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Allen W. Dulles

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I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on Allen Dulles. Does anyone believe he was involved in the assassination of JFK? This is what Namebase has on Dulles.



Turkey 1921 Switzerland 1942-1945 Guatemala 1954 Cambodia 1955 Cuba 1961

Aarons,M. Loftus,J. Unholy Trinity. 1992 (38-9, 225-6, 233-4, 238, 246, 255, 258-60, 269-70, 276-8)

Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 (107, 118)

Anson,R. They've Killed the President! 1975 (300)

Ashman,C. Wagman,R. The Nazi Hunters. 1988 (108-9)

Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1995-W (13)

Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 (52, 54)

Bill,J. The Eagle and the Lion. 1988 (87, 89)

Bird,K. The Chairman. 1992 (108-9, 112, 458, 555)

Bird,K. The Color of Truth. 1998 (106, 112, 166-8)

Bledowska,C. Bloch,J. KGB/CIA. 1987 (38-9)

Blumenthal,S. Yazijian,H. Government by Gunplay. 1976 (241)

Borosage,R. Marks,J. The CIA File. 1976 (107)

Bower,T. Nazi Gold. 1998 (37, 89-90)

Brogan,P. Zarca,A. Deadly Business. 1983 (48-50)

Burleigh,N. A Very Private Woman. 1999 (105, 116, 127, 173, 295)

CIA. Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro 1967-04-25 (17-8, 34)

CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Index 1955-1992 (28)

CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Website Index. 2006 (23, 52, 87, 91)

Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 (32)

Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1988-03-25 (8-9)

Colby,G. Dennett,C. Thy Will Be Done. 1995 (251, 332)

Colby,G. DuPont Dynasty. 1984 (400)

Cookridge,E.H. Gehlen: Spy of the Century. 1972

Copeland,M. The Game Player. 1989 (126-7)

Corson,W. The Armies of Ignorance. 1977 (469)

Corson,W. Trento,S.& J. Widows. 1989 (11-2)

Corvo,M. The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945. 1990 (32-3, 185, 209, 244, 250, 260-1, 270, 273)

Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 1988 (164, 166)

CounterSpy 1980-10 (2)

Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986-#25 (6, 8, 12-4)

Covert Action Information Bulletin 1990-#35 (11, 14, 33)

Davis,D. Katharine the Great. 1987 (185)

Davis,J. Mafia Kingfish. 1989 (282-3, 290-2, 296)

Denton,S. Morris,R. The Money and the Power. 2001 (209)

DiEugenio,J. Destiny Betrayed. 1992 (6-7, 20-1, 87-8, 90, 92, 347)

DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 (40-1, 595)

Diamond,S. Compromised Campus. 1992 (71, 289)

Domhoff,G.W. The Higher Circles. 1971 (131, 264)

Domhoff,G.W. Who Rules America? 1967 (72, 76, 127)

Dorril,S. MI6. 2000 (168, 400, 464, 581, 598)

Duffy,J. Ricci,V. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. 1992 (165-7)

EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 (370, 373, 540)

Epstein,E. Deception. 1989 (40-1)

Escalante,F. The Secret War. 1995 (41)

Eveland,W.C. Ropes of Sand. 1980 (94-5)

Fensterwald,B. Coincidence or Conspiracy? 1977 (80-5)

Frazier,H. Uncloaking the CIA. 1978 (82)

Furiati,C. ZR Rifle. 1994 (11, 36)

Galiullin,R. The CIA in Asia. 1988 (22-4, 85)

Garrison,J. On the Trail of the Assassins. 1988 (104, 291)

Garwood,D. Under Cover. 1985 (57-8, 64, 218-25)

Giancana,S.& C. Double Cross. 1992 (293-4)

Gibbs,D. The Political Economy of Third World Intervention. 1991 (99-100, 107)

Gritz,J. Called to Serve. 1991 (539, 575)

Groden,R. Livingstone,H. High Treason. 1990 (35, 67)

Halperin,M... The Lawless State. 1976 (32)

Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992

Hersh,S. The Dark Side of Camelot. 1997 (169-70, 173-5, 207-8, 273)

Higham,C. American Swastika. 1985 (188-92, 251)

Higham,C. Trading with the Enemy. 1984 (43)

Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 (41-5, 79, 98-100, 226)

Hirsch,F. Fletcher,R. The CIA and the Labour Movement. 1977 (53-5, 66, 70)

Hitchens,C. Blood, Class, and Nostalgia. 1990 (329)

Hoehne,H. Zolling,H. The General Was a Spy. 1972 (230)

Hunt,H. Give Us This Day. 1973 (9, 213, 215-6, 219)

Immerman,R. The CIA in Guatemala. 1982 (124, 139)

Inquiry Magazine 1978-07-10 (18)

Jeffreys-Jones,R. The CIA and American Democracy. 1989 (44, 56-7, 72-3, 98, 101-3, 110-7, 127-8)

Kahin,A.& G. Subversion as Foreign Policy. 1995

Kantor,S. The Ruby Cover-up. 1992 (161, 165, 187)

Kelly,S. America's Tyrant. 1993 (11, 34, 57-8, 61)

Lane,M. Plausible Denial. 1991 (41, 49, 98-9, 155)

Lashmar,P. Oliver,J. Britain's Secret Propaganda War. 1998 (145)

LeBor,A. Hitler's Secret Bankers. 1997 (97, 134-5, 167, 175-9, 213)

Lee,M. The Beast Reawakens. 1997 (6, 19-20, 25, 33, 37-9)

Lisagor,N. Lipsius,F. A Law Unto Itself. 1989

Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1996-#32 (4)

Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews. 1994 (21-2, 38-41, 46, 55-92, 100-2, 109-12, 133-44, 151-2, 217-25, 230, 239-40, 252)

MacEoin,G. Revolution Next Door. 1971 (165)

Mader,J. Who's Who in CIA. 1968

Mangold,T. Cold Warrior. 1991 (49-51)

Marks,J. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. 1980 (87)

Marrs,J. Crossfire. 1990 (232, 465-6, 470, 474, 487)

Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (126)

McCartney,L. Friends in High Places. 1988 (74, 115-8)

McClintock,M. Instruments of Statecraft. 1992 (150, 166)

Melanson,P. Spy Saga. 1990 (4-5, 129-33)

Minnick,W. Spies and Provocateurs. 1992 (59)

Moldea,D. The Hoffa Wars. 1978 (126, 131, 133)

Morrow,R. First Hand Knowledge. 1992 (25, 271, 289)

NACLA. Guatemala. 1974 (63, 165-6)

NACLA. Who Rules Columbia? 1970 (17)

Nair,K. Devil and His Dart. 1986 (105)

NameBase NewsLine 1996-01 (5)

NameBase NewsLine 1997-04 (2-3)

New Republic 1995-03-27 (32-7)

New York Magazine 1976-08-16 (28)

New York Times Book Review 1994-12-11 (9)

Newman,J. JFK and Vietnam. 1992 (29, 141, 245-6)

Newman,J. Oswald and the CIA. 1995 (118, 120-6)

Oglesby,C. The Yankee and Cowboy War. 1976 (42)

Operation Zapata: Bay of Pigs Testimony. 1984

Payne,R. Dobson,C. Who's Who in Espionage. 1984 (41-2)

Perloff,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (104, 114)

Persico,J. Casey. 1991 (62-3)

Petrusenko,V. A Dangerous Game: CIA and the Mass Media. 1977 (36-7)

Pisani,S. The CIA and the Marshall Plan. 1991 (17, 20, 41, 45, 50, 61-4, 76, 79-80, 83, 108, 122)

Powers,T. The Man Who Kept the Secrets. 1981 (28, 397-8)

Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars. 1988 (34, 57, 82-3, 94, 107, 111, 130, 135-6, 176-8, 207-8, 210)

Prouty,L.F. JFK. 1992 (10, 26, 129, 156-60, 182, 303-4)

Quigley,C. The Anglo-American Establishment. 1981 (195)

Quigley,C. Tragedy and Hope. 1966 (938, 952, 1059, 1130, 1281)

Quirk,J. Central Intelligence Agency: A Photographic History. 1986 (225-7)

Raviv,D. Melman,Y. Friends in Deed. 1994 (60)

Reese,M. General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection. 1990 (xii, 90-1, 140-1)

Rich,B. Janos,L. Skunk Works. 1994 (158-9, 165)

Riebling,M. Wedge. 1994 (36, 84, 95, 119-22, 197-8)

Roelofs,J. Foundations and Public Policy. 2003 (160)

Russell,D. The Man Who Knew Too Much. 1992 (117, 130-1, 192, 234-5)

San Jose Mercury News 1993-03-28 (21)

Saunders,F. The Cultural Cold War. 2000 (35, 95-7, 129-32, 137, 140-1, 203, 209-12)

Scheim,D. Contract on America. 1988 (192, 210)

Schlesinger,S. Kinzer,S. Bitter Fruit. 1983 (106, 108)

Scott,P.D. Deep Politics. 1993 (295)

Scott,P.D... The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond. 1976 (14)

Seagrave,S.& P. Gold Warriors. 2003 (91)

Shoup,L. Minter,W. Imperial Brain Trust. 1977 (5, 61-2, 91, 95, 107-8, 120-1, 194-6, 210, 235, 289, 301)

Simpson,C. Blowback. 1988 (90, 125-6)

Simpson,C. The Splendid Blond Beast. 1993 (12-3, 20-2, 55-6, 121-4, 156-7, 189-91, 199-205, 217-9, 240-4, 267, 272-4, 276)

Simpson,C. Universities and Empire. 1998 (168-9, 172)

Sklar,H. Trilateralism. 1980 (185)

Smith,B. The Shadow Warriors. 1983 (56, 189-93, 213-4, 222-7, 406, 410-2)

Smith,R.H. OSS. 1981 (9-10, 204-41, 376-7)

Spin Magazine 1994-03 (52-3, 87)

Spotlight Newspaper 1998-07-20 (B7)

Summers,A. Conspiracy. 1981 (268)

Summers,A. The Arrogance of Power. 2000 (62-3, 184, 189)

Syrokomsky,V. International Terrorism and the CIA. 1983 (55-6)

Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (80, 338)

Thomas,E. The Very Best Men. 1996

Thomas,G. Gideon's Spies. 2000 (43-4)

Thomas,G. Journey Into Madness. 1990 (85-98)

Thomas,K. Keith,J. The Octopus. 1996 (72, 77)

Thomas,K. Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader. 1995 (82)

Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (1-12)

Trento,J. The Secret History of the CIA. 2001

Tully,A. CIA: The Inside Story. 1962 (34-44, 258-9)

Tyson,J. Target America. 1981 (171)

Van der Pijl,K. The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. 1997 (82, 131)

Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (177-8, 213, 244-5)

Volkman,E. Baggett,B. Secret Intelligence. 1989 (86-7, 107-8, 114, 130)

Volkman,E. Warriors of the Night. 1985 (39)

Washington Post 1985-02-19 (A7)

Weiner,T. Blank Check. 1991 (115)

Weissman,S. Big Brother and the Holding Company. 1974 (220)

West,N. Games of Intelligence. 1990 (11, 211)

Whiting,C. Gehlen: Germany's Master Spy. 1972 (107)

Wise,D. Ross,T. The Invisible Government. 1974 (11, 98-100, 235)

Wise,D. The American Police State. 1978 (216, 406)

Wolf,M. Man Without a Face. 1997 (63)

Wyden,P. Bay of Pigs. 1979

Yakovlev,N. Washington Silhouettes. 1985 (217)

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And while we're on the subject, let's indulge our church/state jones by looking at:

Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J.

Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., is currently the Laurence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society at Fordham University, a position he has held since 1988. An internationally known author and lecturer, he was born in Auburn, New York, on August 24, 1918, the son of John Foster Dulles and Janet Pomeroy Avery Dulles. He received his primary school education in New York City, and attended secondary schools in Switzerland and New England. After graduating from Harvard College in 1940, he spent a year and a half in Harvard Law School before serving in the United States Navy, emerging with the rank of lieutenant.

Upon his discharge from the Navy in 1946, Avery Dulles entered the Jesuit Order, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1956. After a year in Germany, he studied at the Gregorian University in Rome, and was awarded the doctorate in Sacred Theology in 1960. He was created a Cardinal of the Catholic Church in Rome on February 21, 2001 by Pope John Paul II.

Cardinal Dulles served on the faculty of Woodstock College from 1960 to 1974 and that of The Catholic University of America from 1974 to 1988. He has been a visiting professor at: The Gregorian University (Rome), Weston School of Theology, Union Theological Seminary (New York, N.Y.), Princeton Theological Seminary, Episcopal Seminary (Alexandria, Va.), Lutheran Theological Seminary (Gettysburg, Pa.), Boston College, Campion Hall (Oxford University), the University of Notre Dame, the Catholic University at Leuven, Yale University, and St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie.

The author of over 700 articles on theological topics, Cardinal Dulles has published twenty-two books including Models of the Church (1974), Models of Revelation (1983), The Catholicity of the Church (1985), The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System (1992), The Assurance of Things Hoped For: A Theology of Christian Faith (1994), The Splendor of Faith: The Theological Vision of Pope John Paul II (1999), The New World of Faith (2000), and his latest book, Newman (2002). The fiftieth anniversary edition of his book, A Testimonial to Grace, was republished in 1996 by the original publishers, Sheed and Ward, with an afterword containing his reflections on the past fifty years.

Past President of both the Catholic Theological Society of America and the American Theological Society and Professor Emeritus at The Catholic University of America, Cardinal Dulles has served on the International Theological Commission and as a member of the United States Lutheran/Roman Catholic Coordinating Committee. He is presently an advisor to the Committee on Doctrine of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. He has an impressive collection of awards, including Phi Beta Kappa, the Croix de Guerre, the Cardinal Spellman Award for distinguished achievement in theology, the Boston College Presidential Bicentennial Award, the Christus Magister Medal from the University of Portland (Oregon), the Religious Education Forum Award from the National Catholic Educational Association, America Magazine's Campion Award, the F. Sadlier Dinger Award for contributions to the catechetical ministry of the Church, the Cardinal Gibbons Award from The Catholic University of America, the John Carroll Society Medal, Fordham's Founders Award, and twenty-eight honorary doctorates.

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John asked:

I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on Allen Dulles. Does anyone believe he was involved in the assassination of JFK? This is what Namebase has on Dulles.

Jack replies:

Allen Dulles is the number one suspect atop the conspiracy pyramid.

Right below Dulles are LBJ and JEH.

Assassination plans were finalized when Dulles visited the LBJ Ranch

a week before 11-22, and at the Murchison party the night of 11-21.


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John asked:

I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on Allen Dulles. Does anyone believe he was involved in the assassination of JFK? This is what Namebase has on Dulles.

Jack replies:

Allen Dulles is the number one suspect atop the conspiracy pyramid.

Right below Dulles are LBJ and JEH.

Assassination plans were finalized when Dulles visited the LBJ Ranch

a week before 11-22, and at the Murchison party the night of 11-21.



I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. Might he not also visited LBJ at his ranch immediately following this? In other words, might there not have been multiple meetings?

I would agree with your surmise that Dulles is the number one suspect, along with his longtime buddy and fellow Council on Foreign Relations VIP John J McCloy. I would also add to any short list the also-fired Bissell as one of the plotters/planners of the assassination. Anyone wanting to view a relationship chart could put McCloy's name in namebase.org and do a proximity search.

There should be no surprise there, as both Dulles and McCloy were both longtime Rockefeller employees/agents.

John K

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Guest John Woods
John asked:

I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on Allen Dulles. Does anyone believe he was involved in the assassination of JFK? This is what Namebase has on Dulles.

Jack replies:

Allen Dulles is the number one suspect atop the conspiracy pyramid.

Right below Dulles are LBJ and JEH.

Assassination plans were finalized when Dulles visited the LBJ Ranch

a week before 11-22, and at the Murchison party the night of 11-21.



I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. Might he not also visited LBJ at his ranch immediately following this? In other words, might there not have been multiple meetings?

I would agree with your surmise that Dulles is the number one suspect, along with his longtime buddy and fellow Council on Foreign Relations VIP John J McCloy. I would also add to any short list the also-fired Bissell as one of the plotters/planners of the assassination. Anyone wanting to view a relationship chart could put McCloy's name in namebase.org and do a proximity search.

There should be no surprise there, as both Dulles and McCloy were both longtime Rockefeller employees/agents.

John K

John K,

There is a photograph of Dulles with LBJ at his ranch. I have this image somewhere on my

backup disk.


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I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. (John Korienek)


Dulles was in Dallas on the 28th of October. A luncheon was put on at the Baker Hotel where the Dallas Council on World Affairs honored him.

Dulles gave a speech titled, 'The American Intelligence Service - Its Role In Our National Security'.


If I have posted this image before, my apologies. My memory is not what it used to be. Allen Dulles and William Harvey.


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I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. (John Korienek)


Dulles was in Dallas on the 28th of October. A luncheon was put on at the Baker Hotel where the Dallas Council on World Affairs honored him.

Dulles gave a speech titled, 'The American Intelligence Service - Its Role In Our National Security'.


If I have posted this image before, my apologies. My memory is not what it used to be. Allen Dulles and William Harvey.




Do you know when and where this photo was taken?

Just curious,



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I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. (John Korienek)


Dulles was in Dallas on the 28th of October. A luncheon was put on at the Baker Hotel where the Dallas Council on World Affairs honored him.

Dulles gave a speech titled, 'The American Intelligence Service - Its Role In Our National Security'.


If I have posted this image before, my apologies. My memory is not what it used to be. Allen Dulles and William Harvey.




Do you know when and where this photo was taken?

Just curious,




I would be guessing but I'd say the early 1960's in Washington.


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John asked:

I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on Allen Dulles. Does anyone believe he was involved in the assassination of JFK? This is what Namebase has on Dulles.

Jack replies:

Allen Dulles is the number one suspect atop the conspiracy pyramid.

Right below Dulles are LBJ and JEH.

Assassination plans were finalized when Dulles visited the LBJ Ranch

a week before 11-22, and at the Murchison party the night of 11-21.



I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. Might he not also visited LBJ at his ranch immediately following this? In other words, might there not have been multiple meetings?

I would agree with your surmise that Dulles is the number one suspect, along with his longtime buddy and fellow Council on Foreign Relations VIP John J McCloy. I would also add to any short list the also-fired Bissell as one of the plotters/planners of the assassination. Anyone wanting to view a relationship chart could put McCloy's name in namebase.org and do a proximity search.

There should be no surprise there, as both Dulles and McCloy were both longtime Rockefeller employees/agents.

John K

John K,

There is a photograph of Dulles with LBJ at his ranch. I have this image somewhere on my

backup disk.


Larry Hancock can give us a good summary of the several photos

of Dulles with LBJ at the ranch.


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I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organizationthen. (John Korienek)


Dulles was in Dallas on the 28th of October. A luncheon was put on at the Baker Hotel where the Dallas Council on World Affairs honored him.

Dulles gave a speech titled, 'The American Intelligence Service - Its Role In Our National Security'.


If I have posted this image before, my apologies. My memory is not what it used to be. Allen Dulles and William Harvey.


Hi James,

I wonder if this speech on October 28th was similar to the speech Dulles gave after the assassination at Harvard Law School Forum on December 18th, 1963.

The 56-minute speech is online at Black Op. The program opens with a short introduction by a moderator:

Date: December 13, 1963

Title: "The Role of Intelligence in Policy Making"

Speaker: Allen W. Dulles - Former Director, CIA

Panel: Thomas Schelling - Professor of Economics, Harvard

Milton Katz - Director of International Legal Studies, Harvard Law School

Here is the RealPlayer URL provided by Black Op Radio


Dulles had just recently published "The Craft of Intelligence.

Peter Fokes

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I thought I had read somewhere that Dulles was in Dallas around the end of October, when he gave a presentation to some Dallas organization then. (John Korienek)


Dulles was in Dallas on the 28th of October. A luncheon was put on at the Baker Hotel where the Dallas Council on World Affairs honored him.

Dulles gave a speech titled, 'The American Intelligence Service - Its Role In Our National Security'.


If I have posted this image before, my apologies. My memory is not what it used to be. Allen Dulles and William Harvey.


Hi James,

I wonder if this speech on October 28th was similar to the speech Dulles gave after the assassination at Harvard Law School Forum on December 18th, 1963.

The 56-minute speech is online at Black Op. The program opens with a short introduction by a moderator:

Date: December 13, 1963

Title: "The Role of Intelligence in Policy Making"

Speaker: Allen W. Dulles - Former Director, CIA

Panel: Thomas Schelling - Professor of Economics, Harvard

Milton Katz - Director of International Legal Studies, Harvard Law School

Here is the RealPlayer URL provided by Black Op Radio


Dulles had just recently published "The Craft of Intelligence.

Peter Fokes



Was Dulles' speech at Harvard given on the 13th or on the 18th of December, 1963?




Edited by Thomas Graves
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I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread on Allen Dulles. Does anyone believe he was involved in the assassination of JFK? This is what Namebase has on Dulles.



Turkey 1921 Switzerland 1942-1945 Guatemala 1954 Cambodia 1955 Cuba 1961

Aarons,M. Loftus,J. Unholy Trinity. 1992 (38-9, 225-6, 233-4, 238, 246, 255, 258-60, 269-70, 276-8)

Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 (107, 118)

Anson,R. They've Killed the President! 1975 (300)

Ashman,C. Wagman,R. The Nazi Hunters. 1988 (108-9)

Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1995-W (13)

Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 (52, 54)

Bill,J. The Eagle and the Lion. 1988 (87, 89)

Bird,K. The Chairman. 1992 (108-9, 112, 458, 555)

Bird,K. The Color of Truth. 1998 (106, 112, 166-8)

Bledowska,C. Bloch,J. KGB/CIA. 1987 (38-9)

Blumenthal,S. Yazijian,H. Government by Gunplay. 1976 (241)

Borosage,R. Marks,J. The CIA File. 1976 (107)

Bower,T. Nazi Gold. 1998 (37, 89-90)

Brogan,P. Zarca,A. Deadly Business. 1983 (48-50)

Burleigh,N. A Very Private Woman. 1999 (105, 116, 127, 173, 295)

CIA. Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro 1967-04-25 (17-8, 34)

CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Index 1955-1992 (28)

CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Website Index. 2006 (23, 52, 87, 91)

Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 (32)

Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1988-03-25 (8-9)

Colby,G. Dennett,C. Thy Will Be Done. 1995 (251, 332)

Colby,G. DuPont Dynasty. 1984 (400)

Cookridge,E.H. Gehlen: Spy of the Century. 1972

Copeland,M. The Game Player. 1989 (126-7)

Corson,W. The Armies of Ignorance. 1977 (469)

Corson,W. Trento,S.& J. Widows. 1989 (11-2)

Corvo,M. The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945. 1990 (32-3, 185, 209, 244, 250, 260-1, 270, 273)

Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 1988 (164, 166)

CounterSpy 1980-10 (2)

Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986-#25 (6, 8, 12-4)

Covert Action Information Bulletin 1990-#35 (11, 14, 33)

Davis,D. Katharine the Great. 1987 (185)

Davis,J. Mafia Kingfish. 1989 (282-3, 290-2, 296)

Denton,S. Morris,R. The Money and the Power. 2001 (209)

DiEugenio,J. Destiny Betrayed. 1992 (6-7, 20-1, 87-8, 90, 92, 347)

DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 (40-1, 595)

Diamond,S. Compromised Campus. 1992 (71, 289)

Domhoff,G.W. The Higher Circles. 1971 (131, 264)

Domhoff,G.W. Who Rules America? 1967 (72, 76, 127)

Dorril,S. MI6. 2000 (168, 400, 464, 581, 598)

Duffy,J. Ricci,V. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. 1992 (165-7)

EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 (370, 373, 540)

Epstein,E. Deception. 1989 (40-1)

Escalante,F. The Secret War. 1995 (41)

Eveland,W.C. Ropes of Sand. 1980 (94-5)

Fensterwald,B. Coincidence or Conspiracy? 1977 (80-5)

Frazier,H. Uncloaking the CIA. 1978 (82)

Furiati,C. ZR Rifle. 1994 (11, 36)

Galiullin,R. The CIA in Asia. 1988 (22-4, 85)

Garrison,J. On the Trail of the Assassins. 1988 (104, 291)

Garwood,D. Under Cover. 1985 (57-8, 64, 218-25)

Giancana,S.& C. Double Cross. 1992 (293-4)

Gibbs,D. The Political Economy of Third World Intervention. 1991 (99-100, 107)

Gritz,J. Called to Serve. 1991 (539, 575)

Groden,R. Livingstone,H. High Treason. 1990 (35, 67)

Halperin,M... The Lawless State. 1976 (32)

Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992

Hersh,S. The Dark Side of Camelot. 1997 (169-70, 173-5, 207-8, 273)

Higham,C. American Swastika. 1985 (188-92, 251)

Higham,C. Trading with the Enemy. 1984 (43)

Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 (41-5, 79, 98-100, 226)

Hirsch,F. Fletcher,R. The CIA and the Labour Movement. 1977 (53-5, 66, 70)

Hitchens,C. Blood, Class, and Nostalgia. 1990 (329)

Hoehne,H. Zolling,H. The General Was a Spy. 1972 (230)

Hunt,H. Give Us This Day. 1973 (9, 213, 215-6, 219)

Immerman,R. The CIA in Guatemala. 1982 (124, 139)

Inquiry Magazine 1978-07-10 (18)

Jeffreys-Jones,R. The CIA and American Democracy. 1989 (44, 56-7, 72-3, 98, 101-3, 110-7, 127-8)

Kahin,A.& G. Subversion as Foreign Policy. 1995

Kantor,S. The Ruby Cover-up. 1992 (161, 165, 187)

Kelly,S. America's Tyrant. 1993 (11, 34, 57-8, 61)

Lane,M. Plausible Denial. 1991 (41, 49, 98-9, 155)

Lashmar,P. Oliver,J. Britain's Secret Propaganda War. 1998 (145)

LeBor,A. Hitler's Secret Bankers. 1997 (97, 134-5, 167, 175-9, 213)

Lee,M. The Beast Reawakens. 1997 (6, 19-20, 25, 33, 37-9)

Lisagor,N. Lipsius,F. A Law Unto Itself. 1989

Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1996-#32 (4)

Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews. 1994 (21-2, 38-41, 46, 55-92, 100-2, 109-12, 133-44, 151-2, 217-25, 230, 239-40, 252)

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Mader,J. Who's Who in CIA. 1968

Mangold,T. Cold Warrior. 1991 (49-51)

Marks,J. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. 1980 (87)

Marrs,J. Crossfire. 1990 (232, 465-6, 470, 474, 487)

Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (126)

McCartney,L. Friends in High Places. 1988 (74, 115-8)

McClintock,M. Instruments of Statecraft. 1992 (150, 166)

Melanson,P. Spy Saga. 1990 (4-5, 129-33)

Minnick,W. Spies and Provocateurs. 1992 (59)

Moldea,D. The Hoffa Wars. 1978 (126, 131, 133)

Morrow,R. First Hand Knowledge. 1992 (25, 271, 289)

NACLA. Guatemala. 1974 (63, 165-6)

NACLA. Who Rules Columbia? 1970 (17)

Nair,K. Devil and His Dart. 1986 (105)

NameBase NewsLine 1996-01 (5)

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New Republic 1995-03-27 (32-7)

New York Magazine 1976-08-16 (28)

New York Times Book Review 1994-12-11 (9)

Newman,J. JFK and Vietnam. 1992 (29, 141, 245-6)

Newman,J. Oswald and the CIA. 1995 (118, 120-6)

Oglesby,C. The Yankee and Cowboy War. 1976 (42)

Operation Zapata: Bay of Pigs Testimony. 1984

Payne,R. Dobson,C. Who's Who in Espionage. 1984 (41-2)

Perloff,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (104, 114)

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Petrusenko,V. A Dangerous Game: CIA and the Mass Media. 1977 (36-7)

Pisani,S. The CIA and the Marshall Plan. 1991 (17, 20, 41, 45, 50, 61-4, 76, 79-80, 83, 108, 122)

Powers,T. The Man Who Kept the Secrets. 1981 (28, 397-8)

Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars. 1988 (34, 57, 82-3, 94, 107, 111, 130, 135-6, 176-8, 207-8, 210)

Prouty,L.F. JFK. 1992 (10, 26, 129, 156-60, 182, 303-4)

Quigley,C. The Anglo-American Establishment. 1981 (195)

Quigley,C. Tragedy and Hope. 1966 (938, 952, 1059, 1130, 1281)

Quirk,J. Central Intelligence Agency: A Photographic History. 1986 (225-7)

Raviv,D. Melman,Y. Friends in Deed. 1994 (60)

Reese,M. General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection. 1990 (xii, 90-1, 140-1)

Rich,B. Janos,L. Skunk Works. 1994 (158-9, 165)

Riebling,M. Wedge. 1994 (36, 84, 95, 119-22, 197-8)

Roelofs,J. Foundations and Public Policy. 2003 (160)

Russell,D. The Man Who Knew Too Much. 1992 (117, 130-1, 192, 234-5)

San Jose Mercury News 1993-03-28 (21)

Saunders,F. The Cultural Cold War. 2000 (35, 95-7, 129-32, 137, 140-1, 203, 209-12)

Scheim,D. Contract on America. 1988 (192, 210)

Schlesinger,S. Kinzer,S. Bitter Fruit. 1983 (106, 108)

Scott,P.D. Deep Politics. 1993 (295)

Scott,P.D... The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond. 1976 (14)

Seagrave,S.& P. Gold Warriors. 2003 (91)

Shoup,L. Minter,W. Imperial Brain Trust. 1977 (5, 61-2, 91, 95, 107-8, 120-1, 194-6, 210, 235, 289, 301)

Simpson,C. Blowback. 1988 (90, 125-6)

Simpson,C. The Splendid Blond Beast. 1993 (12-3, 20-2, 55-6, 121-4, 156-7, 189-91, 199-205, 217-9, 240-4, 267, 272-4, 276)

Simpson,C. Universities and Empire. 1998 (168-9, 172)

Sklar,H. Trilateralism. 1980 (185)

Smith,B. The Shadow Warriors. 1983 (56, 189-93, 213-4, 222-7, 406, 410-2)

Smith,R.H. OSS. 1981 (9-10, 204-41, 376-7)

Spin Magazine 1994-03 (52-3, 87)

Spotlight Newspaper 1998-07-20 (B7)

Summers,A. Conspiracy. 1981 (268)

Summers,A. The Arrogance of Power. 2000 (62-3, 184, 189)

Syrokomsky,V. International Terrorism and the CIA. 1983 (55-6)

Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (80, 338)

Thomas,E. The Very Best Men. 1996

Thomas,G. Gideon's Spies. 2000 (43-4)

Thomas,G. Journey Into Madness. 1990 (85-98)

Thomas,K. Keith,J. The Octopus. 1996 (72, 77)

Thomas,K. Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader. 1995 (82)

Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (1-12)

Trento,J. The Secret History of the CIA. 2001

Tully,A. CIA: The Inside Story. 1962 (34-44, 258-9)

Tyson,J. Target America. 1981 (171)

Van der Pijl,K. The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. 1997 (82, 131)

Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (177-8, 213, 244-5)

Volkman,E. Baggett,B. Secret Intelligence. 1989 (86-7, 107-8, 114, 130)

Volkman,E. Warriors of the Night. 1985 (39)

Washington Post 1985-02-19 (A7)

Weiner,T. Blank Check. 1991 (115)

Weissman,S. Big Brother and the Holding Company. 1974 (220)

West,N. Games of Intelligence. 1990 (11, 211)

Whiting,C. Gehlen: Germany's Master Spy. 1972 (107)

Wise,D. Ross,T. The Invisible Government. 1974 (11, 98-100, 235)

Wise,D. The American Police State. 1978 (216, 406)

Wolf,M. Man Without a Face. 1997 (63)

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Yakovlev,N. Washington Silhouettes. 1985 (217)


I agree that a good discussion of Allen Dulles and his possible involvement in the Kennedy assassination is necessary. In fact, I think that it's been long overdue, say like about forty-three and a half years. In fact, it's more than a curiosity that no acceptable "theory" of the assassination has been forwarded, with the exception of Donald Gibson's work, which begins with the question "What the Hell are Allen Dulles and John J McCloy doing on a Warren Commission, investigating the death of the President?" Most people can give the flippant answer of the identity of Allen Dulles, but no one seems to have asked, "Who the Hell is John J McCloy?"

Granted that it would have been much harder to find pertinent information on this dynamic duo way back in pre-historic 1964, but why wasn't this done? A fairly obvious reason is that the early researchers/writers on the assassination had skillfully lead the herd into many other passages in the maze. Another reason may have been the ESCHEW SPECULATION blinking sign that may have mesmerized the herd.

For it seems now that if anybody had looked into the lives of these two way back then, they would have found out some amazing things. For example, they were both VIP's in the organization The Council on Foreign Relations, described by Jim Marrs and others as a secret society. People like sociologist George Michael Evica in his 1995 paper Perfect Cover, available at Rahn's website, seem to be beginning to think in terms of an elitist theory of the assassination, and both McCloy and Dulles were highly active tools of this organization.

If people way back then didn't buy into the herd mentality, they might have read Morris Bealle's Guns of the Progressive Right, and these two "honorable" men and their organization might have been put under the microscope then. I kinda wonder what would have happened.

So John Simkin, did you happen to notice the easy chit-chat, the mindless banter, that accompanied your initial post? I think this is the main reason the Kennedy assassination hasn't gotten very far. What do you think, John Simkin??

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I agree that a good discussion of Allen Dulles and his possible involvement in the Kennedy assassination is necessary. In fact, I think that it's been long overdue, say like about forty-three and a half years.


At least one American did try to initiate some public discussion of Dulles' membership of the Presidential Commission in 1963; and of the CIA's role in the sojourns of the patsy. To follow, the proof. As I have noted elsewhere, the reporter responsible was to be rewarded with unpersonhood in the U.S. assassination discourse, as your own comments attest.

It's also worth noting that Communist observers saw at once both the significance of Dulles' participation, and the true role in the assassination of the CIA. Anglo-American ignorance of this literature tells its own, rich story.

Let me conclude with a compliment: How refreshing to see a contributor look critically at the early critics of the official pabulum. Good. It's long overdue.


The New York World-Telegram & Sun, Tuesday, December 3, 1963, p.25

Truth Won't Out

By Richard Starnes

Realism instructs us to expect little from the special commission created by President Johnson to investigate the death of his predecessor.

No member of the commission has any competence as investigator, nor does any have access to a disinterested investigative staff. The commission will be almost wholly dependent upon the facts made available to it by the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Dallas Police Department.

In a sense, of course, the special commission is investigating the role played by each of these agencies, and it is manifestly naïve to expect these cops to bear witness against themselves or, indeed, each other.

Any reporter who has wasted a portion of his young life in a hick police station thinks he knows exactly how Rubenstein, the squalid impresario of skin shows, gained access to the Dallas Municipal Building where he apparently shot and killed the man who apparently shot and killed President Kennedy. (If you contend there are too many apparentlys in that sentence, my reply is that there are too many apparentlys in the murders that took place in Dallas.)

Ruby probably had a press pass issued by the Dallas cops. Every reporter has known police buffs of the stripe of Rubenstein, and the sleazy breed invariably prizes possession of a press card.

But is anyone foolish enough to expect the Dallas Police Department to step before Chief Justice Warren and say, yes, your worship, we did give Rubenstein a press pass to which he was not entitled and he did use it to gain access to the basement where he performed the gallant act of gut-shooting a manacled prisoner?

If you believe the Dallas police will ever give up the truth about how Rubenstein got a clear shot at Oswald you will believe anything, possibly including the solemn assertion that Rubenstein was not paying off any officials for the privilege of skirting the law in operating his peltorama.

In their extravagant outpourings of grief over the death of their young President, the American people have largely overlooked the disgraceful failure of the Secret Service. We are assured that these hard-nosed federal cops could not possibly check every window along the parade route, and no one is moved to ask why they couldn't. The building from which the assassination of Mr. Kennedy is said to have taken place was a prime stake-out for a sniper, since the President's automobile had to slow for a turn beneath its windows.

Will the Secret Service candidly explain to the special commission why Oswald was permitted to rest patiently on his hunkers gnawing a chicken bone, a rifle beside him, in one of perhaps a dozen choice locations for a bushwhacker?

Again, little has been made of the fact that the President was shot not once, but twice. The autopsy findings on Mr. Kennedy have not been made public, and may never be, but suppose the first wound was not mortal? Then the lax protection that permitted a second bullet to strike home becomes a great historical scandal. Will Mr. Justice Warren and his colleagues ever know the truth of this, and if they do learn it, will they publish it?

Will the presence on the panel of Allen Dulles, erstwhile headmaster of the Central Intelligence Agency, assure us that the truth of Oswald's sojourn in the Soviet Union will ever be known? The Russians suggest they suspected him of being a spy. Can any realistic person believe any tentacle of the nation's elephantine espionage apparatus will own up to ever having Oswald on its payroll?

Can we expect the FBI to explain why Oswald was not under close surveillance? How many would-be defectors to Russia did they have to watch that day in Dallas when the President's widely-heralded visit was scheduled?

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"Can we expect the FBI to explain why Oswald was not under close surveillance?"

according to this document the FBI reckoned Oswald was OK.


A Mr Telford Meller's wife became concerned about seeing "Das Kapital" in Oswalds house in the summer of 62. Mr. Telford "checked with the FBI and they told him OSWALD was all right."

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