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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Could this be him Mark? This seems to be more likely him
  2. If the original intent of the action was to suggest a communist conspiracy, more than a single shooter accomplishes this... it's more than obvious those in the Plaza knew shots came from the front. If the AF-1 call from Bundy is true history, the implication of a conspiracy was designed to keep people in the know quiet while nodding with approval that Ozzie was a "Lone Nut" and when he is killed - case closed, move on... nothing to see here. I think we fail to remember the context of the times. Those in charge were REALLY in charge. I hasten to say that if a 7 foot gorilla came out and hit JFK with a bat as he passed by, Oswald would still have been the Lone Nut killer - you gonna believe us or your lying eyes? The conspiracy is not about what happened but how it was recorded for history. Just listen to GMacks old tired line, "that's not what the official investigations concluded..." and if anyone knows better it would be him. Mark - there were shots to the back, to the throat, to his head to the wrist to the leg and thru his torso. a "flurry" as one observant witness noted. Did there need to be a witness to a shot from the 6th floor SE corner to implicate Oswald - not in my opinion - but Euins is pretty convincing and other than the black v white bald spot he seems to me as reliable... (black as in Cuban, not African) you asked why didn't more people see the 6th floor shot(s) - the magic trick works by misdirection.... it didn't matter what happened - since Ozzie in the window with a rifle was the conclusion and Euins' story supported this, it stays in the record. Those that had a different story, well we all know what happened to them
  3. Robert... {chuckle} Really? shots to the back of both men? I need to look into that... {sarcasm} C'mon Robert... check the thread's title.... How many people point to or run to Dal-Tex, the Courthouse, TSBD versus the Grassy Knoll area? We have Baker running to the TSBD We agree shots are fired from the front We agree there were more than only 3 shots are fired from 2 if not 3 directions Where was 99% of the focused attention at the time of the shots after the Stemmons sign? YOU added more proof the MC and its ammo was not involved Do you think shots were fired from the 6th floor SE window - or was what Euins and a very small handful sees simply a way to insure the shells left by the window are connected to these activities at that window? The most likely place for JC's chest wound is 6th floor TSBD west window.... If a shooter is leading JFK slightly and the limo stops, JC is in the direct line of fire yet I think the thread is looking at the east window evidence and why more did not stare at a source 70 feet up and behind when the result is 200 feet down Elm to the SW and the sounds appears to be coming from ground level thanks for the chuckle in any event... DJ
  4. Oswald had been there for barely a month How many of all these people would have known him at all, let alone notice much of anything after what they just experienced while walking dazed back up to their jobs? Wesley is there and fairly close to PM. He is sought out and brought to DPD with his 303 rifle and ammo... He is the man responsible for bringing Oswald home and helping him bring the rifle to do the deed, or so says the DPD to this frightened young man and his sister after finally tracking him down Did Wesley see Oswald in the corner? My guess is he would never say so in a million years... if it was Wesley they were leaning on as an accomplice. What amazes me is that no one has ever come forward to claim that was Oswald... not even hint at it. C Arnold comes closest by putting him inside those front doors as 12:30 approaches He does look kinda large to be Ozzie - wide rather than large - but that could be a billowing shirt. just thinking out loud DJ
  5. What's the man in the hard hat in front of the light pole looking at back up the street - along with all the others looking up there? At street level there are numerous 1960's motorcycles... not exactly a quiet hum. Cheering, talking and everyone focused on JFK (well, Jackie most likely) No one who had not looked up earlier would look up now since to a person, the witnesses claim the first sound was street level Are you saying that this description by Euins does not describe what would have been a first shot from that area, from that window? (as we all agree, Brennen did not see anything) And as the shots come from the front, why would anyone look back towards the TSBD... they ran to the Grassy Knoll area Mr. EUINS. Then I was standing here, and as the motorcade turned the corner, I was facing, looking dead at the building. And so I seen this pipe thing sticking out the window. I wasn't paying too much attention to it. Then when the first shot was fired, I started looking around, thinking it was a backfire. Everybody else started looking around. Then I looked up at the window, and he shot again. So--you know this fountain bench here, right around here. Well, anyway, there is a little fountain right here. I got behind this little fountain, and then he shot again. So after he shot again, he just started looking down this, you know. Mr. SPECTER. Who started looking down that way? Mr. EUINS. The man in the window. I could see his hand, and I could see his other hand on the trigger, and one hand was on the barrel thing. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh16/html/WH_Vol16_0493b.htm is CE366 marked by Euins Mr. BELIN. Before you turned and went back into the building did you---did Mr. Campbell say anything to you? Mrs. REID. He said, "Oh, Mrs. Reid, no, it came from the grassy area down this way," and that was the last I said to him. Mr. BELIN. All right. When he said "this way" which direction was he pointing? Mrs. REID. Well, I hope I get my directions. In the direction of the parade was going, in the bottom of that direction Mr. BELIN. Now, did you look around after the shots and notice what people were doing? Mrs. REID. Well, it was just a mass of confusion. I saw people beginning to fall, and the thought that went through my mind, my goodness I must get out of this line of shots, they may fire some more. And don't ask me why I went into the building because I don't know. The police were sending people back to the TSBD to go inside.... So I guess it comes down to what we believe Euins actually sees and if its just a prop... Mr. SPECTER. What did you see in the building? Mr. EUINS. I seen a bald spot on this man's head, trying to look out the window. He had a bald spot on his head. I was looking at the bald spot. I could see his hand, you know the rifle laying across in his hand. And I could see his hand sticking out on the trigger part. And after he got through, he just pulled it back in the window. Mr. SPECTER. Did you see him pull it back in the window? Mr. EUINS. Yes, sir. Mr. SPECTER. You were still at point B when he fired the fourth time? Mr. EUINS. Yes, sir. Then he pulled the gun back in the window. Mr. SPECTER. Did you see him pull the gun back in the window after the fourth shot? Mr. EUINS. Yes; he just come back like this. Mr. SPECTER. Did you watch what he did after that? Mr. EUINS. No, sir; because after he had pulled it back in the window, I ran this way, and went across the tracks. Mr. SPECTER. All right. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh16/html/WH_Vol16_0493a.htm One has to wonder why he runs to the tracks if he sees shots from the 6th floor TSBD.... why EVERYONE runs to the tracks and other casually walk back into the TSBD (right past what just may have been Oswald - but that's another great thread)
  6. Jon, If there was a Harvey and Lee... and Harvey Oswald never was a Harvey or an Oswald... how can he be what he appears to be? Nothing about him would be what it appears... and for what reason? edit: Jon, not sure if you ever saw this...http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/LHO.html THE LAST WORDS OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD Compiled by Mae Brussell
  7. Indeed Mar... a very small puff that unless you look for it, would be very difficult to see from street level 70+ feet away.... and agreed... I think the roofs of the surrounding buildings were basically ignored, especially the one the lines up with the TSBD 6th floor SE corner. What's ironic?.... there are photos of the model created for WCD298 taken from that very spot to show Oswald at the window. https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10699&relPageId=18 https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10699&relPageId=23 - from the other angle showing how a shooter on DalTex would be perfect (PS - notice where the car is for the final shot)
  8. Mark, Did you get a chance to see the video? no smoke, no sound. Besides, a real sniper would be set back from the window... not hanging out of it. The initial sounds sounded like they were ground level... firecrackers or motorcycle backfires... no reason to be looking up. If a shot is fired from the top of Dal Tex it passes right by the 6th floor east window and sounds like it comes from there... Mr. NORMAN. I believe it was his right arm, and I can't remember what the exact time was but I know I heard a shot, and then after I heard the shot, well, it seems as though the President, you know, slumped or something, and then another shot and I believe Jarman or someone told me, he said, "I believe someone is shooting at the President," and I think I made a statement "It is someone shooting at the President, and I believe it came from up above us." Well, I couldn't see at all during the time but I know I heard a third shot fired, and I could also hear something sounded like the shell hulls hitting the floor and the ejecting of the rifle, it sounded as though it was to me. This statement is absurd on its face. A rifle shot heard 10 feet from the muzzle (They were supposedly directly under the rifle, one floor down) emits almost 150dB's ... even 120dB creates loud ringing and temporary deafness... these men lied and imo justifies the theory that shots were taken from high up and at those angles... just not from the TSBD thereby making it unnecessary to escape fromthat building - other than for planting evidence... Was the roof of the Dal Tex ever searched?
  9. As you say Mark... no sound, no smoke, man seen in the TSBD with a rifle, no scope, looks like a 2 foot pipe at the end.... and some guy named Mitch Werbell http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKwerbell.htm I'm definitely not saying it was used from the TSBD...just that we ought not think that all rifles are loud, even suppressed, and emit smoke based on common knowledge. If this rifle was used - and you can hear how quiet it is - I dare say no one would notice the shot.
  10. That silenced WW2 rifle , no smoke and basically no sound. The MC was not fired, doesn't mean a shot wasn't fired from the west side using this rifle. See how the evidence tries to keep you in one mind game while reality is found in a different one
  11. Fritz only arrives back at the TSBD at 12:58pm, so Truly's "about 1pm" is really not so far off... the official time given for finding the rifle is 1:22pm 3 plainclothes men where coming down the stairs as Luke Mooney was going up Mr. MOONEY - It was a push button affair the best I can remember. got hold of the controls and it worked. We started up and got to the second. I was going to let them off and go on up. And when we got there, the power undoubtedly cut off, because we had no more power on the elevator. So I looked around their office there, just a short second or two, and then I went up the staircase myself. And I met some other officers coming down, plainclothes, and I believe they were deputy sheriffs. They were coming down the staircase. But I kept going up. And how come I get off the sixth floor, I don't know yet. But, anyway, I stopped on six, and didn't even know what floor I was on. Mr. BALL - You were alone? Mr. MOONEY - I was alone at that time. Mr. BALL - Was there any reason for you to go to the sixth floor? Mr. MOONEY - No, sir. That is what I say. I don't know why. I just stopped on that particular floor. I thought I was pretty close to the top. Mr. BALL - Were there any other officers on the floor? Mr. MOONEY - I didn't see any at that time. I assume there had been other officers up there. But I didn't see them. Didn't Ellsworth stick to his story that the rifle was not found on the 6th floor? I post this little piece of Truly's testimony whenever this comes up... suggests to me that Ellsworth was right... and that there is a real possibility that these three men who we never learn their identities could have easily moved/left the rifle on the 6th floor. Just food for thought ------------------------- Mr. BALL. Where was Captain Fritz when you saw him? Mr. TRULY. He was on the sixth floor in the area where they found the rifle. Mr. BALL. And was the rifle there at the time? Mr. TRULY. No, I never saw the rifle. Mr. BALL. Was this after or before the rifle had been taken from the building? Mr. TRULY. It was before the rifle had been taken from the building. Mr. BALL. And do you know whether it was before or after the rifle was found? Mr. TRULY. Apparently the rifle had been found before I got to the sixth floor, but just how early, I don't know. Mr. BALL. But you had heard that the rifle was found, had you, by your talk with Fritz? Mr. TRULY. That's--I don't know--I learned it was found while I was on the sixth floor. Mr. BALL. While you were on the sixth floor? Mr. TRULY. While I was on the sixth floor. Mr. BALL. In other words, you went with Chief Lumpkin to the sixth floor, didn't you? Mr. TRULY. Yes. Mr. BALL. And what was your purpose of going there? Mr. TRULY. My purpose in going there was to inform Captain Fritz that this boy was missing and give him his telephone number, and his Irving address, at the suggestion of Chief Lumpkin, who accompanied me. Mr. BALL. Did you give Captain Fritz this name and address? Mr. TRULY. Yes, I did. Mr. BALL. Was it while you were there that you learned the rifle had been found? Mr. TRULY. I don't remember who I learned this from---- Mr. BALL. I didn't ask you that, I'm talking about time only. Mr. TRULY. That was while I was on the sixth floor is when I learned the rifle was found, but I did not see it. Mr. TRULY. I told--well, when Chief Lumpkin and I went to the sixth floor, Captain Fritz was standing in ,the area where I later learned they had found the gun, and Chief Lumpkin told Captain Fritz that Mr. Truly had something to tell him, which I would like to tell him, so he stepped over 4 or 5 feet to where I was, away from the other men---officers and reporters, I would say, that were on the floor, and I repeated the words to Captain Fritz. Mr. BALL. What did you tell him? Mr. TRULY. I told him that we had a man missing---I told him what his name was and his Irving address and he said, "All right, thank you, Mr. Truly. We will get right on it," or words to that effect, and so I left the sixth floor shortly. While I was up there, just as I left Captain Fritz, a reporter walked over and said, "What about this fellow Oswald?" And I said, "Where did you learn the name 'Oswald'?" Because I had talked rather low to Captain Fritz and I said, "He's just an employee here," and I left, and sometime---someone informed me that they had found the gun. I don't know who it was. Mr. BALL. About that time? Mr. TRULY. It was along about that time, as near as I can remember, and I went back down to the first floor and I don't think I was up on the sixth floor any other time that day. I possibly could have been, but I don'.t recall it, because I was besieged by reporters and everybody else on the first floor, and talking to officers and so forth and I had no occasion to go back up there. Mr. BALL. Now, about what time of day would you say is your best estimate that you told Captain Fritz of the name "Lee Oswald" and his address? Mr. TRULY. My best estimate would be a little before 1 o'clock--10 minutes. Mr. BALL. The gun wasn't found until after 1 o'clock? Mr. TRULY. It wasn't found until after 1 o'clock? Mr. BALL. No, it wasn't found until after 1 o'clock. I won't tell you exactly the time the gun was found, but I will say that the gun was not found until after 1 o'clock. Mr. TRULY. Well, I may be mistaken about where I learned they had found the gun. I thought it was on the sixth floor--it could have been some other place. Mr. BALL. Captain Fritz said you didn't tell him that until after the gun was found and that seems to correspond with your memory too, is that correct? Mr. TRULY. It sure does, because I remember clearly that Captain Fritz was over at where the gun was found and I'm sure they must have found it or he wouldn't have been standing in that area when we came up there. Mr. BALL. Now, if the gun was found after I o'clock, when was it that you discovered that Lee Oswald wasn't there? Mr. TRULY. I thought it was about 20 minutes after the shooting--the assassination, but it could have been longer. Mr. BALL. In other words, you thought originally it might have been 10 minutes of 2 or so that you learned that? Mr. TRULY. Ten minutes to 1. Mr. BALL. Ten minutes to 1? Mr. TRULY. It was around 1 o'clock--that period of time after I came down from the sixth floor to the first floor was rather hazy in my memory. Mr. BALL. You think it might have been after 1 when you first noticed he wasn't there? Mr. TRULY. I don't think so---I don't feel like at was. It could have possibly been so. Mr. BALL. Well, if the gun was not found before 1:10, if it wasn't found before that, can you give me any estimate? Mr. TRULY. That seems to be a longer time after the assassination.
  12. Something about the Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind here.... Let us know when you get to the part where the boy playing Harvey Oswald from Youth House with Hungarian ancestry is used by all those connections you found to help the CIA create an untraceable spy in the name of Lee Oswald.
  13. Thanks for that Jon... I had not heard it brought up that the actual Oswald card was also a fake - Inventories of items between the DPD and FBI between 11/22 and 11/26 (when the FBI returns ALL the evidence to Dallas only to "officially" record and receive it on the 26th - more evidence came back from the FBI then the DPD sent - John proves this simply by noting that initials of the DPD who photographed each item is not seen on all the FBI returned Evidence) are woefully contradictory and is a huge part of my "Evidence IS the Conspiracy" focus. Regarding your question.... I know of no instance where Oswald refers to himself as HIDELL. It was my understanding that Nagell used this name, not Oswald. We cannot state that the rifle and pistol orders are directly related to Oswald either as these orders and their fulfillment do not have any direct evidence connecting them to Oswald. Unless you want to believe that bunch of hacks on the HSCA handwriting panel who offer up their own set of unique conflicts and contradictions Marina's husband was a spy. He spied on Russia when there, he worked undercover with the FBI to out FPCC supporters while working both sides of that fence, he was given the equipment of a spy and as many are starting to see his behavior left behind spy-like traces. Whether it was Lee or Harvey working for the CIA - I would guess Lee. Maybe "spy" is the wrong word - let's just say as we all know - he wasn't what he appeared to be.
  14. Hi Tom - I don't think there was anything more than Westbrook asking about HIDELL and OSWALD ID. btw - after the post above related to Hosty... the unnamed, unknown person who messages & does not post for himself had no reply to support the contention that the wallet Westbrook found was Tippit's - the wallet I showed was recovered with the rest of Tippit's stuff and entered into evidence by Bardin... well after Tippit was gone It's nice to leave that person speechless.
  15. https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=329884 This is the report from WCD7 stating that Oswald had a wallet at the Paines that he was saving money in... When Marina was at the DPD station, Ruth brings this wallet with $170 in it to her... Wallet #1 - on Oswald in the back of the police car Wallet #2 - Westbrook Wallet #3 - the one Ruth brings Wallet #4 is the RED WALLET listed on Inv sheet 11193-G as Item #381 sent to the FBI in DC "B1" is the FBI desgnation for the contents of Oswald's wallet https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=350521 & https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=374694 You may notice - the name HIDELL does not appear on this list. Wonder why? https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11690&relPageId=83 makes it sound as if some of these key items from the WALLET may have been "found" at his residence Gotta go for now... good luck with photobucket DJ
  16. I'm sorry - you also asked if the wallets were the same... they were not.
  17. Jon - go to photobucket and sign up. Upload to your own library for free and then copy the "DIRECT" link into the space you see after you hit the image icon (looks like a picture to the left of <> I was under the impression the bottom one was the real deal.... =============== I just got a note claiming that the wallet we see was TIPPIT's. That the DALLAS COPS told Reiland at the scene it was Tippits... 1st off - let's believe the Dallas Police when it comes to the Evidence.... 2nd is the following reply to this unknown messager who declines to post here himself... So Tippit's wallet had Oswald and Hidell SSS cards in it? Bardin was the officer who took Tippit's wallet to Dougherty along was a variety of his possessions - he had gotten them from the Hospital? 18. CSS Form (Crime Scene Section), by W. R. Bardin. Original form concerning crime scene investigation, (Original), 11/22/63. 00002565 1 page 09 01 018 (no scan) 17. CSS Form (Crime Scene Section), by W. R. Bardin. Original form concerning evidence collected, (Original), 11/22/63. 00002563 1 page 09 01 017 (no scan) Westbrook testifies in April - no mention of finding a wallet or bill fold in the street yet from the hospital Bardin is able to bring all the possessions in for the CSS form http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/25/2586-001.gif We have a handful of people seeing Westbrook with the wallet. Barret is asked about Hidell, and this is LONG AFTER Tippit is gone. WESTBROOK: Well, then, of course, I ran to my radio because I am the personnel officer and that then became, of course, my greatest interest right at that time, and so, Sergeant Stringer and I and some patrolman---I don't recall his name---then drove to the immediate vicinity of where Officer Tippit had been shot and killed. Of course, the body was already gone, the squad car was still there, and on one occasion as we were approaching this squad car, a call came over the radio that a suspicious person had been sighted running into the public library at Marsalis and Jefferson, so we immediately went to that location and it was a false it was just one of the actually--it was one of the employees of the library who had heard the news somewhere on the radio and he was running to tell the other group about Kennedy. So, we returned to the scene and here I met Bob Barrett, the FBI agent, and Sergeant Stringer and Barrett and I were together, and then an eye-witness to the shooting of the officer from across the street, a lady, came to the car, and she was telling us how this happened Neither Stringer or Bardin were questioned and Westbrook does not say a word about finding a billfold or wallet which he would have had to get to Bardin to go with the rest of his stuff... Westbrook gives the jacket, shells and a piece of window sill to Agent Drain - no wallet. Can this person be of the opinion that after coming and going to the Tippit scene a number of times, the body is gone (no DPD officers, don't pick up that wallet lying next to your comrade and see it's his and send it with him to the hospital - where all the rest of the belongings came from) and this wallet, Tippit's wallet, simply remained all this time in the street surrounded by a multitude of people for Westbrook to pick up... the same man who finds the Jacket, gives the FBI the shells and a piece of a window sill. WF AA-TV cameraman Ron Reiland shot film footage in which Captain George M. Doughty, Sergeant Calvin Owens, and Captain Westbrook can be seen handling or viewing the wallet. TIPPIT-It/IZ In one scene Sergeant Owens is holding a man's leather wallet in his right hand and showing it to Captain George Doughty. SA Barrett said, "The wallet was there. There's no getting around that. Westbrook had the wallet in his hand and asked me if I knew who these people were .... .l'm adamant that there was a wallet in somebody's hand and (Westbrook) asked me if I knew who 'Lee Harvey Oswald' was and who 'Hidell' was."73 Barrett later told fellow agent James Hasty about the wallet and it's contents. Barrett told Hasty the wallet contained identification for both Lee Harvey Oswald and Alex Hidell. Barrett told Hasty that Captain Westbrook kept the wallet and thought that he had placed it in police property. 74 TIPPIT-13
  18. We don't know the contents of Westbrook's beyond the mentioning of the name Hidell - the important part was that both had fake Hidell ID and were only 2 of the 5 total wallets involved. CE1986 details the contents - there is only one thing that would "officially" be considered ID - the SSS card Yet it was so obviously a fake. the other piece of Hidell ID was Marina's signing the FPCC card... not exactly proof. Then again - neither is this. Our Man Ozzie here was pretty good with photography (as was Roscoe White) so someone added a photo and reduced the text to fit... thing is this card and the real one below it are both in the wallet (#13 & #14 on CE1986) The only other things linked to the name HIDELL are the rifle and pistol orders. One in Jan, one in March, both shipped on the same day, both never touched by Lee Harvey Oswald
  19. While we may never know who killed Tippit, we can and do know who brought the wallet and knew detailed info on Oswald VERY quickly after his arrest. Let's stay focused on the Evidence rather than the conclusions drawn from it. You may offer different conclusions yet we cannot change the Evidence as offered and discovered as being indicative of the Conspiracy. From John's website: http://harveyandlee.net/November/November_22.htm THE WALLET AT 10TH & PATTONFollowing the shooting, eight or nine people walked to Tippit's patrol car and saw him lying on the street. A few minutes later ambulance attendants Clayton Butler and Eddie Kinsley arrived and removed Tippit's body. DPD officers began to arrive at the scene and started to question witnesses as on-lookers gathered. But not one witness, not one ambulance driver, not one neighbor, not one on-looker and not one trained police officer saw a wallet lying on the street or in Tippit's car. Ted Calloway said, "I'll tell you one thing, there was no billfold at that scene. If there way, there would have been too many people who would have seen it." Dallas Police Captain W.R. Westbrook told the WC how he learned about the Tippit shooting while at the TSBD. Westbrook said, "I ran to my radio because I am the personnel officer and that then became, of course, my greatest interest right at that time, and so, Sergeant Stringer and I and some patrolman---I don't recall his name [sgt. Calvin Owens testified he was the man Westbrook didn't recall]---then drove to the immediate vicinity of where Officer Tippit had been shot and killed. Of course, the body was already gone, the squad car was still there, and on one occasion as we were approaching this squad car, a call came over the radio that a suspicious person had been sighted running into the public library at Marsalis and Jefferson, so we immediately went to that location and it was a false it was just one of the actually--it was one of the employees of the library who had heard the news somewhere on the radio and he was running to tell the other group about Kennedy." By the time Westbrook returned to 10th & Patton there were "150 to 200 people around there," according to Officer J.M. Poe. A few minutes later a wallet suddenly appeared in Westbrook's hands with identification for Lee Harvey Oswald, which linked Oswald to Tippit's murder, and with identification for Alek Hidell that linked Hidell (Oswald) to the rifle found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository. Westbrook called out to FBI agent Bob Barrett and asked him if he knew anything about Oswald or Hidell. Barrett was unfamiliar with these names, but saw the wallet, along with Captain George Doughty, Sergeant Calvin Owens, Sergeant Kenneth Croy, accident investigator Howell Summers, and WFAA TV cameraman Ron Reiland. Reiland filmed police officers as they inspected and handled the wallet. The Dallas Police officers at 10th & Patton now knew, thanks to identification found in the wallet, that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was the prime suspect in Tippit's murder. Their next stop was the Texas Theater where HARVEY Oswald, wearing a long-sleeve brown shirt, was sitting in the 4th row in the lower level, while LEE Oswald, wearing a white t-shirt, was hiding in the balcony. Captain Westbrook was the ranking officer at 10th & Patton and knew police procedure as well as anyone. If Westbrook was not the person who brought the wallet to 10th & Patton, then he should have insisted on police reports to establish a "chain of custody" for the wallet, written a detailed report about the wallet and its contents, entered the wallet into evidence at DPD headquarters, and discussed the wallet with the Warren Commission. But not a single police report was written about the wallet and neither Westbrook, Owens, nor Croy mentioned nor was asked about the wallet by the FBI, Secret Service, or the Warren Commission. The fact that Captain Westbrook totally ignored police procedure about a crucial piece of evidence is reason to believe that Westbrook was the person responsible for bringing the wallet to 10th & Patton and, according to FBI agent Barrett, it was Westbrook who kept the wallet. This wallet was the single most important piece of evidence ever found prior to Oswald's arrest, yet ten minutes after it appeared this wallet disappeared in the hands of Capt. Westbrook and was never seen again. This disappearing wallet is PROOF that Tippit's murder was pre-planned. If Westbrook, or anyone else, had identification in their possession that would be used to identify a suspect in a murder, PRIOR TO THE MURDER, then that person had prior knowledge of a pre-planned assassination. The real significance of this wallet is that it shows that Westbrook knew, IN ADVAVCE, that HARVEY Oswald would be accused of Tippit's murder and that he would be linked to the assassination of President Kennedy from identification cards in the wallet (the name "Hidell" was used to order the rifle from Klein's). The only reason for the wallet to appear at 10th & Patton was to identify and frame Oswald. And the only reason for this wallet to disappear is that DPD officers removed HARVEY Oswald's wallet from his pants pocket while en route to the police station. Two wallets that contain nearly identical identification are unexplainable. The fact that Captain Westbrook never turned the wallet over to the DPD identification bureau, never entered it into evidence, never described nor mentioned the wallet in a DPD police report, and never mentioned the wallet during his Warren Commission testimony is reason to believe that Dallas Police Captain Westbrook was a very important participant in the CIA's conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. After the assassination Captain Westbrook relocated to South Vietnam, where he served as a CIA special advisor to the Saigon Police. NOTE: During the first hour of HARVEY Oswald's first interrogation by Captain Fritz, Captain Westbrook came into the office and said, "Our suspect had admitted being a communist-he had previously been in the Marine Corps, had a dishonorable discharge, had been to Russia, and had some trouble with the police in New Orleans for passing out pro-Castro literature." Westbrook's detailed knowledge of HARVEY Oswald's background, within one hour after his arrest, is further reason to believe that he was a co-conspirator. HARVEY Oswald, wearing a brown shirt, was brought out the front entrance of the Texas Theater, placed in a police car and driven to jail. Stuart L. Reed, the 30-year army veteran who took photos of McWatters' bus on Elm St., another photo of McWatters' bus near the TSBD, and a photo of the 6th floor window at the TSBD, was now taking photos of HARVEY Oswald's arrest. Paul Bentley removed HARVEY Oswald's wallet from his left rear pocket en route to the DPD headquarters (along with Officers Carrol, Hill, Walker and Lyons) and found identification for "Lee Harvey Oswald" and "A. J. Hidell"--similar to the identification found in the wallet that had suddenly appeared in the hands of Captain Westbrook. Bentley told WFAA-TV (11/23/63), "I removed his wallet from his back pocket and obtained his identification." Sgt. Hill said, "the only way we found out what his name was was to remove his billfold and check it ourselves; he wouldn't even tell us what his name was." The Dallas Police were now in possession of two wallets, both containing identification for Lee Harvey Oswald and Alek Hidell. These two wallets could have created serious problems, and alerted the public to the possibility of two Lee Harvey Oswalds, if properly identified as evidence and reported. But the wallet that first appeared in the hands of Capt. Westbrook was unexplainable. It could never, ever be made public, and quickly disappeared--last seen in the hands of Capt. Westbrook. NOTE: There were a total of five Oswald wallets: a black plastic wallet (CE 1798); a red billfold found at Ruth Paine's (CE 2003 #382); a brown billfold found at Ruth Paine's (CE 2003 #114); a billfold taken from LHO upon arrest--initialed by HMM (Henry Moore), wallet and contents inventoried and photographed; and the Westbrook wallet, which was not initialed by police, not listed in inventory, not photographed, not mentioned by a single witness to the WC, HSCA, ARRB, etc. and disappeared, but not before is was filmed by WFAA TV and seen by FBI agent Barrett.
  20. I don't think the seizure had anything to do with AF-1 landing late and JFK leaving Love Field at 11:50 instead of 11:30... the radio announced he was about 10 minutes late: Mr. BELIN. Now, Mrs. Reid, you left lunch about what time? Mrs. REID. Well, I left, I ate my lunch hurriedly, I wasn't watching the time but I wanted to be sure of getting out on the streets in time for the parade before he got there, and I called my husband, who works at the records building, and they had a radio in their office and they were listening as the parade progressed and he told me they were running about 10 minutes late. But I went down rather soon and stood on the steps. Mr. BELIN. All right. Do you know about what time it was that you left the lunchroom, was it 12, 12:15? Mrs. REID. I think around 12:30 somewhere along in there. It appears that few if anyone knew when JFK was expected. Yes the streets were lined early yet when asked, some of the key players in the TSBD barely make it. The three men on the 5th floor? Mr. BALL - Were you on the sidewalk or curb? Mr. JARMAN - On the sidewalk. Mr. BALL - The sidewalk in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building? Mr. JARMAN - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - How long did you stand there? Mr. JARMAN - Well, until about 12:20, between 12:20 and 12:25. Mr. BALL - You left there, didn't you, and went some place? Mr. JARMAN - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - With whom? Mr. JARMAN - Harold Norman and myself. Mr. BALL - Where did you go? Mr. JARMAN - We went around to the back of the building up to the fifth floor. Mr. BALL - You say you went around. You mean you went around the building? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - You didn't go through and cross the first floor? Mr. JARMAN - No, sir; there was too many people standing on the stairway so we decided to go around. Mr. BALL - You went in the back door? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - That would be the north entrance to the building, wouldn't it? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - Did you take an elevator or the stairs? Mr. JARMAN - We took the elevator. Mr. BALL - Did somebody join you then? Mr. JARMAN - Yes, sir; a few minutes later. Mr. BALL - Who joined you? Mr. JARMAN - Bonnie Ray Williams Cutting kinda close, no? These men have no real idea when he's going to show up, yet after 12:15 they decide to walk around the building, up the back elevator, to the front of the building and then open the windows. Mr. BALL - You left there, didn't you, and went some place? Mr. JARMAN - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - With whom? Mr. JARMAN - Harold Norman and myself. Mr. BALL - Where did you go? Mr. JARMAN - We went around to the back of the building up to the fifth floor. Mr. BALL - You say you went around. You mean you went around the building? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - You didn't go through and cross the first floor? Mr. JARMAN - No, sir; there was too many people standing on the stairway so we decided to go around. Mr. BALL - You went in the back door? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - That would be the north entrance to the building, wouldn't it? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - Did you take an elevator or the stairs? Mr. JARMAN - We took the elevator. Mr. BALL - You left there, didn't you, and went some place? Mr. JARMAN - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - With whom? Mr. JARMAN - Harold Norman and myself. Mr. BALL - Where did you go? Mr. JARMAN - We went around to the back of the building up to the fifth floor. Mr. BALL - You say you went around. You mean you went around the building? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - You didn't go through and cross the first floor? Mr. JARMAN - No, sir; there was too many people standing on the stairway so we decided to go around. Mr. BALL - You went in the back door? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - That would be the north entrance to the building, wouldn't it? Mr. JARMAN - Right. Mr. BALL - Did you take an elevator or the stairs? Mr. JARMAN - We took the elevator. Yet if you look at Moorman 3 we see that the windows closest to the elevators on the West side are open already.... what was the need to cross to the other end of the floor when the west windows would actually give a better view. Secret Service agent Winston Lawson tells Chief Curry that the luncheon was to begin at 12:15… that the plane was to land at 11:30 (end of top left paragraph) and after a 45 min motorcade thru Dallas, arrive at the Trade Mart. VIP invitations had been sent and received which stated the Luncheon was to start at 12 NOON. Bottom line of all this is that Oswald asks for a ride home before noon on Thursday - if he doesn't go home there needs to be another way to get the rifle to the TSBD (some suggest Yates' story of dropping off a hitchhiker at Elm/Houston who asked about Ruby and was carrying a large, long package "curtain rods". Some also suggest the parcel never delivered to the Oswald due to the wrong address had a brown paper bag in it. The testimonies surrounding this bag are convoluted at best with no one taking credit for bringing it down, including Montgomery who is pictured with it, few if any mention seeing the bag where it was said to be, no photo of the bag even thouh Studebaker's first photo was basically taken with the bag at his feet - if it ever was where they said it was... Without Thursday's trip home the Set-up has to take different turns. Without his knowing the time whne the motorcade would pass by - a man with a plan to assassinate the president as he passed by the building would be where at 11:45, 12:00, 12:15, 12:25.... ?? when the rifle needs retrieving, assembly, (thus reassembled rifle would not have been sighted in after the reconstruction - if it was used (which it wasn't) the scope would not be reliable... Brennen claims he sees over 75% of the rifle - but no scope. Euins? I'd suggest you read this interesting testimony. Whoever shot from that area it was not with a scoped rifle - which makes sense since it would be so hard to reacquire the target with the scope, especially one not sighted in yet... Nope, Oswald could not have been at this wondow nor did he have a plan to kill JFK - we all knew this... I think this proves it. Marina and Ruth claim to be surprised he came home on the 21st. He played with his children and seemed to try and be nice to Marina - gives one pause to think he knew something was in the works and was saying his good byes..... but that's just speculation. DJ Mr. SPECTER. How far was it sticking out of the window would you say then, Amos? Mr. EUINS. I would say it was about something like that. Mr. SPECTER. Indicating about 3 feet? Mr. EUINS. You know--the trigger housing and stock and receiver group out the window. (seems to me a boy who knows his rifles) Mr. SPECTER. I can't understand you, Amos. Mr. EUINS. It was enough to get the stock and receiving house and the trigger housing to stick out the window. Mr. SPECTER. For example, could you see whether or not there was a telescopic lens on the gun? Mr. EUINS. No, sir. Mr. EUINS. No, sir; I wasn't thinking about it then. But when I was looking at it, when he shot, it sounded like a high-powered rifle, after I listened to it awhile, because I had been in the NDCC for about a year. Mr. SPECTER. What is NDCC? Mr. EUINS. We call it a military army for the boys, at our school. Mr. SPECTER. Is that ROTC? Mr. EUINS. Yes, sir. Plus, if I remember correctly, there was a man with a rifle seen at 12:15 on the 6th floor VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF DALLAS, TEXAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Arnold Louis Rowland, Address: 3026 Haggerly [sp?] St., Dallas, Texas, Age: DOB: 4-29-45, Phone No. FE 7 1861, POB: Corpus Christi, Texas. Deposes and says: I am a student at Adamson High School in Dallas, Texas. I am employed on weekends at the Pizza Inn located on West Davis Avenue in Dallas. At approximately 12:10 PM today, my wife Barbara and I arrived in downtown Dallas and took position to see the President's motorcade. We took position at the west entrance of the Sheriff's Office on Houston Street. We stood there for a time talking about the security measures that were being made for the president's visit in view of the recent trouble when Mr. Adelai [sic] Stevenson had been a recent visitor to Dallas. It must have been 5 or 10 minutes later when we were just looking at the surroudding [sic] buildings when I looked up at the Texas Book [cross-out -- Suppository?] building and noticed that the second floor from the top had two adjoining windows which were open, and upon looking I saw what I thought was a man standing back about 15 feet from the windows and was holding in his arms what appeared to be a hi [sic] powered rifle because it looked like it had a scope on it. He appeared to be holding this at a parade rest sort of position. I mentioned this to my wife and merely made the remark that it must be the secret service [sic] men. This man appeared to be a white man and appeared to have a light colored shirt on, open at the neck. He appeared to be of slender build and appeared to have dark hair. In about 15 minutes President Kennedy passed the [cross-out] spot where we were standing and the motorcade had just turned west on Elm heading down the hill when I heard a noise which I thought to be a back fire [sic]. In fact some of the people around laughed and then in about 8 seconds I heard another report and in about 3 seconds a third report. My wife, who had ahold of my hand, started running and dragging me across the street and I never did look up again at this window. This statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. /s/ Arnold L. Rowland Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963 /s/ Rosemary Allen Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas Mr. ROWLAND - At the time I saw the man in the other window, I saw this man hanging out the window first. It was a colored man, I think. Representative FORD - Is this the same window where you saw the man standing with the rifle? Mr. ROWLAND - No; this was the one on the east end of the building, the one that they said the shots were fired from. Representative FORD - I am not clear on this now. The window that you saw the man that you describe was on what end of the building? Mr. ROWLAND - The west, southwest corner. Representative FORD - And the man you saw hanging out from the window was at what corner? Mr. ROWLAND - The east, southeast corner. Representative FORD - Southeast corner. On the same floor? https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?absPageId=138620 Mr. ROWLAND - On the same floor.
  21. Thanks Jon - Distraction? I'd like to think of H&L, Nagel, Morales, Phillips, Hunt, Mexico, Ruby, etc... as "sub-plot"... it could fit the assassination or not... I believe your intel background would support the idea that whoever plotted this would use any and all resources involved in the most effective way they thought possible. H&L is not needed in the least unless you feel that people like Hoover and Angleton were aware of these operations and part of the cover-up was to insure that program's ongoing success or existence. The cover-up was to make everyone yet no one appear guilty - Salandria, and I imagine many others had it pegged the weekend of, especially after Oswald was killed. He, like Cliff pointed to the Jacket and said, not possible. All those assets at the plotter's disposal were also liabilities to those not wanting them exposed, thereby ensuring an ongoing cover-up. These same programs were still running, need I say ARE still running only in much more sophisticated manner but the end is the same, the secrecy is the same - regardless of the president. =============== Jon - as I rethought what I posted I must ask you to bring your attention to this one situation. Oswald asks Wesley for a ride home approximately mid morning Thursday the 21st for whatever reason. Without his going home: 1 - is there another way to get the rifle from the garage to the 6th floor and attribute it solely to Oswald 2 - is Oswald still the Patsy? Wesley claims Oswald asks to take him home. Paine says it was to make up with Marina... her garage light story is tissue paper thin How can the entire set-up hinge on Oswald going home - is he setting himself up to take the blame somehow? We know he didn't take that rifle to the TSBD nor was it in that garage, nor was it on Magazine when he moved out in Sept. From that same post I think it shows that the FBI was not part of the set-up... that they were a victim of it and had to CYA or be "embarrassed" - the worst of Hoover's fears.
  22. Ah... frame him as what? For weeks if not months he is performing tasks that easily have two or more meanings Help us with FPCC Help us investigate mail order rifle houses (if the Hidell order as actually sent) write letters trying to get back to Russia, with or without your wife Ruth Paine arrives late Sept after visiting Friends (Quakers) and family/friends to take Marina to Irving According to the FBI watching Oswald, an Oct 31st report from Kaack says that he left with his wife on Sept 25, presumably for TX. https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10413&relPageId=2 The next FBI Commission Doc is dated 11/24. On 10/25 the FBI learns that Oswald forwarded mail from New Orleans to Irving On 10/30 HOSTY makes first contact with Marina at the Paines. Oswald is not there https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?absPageId=692235 next page - "Dallas and all offices should continue effort to locate subject LEE HARVEY OSWALD" page 176 - 11/5 and still trying to locate Oswald from Little Rock Arkansas where Robert lives p 178 Dallas FBI tells HQ and Little Rock that MICHAEL PAINE advised that LEE is at TSBD 411 Elm, unknown home address ... Oswald has been at his home since Oct 4th and home most weekends. The FBI's WCD #1 only says that the FBI received reports in mid Oct that a person possibly identical to Oswald was in Mexico City https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10402&relPageId=49 During what amounts to some of the most incriminating time prior to the assassination, the FBI, HOSTY, offers no clues about Oswald until Nov 1 when they hear from MICHAEL. The following weeks include the Sports Drome sightings when he is both with his family one weekend and one weekend, the weekend before the assassination, he stays at his rooming house, does his laundry. Yet on these two weekends another impersonation occurs with the rifle and events occur which are sure to be stick in witnesses memories - the firing on a neighbor's target, the bragging, the Italian made rifle with scope... these same people put Oswald at this range in Dallas the same day an Oswald and Duran are recorded on tape at the Cuban/Soviet Embassies and only the night before, in Dallas, Lee is at Odio's. Did the FBI know this and bury reports... ??? or did they assume he was at Sports Drome and then realized it couldn't be there either - Hoover knew the CIA was lying about Mexico very early. IMO when he sees Lee HENRY and starts to get negative reports back from his Mexico sources (of which there were MANY) Libeler: The Commission had information to the effect that sometime during November 1963, you saw a gentleman at the rifle range whom you subsequently came to believe was LEE HARVEY OSWALD? Price: That's right. The first time I saw this person was in September, the last week, the last Saturday of September, and that was the afternoon they opened the rifle range. Libeler: On the last Saturday of September? That would be Saturday, September 28, 1963? Price: Yes. ----- So in these critical days not only do we have the call and visit in Mexico, the Sports Drome intent to leave the impression Lee Oswald was there whether you think it was Lee, Crafard or some other look alike, maybe Igor Vaganov? http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?topic=6656.0 the multiple sightings in south Texas http://jfklancer.com/Page1.html and the FBI either not knowing where he is, not writing reports about it and knowing he is at Odio's with 2 Cubans or I have not yet found reports about what they knew of Oswald during this time. I do know that the FBI checked their sources in Mexico and got reports on the 4th, 6th and 8th of Nov as they moved up the hierarchy with the 11/8 report a negative for Oswald from the Dept of Interior (Gobernacion) https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=61080&relPageId=2 The FBI has info finally by the 8th of Nov that Oswald was not observed in Mexico, there is no mention of the Odio incident and no evidence of the knowledge of his whereabouts until Nov 1. Was the FBI setting Oswald up at this point as the patsy? From what I've seen, this does not occur until after 11/22. On the morning of 11/23 the report from Mexico is that although the Evidence shows HO LEE left by AUTO on Oct 3rd, not driving himself... the STATE dept rep CASH tells the I&NS that the evidence does not show the mode of transportation. The FBI and their assets now create the Mexico trip out of thin air over the next 10 months. It is completely false but makes it appear as if he traveled to and from Mexico alone in order to secure passage to Russia via Cuba... a complete and total lie again as his passport was already approved for travel to Russia directly. It was his wife that was having the trouble. I think by now we all know that Oswald did not shoot JFK... it was a set-up. Yet let's remember the most important piece of the set-up. Oswald MUST go home so it appears he gets his rifle - otherwise it would have had to be brought to him, ergo a conspiracy. He does not ask Wesley for a ride home until Thursday afternoon! If he does not go home, he never brought the rifle - game over. Marina claims the blanket in the garage looks as undisturbed as ever Ozzie had gone to bed at 9pm, Ruth at 11:00pm. I think we all agree that he did not bring C2766 with him to work on Friday If he does not go home, the set-up falls apart... as of noon on Thursday, he was not going home. HE initiates the trip. Mr. BALL - I see. Now, there was the one date that Oswald came to you and asked you to drive him back to Irving, it was not a Friday, was it? Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; it wasn't. Mr. BALL - It was on a Thursday. Mr. FRAZIER - Right. Mr. BALL - Was that the 21st of November? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Well, tell us about that. Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we were standing like I said at the four-headed table about half as large as this, not, quite half as large, but anyway I was standing there getting the orders in and he said, "Could I ride home with you this afternoon?" And I said, "Sure. You know, like I told you, you can go home with me any time you want to, like I say anytime you want to go see your wife that is all right with me." So automatically I knew it wasn't Friday, I come to think it wasn't Friday and I said, "Why are you going home today?" And he says, "I am going home to get some curtain rods." He said, "You know, put in an apartment." He wanted to hang up some curtains and I said, "Very well." And I never thought more about it and I had some invoices in my hands for some orders and I walked on off and started filling the orders. Mr. JENNER - Then, I would ask you directly, did you see him in the garage at anytime from the time you first saw him on the lawn until he retired for the night? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - Until you retired for the night? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - Was he out on the lawn after dinner or supper? Mrs. PAINE - I don't believe so. Mr. JENNER - Did you hear any activity out in the garage on that evening? Mrs. PAINE - No; I did not. Mr. JENNER - Any persons moving about? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - The only thing that arrested your attention was the fact that you discovered the light on in the garage? Mrs. PAINE - That is right. Mr. BALL - The statement says, "I recall vaguely having seen Lee Oswald, when he came to work at about 8 a.m. today." Mr. DOUGHERTY - That's right. Mr. BALL - Now, is that a very definite impression that you saw him that morning when he came to work? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, oh--it's like this--I'll try to explain it to you this way--- you see, I was sitting on the wrapping table and when he came in the door, I just caught him out of the corner of my eye---that's the reason why I said it that way. Mr. BALL - Did he come in with anybody? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No. Mr. BALL - He was alone? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; he was alone. Mr. BALL - Do you recall him having anything in his hand? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I didn't see anything, if he did. Mr. BALL - Did you pay enough attention to him, you think, that you would remember whether he did or didn't? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I believe I can---yes, sir---I'll put it this way; I didn't see anything in his hands at the time. Mr. BALL - In other words, your memory is definite on that is it? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - In other words, you would say positively he had nothing in his hands? Mr. DOUGHERTY - I would say that---yes, sir. Anyone care to take a crack at explaining how a set-up as this can hinge on the patsy's decisions to go home? Mrs. PAINE - As we were walking in the house, and he must have preceded because Marina and I spoke in private to one another, she apologized. Mr. JENNER - Was Marina out on the lawn also? Mrs. PAINE - Yes, sir. She apologized for his having come without permission and I said that was all right, and we said either then or later--I recall exchanging our opinion that this was a way of making up the quarrel or as close as he could come to an apology for the fight on the telephone, that his coming related to that, rather than anything else. Mr. JENNER - That was her reaction to his showing up uninvited and unexpectedly on that particular afternoon, was it? Mrs. PAINE - Well, it was rather my own, too. Mr. JENNER - And it was your own? Mrs. PAINE - Yes. Mr. JENNER - And because of this incident of the telephone call and your not being able to reach him, and the subsequent talk between Lee and Marina in which there had been some anger expressed, you girls reached the conclusion the afternoon of November 21 that he was home just to see if he could make up with Marina? Mrs. PAINE - Yes. Mr. JENNER - Do I fairly state it? Mrs. PAINE - Yes.
  23. Tip of the iceberg as they say. Related a story John told me today... He met a man doing a historical retrospect on the school and teachers including Stripling. He provided John with a complete list of teachers from the 50's. As some were found to have passed on those that he did reach told him to talk with Kudlaty - asst prinipal. Even the principal says to talk to Kudlaty so he calls him. "Did Oswald go to Stripling?" "Yeah" "are you sure?" "Well I gave them his records the day after the assassination". " !!! " stunned. Take care Steve
  24. There is probably a bit of a misunderstanding as to how H&L developed... John didn't go looking for Kudlaty - he was led to him by teachers and the Principal who felt he may have info that could help. When Kudlaty tells John that he gave the records to the FBI on 11/23 at 8am yet saw them and confirmed it said Oswald attended Stripling in the fall of 1954... It was a pretty amazing discovery. The Principal also said he rememebr that Oswald had gone to Stripling for a while. I think those with an agenda can find ways to accuse those they don't believe that the results of this work were so tainted by the preconcieved conclusion that, in your words, "a subject could devote years to a thesis and find tens of thousands of data points to support it." One might assume that after the first X number of attempts, if the evidence is not there to support the theory, the person might stop looking. The impetus for the search was Palmer McBride's FBI interview http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_Vol22_0370b.htm stating that he was with Oswlad in 1957-58 when Oswald was in the Marines. (emphasis in original) H&L p3 When I read the Warren Commission's final report on the assassination I was surprised to learn that they determined Oswald had been in Japan serving in the Marine Corps in 1957 and 1958, and was not in New Orleans. I was confused and searched the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission hearings to locate McBride's testimony, but was surprised to find that he was never interviewed by the Commission Over the years both Lifton and Parker have tried to assert that Palmer was wrong. That it was 1956, BEFORE Oswald went into the marines. Lifton even wrote the ARRB about what he felt was the "mistake" - this is Palmer's reply - cc'd to all JFK Researchers & publishers. I just got off the phone with John who feels it's okay to post this... I truly know of nothing else I can do but present the EVIDENCE from those who offered it and lived it. The Evidence IS the Conspiracy DJ
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