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John Ritchson

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Everything posted by John Ritchson

  1. Part3. INGREDIENT 2. REACHING THE MINDS OF THE PEOPLE. To fool a majority of the people all of the time it is necessary to reach into their minds over a relatively long period of time. Make an analysis of what you, the reader, believe today or disbelieve, along with the mental condition you are in when you enter a polling booth, or write a letter to your Congressman. After some thought list all of the ways in which information might reach you today. You will list all of the environmental factors, self images, motivations, ego factors and acquired beliefs that make you do what you do, and make you think what you think. You will realize that your heritage, your schooling, your life's experience, and the present bombardment of information have an impact on how you vote. If your father and grandfather before you were strong Republicans or Democrats, you may well vote the same "pull one lever" way. You might close your mind to any messages of imminent disaster, and think, "I'm better off not knowing and just voting straight Republican." (In 1972) You might have strong faith in the "American way of life" and pay no attention to the people who go around claiming that John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were all murdered by elements of an invisible government to keep the U.S. on the military, wealthy, conservative track. You might ignore solid evidence regarding Lee Harvey Osward's, James Earl Ray's or Sirhan Sirhan's actions and instead rely on a long-term, well engineered faith that something like that "couldn't happen here." Go back in time to 1935, if you are over 50, or go back to 1945, if you are over 40, or back to 1955, if you are over 30. Examine your general overall attitudes, beliefs and prejudices as developed over that period of time between then and now. You will discover that your political beliefs about the U.S., the Presidency, foreign policy, wage and price controls, and your own economic conditions, etc., have been strongly influenced by the various news media. INGREDIENT 3. CONTROLLING THE NEWS MEDIA. In Chapter 9, the author proves that it has been possible for a very small group of people in power to control or fool nearly all of the major news media in the U.S. about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and subsequent investigations conducted by groups other than the sources of power (Warren Commission, FBI, Secret Service, CIA, Justice Department, the President). According to polls taken between 1963 and 1970, 50% to 80% of the public at one time or another during this period believed there was a conspiracy. Nevertheless, the major news media took the opposite position. A poll conducted today would, no doubt, show about one-half of the people believing there was no conspiracy. How did this happen? Is it conceivable that the power sources of two succeeding administrations (Johnson and Nixon) fooled or controlled the news media to that extent? The problem is not so difficult as it seems. Only sixteen media organizations are involved. These sixteen provide each of us with nearly all of the news we either read, see or hear. It is only necessary to control the sixteen men at the very top and that is exactly what happened. The proof contained in Chapter 9 contains specific facts about what happened inside of eleven of the sixteen organizations. Some of them maintained an editorial position oriented toward the possibility of conspiracy for several years. The last ones to convert because of high level command decisions (at the *owner* level--not the editorial level) did not do so until 1969, 5 1/2 years after the assassination. Several of the eleven conducted their own independent investigations and discovered conspiracy evidence sufficient to take that stand. Among these were CBS, Life Magazine, and "The New York Times." The sixteen media organizations are: 1. NBC-TV and Radio 2. CBS-TV and Radio 3. ABC-TV and Radio 4. Associated Press 5. United Press International 6. Time-Life 7. McGraw Hill - Business Week 8. Newsweek 9. U.S. News and World Report 10. New York Times and their news service 11. Washington Post and their news service 12. Metromedia News Network TV and Radio 13. Westinghouse Radio News Network 14. Capital City Broadcasting Radio Network 15. North American Newspaper Alliance 16. Gannett News Service Controlling the news media to that extent in order to fool the people is an extreme act. It is a last resort in an extremely serious situation. Such a situation arose when it became obvious to those in power that Jim Garrison was going to expose the truth about the assassination in court. He had to be destroyed, and he was, by fooling the news media as well as the people. Control of the press by the power group slipped a little with the Pentagon Papers, the Mylai episode, the Green Berets, the FBI use of spying, and the Watergate caper. But effective control over the fooling of the people nevertheless remains. With Watergate, people fooling shifted from controlling the news media, which suddenly awakened a little too late, to the control of the the legal system. INGREDIENT 4. CONTROLLING THE LEGAL SYSTEM. Perhaps the most important long-range ingredient in fooling the people of America is the control and influence over the legal system. The U.S. in the post-war era has reached the stage where, in case of doubt on a major issue, the people will wait to see how it is resolved by the courts. The American people in general have always had tremendous faith in their own legal system. With the exception of the South taking issue with the Warren court over black rights, the American people tend to believe that the Supreme Court will eventually right any wrongs. The faith goes much further than adjudication of crimes or disputes. People have come to rely on the legal system to tell them where the truth lies on a major issue when two sides differ completely on the facts. They believe that the adversary procedure and the perjury penalty system will ferret out the truth. Thus, to fool the people, and make them believe lies, it is essential to control the legal system. The Nixon and Johnson administrations and the Invisible Government lying underneath or off to one side of both administrations became very adept at controlling the legal system. It can be done, and has been done in several ways. Nixon, of course, loaded the Supreme Court. That is important. The complete control of the Justice Department and the FBI is also obvious. Not so obvious is the need to control Federal judges throughout the land. Truth might leak out in a trial at a local level, so U.S. courts in each area must be controlled. The Federal grand jury scheme worked out by Nixon, Mitchell and Robert Mardian is a beautiful way to guide, direct and control the legal system. It more than proved its worth in fooling the people in cases involving classified documents, the Black Panthers and other situations where the truth had to be obscured. Control over the American Bar Association and individual lawyers and district attorneys is another method used. And finally, it is often useful to control local and state police, either individually or in groups. The exercise of control is important. It may be desirable to suppress truth in a court situation during a trial or hearings. The judge can do this very effectively. It may also be desirable to delay a trial or a hearing in which the truth might be exposed. Judges and lawyers can do this quite easily. It may be desirable to entirely shut off a trial or an appeal where truth could be exposed. Nixon was able to do this to perfection. Lies and fake cases may be presented as truth in court while truth is attacked as being falsehood. This technique has been very successful. All of this takes both money and power. Judges and lawyers, must either be paid a lot of money, or frightened about their career and health. The CIA conduits used for espionage financing have been used extensively in controlling the legal system. Power has been used to control lower courts and local police or district attorneys from the highest source of power in America, the invisible government. A few examples will suffice to demonstrate how the legal system is used to fool the people. The 1972 election demonstrated that two-thirds of the people either did not associate Mr. Nixon with the Watergate affair and the Chapin-Segretti sabotage project, or else they didn't know about it or didn't care. Surely, you say, a traditional American patriot would not vote for a man who did all of the things the Watergate 7 and Chapin- Segretti and company did. But wait! The situation as of January 1973 had not yet reached the courts. Except for Bernard Barker's conviction for falsely using his notary public seal to stamp a check from Kenneth Dahlberg in Florida, no court actions had taken place. Wasn't that lucky for the Republicans, you say. It wasn't luck. The Watergate arrests took place in June 1972. By successfully delaying a whole series of trials and court actions, Mr. Nixon, through control of the courts, kept the truth away from the people until after the election on November 7. Perhaps some of the people who voted for him had doubts, but if court cases had been conducted before November 7, and conducted fairly by uncontrolled judges, the truth would have been exposed in all of its glory. Now that he had a powerful mandate from the people, it was likely that other forms of control would be used to continue fooling the people about Watergate. Some of these were covered in the prior chapters. Executive privilege has been used to a major extent. Clay Shaw was actually defended and Garrison, in effect, was put on trial, through CIA money and CIA lawyers. Garrison's attempts to bring Shaw to trial for perjury were successfully blocked by Federal courts and judges. Sirhan Sirhan's trial for the murder of Robert Kennedy was controlled by the Nixon administration in order to hide the truth from the people. The case involved controlling the judge at the trial, the district attorney, the lawyers for Sirhan, the Los Angeles police, the FBI, and some of the officials of the state of California. The control exercised has continued to prevent Sirhan from receiving a new trial based on new evidence of what happened in the assassination. THE FIVE BIG EVENTS. The five events since World War II about which the power control group must continue to fool the American people about are the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King; the attempted assassination of George Wallace; and the Watergate episode. (In 1973, the truth about Chappaquiddick and its importance, together with the threats against Jackie Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Ted Kennedy and all of the Kennedy children, had not been exposed. Chappaquiddick is the sixth big event.) All other things this group has done since 1947 fade into insignificance compared to these five. The reason is that the American people may accept such things as the Pueblo incident, the Gulf of Tonkin fake, the Mylai incident, the Pentagon Papers, the Kent State killings, the frame-ups of the Black Panthers and their murders, and even the whole Viet Nam war, but they would rise up in wrath if the truth about any one or all of those five events were exposed. Thus, Mr. Hanson for Sirhan, Mr. Fensterwald for James Earl Ray, Mr. Lawrence O'Brien and the Watergate suit--anyone opposing the findings of the Warren Commission with national prominence and success--and anyone who begins to pry too much into George Wallace's brush with death will be opposed with all the power those in control can muster. Each will be dealt with if he comes too close, just as Jim Garrison was dealt with by both the Johnson and Nixon administrations. Garrison managed to beat out the Nixon- controlled Justice Department in his own trial in September 1973. The jury in New Orleans found him innocent in spite of the fact that the prosecuting attorney, the judge, the key witness, Pershing Gervais, and the news media were all controlled by Nixon and Mitchell. By late 1973 it was becoming a little more difficult to fool the people. INGREDIENT 5. PAID COLUMNISTS OR LACKEYS. Control of the news media includes controlling or hiring selected columnists, newsmen, commentators, and lackeys. Sometimes these people are called "spokesmen for the administration." Many of them are supposedly independent. Their importance in the process of fooling the people has increased as the number of independent news media organizations has decreased and the number of organizations relying on syndicated, national columnists or commentators has increased. The Nixon administration managed to corral a great many more of these types than did the administrations of Johnson, Kennedy, or Eisenhower. In the newspaper field, there were four to five times as many columnists writing "fool the people" type news for Nixon as against Nixon. Alsop was at one extreme. More subtle were writers like C.L. Sulzberger in the "New York Times" and Gary Wills in various conservative papers. On radio, the Westinghouse network used four commentators who appeared to be liberal at first glance, but who adhered to the party line when the time came to get at the truth about the five key events mentioned earlier. These four were Peter Lisagor, Rod McCleish, Simeon Booker and Irwin Cannon. William Safire, Evans and Novak, Mary McCarthy, and occasionally Jack Anderson also fall into the "fool the people" column. The impact of these columnists on the American people has not really been measured. Alsop's and Evans and Novak's columns appear in Republican and right-wing newspapers all across the U.S. The election poll that indicated over 700 newspapers supported Nixon while fewer than 50 supported McGovern provides some estimate of how influential these papers and columnists can be. With the exception of two or three stories by Jack Anderson about Robert Kennedy and plots to assassinate Castro, none of the evidence about the truth pertaining to the assassinations has ever appeared in any of these columns. Yet the American people read these columns more faithfully than they read the front page. HOW THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN FOOLED. Now that the ingredients for fooling the people have been discussed, let's examine the net results over the past twenty-five years. Between 1957 and 1972, there was a culmination in the use of these ingredients, many of which were developed with the end of World War II. Through a succession of presidencies and political party administrations from Truman to Nixon a mixture of wealthy, military and espionage individuals developed a power base and used the five ingredients to fool the people. Except for John Kennedy, none of the presidents tried very hard to resist this power. The book "Farewell America" (by James Hepburn--a pseudonym--Frontiers Press), which has been reprinted in sections in "Computers and Automation" (1973) shows clearly what kind of power JFK tried to resist and how it resulted in his death. The American people aren't familiar with this book any more than they are familiar with a movie made from the book, with the same title. And as long as the group remains in power, the book and movie will be banned from the United States, just as "Z" was banned in Greece. The people of America were fooled into believing each of the following untruths: Kent State: The National Guard fired under intense pressure and attack by a bunch of hoodlums at Kent State University. The various grand juries have vindicated the Guard. There was no White House influence involved in the killings, or in the aftermath. Mylai: Calley was justified in shooting the civilians at Mylai because those were his orders. You can't tell a "gook" from a Viet Cong and, after all, war is war. Communism: The greatest threat to American freedom is still a world- wide Communist take-over. The domino theory may or may not be correct, but we must never give up a fight. "Peace with honor" was essential in Viet Nam. Pentagon Papers: Few people have taken the time to read the Pentagon Papers and have understood their significance. The two-thirds majority who elected Nixon in 1972 may have been puzzled by the papers or they may not have cared. No doubt, most of them believed Ellsberg a traitor and worthy of jail. It is very unlikely they will ever believe they were duped by Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon and most particularly by the CIA and allies in matters pertaining to the cold war and Communism. The fundamental, gut issue of the Communist conspiracy overrides any other revelation in this field. Assassinations: In spite of polls and uneasy feelings, at least half and perhaps a majority of the American people still believe that John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray, respectively, and that the assassination attempt on George Wallace was solely Arthur Bremer's doing. They believe these men acted alone and that they were madmen. (This statement pertains to the period of 1972-73.) Watergate: Prior to the election in November 1972, a majority of the American people believed that Richard Nixon, John Mitchell, Maurice Stans and everyone else of importance in the White House had nothing to do with the Watergate affair or the activities of Donald Segretti and others prior to the election. Almost no one believed that the CIA was involved in setting up Nixon so as to capture and control the executive to an even greater degree. Democracy and Freedom: By the end of 1973 a relatively large percentage of the American people still did not relate any of the foregoing incidents or situations to their own individual liberties. They believed patriotically in America; they believed we still had a democracy; they believed that President Nixon, with his wise ways and business experience would pull us out of whatever problems we had. From the time he nailed Alger Hiss and the day he won the great kitchen debate with Kruschev, Nixon was believed to be the leader who would secure our eventual victory over Communism. The people refuse to consider the possibility that unknown forces have seized control over the U.S. for the last fifteen years and that our liberties and democracy are fading away. ____________________ [1] "Nixon and the Mafia" -- Jeff Gerth, "Sundance Magazine," December 1972. Charles Colson Interview, by Dick Russell - "Argosy Magazine," March 1976 [2] "Why Was Martha Mitchell Kidnapped?" -- Mae Brussell, "The Realist," August 1972 "The June 1972 Raid on Democratic Party Headquarters -- Part 1" -- R.E. Sprague, "Computers & Automation," August 1972 "The Raid on Democratic Party Headquarters -- The Watergate Incident -- Part 2", Ibid. * * * * * * * End Part3.
  2. Part 2. Reagon covered up important allegations raised (about the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and the Wallace attempt), as well as those many others have raised, will the truth make us free? Yes, it will, for the truth will make us free to pursue democracy- -our system of government--through the ballot box, and we will not be subject to government by bullets. The truth will enable us to prevent such a series of events from happening again. Some of the supporters of the investigation have written to me recently of their hope that the investigation will get underway right away (March 1976) because they are concerned that there is great danger in store for the Democratic nominee for the President, whoever he turns out to be. I hope very much that these fears do not turn out to have a basis in fact." * * * * * * * Chapter 2 The Power Control Group Just who and what is the Power Control Group? Some have said it's the military industrial complex. Some prefer to put the blame on the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relation. Others have talked about control shifting from the "Yankees" to the "Cowboys" and back again. The term "The Cabal," first used in an obscure paper by an unknown author in 1968,[1] described a high level conspiracy group that planned, financed and carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The word Cabal has been used since then by some authors and researchers and applied to all of the major domestic assassinations. The idea of a Cabal raises more questions than it answers. Who is in the Cabal? Was the same Cabal behind the planning and financing of all five (Chappaquiddick being the fifth) major eliminations? Or are there several interlocking Cabals? What about the Warren and Rockefeller Commissions? Were they part of the Cabal? Which Cabal controls and infiltrated the media and organized the disinformation that poured forth in 1975 and 1976? Was Ford a Cabal member? Was Nixon? How about Johnson and Kissinger? Has one Cabal commanded the executions of the 100 witnesses and lower level participants? The mistake made by researchers in postulating higher level groups is that they simplify a very complex situation. To draw a distinct line between those involved in an overt conspiracy to assassinate a leader and those involved afterward in covering up the first group's actions is a mistake. The cover-ups are far more important than the original assassinations. Each assassination or attempted assassination, or other form of elimination of a leader, is only part of a greater whole. The 16 accomplishments of the power control group listed in Chapter 1, plus those now taking place and those scheduled for the future, should be considered as a continuum. The control group membership may contain individuals in various categories, some of whom planned assassinations, some of whom knew about the assassinations, and some of whom did not know about assassinations in advance. Some may have been on the firing line but have had nothing to do with the cover-ups. Some of them are victims of later eliminations. Somewhere in the power control group's hierarchy is a sub-group or perhaps several sub-groups that have been responsible for the attempted assassinations of presidential candidates, earlier assassins, witnesses, and earlier middle-to-higher level members in the power control group. These sub-groups might be thought of as intelligence-style task forces or mini-Cabals. There is little question that many of the individuals in these task forces are from organized crime and from the intelligence community, or both. They have had access to intelligence techniques and weapons that have frequently been used in the the elimination process. A second mistake made by some researchers is to assume that the Cabal's shape remains static through time. Evidence shows that the Power Control Group has been a living organism that both shrinks and grows as a function of time. The shrinkages take place through eliminations and a few natural deaths. The growth takes place for several reasons. It is necessary to use new techniques and new people for the group's activities as time passes in order to continue effective control of the media and to continue to fool the people and Congress. It's also necessary to bring new high level people into the group from time to time. Candidates for president acceptable to the group must be sworn in and must agree to continue the cover-ups. New media lackeys or new special committees or commissions are also needed. Once in a while an individual blackmails his way in. Some come in on a de facto basis. (Protectors of the Kennedys and their children fall into this category.) The very nature of the cover-up procedure has made it necessary to expose at least some of the truth to vice presidents and vice presidential candidates, in addition to presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Each vice president elected or appointed since 1963 has had to know the truth about the cover-ups in the event he became president (Humphrey under Johnson, Agnew under Nixon, and then Ford and Rockefeller). Ford was the most important of these since he had to agree to pardon Nixon and to protect the tapes. The heads of the FBI and CIA, selected trusted second-level men, and the deputy director of plans (DDP) in the CIA have all had to know some of the truth. The members of the 40 group and their successors who presumably know all intelligence secrets of the country are, no doubt, brought into this "inner circle" of knowledgeable people. The Warren Commissioners were split. Warren, Dulles McCloy and Ford all knew the truth; Cooper, Boggs and Russell did not. The Rockefeller Commission was also split. Rockefeller certainly knows and so does Ford's man on that Commission, David Belin. Kissinger must have known the truth; so must have the officers in the Department of Defense. Then there are the Secret Team members, planted in the various media organizations, who know the truth. A later chapter will describe who they are and how they lead the media cover-up and disinformation mill. This living organism view of the Power Control Group can best be constructed and proven by starting with the cover-up efforts and the control of the media, as opposed to examining the conspiracies to assassinate each leader. It is much easier to show how Gerald Ford, for example, led the cover-up in the JFK conspiracy than it is to determine who the members of the Power Control Group were who planned and financed the assassination. It is difficult to show evidence of higher level participation in the assassinations of Robert Kennedy, Dr. King and in the attempted assassination of George Wallace. It is not difficult to prove that many high level individuals conspired to cover-up the conspiracies in each of the three cases. It is not difficult to prove that they helped frame at least one of the patsies (James Earl Ray). Much of the content of this book will show evidence of the cover-ups and discuss the actions that are still taking place that protect the Power Control Group. Only summary information is included on the original conspiracies, except where there is a lack of published data. ____________________ [1] "Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal", Torbett, 1968 (Copeland Document) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 3 You Can Fool the People One of the questions always asked by the beginning student of America's political assassinations is, "How is it possible that all of this could be happening in our country without our knowing about it?" The "It couldn't happen here" belief has been extended to, "It couldn't happen here without our knowing about it." This is usually buttressed by such arguments as, "The Kennedys would have done something about it, if it were true", or "Such a giant conspiracy would have been exposed by someone within the conspiratorial group", or "The news media would have found out about it and told all of us by now." The fact that it is possible to fool a majority of the American people for a long period of time and to cover-up a high level conspiracy involving many, many individuals, can easily be demonstrated by using Watergate as an example. In fact, some published articles[1] show that the entire truth about Watergate has yet to be revealed. We do know now about the cover-up of the original crimes in Watergate and the cover-up of the cover-up. We tend to forget the attitude of the majority of the American people, the Congress and the media, toward Richard Nixon and the Nixon administration during the period between the June 1972 Watergate break-in and the November 1972 election and beyond into 1973. Long before Woodward and Bernstein and others began the Watergate expose, a few researchers were calling the Watergate conspiracies to the attention of a small portion of the public.[2] It was not until late 1973 that the research done by these researchers and their hypotheses about high-level conspiracies were proven correct and were generally accepted. How did it happen that for more than a year a majority of the American people were not only fooled by Mr. Nixon and his friends, but also re-elected him? Some of the same ingredients present in that situation were like those used in the taking of America. We can all learn a lot by observing what they were. What follows is a reproduction of an article by the author. (Because the article was written in l972, some of the material in it is now obsolete. However, it is reproduced here without changes to illustrate the situation and attitudes of the pre-Watergate revelation era.) It was originally written during the Watergate cover-up era (late 1972), after Nixon was re-elected and before Bernstein and Woodward were noticed by anyone. It should be noted that even in 1976, Mr. Nixon still had his vehement supporters who were blind to the ingredients required to fool the people. You Can Fool the People You can fool all of the people some of the time You can fool some of the people all of the time But you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln, 1864 The decade of 1963 to 1973 in the United State of America will go down in history for many things. In the long run it will be known through the world as the period which demonstrated that it is possible to fool most of the people all of the time. Adolph Hitler didn't fool very many people. He cowed them, frightened them, and killed them. But most Germans knew what was happening even though they chose to do nothing about it until it was too late. The exercise of power to control what happens and to restrict liberties is much more difficult in a Democracy or a Republic. The United States is always held up as the model case in which the guaranteed election of the president every four years and the two-party system, will prevent the country from being run by dictators. The people are represented by the Congress and also elect the President. A person or a group planning a coup d'etat in the U.S. would have a completely different job on their hands than Germany in the 1930's, South American or African countries in the twentieth century, or France in the 1890's or Russia in 1918. It would be necessary to fool a majority of the American people into believing that they were well represented, and that a democracy still existed, while at the same time the coup group were in reality changing the country to suit their own tastes. It is the contention of the writer that this is exactly what has happened over a period of time following World War II. The methods used to fool the American people, certainly since 1963 and to some extent also since the end of World War I, have varied slightly as administrations changed. The main thrust however has been a constant erosion of civil rights, and a swing of government away from the best interests of the people and toward big companies, banks, the military and rich individuals and families. The trend was slowed down only briefly between 1960 and 1963 when Jack Kennedy attempted to alter the situation. He was assassinated because he did so. To fool the American people is not easy. It requires immense capabilities, tricky, secret methods, hidden resources, great wealth and the equivalent of brainwashing or mind control on a grand scale. Yet that type of resource is precisely what has accomplished the deed. It is probable that, like Germany, the American people will awaken to what has been happening to them and to who has been doing it. It is also very likely, now that the Nixon administration has been restored for four more years, that by 1976 it will be too late, in spite of Watergate. George McGovern's speech on ABC Television, the evening of October 25, 1972, was a warning for those citizens who were awake, that "it can happen here." It's happening here, was his basic message. Yet, unlike Germany, the people were silent, and fooled. They didn't believe him when he said, "Your liberties are being removed, one by one." The Supreme Court by 1976 will be so packed with Nixon appointees that we will never get our liberties back. McGovern covered most of the areas in which the people have been fooled. The major area he didn't cover was that of assassination. This tool represents only the end of the spectrum of techniques used by those in control to remain in control. It has been used four times very effectively, on both Kennedys, on Martin Luther King, and in the attempt on George Wallace. In the case of Wallace, crippling was sufficient to change the political outcome in 1972. More important than the use of assassinations has been the ability to fool the American people into believing there were four lone madmen involved--and no conspiracies. The techniques involved in fooling people are more complex and subtle than those involved in the crime itself. In the Watergate case, the original crime was the use of every trick and technique necessary to re-elect Nixon. The people had to be fooled into believing that Nixon and the CIA had nothing to do with Watergate and the broader plan of which it was part. That the fooling part turned out to be so easy is due to a long series of conditioning steps taken with the American news media and the people over the preceding years. The Pentagon Papers case reveals how the people were fooled by several (successive CIA) administrations over a long period of time. Efforts against Ellsberg and the press continued in order to prevent further decay of the fooling process. How is it possible in the 20th century USA--with TV and high levels of communication, with freedom of the press, freedom of speech--to fool most of the people all of the time? Here is how it is done. Five ingredients are required. INGREDIENT 1. A PATRIOTIC ISSUE. A fundamental issue permeating nearly all conditions of life in the U.S. is needed, around which the rest of the fooling can be constructed. The perfect issue since 1947 has been "The Red Menace," or "Communism" or "The Radical Communist Left Conspiracy." No one is more adept at using this issue than Richard Nixon. The people, to be fooled, have to really believe in the issue, from the heart, from the gut. In a democracy this is the most essential ingredient. In the U.S. many, many people believe it. Some believe it because they have never heard or read anything other than "The Communists are going to take over." Others believe it because they or their parents or relatives came from Europe and "know what it's like to live under Naziism or Communism." (They don't distinguish.) Some believe because they are religious, and somehow religion is always linked to anti-communism. Others aren't sure, but they think "radical" groups might be Communist controlled. The flag waving, the national anthem, the American Legion, our prisoners of war, the draft of the past--all of these symbols are linked to the one big issue of "Communism." There can be several sub-issues of lesser significance than the fundamental issue. Some of these might be related to the main issue. Others may be unrelated. Some are used to appeal to certain segments of the population. They can be carefully exploited and added together with the main issue in a way which enhances it. Some are useful with low-intelligence-level people. Others appeal to bigots. Some are fearful issues which people would rather avoid. Others hit the individual right in his pocketbook or his security. If played one against the other, very carefully, many of these sub-issues can be blamed on Communism. Archie Bunker, of the TV series, "All In The Family", was not exaggerating when he blamed his white niece's dancing with a black neighbor boy on "a Communist plot." Examples of sub-issues used by those controlling Nixon administration to fool the people include: The black-white issue The busing issue The young radical issue The law and order issue The national security issue The old-fashioned American work ethic versus poverty and welfare issue End Part2.
  3. John, I don't know if you've had an opportunity to puruse the following story but I think it lays some important groundwork with respect to the issues you've raised in this thread. Publisher's Word Introduction 1. The Overview and the 1976 Election 2. The Power Control Group 3. You Can Fool the People 4. How It All Began--The U-2 and the Bay of Pigs 5. The Assassination of John Kennedy 6. The Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King and Lyndon B. Johnson's Withdrawal in 1968 7. The Control of the Kennedys--Threats & Chappaquiddick 8. 1972--Muskie, Wallace and McGovern 9. Control of the Media--1967 to 1976 10. Techniques and Weapons and 100 Dead Conspirators and Witnesses 11. Nixon and Ford - The Pardon and the Tapes 12. The Second Line of Defense and Cover-Ups in 1975-1976 13. The 1976 Election and Conspiracy Fever 14. Congress and the People 15. The Select Committee on Assassinations, The Intelligence Community and The News Media 16. 1984 Here We Come-- 17. The Final Cover-Up: How The CIA Controlled The House Select Committee on Assassinations Appendix * * * * * * * About the Author Richard E. Sprague is a pioneer in the field of electronic computers and a leading American authority on Electronic Funds Transfer Systems (EFTS). Receiving his BSEE degreee from Purdue University in 1942, his computing career began when he was employed as an engineer for the computer group at Northrup Aircraft. He co-founded the Computer Research Corporation of Hawthorne, California in 1950, and by 1953, serving as Vice President of Sales, the company had sold more computers than any competitor. In 1960, he became the Director of Computer Systems Consulting for Touche, Ross, Bailey, and Smart. He became a partner in that company in 1963, and started its Advanced Business Systems Department in 1964 where he stayed until 1968. In 1968 he established Sprague Research and Consulting for Computer Information Systems Consultation. He is currently also Consultant to the President's Commission on EFTS and full time consultant to Battelle Memorial Institute of Frankfurt, Germany. In 1966, Mr. Sprague commenced an intensive program of research into the photographic evidence associated with the assassination of John Kennedy. He served a year as photographic expert advisor in the investigations conducted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison and had amassed and analyzed a majority of the known evidence on film by 1968 when he co-founded the Committee to Investigate Assassinations. He served with CTIA as an active researcher, board member and Secretary from 1968 to 1974. Following numerous radio and television appearances and extensive lecture tours of the United States and Canada (where slides and films were used to demonstrate the basic evidence of conspiracy), he began, in 1974, working toward a Congressional investigation of all four major political assassinations and the cover-ups and links among these interrelated events. He was an advisor to Representative Henry B. Gonzales (D-Texas) on House Resolution 203 which proposed the appointment of a committee to investigate the circumstances surrounding the deaths of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King and the attempt upon the life of Presidential Candidate George Wallace. He served as a consultant to Richard A. Sprague and G. Robert Blakey, the first and second General Counsels of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and served through the end of the Committee's existence. He is author of "Electronic Business Systems" (Ronald Press) 1962, "Information Utilities" (Prentice Hall) 1969, and a celebrated series of articles which appeared in "Computers & Automation" Magazine beginning in 1970. He is also co-author with Dick Russell of "In Search of the Assassins" which is scheduled for publication by the Dial Press in 1977. The materials presented in this book are drawn from an analysis of the photographic evidence, personal knowledge and records of the Garrison investigation, research files of the Committee to Investigate Assassinations and Congressional Committees. * * * * * * * Introduction This book is not about assassinations, at least not solely about assassinations. It is not just another book about who murdered President Kennedy or how or why. It is a book about power, about who really controls the United States policies, especially foreign policies. It is a book about the process of control through the manipulation of the American presidency and the presidential election process. The objective of the book is to expose the clandestine, secret, tricky methods and weapons used for this manipulation, and to reveal the degree to which these have been hidden from the American public. Assassinations are only one of many techniques used in this control process. They have been important only in the sense that they are the ultimate method used in the control of the election process. Viewed in this way, an understanding of what happened to John or Robert Kennedy becomes more important because it leads to a total understanding of what has happened to our country, and to us, since 1960. But the important thing to understand is the control and the power and all of the clandestine methods put together. Much of the information in the book has been published before in the magazines "Computer and Automation" and "People and the Pursuit of Truth," both edited and published by Edmund C. Berkeley, Newtonville, Mass. The material on assassination and other events covered is based on evidence collected by the author individually or through the Committee to Investigate Assassinations. References to documentation of this evidence are given throughout the book. I am indebted to the following people for assistance in the research work involved and the preparation of the book itself: Special thanks go to Mary Ferrell who typed the original of the book. Jerry Policoff, Mark Lane, Ed Berkeley, Bob Cutler, Jim Garrison, Bill Turner, Wayne Chastain, Bob Richter, Gary Shaw, Fletcher Prouty, Rush Harp, Jones Harris, Bob Saltzman, Penn Jones, Larry Harris, Sylvia Meagher, Ray Marcus, Harold Weisberg, Hal Dorland, Paris Flammonde, Tink Thompson, Bob Katz, Joachim Joesten, Peter Downay, Harry Irwin, Dick Billings, Jim Lesar, Fred Newcomb, Lillian Castellano, Dick Russell, Tris Coffin, Mae Brussell, Bill Barry, Gary Roberts and most of all to my wife Gloria whose hard work and infinite patience made it all possible. The book is dedicated to Representative Henry B. Gonzalez for his singular courage in standing against the forces of evil. Richard E. Sprague Hartsdale, New York July 4, 1976 * * * * * * * Publisher's Word We published "The Taking Of America 1 2 3" during the winter of 1976-77. It was typed under the guns in Dallas, Texas, and offset printed in Woodstock, N.Y. A few weeks later--five hundred copies in all, 24 of which were fired off to the two House Committees involved in the investigation of the assassinations. Our elation with this `coup-de-truth' evaporated as we saw the committee destroyed at the starting line. The following summer, while motoring across our sadly taken America, I experienced a tremendous synchroneity of events which lead to my discovering the Power Control Group's secret team of murderer's and their patsies. This knowledge caused me to come out in the open even further and place a sign on route 28 enroute to Woodstock. "Who Killed J.F.K., R.F.K., M.L.K., M.J.K.?" in reflecting letters on a blood-red field. The Modjeska Sign Studios estimated 1.2 million sightings per month. And we then watched the committee suppress and muddle the evidence while chanting the Katydid like cry, of the tremendous big lie--Oswald did it, Oswald did it, Oswald did it, did it, did it. So we are bringing our knowledge up to date with the closing of the new "Warren Report" which now, due to The Witness They Could Not Kill (the sound tape that proved conclusively that more than one gun was involved in the president's assassination), at last admits conspiracy. Where do we go from here? We reach out now for a courageous commercial publisher to spread these truths that we hold self-evident out to our duped, betrayed, and steadily lied-to Americans. Rush Harp Barbara Black * * * * * * * THE TAKING OF AMERICA, 1-2-3 Chapter 1 The Overview and the the 1976 Election The taking of America has been both a simple and a very complex process. It has not been the result of a coup d'etat, although some aspects of the process resemble a coup. It has not been a process similar to the dictatorship takeovers in Germany, Italy and other fascist regimes. It has not been a process like the Communist "uprisings" in Russia, Hungary and other Eastern European countries. The taking of America has been a process unique in the history of the world. The one feature that makes it unique is that what was once the greatest democracy in the world has been taken over by a power control group without the knowledge of most of the American people, their congressional representatives, or the rest of the world. The group has taken America in this fashion because manipulation of the American presidency and the presidential electoral procedure is enough to control America. Two fiendishly clever stratagems were used to keep the fact that control had been seized from being obvious to the people. The first of these was control of the established media in the dissemination of both true (blocking) and false (flooding) information. The second was the use of clandestine and secret weapons and techniques developed during World War Two and perfected during the Korean and Viet Nam wars. These techniques are so new and unusual as to be unbelievable to most citizens. Thus, the incredibility of such weapons as hypnosis, brainwashing and "programming" of patsies as assassins became a psychological tool in the bag of techniques of the power control group. The average American has shrugged off the possibility of the takeover with the belief that, "That's not possible here." The use of such weapons, coupled with a tremendous campaign through the controlled media that both whitewashes any signs of conspiracies and spreads disinformation throughout the country, has successfully blocked any serious or official attempts to get at the truth. Unofficial investigators, private researchers, and even Congressional representatives have been ridiculed and completely blocked by both the power control group and their media allies. To take over a real democracy without letting the people know it has been taken over is a fantastic achievement. A list of the accomplishments of the power control group illustrates the point. Since 1963, they have: 1. Assassinated John F. Kennedy; 2. Controlled Lyndon B. Johnson as president; 3. Forced LBJ out of the presidency; 4. Assassinated Robert F. Kennedy, assuring Nixon's election in 1968; 5. Assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King; 6. Eliminated Ted Kennedy as a contender in the 1972 elections by framing him at Chappaquiddick and threatening his children; 7. Stopped George Wallace's campaign, assuring Nixon's election in 1972; 8. Knocked Edmund Muskie out of the 1972 election campaign by using dirty tricks; 9. Covered up all of the above; 10. Controlled the 15 major news media organizations; 11. Made Gerald Ford vice president and then president; 12. Insured continuity of the cover-ups by forcing Ford to pardon Nixon; 13. Murdered about 100 witnesses and participants in the three assassinations and one attempted assassination; 14. Blocked efforts by private citizens and organizations to reveal the take-over; discredited, ruined or infiltrated these individuals or groups; murdered or were accomplices to the murders of the operating assassins; 15. Blocked efforts by members of the Senate and House to initiate investigations of the assassinations and attempted to whitewash, ridicule or eliminate these efforts (their influence and infiltration has been particularly effective in the Church Committee and in the House Rules Committee); 16. Controlled the presidential election procedure since 1964 by eliminating the candidates who might expose the truth and insuring the election or appointment of candidates already committed to covering up the truth about the take-over. The question for 1976 was: Could the power control group continue the take-over during that year's elections? Would they be successful in blocking efforts to expose the take-over by congress? Would they be able to fool the American public again, control the media, and eliminate the contenders for the presidency in 1976 who might have threatened their secure position? The answer to these questions was "Yes." The candidates on the scene during the 1976 primaries fell into three categories according to the control group's point of view. Category 1 included candidates that would continue the cover-up of the take-over. Gerald Ford led this group with Ronald Reagan not far behind him. Henry Jackson was a probable ally because of his backing of the CIA, an important organization in the cover-ups and the takeover. Category 2 included those candidates who would probably try to expose the take-over and the power control group if elected. Morris Udall, Fred Harris and George Wallace fell into this category. The third category included candidates whose intentions were not clear, or unknown at the time. Jimmy Carter, Franck Church and Hubert Humphrey remained in this group, and Sergeant Shriver and Birch Bayh were also in this category before they dropped out of the race. Efforts would have been made to eliminate Udall, Harris or Wallace if any one of them was nominated at the Democratic convention. Carter must certainly have been put to some kind of loyalty test before being permitted to continue as the Democratic nominee. Reagan and Ford were, no doubt, already "safe" candidates for the control group because of their demonstrated cover-up performances. Ford had cooperated fully in at least four ways. He was on the Warren Commission and played a leading role in the cover-up. He wrote the cover-up book "Portrait of the Assassin." He pardoned Nixon and protected the Nixon tapes. And he formed the Rockefeller Commission, appointing David Belin as head of the staff to continue the cover-up of the JFK conspiracy. End of Part 1.
  4. Greetings: I recommend everyone interested in this issue to take a good hard look at Doug Weldon's work with respect to the windshield bullet hole being made from a frontal shot. Doug makes a very compelling case and my own ballistic tests conducted in the late 90s proves that under the proper conditions it is in fact possible to fire a bullet through a windshield producing a relatively clean hole without frosting or spidering. Sam McClung has also done some good work demonstrating the plausibility of the frontal shot through the windshield bullet hole scenerio. Respectfully:
  5. Greetings: Starting to gather some heavy-weights around here I would say. Welcome Lee and I will most certainly look forward to what you have to offer up. First of many questions: Have there been any new developments since the publishing of your book? With Best Regards and Respect:
  6. Greetings Shanet: See my earlier reply on the issue of the 6.5 and the Brit .303. Needless to say the two are unmistakable, both possessing unique features. A 6.5mm caliber in the english system is nominally .264" while the Brit .303" is a 30 caliber which makes the 6.5mm .039" smaller. Also, the .303 has a very distinctive external magazine and turn-bolt action that is unmistakable from any other rifle and is not even close in appearence to any Carcano or Mauser action rifle. The firearms expert from the Dallas Sheriff's Dept. indentified the rifle found at the TSBD as a 7.62mm Mauser, and if memory servers the AP wire service reported initially that the rifle was a 30-30. So counting the 6.5 Carcano I see 4 [smoking-Guns] here. Respectfully:
  7. Hi John- Thanks for the lesson on the Gunpowder Residue issue. Very thorough and well explained. Can you expand a little bit on the abort team issue? I too, tend to believe Tosh, but I'm somewhat unclear as to what he states took place with said team after they arrived in DP. Nothing? Being familiar with Tosh's assertions and SOP for operations such as this, do you feel like it's a possibility that they actually may have attempted to abort the assassination by firing at one or more of the gunmen, thus creating one or both of the pools of blood in question? I'm just speculating here. What are your thoughts on that scenario? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Greg: Antti is quite correct in his understanding of Tosh's role in the Assassination. He was simply a co-pilot and played a very limited role. He would not necessarily have had access to operational details beyond his actual duties. However, that said, Tosh is no dummy and would have been closely studing and evaluating every aspect of the events as they unfolded and so would thus have gained a much clearer picture of events above and beyond his actual need to know perspective. Of this I'm fairly certain. Just how much? Only Tosh himself knows that. But, what he has chosen to reveal shows to me at least that he knows a lot more than he was supposed to. The abort team could very well have had a secondary mission objective; that of taking out the actual kill-shooters thus eliminating a very important link in the chain of evidence and/or they may have had clean-up duties such as eliminating first hand witnesses and/or the back-up shooters etc. but this is merely speculation on my part based upon my experience in such matters. It's kind of like building a secret chamber in a building. It's only a secret after those who built it are eliminated;a fairly common practice in days past. Apply that principal to the JFK case and walla!...all of a sudden a bunch of people closest to the actual killing are themselves disposed of and the secret chamber remains a secret, and the only ones left behind either have insurance policies or they are in no position to pose a threat to the conspiracy. I think Tosh has/had a bit of both working on his side which is why he is still around to tell the tale as it were, because I can speak from first-hand experience that even today people who get too close to certain aspects of the JFK case very often find themselves the subjects of extream predjudice which can and do take form in all ways and means. Hell, this can become so convoluted that even the abort team can be aborted in a wheels within wheels type scenerio. One must keep in mind that we are basically dealing with lunatics here; people in which the aquiring, maintenance and exersizing of power for its own sake is what delineates and defines their existence; people who are capable of doing anything to actualize their agenda which in the JFK case was nothing short of world domination by very publicly taking control of the most powerful nation on earth; many of the very same people who are running things to this day, or at least their successors; organizations that plan a thousand years in advance. IMHO, the day our 35th president was very publically murdered was the day WWII ended and "WE THE PEOPLE" lost, and we now have a government whose leaders possess power far beyond the wildest dreams of any king or dictator that came before while we are being held hostage by the ever present threat of nuclear anihilation and our children are being dumbed down into good little corporate consumers in the indoctrination centers we call schools, and who are content to live in a X-Box world while eating Big Macs, and watching reruns of Leave it to Beaver. In the meantime, our planet is going to hell in a hand-basket and anyone with the cajones to stand up and be counted soon finds themselves the object of some rather nasty attention by the powers that be. Mark my words on this or not as you see fit but the die has been set and the curse it is cast and if we don't get off of our collective arses real soon and start restoring some semblance of sanity to this world we are going to find ourselves up the proverbial fecal creek without a paddle, and we will have deserved it. The JFK murder was just the beginning. We are now starting to reap the whirlwind. So batton down the hatches and damn the torpedos and full speed ahead. Not LHO, not with that rifle and not from that position. Just some thoughts from an old gunsmith. Respectfully: ******************************************************************** We are the unwilling, led by the unqualified, to do the unnecessary, for the ungrateful, by the unknown. ********************************************************************
  8. Greetings Everyone: Many if not most of you on this forum are at least aware of Ted Gittinger, the curator of the LBJ Library at UT Austin, and frequent haunter of the alt.conspiracy.jfk newsgroup, and my old nemesis. So I thought I'd repost a Joke I recently posted on that NG for your amusement. If anyone finds it offensive I will cease and desist any further such postings on this forum. John, Andy, let me know if I'm crossing the line here but I think it's pretty funny and I mean no real harm here, but I'm working on a theme and there is some ultimate method to my madness as it were which will ultimately bear relevence to the JFK murder. I'd just like to run it by some of you all who don't get over to the NGs for the sake of a little levity. Respectfully: ************************************************************* Gittinger's Great Adventure: It appears the great Hauptman himself came up here to Montana to reconoiter, probably in search of a bitch wolf of his very own since he seems so fixated on bitch wolves, and found himself riding in a SUV with a Cuban, a Russian and an old Indian on the old road into the Yaak just north of Libby. While riding the Russian pulled out a bottle of Stoly, cracked it open and took a single pull on the bottle and threw it out of the window. Teddy said, "what the hell did you just throw a good bottle of vodka away after only having a single drink?" Upon which the Russian replied, "we have so much vodka that we don't need to take more than the [Angel's Share]." After a while the Cuban took out a hand-rolled Supremo, lit it up, took one hit and threw it out of the window. Teddy said, "now this is getting crazy, why in the hell would you throw away a $50.00 cigar after a single puff?" Upon which the Cuban replied, "we produce so much good tobacco in Cuba that I only need to take one puff." Well, a few miles later the old Indian threw Teddy out of the window. So Herr Hauptman had to walk the rest of the way into the Yaak and when he got there he swaggered into the Dirty Shame Saloon where he proceeded to berate the barkeep on how uncivilized all the local yokals were because they didn't stock Lone Star Beer and had to settle for Moose Drool lager on tap. After having a couple Ol' teddy quite naturally started bragging on how he as the epitome of Texas manhood could out ride, out rope, out drink and out fight every swinging d*ck in the whole place. Well the barkeep soon got tired of Teddy's bullsh*t and said, "listen up Ol' Hoss, you ain't in Texas now you're in Montana and talk is cheap around here and if you want anyone to take mind of anything you say you're going to have to prove yourself with actions not words!" Well Ol' Teddy said, "name it and I'll by god do it better'n anyone around this joint!" The barkeep said, "alright then, first you got to chug this whole 5th of rotgut in one gulp, then you got to go out and wrestle a Grizzel Bear and when you're done you've got to come back here and make passionate love to that old Indian Squaw over at the end of the bar." Teddy said, "hell that's almost too easy," and proceeded to down the whiskey and left the saloon in search of a Grizzly Bear. After a few hours had passed the Hauptman staggered back into the saloon all tore to hell, I mean his clothes were shredded with huge bloody gashes all over his body, staggered up to the bar and said, "alright, now, where's that goddarned squaw I'm supposed to Wrestle?" The point of this little dissertation being, if you happen to be driving down some lonesome highway and see a hat and a boot on the road, try not to hit it because it's probably Ted Gittinger with all of the Bull-Sh*t kicked out of him. Warmest Regards, John Ritchson P.S. the next installment will be "Gittinger's Revenge by Claud Bawls." _________________
  9. Greetings: Good Thinking. Not much I can add here that Al hasn't already touched upon. That said however, there are a few things I would like to add here. The M-16s that were in use at the time were a militarized version of Gene Stoner of Armalite Corporation's AR-15 with a 20" barrel and a 1 in 12" rifling twist, firing a 5.56mm/.223 caliber 55 grain FMJ bullet with a sectional density of .157 and a ballistic coefficient of .246, and originally designated a .222 Special. This weapon proved problematic to say the least for a number of reasons which I won't need to get into at this point for the sake of brevity. The lightest this weapon could be loaded for to maintain any sort of accuracy would yield about 2,300fps at the muzzle producing roughly 650 ft. lbs. of energy. If a silencer in combination with a muzzle brake was to be used to reduce the velocity below that of the speed of sound taking your figure of 800fps, the resulting energy at impact in a JFK type scenerio, without going into the math, would be some 70 ft. lbs. which any shooter worth his proverbial salt could well attest would be barely sufficient to break the skin to a human target provided it even hit its intended target because for reasons I clearly spelled out in my ballistic articles, it would almost certainly be tumbling in flight. Under such conditions one would be better off using a 22 caliber rimfire cartridge fired from a rifle such as the AR-7 survival rifle and using a 47 grain Hp bullet which under such conditions would perform far better than the aformentioned, compromised .223 Remington cartridge. I have personally killed more deer with my trusty old Winchester 22 single-shot than with any other weapon, and I did it at ranges up to about 100 meters. Pop the deer once in the head and it would drop like a rock. Isreali Massad prefered to use a 22 rimfire pistol with a small potato placed over the muzzle which proved to be quite effective as a one shot silencer when fired behind the target's ear at point-blank range. I hope this adaquately addresses the questions/issues you raised. Respectfully:
  10. John, Tested them in the 168gr .308 from a Remington 700 and they are all of what they are supposed to be. IMO, when you get into this range of weapon caliber, even the basic JHP will result in more than enough elimination range of wound ballistics. I am impressed with it however if it holds in the 55gr 5.56mm for a varmit load. Nasty round and accurate to boot. Al <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Al, I suspected as much. To my knowledge Dave has never been one to hyperbolize his ballistic info, but I also know that since he does work for Hornady it is incombent upon him to promote his company's products and I did note that since Hornady started making bullets optimised for the M38 Carcano rifle his opinion of the shooting capability of that particular weapon has been somewhat modified in a bit more generous manner. Even so, Dave is careful to qualify his statements with the admonishment to prospective shooters to make certain they have a Carcano in good working order before loading for it. On another note, the last time I communicated with Craig Roberts he was working on developing a portable field reloading system which if memory serves, weighs in at just under two pounds and is designed to clip on to a utility belt fanny-pack fashion which will allow a shooter to tailor-make his own loads on the spot which will be optimised for the field conditions under which he/she will be shooting. I plan on trying to horse-trade him out of one when he has worked out the bugs and if you are interested, I'll try to dicker him out of another since I'm somewhat of a fanatic when it comes to sub MOA accuracy. I also suspect that you lean somewhat in the same direction. Respectfully
  11. Thanks for the feedback Al and sorry for not getting back to you sooner on this but I've been offline for a while. For the readers, Al is pointing out the general effects of an amalgamated mercury load which is what mercury does when it comes into contact with other metals such as lead, tin, antimony, silver and gold to name a few. Such would truely be a frangible bullet and would behave much as Al describes as opposed to what I've occasionally heard called a [splatter-Round] which is an encapsulated mercury loaded bullet that behaves somewhat differently during terminal transit. I may be wrong here but it is the latter which I've been led to believe represents the File's Scenerio and such is not something someone could whip up on a kitchen table in a few minutes. Such an encapsulation would require extreamly precise milling and sinturing techniques comparable to watchmaking. I must confess that I feel constrained at this point to go into further detail as to the actual manufactoring of such a bullet but needless to say, in a purely hypothetical situation, such a bullet in the .300 Win. Mag. caliber made from a 220 grain Sierra Match King hollowpoint and loaded up with approx. 68 grains of IMR-4350 powder, even at 100 meters would still deliver in excess of 3,500 ft.lbs. of energy upon terminal impact, seeing as how there is only a 006.6 difference in the atomic weight of the two respective elements. Such is the bullet of a [Make-Sure] shooter. I will have to double check this with Craig Roberts, but if memory serves the Sierra Match King was Gunny Hathcocks bullet of choice in his old Model 70 Win. At any rate, and be that as it may, have you had a chance to check out any of Dave Emory's poly-carbonated tipped bullets from Hornady? He has implied to me at least, that they perform on par to the hotter KTW loads with respect to penetration but produce a far greater cone of destruction. I haven't had the means to test that theory yet and was wondering if you or someone you knew might have some experience with those bullets. Respectfully:
  12. Greetings Al: Just wanted you to know that I second John Simkin's request and hope you will reconcider your decision. Respectfully: ************************************************************ "It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." ************************************************************
  13. And what story were they pushing? "Plan B" the Mafia did it. Who published Life? Henry Luce. Who was the journalist working on this new investigation? Dick Billings. Who were Luce and Billings? Two key figures in Operation Mockingbord. Luce is the same man who funded illegal operations against Castro. Billings even got to go on one of them (Operation Tilt). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Greetings John: I may be totally incorrect here as so much water has gone over the proverbial dam but wasn't Luce a Bonesman and cohort of Prescot Bush, a member of the Council of Foreign Relations [CFR], a Tri-Lateralist, and a Bilderburger, and if so arn't these the people who represent the world power structure, and actually control the Military Industrial Complex, and are the sort of people with the power and capability to assassinate a sitting head of state and effect a 40+ year coverup? Respectfully:
  14. EXCUSE me? "Sea of angst?" Please, enlighten me as to how I'm swimming in a "sea of angst," since you seem to know so much about me. I'm really curious to know. I don't mind being spoken of as a "protege," even though if I WAS - it wouldn't be under the guidance of John Ritchson, as intelligent as he is. However, there are worse things one could be referred to. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are quite correct Nic. From my prospective you are hardly in need of [Mentoring] from any source much less the the kind of [Craft] I have been involved with in the past. I think you are finding your way quite nicely thankyou, and would council you to keep on as you're doing. About all I could offer someone like you would be a few new licks on a guitar. I pick a 12-string BTW, and love the old ballads. I just wish we could get more young people like you out of their X-Boxes and into the real world as it were, even if it is virtural, you are still interacting with real people, and dealing with relevent issues of global implications. Question? Do your family and friends [Really] know what you are doing on this forum and how you are thought of by some of the other researchers, including myself? Respectfully and with Best Regards: P.S. "Sea of Angst?" Come on here Drill Sgt...Give us a break!!! I was 17 when I enlisted and was leading men in combat before I was old enough to drink a beer in a bar. And Nic, I was also mostly home schooled and self taught and while most other kids were reading Dick & Jane and the Cat in the Hat, I was soaking up and digesting Plato's Republic and I would refer you to the Allegory of the Cave, if you havn't read it already. It will perhaps give you some insight as to why you seem to foster so much derision from your peers, if I am correctly reading your situation.
  15. Thanks Dawn, I also would recommend taking a good, hard look at a man named, Jack Lawrance, if my spelling is correct, as a possible candidate for the actual kill-shot. I am still researching this possibility and will post more if I find and substance to it, but the initial research is coming from Sam McClung and I've learned over the years to not lightly dismiss his work and analysis.
  16. Greetings Goerge: Many shooter's including military shooters from the US used the pre-1964 Model 70 Winchester Bolt-Action rifle chambered to fire the .30-06 cartridge or the newer more powerfull .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge. Also, the Remington Model 700 Bolt-Action rifle saw wide popularity in this area. John Browning produced some excellent rifles when he relocated to Belgium and and started or helped start the FN company. The Austrian Made 6.5x54mm Mannlicher Schoenauer was/is an excellect rifle as well as the 6.5x55mm Swedish Mauser. Virtually any well made rifle could be fitted with a sonic suppressor which would cover the muzzel crack thus rendering it more difficult to locate the shooter's position, thus allowing the shooter a critical few moments to change position or exit the area/kill-zone. I posted some past articles on this forum in this area which should still be available along with some photos. Respectfully:
  17. Greetings: With the help and assistance of many good researchers in this case, too many to personally acknowledge in this short reply, I have managed to assemble a collection of proofs respective of the physical evidence which shows beyond a reasonable doubt the existence of evidence tampering and criminal obstruction of justice. The alledged kill-shot rifle currently in the National Archives is an out and out forgery. The Mike O'Niel Photo shows a very rare and valuable Moschettieri del Duce Carcano as opposed to a standard military field Carcano. That there were at least three other Carcanos submitted at different times and presented as the kill-shot weapon. That WC CE-399 and HSCA-399 are two different bullets fired from different weapons. That two of the spent cartridges are in fact 6.5x54mm Mannlicher Schoenauer cartridges which cannot be chambered or fired from any Carcano rifle. That the recovered unfired cartridge is in fact an Italian made cartridge and that it could or would not have been produced by the Western Cartridge Corporation. That no standard military FMJ bullet fired from any position would produce the wounding consistant with the initial Parkland MD's evaluations. That Dr. Guinn's NAA examinaton of CE-399 is hopelessly flawed and innacurate. That the .38 Special alledgedly owned by Lee Oswald did not kill J.D. Tippet. That the spent cartridges recovered at the Tippet crime scene were in fact rimless cartridges which had been fired from a Colt .38 caliber Super-Auto. Such are the facts of the case that I am prepared to place in front of a grand jury should one ever be convened. Respectfully:
  18. Greetings James: Yes, I was infomed by Col. Roberts that the [Gunny] had gone on his final patrol after I got back online after having been away for some time. [May he rest in Peace] He and my father both grew-up in Arkansas in the same neck of the woods as it were and both learned to shoot in order to put meat on the family table. In the local jargon of the area they were known as squirrel-barkers in which one places the shot in such a manner as to not actually impact the squirrel but close enough that the impact shock-wave knocks out the squirrel and it drops out of the tree without damaging any of the meat. His great strength as an effective sniper lay in his ability/patients to remain absolutely motionless for hours at a time under unbelievably adverse conditions waiting for the right moment to get off his shot, and I can't recall a single instance where he [Ever] needed a second shot. Such was the caliber of the man, and such would have been the caliber of the man who actually killed JFK, and such was definintely [NOT] the caliber of Lee Oswald. On this point Al Carrier and myself are in absolute agreement; a point to which Col. Craig Roberts also concures. Respectfully:
  19. Have Patients Drill Sgt. I know you expect people to [Come TO] when you Bark an order but this old soldier doesn't jump to anyone's barks any longer regardless of their command presence. I felt it important to provide the readers on this [Educational Forum] with some basic background before I start posting on the specifics of the JFK case, so that they will have some understanding as to what I writing about. BTW, I will be posting on the specifics of both scenerios; the LN/WC scenerio as well as the Conspiracy Frontal shot scenerio. So stay tuned and remember we are mostly [Civilians] around here. Respectfully:
  20. Greetings Bob: Although I deign to cary on a 3rd party debate, on this [ONE] occasion I will do so then I will take no further notice of [YOUR?] resident expert unless/until he posts his proofs and publishes his research for Peer Review, which must include his own personal experiences working with a WWII produced Terni made surplus M38 Carcano Short-Rifle, which he has never before fired, dissemble it and reassemble it with a dime as per the WC assertions just prior to firing it at a moving target from the proper elevated position, again as per the WC scenerio, and get off all three shots in the allotted time-frame hitting his target at least twice. I would also recommend that he thoroughly study the Edgewood Arsenal Reports as well as the [sworn] deposition of the man in charge of those tests. [Note:] the gunsmith that reworked the alledged kill-shot Carcano not only had to reshim the offset scope but also had to rebuild the entire action due to the fact that it was in such poor working condition that it was concidered too unsafe to fire. Between myself and my father we have rebuilt some 200 of those weapons over the the past 30 years and I've yet to see one that performs at best, even after reworking, then as a one-shot deer rifle. I am going to run your resident expert's replies past Col. Roberts so he can have a good laugh and I wish the Gunny was still alive so he could get in on the jocularity, as well as Frank de Haas. But, I definintly will run this by Al Carrier, And Dave Emory over at Hornady, And Dick Casull if he is still around. Bob, if this was simply a matter of opinion I wouldn't even bother with any of this but this man is attacking my credibility, qualifications, and my personal reputation in a public manner. In fact it seems to be downright personal, and I will brook no such nonsense from [ANYONE], [ANYWHERE], at [ANYTIME]. With All Due Respect: ************************************************************ ******** K.B. wrote:[snip]> Paul, you have any cites to back this up? I am not as knowledgeable as you when it comes to ballistics etc, and I do not have an expert as Sam does to call re information John has posted, but I do have a few books and a bit of experience reloading and I have won my fair share of Turkey-shoots and as far as I have seen, John Ritchson is right on with everything he has posted that I have read. So who are your Carcano enthusiasts? Greetings, One of the areas Mr. Burke and the rest of the LNers are real short on is authoritive cites in the relevent areas being discussed. Rather, their agenda appears to be one of debasement and denegration as examplified by their references to me as a Faker, Fraud, Cowardly Dog, and Buffoon all in a sophmoric attempt to trivialize and obfuscate the importance of my and other researcher's work in this case. These sort of tactics represent the last resort of those who know in their hearts the essential weakness of their case and are thus reduced to ad hominum, having failed to produce any real rebutal. For the record, I am constantly garnering feed-back and opinions from qualified professionals in the field of firearms ballistics to absolutely minimise any possibility of error before I even post an article. I also make every effort to clearly separate qualified facts and opinions from speculation and/or guess-work. Occasionaly I will fail in this effort as is the norm, but the body of my work remains intact and presents a damning indictment to those who would perpetuate the LN myth. Looking at the LN contingent, one sees an impressive array of individuals with credentials and qualifications in every area but the field of firearms ballistics, joined at the hip with the spook crew who post from positions of anonymity. Together, they would have us believe they represent a united front espousing the truth of the JFK assassination when in fact they are nothing more than a collection of bags of mostly hot air with about as much substance as a fart in the wind. Personally I think they know they have already failed to prevent the truth from coming out and are simply engaged in damage control by saturating this forum with BS in an ineffectual attempt to keep relevent discourse to a bare minimum, as well as using their under-handed tactics to create an unsavory atmosphere whereby new readers will be put off from joining in the discourse. Be that as it may, I'm resolved to undo that sort of mischief, at least as far as the ballistic evidence is concerned, by adding a relevent professional perspective to the JFK case. To that end, I've gained the support of a number of world-class people with impeccable credentials and unassailable reputations in their various fields of expertise. A list of those who have contributed to my work is as follows: Alan Horst, German action specialist and old world gunsmith who declares that one may spend over a thousand dollars reworking a M38 surplus Carcano and still be left with a hundred dollar gun. [Note:]For a varifiable professional alternative opinion of the WWII M38, Alan can be reached at 406-454-1831. Frank de Haas, who started out in this business as a hobbiest after -WWII and ultimately became a world renown authority on center-fire turnbolt action rifles with the publication of his book, Bolt Action Rifles, which is now an almost universally held reference manual on the subject. He is a contributing editor of The American Rifleman, and has his shop in Orange City, Iowa. Richard Hobbs, concidered by many including Carcano historian, Alexander Eichener, as a world authority on the Carcano rifle who after examination of CE-139/C2766 concluded it was in fact, a Moschettieridel Duce Carcano of Mussolini's Gardia del Duce, and not a cheap surplus field rifle that would be sold in a Chicago sporting goods store. [Note:] I believe there is an address and Phone# for Richard posted on Alexander Eichener's Carcano web-site. Wolfgang Droege, founder of the Shiloh Rifle Manufacturing Co, Big Timber, Montana and creator of the Buffalo Rifle for Tom Selleck's movie, "Quigley Down Under" who also presented a custom 45-70 gold inlayed Creedmoor Rifle to former president Ronald Reagan.[Note:]Even though Wolfgang is not a Carcano expert per se he does make some of the world's most powerfull rifles and anyone who doubts the concept of knockdown power should see one of these rifles in action. Richard Casull, founder of Freedom Arms, Freedom Wyoming and creator of the world's most powerfull revolver, the .454 Casull Magnum and like Wolfgang Droege has forgotten more ballistics than most people will ever know.[Note:] Dick openly scoffs at the idea firearms lack knockdown power and is more than happy to give critics a taste of the power of his remarkable pistol which performs on par with many rifles. Wayne Leek, ballistician for the Remington Arms Company and creator of the Fireball XP-100.[Note:] even though Wayne is closed mouthed about the disposition of many of his proto-type XP-100s he is more than happy to expound upon the performance capabilities of one of the world's most powerfull and accurate varmit *HANDGUNS* which BTW, can be fired quite easily from a two-handed combat stance. Bert Waldron, Sniper(US Army) 113 confirmed kills with a varified cartridge expenditure of 1.3 cartridges per kill, as compared to the world infantry expenditure of 10,000 to 50,000 cartridges per kill.[Note:] Bert can be contacted through the editor of Guns Magazine. Also, he is a quiet and unassuming person and if asked about jet-effect and retro-recoil he will just shake his head and smile, but his eyes speak volumes. Craig Roberts, sniper(USMC) 26 year police veteran, specialist in sniper and counter-sniper tactics, author of the book, "Kill Zone" which is a professional sniper's perspective of the JFK assassination which blows the LN theory right out of the water.[Note:] I concider Craig a personal friend and collaborator on the JFK case, and I strongly recommend carefull study of his book. Craig can be reached via email at craig@ionet.net, if memory serves. Carlos(Gunny) Hathcock, sniper(USMC) the Marine Corp's premier sniper with 93 confirmed kills including history's longest single kill-shot of 2,500 meters, nominated for the congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam, former chief instructor of the USMC Sniper's School, at Quantico, Virginia.[Note:] Gunny Hathcock proved the impossibility of the LN scenerio during tests he personally conducted at Quantico and although he is now suffering from MS he is still more than happy to poke holes in the LN scenerio. He can be reached through Craig Roberts. Dr. Joel Ham, professor of physics who wishes to keep his school out of the public debate but has proven by demonstratable scientific method the irrelevency of the jet-effect with respect to firearms ballistics. Dr. George E Miller, professor of physics and supervisor of the nuclear reactor facilities at UC Irvine who is assisting me with my NAA evaluation of the ballistic evidence. These are some of the people who I concider to be more or less in my corner, who roughly share my views on the subject of firearms ballistics and I urge the readers of this forum to carefully compare these qualified professionals with the collection of political scientists, piss doctors, jet mechanics, computer nerds, wannbes and nobodies that comprise the LN contingent and then ask yourself," Who then is best qualified to address the ballistic issues of the JFK case?" "Who then represents the more credible authority?" "Whose opinions possess the greater validity and are more deserving of serious concideration?" Finally, I want to add that all of the derision, the snide innuendo, the ad hominum lables, the feeble attempts at denegration, the smart-ass remarks and week-kneed mockery heaped upon myself and the other serious researchers on this NG by the LN collection of misfits will not detract me one iota from my agenda and goal of seeing justice done in the JFK case. With Regard: John Ritchson(SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69) (Gunsmith/Ballistican, [black Eagle, Gunworks] (survivor of the SE Asian Games 11Bravo7-Tet 1970) ************************************************************ ****** The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it) but"That's Funny..." Isaac Asimov ************************************************************ ****** Posts in this topic John ritchson Qualifications Today, 04:53 AM
  21. Greetings: I thought you all might be interested in what Hunt had to say about the JFK murder in a courtroom under oath. CIA Confesses to Kennedy Assassination Excerpts from Fatal Rebirth,with commentary A Feral House Book by H. Michael Sweeney Copyright © 1997 - All rights reserved Note: A lot of good people have spent decades chasing after an elusive and fragmented truth with respect to the JFK assassination. Most of them have earned only scorn and name calling as "conspiracy buffs" or "conspiracy theorists" by media and other government disinformation resources. Many of them continue today without knowledge that the truth has largely been admitted by the group responsible. Many of the consipracy hunters have been vendicated, while others still search in hopes of that "smoking gun." But what better smoking gun than a confession? It is now time to seek to go beyond JFK as far as wrestling with the various conspiracy theories. There is no need to waste energy there. There are now bigger questions to ask. JFK died for a reason. The gunmen that pulled the trigger are nothing more than the extension of a greater unseen power, a power with the motive. Cracking that is where I would suggest your efforts should turn next -- instead of making/defending the many alternative theories as to who did the deed itself (though some names are not yet known, and other names, like Bush, need more concrete ties drawn). Who did it is visible, who directed and who ordered them to do it, is less visible -- though their shimmering form can be seen and seems to be firming up. Take the trail to the the Three and Five "I"s, being careful to avoid the false leads suggesting they refer to the identities of Permindex, Division Five, American Council of Christian Churches, the Solidarists, and DISC. There are connections between the two assassinated Kennedys that are so ironic as exceed the Greek tragedies. Go back to square one to the formation of OSS/CIA Follow the money from there forward. Remember: "The fascists are coming.". If you know what a fascist is... you know what an elitist is... you know what a globalist is... You might also ask: If CIA (or anyone) were to undertake an assassination of an American President (or anyone else), would not they lay careful contingency plans? What plan would they make for it going completely wrong, and blame coming back to Langley? How would they survive the public wrath had the media known and published the truth in '64 instead of publishing the Warren Commission? The answer is a secret CIA within CIA (Shadow), one able to operate on its own infrastructure, and able to fund its own way through crime. Should Langley die, CIA would survive, but completely invisible and free of government oversight -- something that might eventually be better for dark deeds than having CIA In fact, it might even explain why CIA is willing to expose itself to the JFK noose at this time: Shadow may well be fully prepared to replace CIA today. If such a thing as Shadow were to exist, what would it look like and do? The answer just might be the history since Kennedy (both history perceived through media filters and the reality of hidden truths behind the headlines), which can be expressed in oversimplified math, a math which some may not understand: U2 + Lee Oswald = neutering of Ike; 40 + 40 + 40 = death of Camelot; Vietnam + Tonkin = Asian drug supply; Robert Vesco + Nugan Hand = financial superstructure; Langley - proprietaries being disbanded = infrastructure (free of congressional oversight); Watergate + 5 Break Ins = Assassination of Nixon; Paisley "murder" + Bush = CIA purge (freeing agents for insertion into public sector and segregating agents by loyalties); War on Drugs = South American drug supply; MK-ULTRA/Artichoke + Cult Awareness Network = RFK (and more, including Jones Town and Waco); METC UNIT = WTC, OK, and perhaps even flight 800; Evergreen + Gordon's = Orange shipments (capable of producing two kinds of highs); NSA + Clipper/Chipper = NRO in every home; Iran/Contra + Bush/Secord = Lockerbee; CFR + Trilateral Commission = Secret Government; LEA + NIA = In-place assets, Liddy Institute; Ingram + BR Fox = Offshore Murder, Inc. Arms Supply; ADL + B'nai Brith + CIA + Law Enforcement = Networking spy data on American Citizens; Media + CIA = Reuters, K. Graham, Time-Warner, CBS, Hilton Knowles and the rest; and I think I had better stop because I'm bound to have made enough enemies already or tossed out more than you care to consider, anyway. These are some of the things we discuss in our Group -- the greater issue of the war at hand, not just one lost battle in 1963. Enough food for thought -- here is the post from the CIA news group. Be warned, however, that I have already had comment from CIA apologists who have been attacking this material for years by use of the 25 methods for combating the truth (variants on misdirection, confusion, non-logic logic, disinformation, disparaging attacks on sources, and so forth), and they are well prepared to use their arguments on you. Should you be unprepared to deal with the trickery of their non-arguments, just ask two questions of them when they do -- and they must wither away. If there are any better confessions from other sources out there, where are they (can they provide an alternative conclusion with better credentials -- or are they just attacking this one)? In absence of other officious proofs, why do they try so hard to destroy this one? Know your enemy by their actions. CIA Confesses to Kennedy Assassination Trial Testimony by Deposition Under Oath of CIA agent Marita Lorenz From the Defamation Trial of E. Howard Hunt vs. Liberty Lobby United States District Court for Southern District of Florida, January 1985 What follows is the ultimate indictment of E. Howard Hunt and other Operation 40 CIA (AKA Operation Zapata, AKA Bay of Pigs Invasion) agents for the murder of John Kennedy. That not one media representative present at the trial dared print a single word indicts media as being Shadow controlled. That this same testimony was given to FBI within days of the assassination is an indictment of the Justice Department as being Shadow controlled. That the judge presiding over the trial did not order follow-up investigation or indictments for murder is an indictment of the court system as being Shadow controlled. That the same testimony was given the Rockefeller Commission (CFR/Bilderberger/TriLateralist) House Select Committee on Assassinations and nothing was done with the information is an indictment of Congressional oversight as being Shadow controlled. Beyond the virtual confession, it is clear that what is taking place here is that CIA (not only by virtue of the testimony, but also by virtue of CIA directed cross questioning by defense which seemed deliberately designed to maximize damage and bring out the facts) is hanging Hunt and select other CIA out to dry, "twisting in the wind". This is likely a means of neutralizing and punishing him for his blackmail of CIA -- a move made safer by virtue of having captured the cartons of evidence from flight 553 after its "crash" on schedule and on target where 50 "FBI" agents awaited it (a grand conspiracy worthy of further investigation on its own right). I strongly suggest you read Mark Lane's chilling work, Plausible Denial, from which this material was first made public. Note <commercial plug>: Shadow is this author's name for what Daniel Sheenan of the Christic Institute describes as the Secret Team, those elements of CIA and the military-industrial-intelligence complex which seek to serve an agenda other than national security. Shadow is the central villian in Fatal Rebirth, a prophetic glimpse of what lies ahead based on the revelations of the would-be secret past -- with over 500 foot notes and an Appendix section which is itself book sized. Fatal Rebirth was born amid a 007 adventure forced on the author when he came into possession of a document someone in the intelligence world took strong exception to -- a document detailing many sins of intel and their true masters within the secret government. Analysis and investigation was undertaken in self defense, an effort soon joined by several former intel operatives and at least one "Deep Throat" from within the enemy camp. This revealed much about who and why, and provided the puzzle pieces needed to make sence of it all. Publisher interest welcomed. <end of commercial plug>. Deposition as follows: Q. What is your present employment? A. I do undercover work for an intelligence agency. Q. Are you permitted to discuss the nature of that work, or where you work? A. I am not. Q. Is it also true that, as I have stipulated, you do not wish to give your home address? A. No, I do not. Q. Have you been employed by the Central Intelligence Agency? A. Yes. Q. Are you at liberty to discuss the details of that employment? A. No. Q. Have you been employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation? A. Yes. Q. Are you at liberty to discuss that? A. No. Q. Have you been employed by the New York Police Department? A. Yes. Q. Was that intelligence work? A. Yes. Q. Are you at liberty to discuss the details of that work? A. No. Q. During 1978, did you appear as a witness before the United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations? A. Yes. Q. Was that in relation to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? A. Yes. Q. Did you appear as a witness after the chief judge of the United States district court of Washington had signed an offer conferring immunity upon you and compelling you to testify? A. Yes. Q. During and prior to November 1963, did you live in Miami, Florida? A. Yes, I did. Q. I want you to understand, if I ask you any question which you are not permitted to answer, you may of course say that, but I will try, based on my previous interview with you, to just ask you questions which you can answer. A. Yes. Q. During and before November of 1963, did you work on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Miami area? A. Yes. Q. Did you work with a man named Frank Sturgis, while you were working for the CIA? A. Yes, I did. Q. Was that in Miami, during and prior to November 1963? A. Yes. Q. What other names, to your knowledge, is Frank Sturgis known by? A. Frank Fiorini, Hamilton, the last name, Hamilton. F-I-O-R-I-N-I. Q. Was Mr. Fiorini or Mr. Sturgis, while you worked with him, also employed by the Central Intelligence Agency? A. Yes. Q. During that time were payments made to Mr. Sturgis for the work he was doing for the CIA? A. Yes. Q. Did you ever witness anyone make payments to him for the CIA work which you and Mr. Sturgis were both involved in? A. Yes. Q. Who did you witness make payments to Mr. Sturgis? A. A man by the name of Eduardo. Q. Who is Eduardo? A. That is his code name, the real name is E. Howard Hunt. Q. Did you know him and meet him during and prior to November 1963? A. Yes. Q. Did you witness payments made by Mr. Hunt to Mr. Sturgis or Mr. Fiorini on more than one occasion prior to November of 1963? A. Yes. Q. Did you go on a trip with Mr. Sturgis from Miami during November of 1963? A. Yes. Q. Was anyone else present with you when you went on that trip? A. Yes. Q. What method of transportation did you use? A. By car. Q. Was there one or more cars? A. There was a follow-up car. Q. Does that mean two cars? A. Backup: yes. Q. What was in the follow-up car, if you know? A. Weapons. Q. Without asking you any of the details regarding the activity that you and Mr. Sturgis and Mr. Hunt were involved in, may I ask you is some of that activity was related to the transportation of weapons? A. Yes. Q. Did Mr. Hunt pay Mr. Sturgis sums of money for activity related to the transportation of weapons? A. Yes. Q. Did Mr. Sturgis tell you where you would be going from Miami, Florida, during November of 1963, prior to the time that you traveled with him in the car? A. Dallas, Texas. Q. He told you that? A. Yes. Q. Did he tell you the purpose of the trip to Dallas, Texas? A. No; he said it was confidential. Q. Did you arrive in Dallas during November of 1963? A. Yes. Q. After you arrived in Dallas, did you stay at any accommodations there? A. Motel. Q. While you were at that motel, did you meet anyone other than those who were in the party traveling with you from Miami to Dallas? A. Yes. Q. Who did you meet? A. E. Howard Hunt. Q. Was there anyone else who you saw or met other than Mr. Hunt? A. Excuse me? Q. Other than those? A. Jack Ruby. Q. Tell me the circumstance regarding your seeing E. Howard Hunt in Dallas in November of 1963? A. There was a prearranged meeting that E. Howard Hunt deliver us sums of money for the so-called operation that I did not know its nature. Q. Were you told what your role was to be? A. Just a decoy at the time. Q. Did you see Mr. Hunt actually deliver money to anyone in the motel room which you were present in? A. Yes. Q. To whom did you see him deliver the money? A. He gave an envelope of cash to Frank Fiorini. Q. When he gave him the envelope, was the cash visible as he had it in the envelope? A. Yes. Q. Did you have a chance to see the cash after the envelope was given to Mr. Fiorini? A. Frank pulled out the money and flipped it and counted it and said "that is enough" and put it in his jacket. Q. How long did Mr. Hunt remain in the room? A. About forty-five minutes. Q. Did anyone else enter the room other than you, Mr. Fiorini, Mr. Hunt, and others who may have been there before Mr. Hunt arrived? A. No. Q. Where did you see the person you identified as Jack Ruby? A. After Eduardo left, a fellow came to the door and it was Jack Ruby, about an hour later, forty-five minutes to an hour later. Q. When you say Eduardo, who are you referring to? A. E. Howard Hunt. Q. When did that meeting take place in terms of the hour; was it daytime or nighttime? A. Early evening. Q. How soon after that evening meeting took place did you leave Dallas? A. I left about two hours later; Frank took me to the airport and we went back to Miami. Q. Now, can you tell us in relationship to the day that President Kennedy was killed, when this meeting took place? A. The day before. Q. Is it your testimony that the meeting which you just described with Mr. Hunt making the payment of money to Mr. Sturgis took place on November 21, 1963? A. Yes. Q. When was the first time that you met me? A. In 1977. Q. On that occasion, did you tell me in words or substance exactly the same thing that you have testified to today? A. Yes. Q. Two days after President Kennedy was assassinated, that is on November 24, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, who was arrested and charged with the assassination of President Kennedy and the murder of police officer J.D. Tippit, was killed in Dallas by a man named Jack Ruby? A. Yes. Q. On that occasion and subsequent to that time, did you see pictures of Jack Ruby in the newspaper and did you see Jack Ruby on television? A. Yes, I did. Q. Is it your testimony that the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald is, to the best of your ability to identify him, the person who was in the room in the motel in Dallas the night before the president was killed? A. Yes. Q. Had you ever seen Jack Ruby before November 21, 1963? A. No. Cross Examination to follow. Note: According to Liberty Lobby lawyer, Mark Lane, Lorenze had confided outside of testimony that she got out of Dallas quickly because "I knew that this was different from other jobs. This was not just gun running. This was big, very big, and I wanted to get out. I told Sturgis I wanted to leave. He said it was a very big operation but that my part was not dangerous. I was to be a decoy. Before he could go further, I said please let me get out. I want to go back to my baby in Miami. Finally he agreed and drove me to the airport." She further stated she would not reveal the names of others in the cars going to Dallas because "They killed Kennedy. I don't want to be the one to reveal their names; it's too dangerous." However, it would seem apparent that perhaps the agency no longer wished to provide Hunt with any level of protection -- perhaps because they did not like being blackmailed. The evidence for this conclusion lies in the additional information volunteered during cross examination which Mark Lane was unable to obtain himself. Since Lorenz had been coached by CIA council who also worked with Hunt's CIA sponsored council, it would appear that perhaps the CIA vested interest council was working against Hunt, rather than for him. In fact, Hunt's whole problem of being accused of being in Dallas surfaced only because former CIA agent Victor Marchetti claimed in 1978 Hunt was in Dallas and Liberty Lobby dared to publish the story. As you read, note how both the lawyer and Lorenz tend to volunteer or bring out information more than called for, and how nothing in the cross examination aids the defense or nullifies earlier testimony. Defense would have been better off not to challenge the witness. It would seem a deliberate confession. It should also be pointed out that Lorenz says she was inducted into CIA in 1959, and that apparently she and Frank Sturgis worked together early on -- suggesting that even when she was supposedly working for the New York Police Department and the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). If true, this would make her and Sturgis illegal in-place CIA operatives within the DEA and NYPD -- likely working under CIA Operation Phoenix assassin king, Lou Conein (founding leader of DEA), to help eliminate drug lords not under CIA control or being supplied by CIA, and to protect CIA conduits and suppliers, the true purpose of the "War on Drugs". Transcript continues: Q. Is it your testimony today, that today's testimony is consistent with what you said before the House Select Committee? A. That's right. Q. When was the first time you met Howard Hunt? A. 1960, in Miami, Florid A. Q. How was he identified to you? A. Introduced. Introduced as Eduardo. Q. How do you spell that? A. E-D-U-A-R-D-O, Eduardo, E-D-U-A-R-D-O. He was to finance the operations in Miami. Q. What language did he speak to you in? A. English and Spanish. Q. English and Spanish? A. Yes. Q. Do you speak Spanish? A. Yes. Q. Any other languages? A. German. Q. When is it that you became aware that this person you know as Eduardo was E. Howard Hunt? A. About the same time. Eduardo was the name we were to refer to him as, when discussing things. Q. Who did you believe he was working for at that time? A. CIA. Q. Why? Note: Portions of testimony were compressed at this point by Mark Lane in order to make a particular point. Liberty is taken here to represent it as faithfully as possible to his description without having to quote several pages of his work. Please see Plausible Denial for the full story. Normal transcript follows after this summary of combined answers. A. Because we were all at that time CIA members of Operation 40. We had been given instructions from Eduardo and had certain rights and permissions to do things that the average citizen could not do... I will tell you what is on record. I stole secrets from Cuba... I was trained to kill. Anything else? Normal transcript resumes: Q.132 Please provide at least one additional name of a person accompanying you in the car trip to Dallas in November. A. The other one was Jerry Patrick -- Q. Jerry Patrick? A. Hemming. Q. Is that, H-E-M-M-I-N-G? A.132 Yes. Two Cuban brothers named Novis and a pilot named Pedro Diaz Lanz were also in the caravan. Q. Did you see the weapons in the second car? A. Yes. Q. What kind of weapons were there? A. Handguns and automatics. Q. Could you identify for me today what kind of guns they were, specifically? A. Rifles; there were cases of machine guns, rifles, thirty-eights, forty-fives. Q. Have you been trained in firearms? A. Yes. Q. What were the kind of rifles that were there? A. M-16s. M-1s, shotguns; several. Q. There were machine guns? A. Yes. Q. In your work for the CIA Operation 40, was that one of the major tasks you undertook was to transport guns? A. Yes. Q. Was that for the anti-Cuba activities? A. Yes, it was. Q. What happened to those guns when you got to Dallas? A. They were in the XX he car and I presume they took them to the motel the net day, the next night. A lot of things they carried in. Q. Where did you leave from? A. From the house in Miami. Q. Is that a CIA house? A. A safe house. Yes. Q. Did everyone meet at the same place? A. Yes. Q. Who else was at the house, besides the seven people you identified? A. This fellow is incarcerated; it is not fair to answer. Another fellow is dead. Q. Incarcerated where? A. Out of the country, right now, Venezuela somewhere. Q. Is his name Bosch? A. Yes. Q. What is his first name? A. Orlando. Q. Was he one of the anti-Castro Cubans involved in Operation 40? A. Yes. Q. Isn't that a matter of public record? A. Yes. Q. Who was the person at the house that is now deceased? A. Alexander Rorke, Jr. Q. Is he a CIA employee? A. Yes. Q. What did you do after you got to New York and found out that President Kennedy was just assassinated in Dallas? A. Talked to the FBI. Q. You talked to the FBI? A. Yes. Q. Voluntarily? A. They wanted to talk to me anyway about certain things with my child's father and they picked me up and took me to the office. Q. What day would that have been? A. A few days after I arrived, after everyone got over the initial shock. Q. It would be some time in the month of November of 1963? A. Yes. Q. In your discussions with the FBI, they inquired about your activities which related to Dallas and this group of seven people that took the car trip? A. Well, they discussed my associates down there and my relationship with my daughter's father, mostly. Q Did they know the names of the people you took the car trip with, from Miami to Dallas? A. Yes. Q. Did they ask you about each of those people? A. Yes. Q. Did you tell them about the guns and money and about Eduardo? A. Yes. Q. I will have to start again because the court reporter cannot take nods down. A. I was nodding, yes, to each. Q. What was your answer? A. They asked me about everything, my daughter's father, and I am glad I am back up here away from that. Q. You told them about Eduardo? A. Yes. Q. And the guns? A. They know about all those associations. They didn't want to go into it. Those were CIA activities, not FBI. Q. Did you ever talk with Frank Sturgis about it, since then? A. We are not an talking terms, Frank and I. Q. That was not my question. Have you ever talked about it with Frank Sturgis since 1963? A. Yes. <document end
  22. Greetings: The following is my [Final] conclusion based upon an exaustive evaluation of the cartridges alledgedly recovered from the 6th Floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository. >>The Cartridges<< Some time ago, reseacher Walt Cakebread sent me a photo-reproduction of Exhibit CE-738 taken at Dallas Police Headquarters around 10:00- 10:30pm, on November 22nd, 1963. Among the items inventoried, alledgedly connected to LHO, are two spent brass cartridges identified as Winchester/Western Cartridge Corporation 6.5x52mm Mannlicher Carcano cartridges,and one live round identified as an unfired WCC 6.5x52mm Mannlicher Carcano cartridge. It is these two items that are the focus of my evaluation. Measurements are made by Starrett precision instruments, and a Dietzgen precision protractor, and will be in the English system. The unfired cartridge designated as Item-6 of Exhibit CE-738 and identified as a WCC 6.5mm MC Cartridge appears not to be as represented. I say appears, due to the fact that in the blow-up I'm working from, it is impossible to read the make of the cartridge. However, the primer is clearly visible and is markedly similar to the odd-sized Berdan primer that is chacteristic of Italian GI Ammunition and is different in size than the American primers that would be used in WCC Ammo. Also in evid- ence, is a banded neck-crimp just above the shoulder, that locks the neck into the bullet's cannelure which would not be present in Winchester/Western Ammunition. Conclusion: The unfired cartridge represented as Item-6 of Exhibit CE-738 more closly resembles an L.B.C. 936, 6.5x52mm MC Italian GI cartridge, then it does an American made WCC 6.5x52mm MC Cartridge. [Note:] Virtually all American bullets are jacketed with Gilder's Metal which is an alloy of copper and zinc, with a distinct brassy appearence. The color photos of the unfired cartridge shows a bullet that is distinctly silver in color consistant with the cupra-nickle alloy used by European bullet makers, but not their American counterparts. The MC Cartridge possesses a shoulder width of .160" and a shoulder bevel of 25 degrees. This is an extremely critical point as measurement of the spent cases show a shoulder width of .186" and a shoulder bevel of 24 degrees, for a difference of .026" in shoulder width and 1 degree of angle in the bevel. Conclusion: The two spent cases much more closely resemble a 6.5x54mm Mannlicher-Schoenauer (MS) Cartridge then they do a 6.5x52mm MC cartridge, while one spent cartridge case, due to the presence of counter-bored neck steps would be of European design and make. The distinction made in the above conclusion, if it holds up, is an important one as the Austrian designed MS rifle is prized for its smooth action, magazine efficency, chambering charactoristics and accuracy as opposed to the dismal performance of the MC rifle. [Note:] Many a custom Mauser is chambered for this cartridge which makes for an excellent medium range deer rifle as well as a sniper rifle. Finally, I wish to point out that Western Cartridge Corporation manufactored 6.5x52mm Carcano cartridges under a military procurement contract from the US Marine Corps so that all such munitions produced would have possessed lot and batch numbers head-stamped on the cartridge bases as per military protocol. The only cartridges produced by Western in the 6.5mm caliber that would have possessed the factory logo "Western" with the caliber, "6.5mm" stamped on the cartridge base would be pre-WWII 6.5x54mm Mannlicher Schoenauer factory loaded hunting ammunition with soft round-nosed semi-jacketed bullets. So what we are dealing with here people, is 2 spent cartridges which cannot be chambered in any Carcano rifle, and a live round that would not have been made in America. Simply put, this represents another rather large hole in the Warren Commission Report and not only tends to exonerate Lee Oswald as The Lone Assassin but provides prima-facie proof of evidence tampering and obstruction of justice. Respectfully:
  23. Greetings: Following is an old post which I have kept archived and have as yet minimaly updated. Brevity constrains me from acknowledging every contributer to this work but as many scources as has been possible to aquire is cited and I respectfully request all who may have any new information relevent to this article to please post so that I can ammend it to reflect such new information. BTW, my own contributions have been minimal but are evolving. The Who's, the What's, and The Whys, behind the JFK Murder. Lets' demand the Warren Files, and the Nixon Tapes be released to the public! Vice President Bush & CIA - Watergate burglar Felix Rodriguez A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places Bush working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion. The Cubans were trained as marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion. That is how he met Felix Rodriguez. You may remember Rodriguez as the Iran-contra CIA agent who received the first phone call telling the world the CIA plane flown by Gene Hasenfus had crashed in Nicaragua. As soon as Rodriguez heard that the plane crashed, he called his long-time CIA supervisor, George Bush. Bush denied being in the contra loop, but investigators recently obtained copies of Oliver North's diary, which documents Bush's role as a CIA supervisor of the contra supply network. In 1988 Bush told Congress he knew nothing about the illegal supply flights until 1987, yet North's diary shows Bush at the first planning meeting Aug. 6, 1985. Bush's "official" log placed him somewhere else. Such double sets of logs are intended to hide Bush's real role in the CIA; to provide him with "plausible deniability." The problem is, it fell apart because too many people, like North and Rodriguez, have kept records that show Bush's CIA role back to the 1961 invasion of Cuba. (Source: The Washington Post, 7/10/90). That is exactly how evidence was uncovered placing George Bush working with Felix Rodriguez when JFK was killed. A memo from FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was found, stating that, "Mr. George Bush of the CIA had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination of President Kennedy. (Source: The Nation, 8/13/88). On the day of the assassination Bush was in Texas, but he denies knowing exactly where he was. Since he had been the supervisor for the secret Cuban teams, headed by former Cuban police commander Felix Rodriguez, since 1960, it is likely Bush was also in Dallas in 1963. Several of the Cubans he was supervising as dirty-tricks teams for Nixon, were photographed in the Z-film. In 1959 Rodriguez was a top cop in the Cuban government under Batista. When Batista was overthrown and fled to Miami, Rodriguez went with him, along with Frank Sturgis and Rafael Quintero. Officially, Rodriguez didn't join the CIA until 1967, after the CIA invasion of Cuba, in which he participated, and the assassination of JFK. But records recently uncovered show he actually joined the CIA in 1961 for the invasion of Cuba when he was recruited by George Bush. That is how Rodriguez claims he became a "close personal friend of Bush." Then "officially" Rodriguez claims he quit the CIA in 1976, just after he was sent to prison for his role in the Watergate burglary. However, according to Rolling Stone reporters Kohn & Monks (11/3/88), Rodriguez still goes to CIA headquarters monthly to receive assignments and have his blue 1987 bulletproof Cadillac serviced. Rodriguez was asked by a Rolling Stone reporter where he was the day JFK was shot, and claims he can't remember. George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed director by former Warren Commission director and then President Jerry Ford, in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The truth is that Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the files of Rodriguez and others involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role. The corporations would not put somebody in charge of all the state secrets held by the CIA unless he was experienced and well trained in the CIA. (Source: Project Censored Report, Feb 1989, Dr Carl Jensen, Sonoma State College). Recently I interviewed former CIA liaison officer L. Fletcher Prouty. He is a consultant for the excellent new movie on how the CIA killed JFK, being made by Oliver Stone. He told me that one of the projects he did for the CIA was in 1961 to deliver US Navy ships from a Navy ship yard to the CIA agents in Guatemala planning the invasion of Cuba. He said he delivered three ships to a CIA agent named George Bush, who had the 3 ships painted to look like they were civilian ships. That CIA agent then named the 3 ships after: his wife, his home town and his oil company. He named the ships: Barbara, Houston & Zapata. Any book on the history of the Bay of Pigs will prove the names of those 3 ships. Again, this is more finger prints of George Bush's involvement in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Yet Bush denies his role in this great adventure. Why would Bush be so shy about his role in this war? What is the secret? Is there something dirty about this war that Bush & Nixon don't want the public to know about? Answer: Yes there is. The same people involved in the Bay of Pigs were the people involved in the Watergate burglary. Why was the Watergate burgalarized [sic]? The CIA was trying to plug up a possible news leak. They were trying to stop the Democrats from publishing the photos of Hunt & Sturgis under arrest for the murder of JFK (May 7, 1977, SF Chronicle.) Presently, there is a law suit attempting to force the government to release the records about the Bay of Pigs invasion. Why are those documents still secret? Why are they locked in the National Archives along with all the photos from [the] Dallas assassination of JFK? Why are the 4000 hours of Watergate tapes in which Nixon is babbling about the mysterious connections between the Bay of Pigs, Dallas and Watergate also being sealed in the National Archives? Is it because all three incidents are connected? Yes. We must demand the secret files on these 3 cases be released now. For a copy of the petition to release the files, please write to: Paul Kangas, private investigator, POB 422644, SF, Ca 94142. Thanks to Oliver Stone's blockbuster new movie on JFK there is now sufficient national movement to reopen all these cases. The White House fears Stone's new movie so much that they have hired more CIA journalists to slander the movie&Stone. Don't fall for it. Every serious investigator now agrees that Oswald did not shoot JFK. That James Earl Ray did not shoot Dr. Martin Luther King and that Sirhan Sirhan did not shoot Robert Kennedy. These cases must be reopened so that Sirhan and Ray can be set free. The only bar that keeps Sirhan in prison is the tremendous anti-arab racism in Americans: in both blacks & whites. According to a biography of Richard Nixon, his close personal and political ties with the Bush family go back to 1941 when Nixon claims he read an ad in an L A. newspaper, placed by a wealthy group of businessmen, led by Preston Bush, the father of George Bush. They wanted a young, malleable candidate to run for Congress. Nixon applied for the position and won the job. Nixon became a mouthpiece for the Bush group. (Source: Freedom Magazine, 1986, L.F. Prouty). In fact, Preston Bush is credited with creating the winning ticket of Eisenhower-Nixon in 1952.(Source: George Bush, F. Green, Hipocrene, 1988). Newly discovered FBI documents prove that Jack Ruby has been an employee of Richard Nixon since 1947. That that [sic] FBI document Ruby is listed as working as a spy & hit man for Nixon. On Nov. 22, 63 Ruby was seen by a women who knew him well, Julian Ann Mercer, approximately an hour before the arrival of JFK's motorcade, unloading a man carrying a rifle in a case at the Grassy Knoll from his car. Ruby later was seen on national TV killing a witness who could link Nixon & Bush to the killing of JFK: Oswald. On the Trail of the Assassins, Garrison, p xiii. Richard Nixon was Vice President from 1952 until 1960. In fact, Nixon was given credit for planning Operation 40, the secret 1961 invasion of Cuba, during his 1959 campaign for President After Batista was kicked out by the starving people of Cuba, and Fidel Castro came to power, Castro began telling American corporations they would have to pay Cuban employees decent wages. Even worse, Pepsi Cola was told it would now have to pay world market prices for Cuban sugar. Pepsi, Ford Motor Co., Standard Oil and the Mafia drug dealers decided Fidel had to be removed since his policies of requiring corporations to pay market wages was hurting their profits. So the corporations asked then Vice-President Nixon to remove Fidel. Nixon promised he would, just as soon as he'd won the 1960 elections against some underdog, an unknown Democrat named John Kennedy. It would be an easy victory for Nixon. The polls had Nixon winning by a landslide. Besides, Kennedy was a Catholic, and Americans would no more elect a Catholic President than they would elect a woman, a black or a Jew. This was 1959. Nixon told Pepsi, Standard Oil and other corporations who lost property given back to the farmers of Cuba, that if they would help him win, he would authorize an invasion to remove Castro. To further impress contributors to his campaign, then Vice-President Nixon asked the CIA to create Operation40, a secret plan to invade Cuba, just as soon as he won. The CIA put Texas millionaire and CIA agent George Bush in charge of recruiting Cuban exiles into the CIA's invasion army. Bush was working with another Texas oilman, Jack Crichton, to help him with the invasion. A fellow Texan, Air Force General Charles Cabel, was asked to coordinate the air cover for the invasion. Most of the CIA leadership around the invasion of Cuba seems to have been people from Texas. A whole Texan branch of the CIA is based in the oil business. If we trace Bush's background in the Texas oil business we discover his two partners in the oil-barge leasing business: Texan Robert Mosbacher and Texan James Baker. Mosbacher is now Secretary of Commerce and Baker is Secretary of State, the same job Dulles held when JFK was killed. (Source: Common Cause magazine, 3-4/90). On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the "smoking gun" conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, discussed how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary. They were worried that the investigation would expose their conection to "the Bay of Pigs thing." Haldeman, in his book The Ends of Power, reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as "the Bay of Pigs." On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps refering to the "Cubans" and the "Texans." The "Texans" were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination. In the same discussion Nixon links "the Cubans," "the Texans," "Helms," "Hunt," "Bernard Barker," Robert "Mosbacher" and "the Bay of Pigs." Over and over on the Watergate tapes, these names come up around the discussion of the photos from Dallas that Nixon was trying to obtain when he ordered the CIA to burglarize the Watergate. (Source: Three Men and a Barge", Teresa Riordan, Common Cause magazine, March/April 1990, and San Francisco Chronicle, May 7,1977, interview with Frank Sturgis in which he stated that "the reason we burglarized the Watergate was because Nixon was interested in stopping news leaking related to the photos of our role in the assassination of President John Kennedy.") After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, he knew he had to centralize all power into the White House to keep his faction in power, not only to hold power, but to prevent the media from digging into how he secretly shot his way into the White House, just like Hitler shot his way into control of Germany. The first thing Nixon did was to demand signed resignations of his entire government. "Eliminate everyone," he told John Ehrlichman about reappointment, "except George Bush. Bush will do anything for our cause." (Source: Pledging Allegiance, Sidney Blumenthal.) The reason why Bush will 'do anything" is because his hands have as much of Kennedy's blood on them as do LBJ's Nixon's, Hunt's, Sturgis's, Felix Rodriguez's and Gerald Ford's. This White House gang fears that if the public ever realizes how they shot their way into power it could set off a spark that would destroy their fragile fraud and land them in jail. Other famous Watergate members of the CIA invasion that Bush recruited were Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker and Rafael Quintero. Quintero has said publicly that if he ever told what he knew about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, "It would be the biggest scandal ever to rock the nation." Meanwhile, in 1960, Preston Bush was running Nixon's campaign. Nixon was sent to South Vietnam to assure the French- connection government there that if France pulled out, the U.S. would step in to protect the drug trade from the GoIden Triangle. (Source: Frontline, 1988, "Guns. Drugs and the CIA"; Alexander Cockburn; "Cocaine, the CIA and Air America," S.F. Examiner, Feb. 2, '91; The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, Alfred McCoy, 1972.) In 1959, Vice President Nixon was flying all over the world, acting just like presidential material. It was an easy race for Nixon. Congressman Jerry Ford was doing a great job fundraising for Nixon, as was George Bush. The rich loved Nixon. The media picked up every bone Nixon tossed out to them. The biggest problem was that Nixon was afraid to speak openly of his plan to invade Cuba. The plan was a secret. No sense in alerting Cuba to the coming invasion. But Kennedy was taking a harder line on Cuba than Nixon, because Kennedy was not aware of the corporate/CIA planned invasion. Nixon lost the 1960 race by the smallest margin in history. At first Bush, Nixon, Cabel and Hunt decided to just go ahead with the invasion, without informing President Kennedy. Then, at the last second, at 4 a.m., just two hours before the invasion was set to go, General Cabel called JFK and asked for permission to provide U.S. air cover for the CIA invasion. Kennedy said no. The CIA was furious with JFK but decided to go ahead with their private invasion anyway. Due to poor intelligence, the CIA landed at the worst possible beach. A swamp. The invasion failed. The CIA lost 15 of its best men, killed, with another 1100 in Cuban prisons. It was the worst single blow the CIA ever suffered. (Source: E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day.) Bush, Nixon and Hunt blamed Cabel for asking Kennedy and blamed Kennedy for saying no. They were livid with anger. Nixon's corporate sponsors ordered JFK to make any deal necessary to recover the 1100 CIA agents imprisoned in Cuba. JFK did. Once the CIA had its well-trained Cubans back, they decided to continue the invasion of Cuba just as soon as they could get rid of that S.O.B. Kennedy. The 1964 election was fast approaching. Nixon was running against Kennedy again. Bush, Ford and Nixon knew that they had to get rid of JFK now, or else the Kennedy clan, with Robert and Ted in the wings, could control the White House until 1984. They decided not to wait until '84 to get back in the White House. The Cuban teams of "shooters" began following Kennedy from city to city looking for a window of opportunity to shoot from. They came close in Chicago, but couldn't get the cooperation of Mayor Daley. But in Dallas they had an ace. The mayor was the brother of General Cabel, whom the CIA blamed for the failure of the invasion. The general prevailed on his brother, Earl, and the motorcade was changed to pass the grassy knoll at 7 m.p.h. Hunt and Sturgis shot JFK from the grassy knoll.[Note:] This is still an object of contention as there are other shooters also fingered as the GN shooters. But, there is no question of their presence at the [Kill-Zone]as they were arrested, photographed and seen by 15 witnesses. But the media turned a blind eye to the photos, and for 25 years the world has been searching for the truth. [Editor's Note:] It is now known that there were multible teams of shooters in Dallas, each unknown to the other and all under the direction of Ed Lansdale. On the day JFK was murdered, Nixon, Hunt and some of the Watergate crew were photographed in Dallas, as were a group of Cubans, one holding an umbrella up, like a signal, next to the President's limo just as Kennedy was shot. The Cubans can be seen holding up the signal umbrella in the Zapruder film and dozens of stills taken during the assassination. After the murder they can be seen calmly walking away. Nixon denied he was in Dallas that day, but new photos and stories prove he was there. Nixon claimed to the FBI he couldn't remember where he was when JFK was killed. (Source: FBI memo, Feb. 23, 1964, published in Coup d'etat in America, Weberman & Canfield). Bush, too, claims he can't remember where he was. Jack Anderson did a TV special in 1988 proving beyond any shadow of doubt that two of the tramps arrested in Dallas behind the grassy knoll were Hunt and Sturgis. [Note:] L. Fletcher Prouty positively identified General Edward Lansdale as the man walking past the three tramps in that famous photo. After the murder, former Vice President Nixon asked President Lyndon Johnson to appoint Nixon's friend, former FBI agent Jerry Ford, to run the Warren Commission. Nixon also asked LBJ to appoint Nixon's long-time supporter, Judge Earl Warren, to head the Commission. LBJ agreed. Ford interviewed all the witnesses and decided which ones would be heard and which ones eliminated. It is no coincidence that Nixon selected Ford as his Vice President after Spiro Agnew was ousted. When Nixon himself got busted in the Watergate scandal, Earl Warren offered to set up another special commission if it would help get him out of trouble again. Ford, of course, pardoned Nixon for the Watergate burglary but Nixon is still not out of the woods. There are 4000 hours of Watergate tape. On the June 23, 1972, discussions with John Ehrlichman and Haldeman there is clear evidence that Nixon is openly "confessing" to hiring Hunt to kill JFK. That is why the Watergate "investigation" went into secret session after Congress heard some of the tapes. This is why only 12 hours of 4000 hours have been released to the public. [Note:] Since that time much more of the tapes have been released but so much time has passed that given the massive amount of evidence tampering that has been proven, logic dictates that there exists a strong possibility if not probility that the tapes have also since been altered. Did Congress realize that Nixon and Bush had openly discussed killing JFK for stopping the air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba? Remember, Nixon taped virtually every discussion he had with anyone in his inner circle, including Bush, in order to blackmail people later. There is a photo of Bush reporting to Nixon in the White House in 1968. It will be interesting to see what they were talking about on that day, when the full 4000 hours are finally released.in the 3988 hours of unreleased White House tapes. Bush was in Dallas the day Reagan was shot. (Source: George Bush, F. Green, 1988.) That must have given Bush a flashback to November 22,1963. Respectfully:
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