things CAN be disproven). Proofs are only valid mathematics. However, statistics can give the probability of something in science being factual. So EVERY decision humans make as to whether something is factual or not is based on probability of it being a fact... not on it being an actual fact. Yet most people -- even scientists -- claim it's a fact that the sun will shine again on our side of the world tomorrow. Even though scientists know that, technically speaking, the odds of the sun shining tomorrow are less than 100%. Similarly, things that happened in the past cannot be proven. The best a human can do is know the odds that something happened. Yes you can. That is common practice... for good reason. For example, we always ignore the few people who claim the sun won't shine tomorrow. Even though they might be right. I'd say that anything with probability of greater than around 1% is "plausible." Certainly not likely, but plausible. Whether or not something is considered true or not depends upon the odds of it being true. If the odds of something being true are 99.9999%, most people would considered it to be true.
  12. If your editing window isn't big enough to fit all the command icons along the top (Bold, Italic, Underline. etc.), some of the leftmost ones won't appear. And so you cannot change a font size or color, for example.) If you are using Windows, temporarily maximize the window and then you should be able to change the font size.
  13. LOL you have no idea what you are talking about. My proof doesn't do what Pat thinks it does. I've been thinking of how to explain the proof in a way that non-technical people can understand it. I'll write up a formal proof so you guys can go at it and try to find a flaw in it. I'm confident you won't be able to.
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