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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Pat, let me make a suggestion: You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to. And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it! There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal? Ashton Gray ______________________________________ Hee, hee...good to get silly in the late afternoon here in Beantown. Check out the link and see if you can send the Dobie and Maynard pic to Pat in lieu of Hunt/Liddy in front of Fielding's office. Go ahead, he'll buy it. Regards, JG http://www.dwaynehickman.com John, Ashton: I have an idea. Why don't we find Hunt, Liddy et al and invite them out for some wine and conversation. Chuck Colson too, with whom I have been dying to have a conversation for now 33 odd years. Pat: What is so damn difficult about this cable thing ? There were none. Zip. Dawn John: Wish I was in my old beantown right now. Next summer! But wait: This post of Pat's is pretty ancient: sorry 'bout the delay....
  2. Now that's funny!!! Pat you are the one who continually defends the CIA and their assets. Ashton CIA??? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Pat you really must get some rest. If Ashton is CIA then I am DIA. Good grief m'boy! Dawn Dawn, I suspect aspects of the CIA were involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. If that constitutes "defending" the CIA I have to admit I don't understand the meaning of the word. If you look closely you'll see that it is Ashton who has been defending Nixon, whom I consider to be a monstrous creep. Mr. Gray has repeatedly refused to state whether he feels Nixon was guilty of impeachable offenses. He has also repeatedly insisted that every piece of evidence against Nixon was somehow set-up by the CIA, in order to put Gerry Ford in power, in order to keep the lid on the secrets of remote viewing uncovered by the "Church" of Scientology... That you take him seriously and support his attacks on myself and John is truly disappointing... Pat I do not believe it would have been possible for "aspects" of the CIA to kill JFK. It came from the t-o-p. And not just CIA. Ashton has not ever defended Tricky Dick. Cite ONE instance. And if you don't think Watergate was a set- up that's your right. We all have our opinions, however innane they may seem to another. I saw it for the set- up it was almost from the first. I would later be "accused" of "reading Carl Oglesby" by old pal David Skinner in 1973. I had no clue who Carl was at that point. (David soon corrected this and Carl and I have been dear friends ever since). Gerry was certainly a good soldier during his WC tenure. And he was quick to pardon Tricky and he did install Poppa Bush as head of the CIA. (I daresay that was part of the bargain for this lamebrain to become president). I do take Ashton's work very seriously. I confess guilt here. You and Carroll tag- teamed him all summer. But he has not ever attacked John. In fact he has not "attacked" anyone. From where I sit he was the one being attacked by you and Ray Carroll. Just my opinion tho. So shoot me Dawn
  3. Just advancing this for Myra. Ter and I are enjoying your posts Myra. Dawn
  4. Ter: Why don't you send them a resume. Can you imagine? Scary thought.... Hey, you will be here next week. Can't wait!!!! Love you girl. Dawn
  5. Mike: That's great, thanx for posting this. I trust Frog has the other two cencored hours too? Would be great to post them on a thread here. History Channel can exercise all the damn cencorship they wish but we will get around it and air these three hours. One down, two left. Dawn
  6. Ashton, you've got your conspiracies mixed up. I'm only a CIA apologist when it comes to Watergate. They don't pay me enough to cover their butts on Watergate AND the Kennedy assassination. At last, the truth. He admits he's a "CIA apologist". What a way to begin my day. Think I just may need a second cup of coffee. Good stuff Ash. Now please TRY to straighten out your conspiracies here for Pat will ya? Dawn
  7. But, Dawn, he does so very well when arguing with his own delusions. And, really, he just falls pretty flat on his red face when forced to stick to real facts. Don't take his only toy away from him. My disdain for Nixon is in the record. Speer just has to make up things to talk about, that's all, because he can't address the actual facts. It's sort of like his having an imaginary friend. Ashton Ashton, you ARE an imaginary person, although clearly not a friend. I must admit I'm curious as heck what your real name is, and if I've run into you on any of the other forums under a different name. Your writing is made up of so much wild speculation and nonsense, I'm skeptical you could identify a "fact" if it hit you in the face. You interpret coincidences as "proof," insult everyone who disagrees with you, and will never acknowledge a mistake. You try to pass off an innate nastiness as high style. If there was a CIA asset sent to this forum whose purpose was to discredit this forum, I suspect he would behave in much the same manner. Now that's funny!!! Pat you are the one who continually defends the CIA and their assets. Ashton CIA??? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Pat you really must get some rest. If Ashton is CIA then I am DIA. Good grief m'boy! Dawn
  8. Unfortunately it looks like all of Carroll's posts have been deleted. And I didn't find any seminars or watergate related material Oglesby. Disappointing 'cause I'm extremely interested in the Kennedy assassination-Watergate tie in. So if you have resources to point to--books, articles, posts--that'd be great. Myra, John has begun scanning Carl Oglesby's book The Yankee and Cowboy War. It's on the jfk assassination debate part of the forum. He started this over July 4th and is up to I believe chapter 4-5 now. YOu will have to page forward to find it. Carl steadfastly refuses to get online so is not able to join us here. I do have some fantastic news about him tho: his SDS book that he worked on for the last 17 or so years is going to be published by Simon and Shuster (sp?). Did not know Tim's stuff had been deleted again. That's really too bad. Dawn ps Myra: If you have the next week free - (: - I suggest you read all of Aston Gray's posts from this past summer. Great stuff.
  9. color=#003300] [/color]While Eaglesham's research is very interesting I still do not believe that this was a suicide. And more than I ever believed DeMorenchildt offed himself. The timing is just too damn convenient for murder not to be the cause of these deaths. Dawn
  10. Lt Col. George Whitmeyer was a Cold Warrior in every sense of the word, ala Charles Willoughby see namebase.org below http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb06?_WHITMEYER_GEORGE_ http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb01?_WHITMEYER_GEORGE_ Then there is the issue of those Army Intelligence links as well, seemed to work with M.L.K. Jr. I believe DPD's Joe Cody had a army intelligence link as well. Robert Wasn't Whitmeyer in charge of telling the rest of the Secret Service to stand down...the San Antonio contingent? Or am I mis-remembering this? Perhaps he was at the head of the motorcade?? Dawn
  11. Lane's A Citizen's Dissent remains the most comprehensive demolition of the "free" American press I've read. Although it enjoyed a much smaller readership, Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher was equally devastating to the Commission's findings, in my opinion. Of course, so was Weisberg's Whitewash. The courage and persistence of Lane, Meagher and Weisberg in the face of incredible opposition are to be admired. It's a shame they never got to see justice administered to President Kennedy's murderers. Mike: Do you really think any of us will ever see any kind of justice on this case? I mean it's as much a case- closed -national -security- operation- mockingbird travesty as it was day one. In spite of Mark Lane and all who came ofter him. I also think Lane is an American hero. Dawn Nice to see Shanet back!
  12. Noam Chomsky was very good at his anti-Viet Nam stuff but on these issues I am inclined to believe he is an asset. Vince Salandria and he engaged in a correspondance and Vince could not ever get Chomsky to accept the conspiracy view on JFK assassination. Amazing, he is far too intelligent to actually believe the WC lie, so that makes him suspect to me. Yes, MIT and Harvard are within walking distance from each other. Dawn
  13. Ron, Here's your answer. This documentary is over an hour long, but well worth it. And it's not about missiles hitting the Pentagon or controlled explosions at the WTC. This is really good stuff. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=55...press+for+truth RJS Excellent video. Anger inducing, as it should well be. The "Jersey girls" are so courageous and inspiring. Horrible that it should have taken such a tragedy to wake so many. Dawn
  14. Welcome to the forum Gary, great to see you here. Dawn
  15. My next target is Robert Gates. Good target. I will look forward to what you post John. And welcome to Dr. Gary Aguilar; great to see you here. Dawn
  16. But, Dawn, he does so very well when arguing with his own delusions. And, really, he just falls pretty flat on his red face when forced to stick to real facts. Don't take his only toy away from him. My disdain for Nixon is in the record. Speer just has to make up things to talk about, that's all, because he can't address the actual facts. It's sort of like his having an imaginary friend. Ashton __________________________________________ Ash, One of the best things about this eminent presentation of investigative prowess is that you accomplished it auxilium Latinum. Of course, you know that you're up against it when your contribution somehow is regarded as an imposition simply because it impinges upon the 'Agenda' of the ignorami, but that's a piece of cake for a guy like you. To quote Updike, the aforementioned "radiates, from afar, the hard blue glow of high purpose." Our fearful leader - and so many of those in attendance who are sine substantiae - hold steadfast to a variance of Rod Steiger's character's fulmination in "In The Heat Of The Night": "I got the motive which is money and the body which is dead." Well, there was corpus dilecti in the early morning hours at Watergate and, let's see, a heaping bowl of in flagrante delicto, enough to fill the bellies of the good ol' boys down there at the Re-Education Forum bar-Be-Que. But there is no there there, to quote Dorothy Parker. After all, Damnant quodnon intelligunt (they condemn what they do not understand). Perhaps more to the point: dulce bellum inexpertis (war is sweet to those who have never fought). Consensus Ad Idem, JG Well done Ashton! As always. I am awaiting John's reply. And of course Doug Caddy's.... (Off to court) . Dawn
  17. Another clue....within hours of each other Jack White and Tosh Plumlee emailed me separately saying they couldn't access the Forum and both thinking they had been shut out. I also had problem getting on and then could get on, but couldn't post. Everyone seems to be OK now. I know Jack and Tosh did not communciate on this....most strange! Also, I have yet to check, but Tosh said many of his posts on the S. Knoll had been removed by an agent other than himself. I'll try to check. Interesting. Terry Mauro sent me an email the other day telling me Tosh had posted a question for me. I could not find it so when I was talking with her over the weekend I asked her to see if she could find it and she was finding all Tosh's posts deleted. Very very odd. And yet no explanation for Jack's missing posts. Dawn
  18. Seems odd. Jack's posts are always of interest. Only very inflamatory material is removed.. ??? what 's up? Dawn
  19. [/qoute]There is a "Hitler Bar" in Daejeon , South Korea. It is located near the Seo (west) Daejeon Train station and has been there for at least five years now. I am going to try to get an old friend to send some pictures of it to me. The man framed for Kennedy's murder should not be used this way. I agree. I agree as well. But the movers and shakers in Dallas want it cemented in the minds of our young people that JFK was killed by LHO. Sickening. Dawn
  20. Ditto. (God I hate to use that word because Rush kinda coopted it, but we can take it back!). Great stuff, will look at it more closely when I have more time. Also Seth Kantor. One of the few good journalists on this case. Bless him. He and Earl Golz .... Dawn
  21. [quote name='Al Carrier' date='Oct 21 2006, 09:53 AM' post='78407']
  22. I wish this CIA-disinformation that Kennedy was trying to kill Castro would just cease! Ultimate Sacrifice gets it wrong, Joan Mellen gets it wrong. On and on and on. President Kennedy was opposed to killing leaders. I suspect in particular leaders with whom he was attempting peaceful co-existence. It makes NO sense at all. This is just age- old CIA smear tactics. Dawn
  23. Good to hear you have read Tony Summers, Conspiracy (hope it is the 2002 edition). It is a good place to start. Number one on your list should be the revised edition of Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked (published in November). You will be able to question Larry about the book on the forum. I also recommend David Talbot's new book on the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy that should be published by the end of the year. David will also discuss it on the Forum. Of these already published I would suggest the following: Gerald McKnight's Breach of Trust (2005), John Newman's, Oswald and the CIA (1995), Mark Lane's Plausible Denial (1991), Gaeton Fonzi's The Last Investigation (1993) and Dick Russell's The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992). Many Thanks. It was an earlier version of conspiracy :-( I've read Plausible Denial and the last investigation. Had earmarked Hancock's book, Dale Scotts Deep Politics, the one from 1964 you'd mentioned in a few threads (1st ed at abe books IIRC). I'll investigate the other books you've mentioned. I am not as voracious a reader as many of the folks here. So I don't want more than 5 to read :-) Gary I would add to this: Garrison's On The Trail of The Assassins; Jim DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed. Joan Mellen A Farewell To Justice", anthing by Phil Melanson (rip), Herny Hurt's Reasonable Doubt is a good follow-up on Conspiracy. Best Evidence by David Lifton. If interested in the TX Connection Barr McClellan's book Blood Money and Power: How LBJ KIlled JFK is very good, tho not so good on the Dallas events. (Excellent on the LBJ angle, but Barr does not know the case re LHO- the patsy) . Probably many more...I will let others add here. Dawn
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