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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. I'm 42 and have been interested in the JFK issue since I was a boy but never pursued it as vehemently as in the last 6 months. I've read Presumed Guilty, I've tried to understand NAA and its conclusions. I've waded through many, many web sites. I've tried to give Prouty some benefit of the doubt. I have visited the site and was awed and humbled. I am most surprised by the fact that both sides are so sure that the other explanation of events is impossible. I ultimately feel that 100% of the evidence is not 100% reliable which makes it very difficult to come to any conclusions. Both sides base their conclusions on this ever changing evidence. What bothered me most was if there was indeed a conspiracy specifically dealing with the assassination it does not seem as if anything was done to insure Oswald was not seen by anyone at the time of the shots. With as much advance planning necessary it seems unlikely that other patsies could have been used. He would have had to be the patsy (or really did it). Yet I get the impression now after Presumed Guilty and other Warren critiques, that even if Oswald was running along side the limo at the time of the shots, the WC would have found a way to convince us that it wasn't really him. But it would have been much harder. If you're planning this thing, how can you chance that he is seen anywhere else but up on the 6th floor at the right time? You simply plan to kill, ignore or discredit anyone who might have seen him? And if was part of it, (he didn't hear the shots or know what happened?!?!?) all he had to do was walk outside instead of up to the 2nd floor at 12:20 and he protects himself. I've ramble on long enough. I do not do any first hand investigative work. I gather in all that I can and try to find a single convincing fact or premise that can exist based on the physical evidence. I would just be nice though to have a site that has ALL the photos and films available in the public domain. So many thread refer to pictures and film frames that I do not have or cannot find. Thanks again for your work and the work of those you feel are friends
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