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Shanet Clark

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Everything posted by Shanet Clark

  1. whatever NEVER IDENTIFIED and so never CALLED TO TESTIFY that is more specific, yes. Men with EMMETT HUDSON, construction site man, THE OVERPASS FOURTEEN, guys in the stalled trucks on the opposite side, never identified ........... and many more, not patriotic citizens ////////////
  2. Members: an interesting case of counter intelligence affirmative action for monsieur Libby//////// by Pete Yost Oct 6 Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff intends to load up his criminal trial with information about nine national security matters, the names of foreign leaders and details about various terrorist groups, say court filings in the Valerie Plame leak case. The papers filed this week hint at what has been taking place behind closed doors as Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald tries to limit the amount of classified data that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is permitted to use at his trial in January. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton is asking whether classified evidence would overlap Libby's likely trial testimony. Libby's lawyers have already said he will take the witness stand to deny lying to the FBI in its investigation of the Plame leak. Even if prosecutors agreed ahead of time about the importance of "the nine national security matters" he wants to disclose, Libby would be entitled to introduce additional evidence, his lawyers wrote. In court documents, prosecutors argued that it would be "unnecessarily wasteful of time" to allow Libby to present "names of foreign leaders or government officials of other countries, or the names and histories of various terrorist groups." The danger for prosecutors is that the sheer volume and extreme sensitivity of classified information Libby wants to introduce could scuttle the trial. Once the judge identifies classified information Libby is entitled to present in order to get a fair trial, U.S. intelligence agencies must rule on whether the secrets can be declassified. The case would collapse if the intelligence agencies refuse to declassify the information. Libby is charged with five felony counts of perjury, obstruction and making false statements to the FBI. He is accused of lying about how he learned of Plame's CIA employment and what he told reporters about her when her husband, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, was accusing the Bush administration of twisting prewar intelligence to help sell the public on waging war against Iraq. Libby plans to use what his lawyers call "a memory defense" and he must be allowed to demonstrate how busy he was, his attorneys say. Any incorrect information the former White House aide gave investigators about his conversations with reporters was due to "the crush of Mr. Libby's duties," his lawyers said. Libby's main assertion in his statements to investigators was that he learned about the CIA identity of Wilson's wife from reporters. Prosecutors say there is no dispute that Libby was busy, but that he should not be allowed at the trial to describe so much classified information _ "as if each particular item overwhelmed his ability to remember and to not fabricate other conversations." Fitzgerald wrote that Libby's proposals for introducing classified information are "so extraordinary both in breadth ... and in depth" that the evidence takes on "a misleading aura, is confusing" if presented to a jury. developed...........
  3. Bill, .......people........sometimes............... LIE !!!
  4. jack white photo exhibit of MARY MOORMAN polaroid, grassy knoll wall :
  5. It doesn't really look like Sturgis or Hunt, that was AJ Weberman's original hypothesis, and Frenchy doesn't look like Martinez or Gonzales although other evidence does tie them to Dallas.......
  6. Two full filing cabinets, or rather sixteen cubic feet of files were in Lee Harvey Oswald's original CIA 201 file, and a more pertinent question is this: What did his Marine Intelligence and ONI Office of Naval Intelligence files look like? For that matter, what did John F. Kennedy's ONI Office of Naval Intelligence Files look like? You see what I am getting at here, with all the recent interest in Lemnitzer and Robert Anderson.........
  7. Lets close out this informative and balanced thread with a good BLACK AND WHITE BADGEMAN IMAGE........... Rorshack image or grassy knoll hit squad???????????
  8. I was viewing the Costella site. The Zapruder Bell and Howell ran at 18 frames per second. I noticed that Kennedy -- in Z-225/226/227 when he re-appears from behind the sign -- he is already clutching his throat, apparently injured. One second later, at Z-243, he is still clutching his injured throat. Two seconds later at Z-261, he is still clutching his injured throat. Three seconds later at Z-279, he is still clutching his injured throat. Four seconds later at Z-297, he is still clutching his injured throat. Five seconds later at Z-312, he is clutching his injured throat and slumping down and to his left. Then there is the dramatic headshot over five seconds after the initial injury. How did a lone nut up in the trees in a building behind him manage to do that?
  9. Assassins!!!!!!!! Charles Harrelson is a dead ringer for the tall tramp and when confronted with the photo, this convicted Chicago mob murderer admitted it looked like himself and later admitted it was himself in the photos --------- Chauncey Holt was, well, Chauncey Holt, who told a story about supplying false ID in Dealey Plaza and carried a radio that carried the coordinating messages that day while the third tramp, "Frenchie," was probably an OAS paratrooper who was flown out of the country most likely by David Ferrie....... what do you think, Tosh? The boxcar would have been a natural refuge for a group of south knoll shooters, wouldn't it?
  10. Now that is a substantive and probative contribution...............................
  11. I think Holt was a criminal who had some CIA connections and a role in the murder, but just happened to resemble the head of 1963 CIA domestic operations E.Howard Hunt
  12. Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord. Earth to John: This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH. Free sppech is one thing but hate seech should not be tolerated on a forum dedicated to education. BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers. I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own Dawn Dawn – I agree with you that BS is an obnoxious ass but as Bill pointed out in this case Jack provoked this. I remember when Jack accused BS, Craig, Bill and me of being accessories to the murder of JFK and you were silent, but when we replied with indignation you asked why we were ganging up him. When Evan got pissed off because Jack accused him of hacking the forum you told him it was a joke and that he should grow up. BS’s comment however in bad taste could be considered a joke too. I sense a double standard, when Jack is obnoxious you’re silent but when his ‘victims’ reply you jump to his defense and criticize them. I once said Jack was the worst provocateur on the forum, I was wrong that ‘honor’ probably belongs to BS but Jack probably comes in 2nd or 3rd.Len This thread sucks ............ let it die !!!!!!!
  13. Alan, the discrepancy between the Parkland Hospital medical observers who said they saw the major wound at the back of the head and the Z-film showing a side temple wound is the main reason so many JFK researchers believe the film was altered. Welcome to the FORUM ..................
  14. Question for Jack, Lee, Robin, James and DGH Is the appearance of 132 and 133 consistent with Zapruder actually stopping and re-starting the camera? I have read that if he had really paused and re started the camera their would have been a fouled frame or two........ opinions? has anyone tested this angle?
  15. Looks like he is carrying a silk pillow, a wool suit, a seersucker shirt and a pair of chinos...........
  16. Take a look at Betzner #3 again. We see the Black Dog man, and another clear figure to his left, and the umbrella man. All lined up so when JFK passes the STEMMONS sign and the umbrella he will be shot, and of course the early medical witnesses said the back of his head was blown out.......
  17. Tosh Good posting. I can vouch for the accuracy of the development of 5412. My research shows that this is a good timeline for the action committee. We will never know the full extent of the covert executive committees.......... Shanet
  18. All very fishy, the counter defector, his KGB family wife, the failed Walker attempt, the discrepancies, the creepy "handlers" ...... If the Marine mental case couldn't hit Walker from the yard through a window, how did hit a moving down and away target three times in ten seconds????
  19. Stephen How similar our hypothesis. LEMNITZER, as joint naval chief of staff, was furious with Kennedy and had all information concerning the Addison's, the cortisone, the adultery, the Mary Meyer information as well as the WWII era JFK material. A finding of executive incapacity cannot be ruled out, and Lemay with Lemnitzer would only need grudging assent from general taylor...............looks like a military coup more than a CIA thing, although tedshackley was involved and dickhelms covered it up, it seems the roots are here in the armed forces staff chiefs, JFK's militant reactionary opponents.
  20. The frame job hinged on the LIFE backyard photos, which stink and reek and shock the nose: and the General Walker incident, which stink and reek and shock the nose; Oswald was a hostile counter defector who gamed to Moscow, gamed back to the US, no penalty. Marine intelligence in the Cold War was a part of Naval Intelligence ,, where the JFK interest centered, you understand..........the burn card, the patsy was a low level counter intelligence asset who could be placed with exquisite accuracy, placed and handled, like his soviet wife, his backyard photos, his rifle and pistol, etc. His relationship with DeMorenschildt and David Ferrie really seals the case for a patsy frame job.........
  21. So the way I understand it THEODORE SHACKLEY moved from Miami ZR/RIFLE Cuban insurgence, insertion and assassination work for the CIA to Laos and SOutheast Asia in the middle 1960's. The nationalists and tribal warlords were our ally against the Chinese and Vietnamese communist governments. SHACKLEY and the group he hid in the greater Vietnam war theater certainly traded with Kuhn Sa and other GOLDe shocked EN TRIANGLE heroin producers and dealers..........and this criminal fascist enterprise was transplanted to the South and Central American zone in the late 1970's.............inductively the war zones in drug producing areas is the constant and this continues to this day in Afganistan. Al McCoy would probably agree with this thread and not be shocked that COLBY and HELMS's program of OPERATION PHEONIX had a little cell that could trace back to Dallas in 1963. Nixon, Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney all took signals from DICK HELMS on how to work all this to their advantage - capiche? So GREER was originally navy, interesting.
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