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Jim Root

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Everything posted by Jim Root

  1. Tim While Helms is more than an interesting character I do not make him out to be the "big fish." I continue to believe that the trail leads to Maxwell Taylor. The work by Jefferson Morley proves that information about Oswald was making it to the Office Richard Helms but I do not rule out the possibility that that information would also have made it to the ultimate head of Military Intelligence (the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Taylor). But the Army Intelligence file on Oswald has been destroyed....suspicious in itself. Chester Victor Clifton, Jr.l, senior military aide to President John F. Kennedy, would be in a position to influence the motorcade. Appointed to this position by Taylor, Clifton was in the motorcade on November 22, 1963. It is also interesting to point out that Clifton's first commanding officier, upon graduation from West Point , was Edwin Walker. The other piece of the puzzle that I believe is important, whoever planned the route past where Oswald was working would also need to be familiar with and suspect that the attempted assassination of Walker could be attributed to Oswald. I believe this narrows the focus substanially. Jim Root
  2. Tim It is my belief that the November 4, 1963 note that Agent Hosty sent to the FBI was read in Helms office within the week....before the route was established. It is also my opinion that Oswald's work location would only provide a conspiracy cover if someone/group already was aware of the Walker incident and that it could be tied to Oswald. While we know that Mrs. Paine was involved in "helping" Oswald get a job at the TSBD it does not prove that she was a part of a conspiracy. For myself I tend to search for explanations that reduce the number of people involved rather than easily accepting explanations that require expanding the numbers of people potentially involved in a conspiracy. Each additional member of a conspiracy is an additional potential leak and for 40+ years the smoking gun has not been uncovered "beyond a reasonable doubt" (leading me to believe this "club" was rather exclusive). Jim Root
  3. Eugene Some problems: Oswald went home the night before the assassination and returned with "curtain rods." Coincidence? Oswald left his wedding ring and money at the Paines. Coincidence? Oswald was carring his false ID that had the same name on it that had ordered the rifle. Coinicence? Oswald did leave the TSBD, Oswald did change clothes, Oswald did get his pistol and went to see a movie. Betweeen his apartment and the theater Tippit was killed, shell casings were recovered from the scene that had been used , to the exclusion of all other weapons, in the gun he had when arrested. If Oswald was "set up" he sure helped a whole lot. While we can speculate on what someone might have done if Oswald had called in sick or for that matter had not carried "curtain rods" to work that day we are wasting effort much better spent on attempting to understand what we know did in fact happen. Just believing there was a conspiracy does not prove that there was a conspiracy. After 40+ years the "box" is conspiracy. To think "out of the box," I believe you have to view the incident from above and look down upon everything that surrounds it. Looking at it directly may obstruct the view. Jim Root
  4. I might add that the actions of Edwin Walker in the minutes and hours following the assassination of Kennedy are almost as suspicious as the movements of Oswald after his departure from the TSBD. As I understand the story, Walker was on an airplane traveling toward Shreveport, LA when the pilot announced that Kennedy had been assassinated. Walker, I have been told, identified himself to the passengers in a way that was suggestive that he may have been worried that he might be associated with the murder (Walker was a well known critic of the Kennedy administration and considered a leader in the "right wing" movement in America). At 7:00 AM the following morning Walker received, while staying at the Captain Sherve Hotel in Shreveport, a transatlantic telephone call from a German periodical that then published a story the following Wednesday that implicated Oswald in the assassination attempt on the life of Edwin Walker. Walker would later deny, to the Warren Commision, that he had provided this information to the German interviewer (but Oswald was dead by that time). The FBI would not begin to investigate the Walker incident until days after the German story broke. It seems that on the airplane Walker was compelled to distance himself from involvement in the Kennedy assassination by assuring that his fellow travelers could identify him as being on that plane. It can be reasonably speculated that Walker may have "helped" the German newspaper with their story (how did they know how to locate him at the Hotel in Shreveport) after Oswald's picture appeared on national television. The two actions (on the plane and providing the interview) are consistant with those of a man who may have had something to worry about just as Oswald's actions after the assassination suggest a similiar fear. I speculate that the two (Oswald and Walker) may have met on October 9th, 1959. If Oswald would have lived, what would we know today? Jim Root
  5. Steve Great info. We must remember that before Pearl Harbor, the Smith Act required the registration of aliens in America. This was enacted shortly after John J. McCloy was brought to the War Department by Henry Stimson to upgrade and enhance the US Military Intelligence system (McCloy's backround with the Black Tom case made him a good choice for this assignment). Even earlier, during the days of the CCC programs of the Depression era, the US Military was processing American Citizens into appropriate work situations (Edwin Walker was involved with this work, a form of gathering information on American citizens by the Army). Historical events such as the famous Zimmerman Telegram (before the US involvement in WWI) were tied to an effective and alert Army Intelligence program. While I do not intend to debate the questions surrounding National Security or argue the merits or demerits of obvious intrusions into the privacy rights of individuals my point here is to observe that the Army Intelligence File on Lee Harvey Oswald was "officially" destroyed! Of the four major files, it is the one that was destroyed! I continue to follow a track of research that leads me to believe that Military Intelligence may have been the major player in Oswald the "patsy" who may have been used as an "orchid man" in the "game" of international political intrigue (and who may have figured out that he had been a pawn). Jim Root
  6. Tim I dealt with the subject of Taylor and the coup in the thread "Seven Days in May" and feel confident that Taylor was in fact supportive of the overthrow of Diem. I believe that Shanet posted information that suggested that the Phoenix Program was OKed within hours/days before the assassination, suggesting that a major change in policy was in effect at the time of the assassination. If Kennedy was not supportive of these changes who would be in a position to both know and to act upon that information. I continue to suggest Taylor was and also continue to point to Taylor's close relationship with Edwin Walker as a key connection to this whole mess. Jim Root
  7. In 1964, the Warren Commission requested all military files on Lee Harvey Oswald. Army Intelligence provided nothing. In 1978, it was learned that there had been an Army Intelligence file on Oswald, even before the assassination. The file, according to the Army, had been "routinely" destroyed in 1973. Questions concerning the destruction of Oswald’s Army Intelligence File were asked of G. Robert Blakey in 1993: “Is there significance in the fact that the military intelligence file on Oswald disappeared? What happened? Many people would see a far more sinister significance to the fact that the military destroyed a file of obvious historic significance.” Blakey responded with: “In 1972, largely as a result of the investigations into military intelligence activities in the United States, the Defense Department destroyed all of the military intelligence files that they had about American citizens and things in the United States, which was shocking from the point of view of the committee. This general order resulted in the destruction of historically very valuable files.’ “Most disturbing was the destruction by the Army intelligence of Oswald's Army intelligence file. The suspicion immediately was that this was part of a cover up. We interviewed all of the officers who were responsible for the order to destroy it, and while we have the testimony of these individuals, we do not have the file.’ “Again, our ultimate conclusion was that in the United States, more often than not, the better explanation for government action is not hob nailed boots, but Keystone Cops. It's incredible how our bureaucracy simply responds in a mindless way without any regard to the historical significance of what they have.” Coincidence? The FBI files on Oswald still exist and we now know that information about Oswald was being added to as late as November 4, 1963 (Hosty note). The CIA files on Oswald still exist and we now know that information about Oswald was being forwarded to Richard Helms Office in “real time.” The State Department files on Oswald still exist and were being supplemented on a regular basis up till the assassination of JFK. Is it logical to believe that the destroyed Army Intelligence File on Lee Harvey Oswald was also being kept up to date and read at the highest levels of the Military? I wonder, just what did it contain? I wonder why it's contents were not made available to the Warren Commissioners? Just one more reason I continue to suspect that General Maxwell Taylor may be the “Big Fish.” Jim Root
  8. The use of Germans in support of Allied military actions was not something that suddenly began with the Cold War. For example, the "Iron Cross Mission" was an OSS operation that culled the POW camps for captured German soldiers that would be willing to fight against Hitler. The mission was planned to kill Hitler using former German troops to penetrate into his Bavaian retreat. Led by Aaron Bank the mission was aborted only by the end of the war. Two hundred German rocket scientist, led by Von Braun, were captured by the US Army and taken to Redstone Arsenal where they became the core of the Army Missile Program (that was later nationalized into NASA). Although most became US citizens one could argue that they were War Criminals who earned their freedom by working for the United States. This subject has been of interest to me because the massive job of returning former Germans (and other displaced persons) to their homes allowed for the gathering of a great deal of intelligence information that could be used by the govenments of the nations that defeated the Axis powers in future years. Colonel Edwin A. Walker would be called upon to relocate some 300,000 German troops that surrendered in Norway. This exchange was done in a very unique manner that allowed this large number of troops to return to Germany with dignity. The Norwegian experience also dealt with the return of a large number of Soviet troops to Russia, after interviews with intelligence personel. This was not Walker's first experience in dealing with the processing of large masses of people nor would it be his last. During the days of the CCC, in the early years of the Roosevelt administration, Walker was trained to and reviewed the qualifacations of a myriad of young workers that were then assigned jobs based upon their abilities. Walker would again use his skills in Korea where he processed Chinese and North Korean prisoneers before the POW exchange (that Maxwell Taylor got so much credit for) took place. Jim Root
  9. Ron Your posts continue to provide food for thought! Unless it is possible to somehow place John B. Hurt in Raleigh at some time, it would seem that all that can be done is to speculate about this subject. But here are the knowns: Oswald did attempt to make an outgoing call that was not completed/connected. This outgoing call was reported by the news at the time. This outgoing phone call attempt never made it into the Warren Report. Two numbers were recorded for two different people with the name John Hurt in Raleigh, North Carolina (Leaving us to speculate that Oswald was not sure of exactly which John Hurt he was looking for). The "Raleigh Call" information first became known during the HSCA hearings. John D. Hurt was interviewed and had an interesting backround that perked and then deflected interest in this outgoing call. John D. Hurt is reported to have given a "death bed" confession to making a call, while drunk, to Oswald while he was in custody putting to rest the last speculation about the "Raleigh Call." There are currently 146 people listed in the Social Security Death Index with the name "John Hurt." (Jonathon and Johnathon turned up no hits, "J" Hurt turned up an additional 51 potential people whose first name would begin with "J") If my math is right that would give us a 1:73 (1:98.5 if we consider the "J. Hurt's")potential that Oswald was attempting to contact either the John D. or the John B. Hurt that we are discussing. Theory: Because the name seems to be a bit unusual (limited number of listings in the Death Index) we find that the mathematical probability starts to skew when we realize that there are a very limited number of persons by this name who would have had a high level security clearence at some time in their life(necessary if we are in fact looking for some sort of "cut out"). That John D. Hurt did in fact have one during WWII is interesting to say the least. That John B. Hurt had the highest level security clearence, that his work was still classified in 1963, that he worked in the same office space as Maxwell Taylor (and that he and Taylor were both Japanese linguists), that he has been relegated to obscurity within the intelligence community and that he may have been associated with Edwin Walker would, in my opinion, attract the attention of an actuarial scientist. But of course it could all just be coincidence. Jim Root
  10. Justin, Robert, Ron and Shanet Since we are speculating: How about ploting Raliegh, NC on a map? About 70 miles South and slightly East is Fort Bragg, NC (the home of the Special Forces, both pre WWII and the new types that began during the Cold War period). More than once we find both Walker and Taylor associated with this base and the special troops that it has historically produced. A Case: In 1963 the "Magic" program was still classified. I think that Shanet provides alot of backround on the governments ability to do "legal things" that would surprize the average American and to cover-up a person who was involved with this program is plausible. The real John B. Hurt has not received his due as far as recognition from the intelligence community that the others involved in the "Magic" program have received. Is this because the Japanese linguist was not as important a part of the "team" or is there another reason? General Maxwell Taylor, another Japanese linguist, worked within the "Old Munitions Building" at the same time as this John B. Hurt and both had access to George C. Marshall in their official capacities. Edwin Walker was, I believe, involved, in a counter-intelligence capacity, with Army Signals Intelligence beginning about 1934 (where I first found a possible association with John B. Hurt and Walker). This coincides with the joint Army-Navy program to break the Japanese Code and the insitution of a vail of security to surround this program. Walker's return from Pearl Harbor 32 days before Pearl Harbor was attacked (within days of the Magic intercepts that made it apparent that Japan was expected to attack somewhere within the month) is another bit of unusual timming in the life of Maj. Gen. Walker. Jim Root
  11. Robert Thanks for saving me with that piece of information, I knew I had read it somewhere. Back to the positives of this whole forum concept. All the indicators seem to point to an outgoing call from Oswald rather than an incomming call to the Dallas jail. I personally belive that Oswald was first "used" by intelligence in 1959 so I am looking to connect a John ( Hurt to a hometown or permanent residence in or around a "Raleigh" about that time if it is even possible. As I implied before, this had always been on a back burner for me until a loose connection to Edwin Walker was followed years later by a much stronger possible connection to Maxwell Taylor and Japanese linguist John B. Hurt. Shanet......John D. Hurt (counter intel) or John B. Hurt (the linguist)? I have a researcher trying to track more backround on a possible John B. Hurt lead and hope to have some additional information soon. Jim Root
  12. Pat "I believe that 399 was either found in the car by a member of the Secret Service or in the hospital by a hospital employee, and was placed on the stretcher by someone afraid to get involved. There is no one who testified that the bullet "lodged" in Connally's thigh; the testimony in fact argues against it." You are making my point which leads to my dilema. There is no record of a bullet being lodged in Connolly's thigh but there was a wound about one inch deep. That 399 was found on his stretcher is suggestive of it being the same bullet that caused the thigh wound. If 399 was in fact planted you have two problems, what happened to the thigh wound bullet (that was "spent" and only penetrated one inch) and how would someone have known to plant a bullet that would be so easily connected to the thigh wound. Once again, I am not the expert on this subject by any means but I believe the balistics of 399 matched the rifle found in the 6th floor of the TSBD. If it was fired from that rifle then we either have a shooter in the TSBD or we have someone that would have planted a bullet in a place that could be associated with the thigh wound (but how could someone have predicted the thigh wound to Connolly that would explain the "pristine bullet?") Kind of a catch 22. Jim Root
  13. Ron I believe you are right and that he died around 1981. I still believe the story was a 2003 piece about a confession. Sorry for the lack of information Jim Root
  14. Ron I have been seeking that piece of information but was actually hoping that you were familiar with this "confession." I believe it was reported in some JFK 40 years later story that I read. Will continue looking, Jim Root
  15. Dawn I usually do not delve into the SBT because A) I do not consider myself an expert by any means and I find myself still reading and attempting to collect information that would clear up my biggest problems with either side of the argument. (I guess I find myself in the same position that the commission found itself on this issue, divided) My problem deals with the thigh wound to John Connolly. All indications show that it had to come from behind and above (to the exclusion of all other directions) which means it had to go through Connolly. It only penetrated about one inch into his thigh. Here is where my trouble starts. We all seem to understand the problems with the single bullet theory (and I agree there are problems) but the alternative requires that the thigh would bullet is the pristine bullet that was "found" after having been "placed" on Connolly's cot. In order to be believe that the "pristine bullet" was placed on the cot you must accept that the conspirators would have to know that Connolly was going to have a thigh wound caused by a spent bullet. The conspirators would also have to have been prepared to have the emergency room staff recover the thigh woung bullet and discard it. A level of planning even I have trouble accepting. Jim Root
  16. Ron Thanks for providing this information and keeping these threads alive. I understand that John David Hurt died recently and was said to have made a "death bed confession" that he had attempted to call Oswald while he was in custody after the assassination. The story asserted that Hurt was drunk at the time he made this call and never admitted it until just before his death. My problem with this is that all the information seems to support the "Raleigh Call" as an outgoing call from Oswald and not an incomming call to Oswald. Are you familiar with this "death bed confession?" Jim Root
  17. I have been informed by David Kahn that, in regards to Harrod Miller, it seems that he was not a member of the "Magic Team" and that he (Kahn) has "never heard of the man." I forwarded information about the picture you posted to him. It seems that Capt. Harrod Miller, who you (from an independent source) seem to be able to associate with Maxwell Taylor, found his way into a picture with a group of top secret codebreakers that he (Miller) was not associated with (making him an interesting person from a historical perspective). Information about this group remained classified till the late 1960's. Independently I found Edwin Walker (loosely) connected to this group and Maxwell Taylor, it seems, strongly associated with this group. We do know that Harrod Miller was involved with Signals Intelligence by 1930 while stationed in Panama. My question becomes was he counter-intelligence? Does that coincide with your information? Jim Root
  18. Paul You said, "You know as well as I that Oswald's connection to the government was no secret, not even in 1963. All of it is explained in the 26 volumes and in the Warren Report itself." I am confused by your statement. In reality the Warren Commission states on page 325 (in bold letters I might add): "Oswald Was Not an Agent for the U.S. Government" You use the words "Oswald's connection to the governement was no secret..." I'm confused by your position. Jim Root
  19. James I don't know where this goes or even if it fits at all but: Mexico City was also a center of the Trotskyite movement that Oswald supposedly adheared to. The Socialist Workers Party and their Pro Castro organization was also Trotskyite connected. In 1960, Ramon Mercader, the assassin of Leon Trotsky had been released from prison after 20 years. During that period, Ramon, had maintained that he was Jacques Mornard and had pretending to be a Belgian businessman in love with one of Trotsky's American secretaries, Sylvia Ageloff. It was not until after his release that the truth was learned. Upon his release from prison in 1960 Mercader traveled to Cuba, then to Czechoslovakia, and from there to Moscow. He settled in Moscow, was accorded all sorts of privileges, awarded the medal of Hero of the Soviet Union, and at his death was buried in an exclusive cemetery among other "friends of the USSR". Jim Root
  20. Paul Why would the government withhold the truth about what was known about Oswald from the American people? How much more is there to discover? When will it be discovered and by whom? I agree there is alot of misinformation out there that is misleading but a great deal of misleading information is contained in the Warren Report. Why? For example, as Chris Mills points out, Warren Commission CE 946 implies "There was only one flight direct from London Airport (now Heathrow) to Helsinki on that date, this was a FinnAir flight which departed London at 14.20 and arrived in Helsinki at 23.35 local time. It has been established, by the Warren Commission, that it would have been impossible for Oswald to have cleared customs and arrive at the "Hotel Torni" in downtown Helsinki before midnight. Herein lies the controversy, the hotel register states that Oswald checked in before midnight on the 10th. We then find years later that there was indeed a choice of two flight that Oswald could have taken to arrive in Helsinki in time to check into the Torni Hotel. But we find this out after information about passenger lists have been distroyed. Why did the CIA keep this information from the American people? The Warren Commission let us down. It is sort of like a cheating spouse. Once you discover that you have been deceived it is difficult to believe the deceiver again. Perhaps you are different in this respect and feel that your "spouse" may have a good reason for cheating. I suggest you read, "What Jane Roman Said." The story is generated from government documents and an eye whitness account, not from "fake evidence that so obviously reveals itself? Phony x-rays, phony autopsy photos, phony Oswalds, phony guns, phony witnesses..." http://history-matters.com/essays/frameup/...RomanSaid_1.htm Paul, why did the government withhold information about Oswald from the American public? "i'd really like to know." Jim Root
  21. The use of the phrase "Trotskyite Communist" is interesting. As I have been rereading Agent Hosty's testimony over and over again I find more and more information. How familiar are we today with the phrase "Trotskyite Communist?" Mr. HOSTY. Agent Gary S. Wilson. Agent Wilson was a brand new agent out of training school. And it is the custom to assign a new agent to work with an older agent for a period of 6 weeks. They work with different agents every day to observe what they are doing. This is the only reason he was with me, the only reason I had another man. We went to the front porch. I rang the bell, talked to Mrs. Paine, at which time she advised me that Lee Oswald had been out to visit her, visit his wife, at her house over the Weekend, but she had still not determined where he was living in Dallas, and she also made the remark that she (Mrs, Paine) considered him to be a very illogical person, that he (Oswald) had told her that weekend that he was a Trotskyite Communist. Since she did not have his address, I thanked her and left. Representative FORD. Was this comment by Mrs. Paine that Oswald had said he was a Trotskyite---- Mr. HOSTY. Trotskyite Communist was the word she used; yes, sir. Representative FORD. Was that new as far as your knowledge of your file was concerned? Mr. HOSTY. Well, he was a self-admitted Marxist. He had stated that earlier. The New Orleans office had reported that. He had been on television and made that statement in New Orleans, so this appeared to be in keeping with his character. Representative FORD. The use of the word Trotskyite didn't add anything to the previous Marxist identification? Mr. HOSTY. Well, of course, that is a particular type of Marxism, Trotskyite, the followers of Leon Trotsky's particular deviation, but this did show that he was not a member of the Communist Party USA, follower of the Leninist-Stalinist-Khrushchev movement, but would be an independent Marxist would be what it would show me, not tied in with the regular Communist Party USA. Mr. HOSTY. Well, yes. The Socialist Workers Party is the Trotskyite Party in the United States, and they are supposedly the key element in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, or were the key element in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. So this would tie in with the fact that he was a member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and, therefore, he claimed to be a Trotskyite this would follow. Trotskyite Communists were associated with the Russian Left Opposition that was opposed to the Stalinist takeover of the Revolution in the Soviet Union and led to the expulsion of thousands of Russian citizens. Were members of he Russian Community in Dallas Trotskyites? (George DeMohrenschildt) Jonathon Abt the Attorney that Oswald had defended Smith Act cases. The first Smith Act cases were intsituted against members of the Socialist Workers Party, the Trotskyist Party in the USA. Would a "shoot down" of the U2 on May 1st 1959 advance the Trotskyist agenda against the Krushchev leadership in Russia? The crackdown by the OPLA (Stalinist KKE Communists secrete organization) on the Trotskyite eliments of the EAM led to the US use of the Trotskyites during the Greek Civil War (1947 - 1949) against the ELAS. Edwin Walker was running the Greek Desk at the Pentagon at this time and Thomas Karamessines, (the man who would latter be receiving agent Hosty's notes in Richard Helms office before the assassination of John F. Kennedy), was leading the battle against the ELAS. Would the assassination of JFK aid the Trotskyites goals of destablizing the govenments of both the Soviet Union and the United States? Coincidence? Jim Root
  22. I also tend to believe that the FBI did not have anything to do with the assassination. I believe that is why they were tasked with developing leads and not the CIA! For myself the Warren Report is a trail that I enjoy following in search of errors or OMISSIONS that has led to many interesting discoveries (for example a $111.90 aiplane flight from London to Helsinki while not providing information about which flight). Why a coverup? It is my opinion that Oswald had been "used" by US intelligence and may well have been "used" by Soviet intelligence and may have been used to participate in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. To many people in to many high places would have very good reasons to facilitate the "cover-up" weather they were involved or not. This is perhaps the most intriguing part. Because so many people may have had so many reasons to participate in a cover-up and we can then find so many potential conspirators that we lose site of the forrest because of the trees that block our view. To me "the Big Fish" must be one who would have knowledge of all the pieces but most importantly would know that a cover-up would occur to protect his/their actions. Jim Root
  23. Ron Great info. Do you know if Agent Tom kelly was ever questioned about this? The information compiled by Joseph Backes is a great resource. I believe it is the infromation that Newman and Morley drew from for their contact to Jane Roman. As far as I know the November 4th 1963 Hosty note is not included in his collection. Jim Root
  24. Shanet I might point out that Maxwell Taylor spent a good portion of the mid 1930's in Tokyo, Japan and China. It is during this period, as I understand it, that a copy of a Japnaese Diplomatic Code Book appeared that allowed Friecman's team insights into the Japanese Codes. From what I have learned of Taylor it would be concievable that he would have had a great deal to do with that coup. It also would have given him a chance to work with any anti-militarist (communists) groups that may have existed in Japan/Asia (once again this would fit his MO). Walker, on the other hand seems to be involved in more of the counter espionage area. Looking to look after our espionage efforts and to recruit enemy agents to our benifit. His dealings in POW affairs (WWII and Korea) seems to fit within this category (recruitment of stay behind elements, etc.) This is in some ways the reason why I believe he would so readily accept an assignment to penitrate the "right wing" movement in America. Jim Root
  25. I received this information from a very reliable source in answer to my question: Is it true that a phonetic search (nationally) for a John Hurt was enitiated by the FBI/intelligence while Oswald was in custody? "I don't (know) anything about an FBI search, but I do know that Oswald's call was outgoing, not incoming. You've probably run into both versions studying the Hurt call.' "Many years ago I saw some tv newsfilm shot in the DPD basement the morning Oswald was shot. ABC newsman Bill Lord was doing a "stand up" report in which he mentioned that he had been told that Oswald attempted to make a long distance phone call "last night" but the call did not go through.' "The Hurt phone call is one of many really intriguing and unresolved stories." Seems a real time verification to what was "discovered" during the HSCA hearings does in fact exist. Has anybody else heard of the national "phonetic search" for John Hurt while Oswald was in custody? I believe I heard it in relation to a person/agent in the Chicago office of the FBI that brought this up at some time during the years since the assassination. Jim Root
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