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Frazier and Oswald

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Thanks, Greg!

Personally, I've always thought it interesting that LHO was a "lone-nut Communist" while Ruby was a "lone-nut Jew." Unfortunately, I just can't seem to think of anyone that would want to put the heat on both Communists and Jews for killing a Yankee liberal ...
Duke, please see Walker Letter writing Campaign thread for the answer.


And I noted that, with respect to the meeting including General Walker and Mister Hunt, so there was one Larrie Schmidt, head of "Conservatism USA," who was personally reponsible for attracting his old army buddy to Dallas to further "the cause."

Said buddy Bernie Weissman was the "lone nut Jew" who signed the Wanted for Treason poster, only going to show who was really antagonistic toward JFK! Should be clear as day, shouldn't it?

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Not sure where I say it, but I believe the female Hidell reference was to an "Alice" Hidell, rather than Anna...IIRC, the post I saw speculated whether "Alice" Hidell might have been something misheard [Alec/Alex/Alice], or whether it was an attempt to tie in DeMorenschildt's daughter, Alice to further muddy the waters. [i don't even recall whether the claim that DeMohrenschildt had a daughter named Alice was accurate or not].

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Not sure where I say it, but I believe the female Hidell reference was to an "Alice" Hidell, rather than Anna...IIRC, the post I saw speculated whether "Alice" Hidell might have been something misheard [Alec/Alex/Alice], or whether it was an attempt to tie in DeMorenschildt's daughter, Alice to further muddy the waters. [i don't even recall whether the claim that DeMohrenschildt had a daughter named Alice was accurate or not].


Never heard this before. Alice? Sorry -- she doesn't live here anymore... :blink:

This is what I was referencing from Robert Jones' HSCA testimony:

Jones, reading from, and commenting on, an FBI memo to Hoover dated 11.22.63:

"The next sentence is, 'Jones stated intelligence records here reflect a reference to Anna J Hidell.' I believe that is a typographical error on the name. I think that should be 'A.k.a' and not 'Ana' (sic)...

Since what was sent to Hoover indicated an Anna (Ana?) Hidell, it's reasonably certain this is why he said the rifle was ordered by a female named "A Hidell". FBI docs in the WC volumes indicate they actually made a search for "Anna".

Funny thing about this is that the FBI was supposed to have given the Hidell name to Jones - therefore they should have known it was Alec and not Anna.

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Mark Knight Posted Yesterday, 05:28 PM

Not sure where I say it, but I believe the female Hidell reference was to an "Alice" Hidell, rather than Anna...IIRC, the post I saw speculated whether "Alice" Hidell might have been something misheard [Alec/Alex/Alice], or whether it was an attempt to tie in DeMorenschildt's daughter, Alice to further muddy the waters. [i don't even recall whether the claim that DeMohrenschildt had a daughter named Alice was accurate or not].


I believe, DeMohrenschildt's daughter was/is called Alexandra DeMohrenschildt. Of course he may have another daughter, whom I do not know of. Alexandra's last residence was in New Mexico as far as I know (FWIW).

Edited by Antti Hynonen
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I was researching this last night...still can't find where the reference linking the Hidell alias and deMohrenschildt's daughter came from, but I'll continue to pursue it...I know I saw it somewhere.

But you're right...her name was/is Alexandra, [and her father referred to her as Alex in his WC interview] and she was about 18-19 years of age when the assassination occurred.

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I was researching this last night...still can't find where the reference linking the Hidell alias and deMohrenschildt's daughter came from, but I'll continue to pursue it...I know I saw it somewhere.

But you're right...her name was/is Alexandra, [and her father referred to her as Alex in his WC interview] and she was about 18-19 years of age when the assassination occurred.


I had a post in which I had speculated that it was a possibility that Alex was the woman Hoover said had obtained the rifle.

Alex and LHO were close friends according to her father.

If she had been given access to the p.o. box it would explain how a rifle could be picked up at LHO's box without his knowing about it.

Of course, this flies in the face of my belief that no rifle was ever sent at all. But, my beliefs do not prove

the rifle had not been delivered.

The post was pure speculation.

Still, I can't help but point out how often coincidence is encountered when studying the murder of JFK.

As to Mr. D's daughter being involved? Considering her Father's involvement, it is not an unreasonable question.


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  • 3 years later...



Buell Frazier wants to tell it like it is – or was – on a very important day in U.S. history 45 years ago in Dallas.

The quiet, thoughtful man of 64 is not as well-known as some of the others who skyrocketed to fame or infamy in November 1963. But Mr. Frazier played a defining, if unintentional, role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


He drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work that fateful Nov. 22.

And the Warren Commission, the investigative committee appointed to explain all aspects of Mr. Kennedy's death, claimed that Oswald carried his cheap mail-order rifle to work with him in Mr. Frazier's car.

That put Mr. Frazier in the spotlight immediately after Oswald was captured – and long afterward as a mourning nation sought to find an explanation to the tragedy.

With but a few exceptions, he has kept almost 4 ½ decades of angst, frustration, fear and occasionally even fury bottled up.

All Mr. Frazier did was offer a friendly gesture to a man he hardly knew.

Offering a ride

In mid-September 1963, Mr. Frazier, 19, moved to Irving to live with his sister, Linnie Mae Randle, her husband and three children.

He slept on his sister's couch, drove a clunker Chevy and was pleased to be earning $1.25 an hour, then the minimum wage, at the Texas School Book Depository.

As a teenager in Huntsville, Mr. Frazier had deftly balanced high school and several part-time jobs while trying to stay out of the way of an abusive, alcoholic stepfather.

But things seemed to be looking up.

On Nov. 22, Ms. Randle and Mr. Frazier were finishing breakfast about 7:15 a.m. when she looked out her window and saw a man standing close to her brother's car with a package under his arm.

She had never met Oswald, but she knew who he was because Mr. Frazier had driven him to Irving on three or four occasions to visit his wife, Marina, and their two small daughters.

Oswald had ridden home with him the previous afternoon.

A few minutes later, Mr. Frazier and Oswald headed for the book depository, where they were to report at 8 a.m.

They talked a bit about children – Oswald always seemed pleased to relate stories about his girls, Mr. Frazier said – but drove much of the 15-mile trip in silence.

Even though the area was inundated with news reports about the president's visit to Dallas later that morning, Mr. Frazier said they never discussed it during the ride.

"Lee didn't talk much, ever," he said. "Some people talk a lot. He just didn't."

Less than four hours later, Kennedy was shot to death riding through Dealey Plaza.

And Mr. Frazier's life was turned upside down.

Brown paper package

Mr. Frazier was questioned vigorously by police – accused of being involved in the plot to kill Kennedy – and even told falsely by police officers that Oswald had named him as a co-conspirator. After 12 intense hours at the Police Department, he was allowed to take a polygraph test, passed it impressively and was released.

The fact that Mr. Frazier helped train Oswald at his new job (Oswald was hired at the book depository Oct. 16) and had driven him to Irving several times soon faded from most people's memories. But another factor remained noteworthy.

Officials assumed that the package Oswald carried to work that morning was the Italian-made rifle he used to kill Kennedy.

Mr. Frazier still doesn't believe it.

When Oswald got in his car that morning, Mr. Frazier hardly noticed the bundle Oswald laid on the back seat.

"He told me he was taking some curtain rods for his room," Mr. Frazier said. "I didn't think much about it."

Mr. Frazier parked his car behind the depository building and revved his engine for a few moments, charging his low battery, and watched Oswald walk about 200 yards into the building with the package under his arm.

In his testimony before the Warren Commission, Mr. Frazier said the brown paper package Oswald carried that morning was too short to contain a rifle. Oswald cupped the package in his hand, he said, and it fit under his armpit.

In Washington, Mr. Frazier said, he was "pressured" to change his recollection. In the days afterward, he was badgered by the media, harassed by people who didn't understand his relationship to Oswald and even became fearful for his life.

His testimony was important because investigators had proved that Oswald bought the rifle used in the JFK slaying and had found a matching palm print on the stock, but they had no proof that he had it with him that day.

Ms. Randle, who was also a leading witness, said recently that when she and Mr. Frazier testified before the Warren Commission, "they tried to get us to say that package was much longer than we recalled, but that wasn't true."

The commission kept pushing, Mr. Frazier said. Could it be that he was traumatized by the horror of what happened or embarrassed that he hadn't been more observant?

"I know what I saw," he said, "and I've never changed one bit."

Size dispute

Hundreds of conspiracy theories have spawned thousands of books and articles since the tragedy, but the official investigation concluded that Oswald shot Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository and acted alone.

The Warren Commission cited eyewitnesses to the president's shooting and the later assault of Officer J.D. Tippit and knew that Oswald had bought the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle for $12.95 from a Chicago mail-order house.

A brown paper sack with an Oswald palm and fingerprint on it was found close to the sixth-floor window where Oswald sat perched in wait that day.

Oswald's claim that he was carrying curtain rods for his room carried little weight with investigators because no curtain rods were ever found in the depository, and Oswald's room on Beckley Street in Oak Cliff already had curtains.

In a book he's writing, Mr. Frazier describes how he and his sister assembled packages with wrapping paper for hours, trying to show Warren Commission lawyers the size of the package Oswald carried that day.

In its report, released in the fall of 1964, the commission said:

"The Warren Commission has weighed the visual recollection of Frazier and Mrs. Randle against the evidence here presented ... and has concluded that Frazier and Randle are mistaken as to the length of the bag."

The FBI lab reported that the disassembled rifle stock measured just under 35 inches long, and the homemade bag measured 38 inches.

"I wasn't surprised," Mr. Frazier said. "They seemed to have a prearranged agenda when they questioned Linnie and me. Our refusal to agree with their agenda simply caused them to state that we were mistaken."

Their testimony fostered early public doubt about the commission's investigation.

President Gerald Ford, who in 1963-64 was a Michigan congressman and a Warren Commission member, told reporters in Dallas in early 1964 that he thought Mr. Frazier had been mistaken.

"I don't believe for a moment that he was consciously lying," Mr. Ford said then. "This is a fine young man – I've talked to him – who recalls seeing an object a certain size. But if Oswald was carrying curtain rods, as Mr. Frazier claimed he told him, I am a bit confused as to what happened to them."

Mr. Ford told a Dallas Morning News reporter that day: "I have never believed Mr. Frazier was involved in anything more than being a good neighbor, a good friend. I don't think he even knew Oswald very well."

Actually, Mr. Frazier said, "I didn't know his last name until that day. We all just knew him as Lee. I thought that was his last name."

Years of reticence

For years, Mr. Frazier refrained from talking about his role that fateful Friday. He hasn't had a listed telephone number for years. Few people have visited his home.

In recent years, he has spoken briefly to university classes and others studying the Kennedy assassination.

And when a British production company staged a mock Oswald trial in London in 1986, Mr. Frazier was a star witness. He still considers that trip one of his "greatest experiences ever."

As the years went by, he served two stints in the Army, worked in Denver and Portland, Ore., with banks and an airline, and studied at Southern Methodist University.

He married in 1969 and had a son, Robert, now 29, who graduated from Texas A&M and is in the Army, stationed in South Korea. Mr. Frazier divorced in 1987 and married his current wife, Betty, in 1988.

Since 2002, he has worked for the Lewisville school board as the receiving clerk, handling desks, chairs and other equipment to stock the district's schools

Asked if co-workers know of his background, Mr. Frazier said: "Some do, on a limited basis."

He has mixed emotions about conspiracy theorists.

"Conspiracy theories are like noses," he said. "Everybody has one. No one has ever sold me 100 percent that Lee did it. If he did, yes, but some other people were involved in some way."

He admits that the circumstances of that November decades ago helped mold his life and personality.

"I have had to be more careful and aware of what is going on around me at all times. Being able to trust someone is very hard for me. I simply do not trust people in general."

And though he is no longer physically afraid, he's more comfortable staying anonymous.

"Though I did nothing wrong," he said, "some of them think I am guilty, that I was involved with him.

"And there are people out there still today who think that I helped him, that he and I were in cahoots on that, and you just never know who you're talking to.

His sister, Ms. Randle, is a retired nurse in her 70s who lives "in the country" outside Sulphur Springs. She agrees that Mr. Frazier is super-careful and somewhat withdrawn but says she understands why.

"Even my children, at the time, we just didn't talk about it because you just never know who you're talking to. There are a lot of kooks out there.

"We weren't ignorant, but we were very, very naive," she said.

Dave Perry of Grapevine, a friend of Mr. Frazier, said: "When we first met in 1990, he was very distrustful of me. After a very short period, we got off the subject of the assassination and into baseball.

"When we get together now," said Mr. Perry, a retired insurance executive and longtime JFK assassination researcher, "it's never about the assassination, but as close friends."

David Murph, director of church relations for Texas Christian University, and his wife, Jean, are also friends of the Fraziers. "He is an honest, gentle soul with a good heart who sees and believes in people," he said.

Mr. Murph says he hopes Mr. Frazier finds a publisher for his memoirs. "Buell's story is extremely important. It needs to be told."

Edited by William Kelly
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully
Not sure where I say it, but I believe the female Hidell reference was to an "Alice" Hidell, rather than Anna...IIRC, the post I saw speculated whether "Alice" Hidell might have been something misheard [Alec/Alex/Alice], or whether it was an attempt to tie in DeMorenschildt's daughter, Alice to further muddy the waters. [i don't even recall whether the claim that DeMohrenschildt had a daughter named Alice was accurate or not].


Never heard this before. Alice? Sorry -- she doesn't live here anymore... :blink:

This is what I was referencing from Robert Jones' HSCA testimony:

Jones, reading from, and commenting on, an FBI memo to Hoover dated 11.22.63:

"The next sentence is, 'Jones stated intelligence records here reflect a reference to Anna J Hidell.' I believe that is a typographical error on the name. I think that should be 'A.k.a' and not 'Ana' (sic)...

Since what was sent to Hoover indicated an Anna (Ana?) Hidell, it's reasonably certain this is why he said the rifle was ordered by a female named "A Hidell". FBI docs in the WC volumes indicate they actually made a search for "Anna".

Funny thing about this is that the FBI was supposed to have given the Hidell name to Jones - therefore they should have known it was Alec and not Anna.

I just found a few minutes ago that there was an Alice Hidell, daughter of Alexander or Alex Stephens Hidell and Mercedez Zatarain.....

They couple also had a son, Alexander Stephens Hidell born in Mexico in 1915, died in California in 1949.

They also had a son, John, and a daughter, Mercedez. Alexander Sr. was born in 1877, and his father held the rank of Confederate Army Colonel, and was secretary to CSA V.P., Alexander Hamilton Stephens.


From ancestry.com ...sorry, only info available for free.: http://search.ancestry.com/search/

1930 United States Federal Census

Name: Alex S Hidell

Spouse: Mercedez Hidell

Birth: abt 1877 - location

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: Mercedez Hidell

Spouse: Alex S Hidell

Birth: abt 1888

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: John Hidell

Birth: abt 1929

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: Dora Hidell

Birth: abt 1924

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: Alice Hidell

Birth: abt 1922

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: Mercedez Hidell

Birth: abt 1919

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: Alex S Hidell

Birth: abt 1917

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

Name: Nellie Hidell

Birth: abt 1912

Residence: 1930 - city, King, Washington

U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925

Border Crossings & Passports

View Image

Name: Alex S Hidell

Father: Wm H Hidell

Birth: date - location

U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925

Border Crossings & Passports

Name: Alexander S Hidell

Father: William Henry Hidell

Birth: date - location

U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925

Border Crossings & Passports

Border Crossings: From Mexico to U.S., 1895-1957

Border Crossings & Passports

View Image

Name: Alex S Hidell

Birth: year

Arrival: mm - Laredo, Texas, United States

Alex S. Hidell, Jr. was born in Mexico in 1915, his mother was Mercedez Zatarain and his father was the son

of the rebel secretary to the Confederate States V.P.

This family, except for Alex S. Hidell Jr.'s 1949 State of California death record, seem to have disappeared. I probably would, too....descendants of a rebel colonel with a first and last name associated with the patsy, LHO. Did the government help to keep this family invisible?

Maybe though, this is Alex and Mercedez Hidell's 81 years old son, the brother of Alex, Jr. and Alice?


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Guest Tom Scully

Of course, it must be only coincidental that the sole suspect immediately branded as the lone nut assassin of President John F. Kennedy was accused of carrying identification, of ordering the alleged assassination weapon, of passing out literature stamped with the name, and of using the name on two applications of employment; the name of the son and the grandson of the secretary of the Vice President of the Confederate States of America.

That secretary happened to be Col. William Henry Hidell, CSA, and Hidell evidently thought so highly of the rebel Vice President....


Books: Little Aleck

Monday, Sept. 16, 1946

ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS (337 pp.)—Rudolph von Abele—Knopf ($4).

...The people of the North, from Abraham Lincoln down, knew him as Little Aleck, devoted champion of states' rights and the constitutional liberties of all men—except Negroes. To the South he was Alexander Hamilton Stephens of Georgia, Vice President and chief enigma of the Confederacy....


Full text of "Little Aleck A Life Of Alexander H. Stephens"

....that both his son, and later his grandson were named in "Little Aleck's" honor.:



Male Family





25 JUL 1960





27 NOV 1918 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico




Kennedy and Lincoln: medical and ballistic comparisons of their ...

books.google.comJohn Lattimer - 1980 - 378 pages - Snippet view

John Wilkes Booth was born in 1838, and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939. Both were Southerners. Oswald's father was Robert E. Lee Oswald, and Oswald's first name (Lee) was handed down from that of the Confederate





The Atlanta Constitution prints a long communication from Col. W.H. Hidell of Rome, Ga., who was throughout the war of the rebellion private secretary of Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy, and one of the three Confederates (the others being Mr. R.M.T. Hunter and Judge John A. Campbell) who were present and took part in the interview, or conference, with President Lincoln at Hampton Roads, Virginia, in February, 1865.


Display Ad 12 -- No Title

Pay-Per-View - Atlanta Constitution - Nov 9, 1890

Alexander S Hidell age. 13 Rome Ga. SECOND PRIZE. D. F. McClatchey Jr age. 13 Marietta. THIRD PRIZE. R. J. Travis age 13 Cov. ington. First Prize$18 Suit .

This is still an unsolved crime. The man the government has been working so hard to blame for nearly a half century was alleged to have been using the names of two men well known to some southerners and certainly to scholars of American History, especially in the midst of the craze of interest most of us old enough to remember, will recall as the Civil War Centennial years, 1961 to 1965. Isn't it especially curious and an outrage that no one came forward who was in a position to know, to describe these startling coincidences of names?

Was the purpose of the alleged "shooting" at Edwin Walker, a well planned smoke screen to eliminate the risk of telegraphing to interested parties that sons of the Confederacy, had indeed, assassinated a second, "Yankee" president, and gotten away with it, undetected? Could this still be a detail these "sons" snicker about, among themselves, when they are absolutely sure they are sharing their own company?

Who knows? These coincidences of names reaching into the highest levels of Confederate government leadership were twisted, defelected, and distorted so as to always be unnoticeable to those with no knowledge or inkling to look. But, how could everyone have no inkling, when the man the government so obsessively pinned the assassination on, was the man of the deep south, accused of killing the president in a former Confederate State, and who was the son of a man named enthusiastically for the most famous Confederate military commander?

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Tom, to me, that's one of the more interesting postings of late. It certainly invites the fallacy of choosing a pov that is chosen on the merits of it fitting preconceptions, in this instance; mine.

the Q's posed in the second last paragraph in particular. If nothing else it, to me, makes the A. J. Hidell more of a non-person, ie an aka or alias or whatever for whatever raison d'etre.

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Guest Tom Scully

Death Of A President The Doubts That Linger After 12 Years .

Glasgow Herald - Nov 22, 1975

Theories on who killed Kennedy range from inter national Communist conspiracy to plots by Southerners who still find it difficult to acknowledge that the Confederacy lost the Civil War,.. ..


Troubled Commemoration: The American Civil War Centennial, 1961-1965 (Making the Modern South)

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

....Cook shows how the centennial provoked widespread alarm among many African Americans, white liberals, and cold warriors because the national commission failed to prevent southern whites from commemorating the Civil War in a racially exclusive fashion. The public outcry followed embarrassing attempts to mark secession, the attack on Fort Sumter, and the South's victory at First Manassas, and prompted backlash against the celebration, causing the emotional scars left by the war to resurface. Cook convincingly demonstrates that both segregationists and their opponents used the controversy that surrounded the commemoration to their own advantage. Southern whites initially embraced the centennial as a weapon in their fight to save racial segregation, while African Americans and liberal whites tried to transform the event into a celebration of black emancipation.

Forced to quickly reorganize the commission, the Kennedy administration replaced the conservative leadership team with historians, including Allan Nevins and a young James I. Robertson, Jr., who labored to rescue the centennial by promoting a more soberly considered view of the nation’s past. Though the commemoration survived, Cook illustrates that white southerners quickly lost interest in the event as it began to coincide with the years of Confederate defeat, and the original vision of celebrating America's triumph over division and strife was lost.

The first comprehensive analysis of the U.S. Civil War Centennial, Troubled Commemoration masterfully depicts the episode as an essential window into the political, social, and cultural conflicts of America in the 1960s and confirms that it has much to tell us about the development of the modern South....


Editorship, 1959-1961.

$4.95 - Civil War History - Dec 1, 2004

Early in 1959 Walton resigned as editor. University of Iowa officials began a .... John F. Kennedy purged the US Civil War Commission's members and staff.


Naval Base Says Housing .To Be Austere .

News And Courier - Mar 26, 1961

The Charleston Naval Base yesterday advised the staff of the naval aide to President Kennedy that it could house up to 100 per sons "under very austere con ...

Centennial Body To Meet At Naval...‎


Governor Defies Kennedy On Civil War Race Issue .

Gettysburg Times - Mar 24, 1961

A spokesman at the Charleston Air Force Base said Friday night the base had received ... commission explore the possibility of meeting at a military base. .


New Jersey Member Blames Inept National Commission'


Gettysburg, Pa Tuesday Evening, April 4, 1961 .Program Here...

Gettysburg Times - Apr 4, 1961

He said the commission will "insist upon equality of opportunity as a condition for our participation in any meetings or events in connection with Civil War

News And Courier - Apr 12, 1961

And the fact that the Negro from New Jersey was not to be lodged at the downtown Francis ... Mrs. Williams was interviewed yesterday at the Naval Base. ...

Race Strife Casts Shadow On Centennial .‎ Spokane Daily Chronicle

Grant .By Neil Gilbride .‎ Rock Hill Herald

Grant's Ouster As Civil War Family's...‎


President Rules Civil War Commission Must Not Tolerate...

Pay-Per-View - Boston Globe - Mar 24, 1961

President Kennedy said tonight a decision of the Civil War Centennial Commission that it cannot require Southern hotel keepers to provide rooms for Negroes ...

Naacp Hits Pro-south Propaganda In...‎ Lewiston Morning Tribune

Negro's Civil War Role Cited At Rally .

St. Petersburg Times - Apr 18, 1961

This prompted President Kennedy's intervention against participation by the National Civil War Centennial Commission in such an observance. .


Grant Quits As Head Of Civil War Commission .

Warsaw Times - Union - Sep 7, 1961

the federal Civil War Centen nial Commission, including the chairman, Ulysses Grant EH, have resigned amid reports of friction within the commission over ...

Pair Quits Civil War Commission .‎ Tuscaloosa News

War Breaks .Out In Civil .War Commission...‎ Sumter Daily Item

Grant Resigns From Civil War Centennial...‎ Free Lance-Star


Rusk Speaks At Gettysburg .

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Nov 18, 1963

The Secretary of State, who spoke at the opening ceremony of a three-day ob servance of the 100th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, .


And One Was a Priest: The Life and Times of Duncan M. Gray Jr. - Page 38

books.google.comAraminta Stone Johnston - 2010 - 287 pages - Google eBook - Preview

Around nine o'clock, after he had been on the campus about an hour and a half, Gray saw General Edwin Walker standing in the Circle between the flagpole and the Confederate monument and surrounded by about a dozen older men....

A book author noted that there was no fighter escort summoned to escort AF-1 back to Washington with newly sworn President Johnson and the body of the slain president.

Was Earl Warren appointed to head an investigative position in an effort by LBJ to immediately distance himself from those responsible for the assassination, for all of history, because Warren was so reviled in the south as a result of the Brown. v. Board of Education ruling?

LBJ never seemed particularly wedded to the idea of a sweeping desgregation political transformation. Was his conversion as president, another way for him to distance himself in perpetuity, from being associated in any way, with the actual plotters?

A masterful, and total cover up, in the face of the obvious clues of names, just in Oswald's family, alone, not to mention the barrage of Hidell names. The alleged attempt on Edwin Walker's life never did make any sense, and the logistics of it were never convincingly explained.

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''Glasgow Herald - Nov 22, 1975

Theories on who killed Kennedy range from inter national Communist conspiracy to plots by Southerners who still find it difficult to acknowledge that the Confederacy lost the Civil War,.. ..''

I think that really means Southerners ( and their sympathisers ) who have never considered the war over.

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What is Frazier's military background, if any? Do we know his political associations? (E.g., Klan, Birch, or other rightist groups?) What do we know about his sister's background?

They seem like the last intermediaries between the Oswalds and Paines and the TSBD hiring.


Edited by David Andrews
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O what fun you miss living in a different time zone!

Personally, I've always thought it interesting that LHO was a "lone-nut Communist" while Ruby was a "lone-nut Jew." Unfortunately, I just can't seem to think of anyone that would want to put the heat on both Communists and Jews for killing a Yankee liberal ...

Duke, please see Walker Letter writing Campaign thread for the answer.

Hoover was speaking of. Hoover also said that it was a woman named a. hidell who got the rifle through the mail.

This was probably a reference to Anna Hidell said in Col Jones testimony to be a typographical error in a DPD report in his talks with them concerning MI Hidell/Oswald file.

Hello Greg I can see you are still handsome as ever:)

Been snooping on this thread. Stovall (and Rose) Exhibit "C" (21 H 598-99) tells us many details of the arrest of Wes and the discovery of the Enfield and tne subsequent lie detector test.

Forgive me for butting in -


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