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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Pat: I have no clue as to whatever question you are making reference. And don't have the time, nor the inclination, to look , AS I am in trial prep today, so not doing forum stuff, except in tiny amounts. Dawn
  2. Mr Caddy: I so appreciate your responses. I almost missed them as they appear in my post, looking like a part of your post that I neglected to erase. I don't have time at the moment to study the testimony you referenced, as I have a trial tomarrow , so just taking a quick peek here, while I have a snack break. Things will slow down a bit by the weekend and I can catch up with all on the forum. Just wanted to acknowledge your response and , as always, thank you. Dawn
  3. Len: Excellent post! Now perhaps this wanna be -whatever the h*** he is -will go over to McAdams, where he will actually find some friends. Surely they must have a forum. Otherwise, I sure wish I could remember who gave me the "ignore" instructions last year when that lunatic Lynn Foster ("Dulles" - was posting both her insipid comments, together with links to that *person*, Mat Wilson -(she probbly WAS Mat Wilson) . Links that caused a virus if you were stupid enuf to open one. (I did one time). Help: How do I utilize the "Ignore" function??? Much apprecaition. Dawn
  4. So he went to jail. However, it was not Nixon he was "refusing to 'rat-out' ". Why are you still pretending you don't get it??? You have truley " become" Tim Gratz. Maybe you always were and I just did not notice. I really doubt Liddy would ever attempt to track down some poster here at the forum. AG is merely stating an opinion. Liddy is a public figure. And a felon. If Liddy took the time to find AG and assault him, then he'd be back in prison. (Where he belongs anyway: intead he's rewarded with a radio show and guest appearances on tv. Makes me want to puke). How the hell do you KNOW who Liddy "hated"? (Or did you have lunch with him last week ,after you met with Oliver Stone) (Sorry coud not resist that one). Come on Pat, give up the ghost will ya. Dawn
  5. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 16 2006, 08:21 AM' post='68710'] The only thing resembling logic I could dream up was the possibility of buttered popcorn overdose, causing him delusions of thinking this was the Siskel and Ebert Memorial Forum. Thumbs down. The balcony is closed. (I have a sudden craving for Junior Mints.) I was the proud owner of a Nixon dartboard. I bet Speer wasn't. AG: ( RE: Nixon dartboard) Ohmygod: So was I, in 1968. My second apt. in Boston, (74 Symphony Rd) , co-op living with a bunch of Northeastern students, who were also musicians: (one of whom became first husband, others remain good friends). That dartboard provided many hours of comic relief!!! Now I want a W dartboard.!!! Dawn Sorry: don't let me interrupt this fascinating discussion. I was really bored, and it was either this, or hot bamboo shoots under my fingernails. Ashton Gray I doubt you were bored. Bamboo shoots are nicer in the backyard
  6. [quote name='James Richards' date='Dec 6 2005, 01:29 AM' post='47477'] In addition to the ad previously posted, here are two more 'Running Man' classifieds. They come from the 16th and 17th of October, 1963. FWIW. James James: FWIW, I think you are onto something here. Does not sound like any movie ad I have ever seen. Sounds more like code. Dawn If WC looked at it, they also covered it up. (after not investigating it, good old FBI) I'm sure it's a tie-in to the movie. Lee Remick is begging for her "Running Man" to come back. In the movie she plays the wife of Laurence Harvey, who may have inadvertently just played a different Lee in the Manchurian Candidate. He fakes his death in an insurance scam and goes on the run. Sounds very plausible Pat - but why not use the name 'Stella' in that case? It's not Lee Remick doing the begging, it's her character? - lee Lee submitted his job application with the TSBD on October 15. It was a coded message, sent three days in a row, confirming the patsy was being positioned. IMO, of course. Mark: As usual, I think you nailed it!!! Well done, mate. Dawn (playing catch up here... saw Shanet's name as last post so knew it had to be of interest!! Glad to see ya back Shan).
  7. Leaving aside the highly controversial question of whether the U.S. was legally at war and, even if was, whether the acts allegedly perpetrated by those you suspect were designed to, and did in fact give aid and comfort to the enemy, Article 3 of the Constitution makes prosecuting treason a difficult undertaking. Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution provides that "No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." Mr Carroll: Is replying for Attorney Caddy a full time job for you now? Just curious. Dawn
  8. Jack: Is that why Weisberg became soooo anti-Garrison? (I don't know the story there, just the animosity : Weisberg, toward Garrsion.) I agree with Andy: just ignore the twit, BS. Dawn ps Andy nice having you here. I like your style. Have we converted you yet? Or is it still just "morbid curiosity" ? d
  9. [quote name='Brendan Slattery' date='Jul 17 2006, 12:05 AM' post='68776'] Never had the privilege. So what are you waiting for? There are two wars in progress. Sign up!! Or you just a phony " patriot" like W was/is.? (imho) "So now you are one of the brave few, after all we need boys like you Well I hope the day never comes, here's your live round son..." Gun Shy (10,000 Maniacs) Dawn
  10. Terry, you really need to work on your comebacks. The one above is so oooollldddd. Do you have no other weapons in your arsenal? Oh boy BS, you asked for it. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ter will eat you for lunch. (And promptly throw up- figuratively speaking, of course). Don't you have another place to haunt? Dawn
  11. Pat: I am so glad to see that you are still such a fan of Ashton's work. I am sure that he is pleased that you read every word he writes. Why don't you just agree to disagree, and try ...God, at this point Pat I don't know what to suggest. To me, from day 1 of AG, as well as for Terry, John G, John S. Mike Hogan, RCD, and many others...it's been as clear as the nose on your face (unless you're missing yours ...so I can only suggest you study this actual subject more. Then re-read AG. Justa a suggestion... Dawn
  12. I will let YOU decide. Read the CIA Assassination Manual at: http://johnmccarthy90066.tripod.com/id496.html ...especially note the part about USING WEAPONS AT HAND; my "assassin" used an ice pick taken from my wife's knitting basket, used for punching holes in cloth. The ice pick was never found, so no fingerprints; the "assassin" was never found; his clothes were never found. NO MOTIVE was ever deduced, although he took a pair of my shorts and my car keys, and escaped in my car, which he abandoned, very coincidentally I am sure, at the back parking lot of the place of employment of Gary Mack...about a mile from my house. I am told that assassins often are naked to avoid blood on clothes and absence of clothing description. This man had athletic build, crewcut hair, clean shaven, no alcohol, white guy (sort of military looking). Fifteen years later, my wife and I could still pick him out of a lineup. Jack PS...I am NOW in my THIRD life, having just passed the first anniversary of an almost fatal heart attack. I am now doubly on borrowed time! Jack: Sure sounds case related to me. My good friend J Hrrison was also nearly killed. (in 96). And he was so deep- cover that no-one was permitted to say his last name ever, to anyone. In Dallas he'd go to the GK but no one could come near him who was a friend. The only conference he attended was when Judge Joe Brown was the key note speaker. (98) . And that was only because he'd been out DANCING with the Judge the night before. (I was worried sick....we had adjoining rooms at a motel 6 and he was supposed to meet Erick and I for dinner before the first key note speaker, Vince Salandria. He forgot and instead gave Joe the Dallas tour- then went dancing. (Which I learned the next morning when I woke him up). The next two days we all partied with the judge. What a guy!! ALso with all the COPA and Lancer speakers, got to meet so many heros!! Gaeton, Vince, (who has been a friend ever since) Marty Schotz., etc etc. It was an amazing conference: 35th anniversary. You, being so public all these years, were clearly onto something very big. Otherwise researchers do not die. My rule of thumb here is two- fold:( 1.) Onto something big and ( 2 )going public with it, leads to death, or in your case, a close brush with. . (Larry Howard, Dorothy Kilgallen, just two examples. of literally hundreds, if not thousands). When you posted that you are 80 I thought you must be joking. It now sounds like you were not. I'm impressed. My dear dear friend Nathan Darby was like that: sharp as a tack til his stroke at age 91, last August. His daughter-in-law called me Tuesday to tell me they got all the stuff I sent- (pictures of all the Tx connection crowd: J, Nathan, Barr, Richard Bartholomew, me, Blake (grandson of Kinsner)...alll my Nathan picures- on- paper- collages. And stuff he wrote to me, and me about him...they cried reading it. (And I cried putting it together). So happy 3rd birthday Keep at it and you shall never grow old. Dawn
  13. Lee: I sent you a PM yesterday re MIT. Did you receive it? If not your inbox is too full or else disabled. This is very important and not for public viewing as it involves a very old friend who I believe was MK-ULTRA'd. If you do not get PM's would you give me an alternate way to send this. I have not seen or spoken to K in now almost 20 years, but ....(all in my PM) Curious re your work with (?) Casey. Thanks, Dawn
  14. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jul 15 2006, 06:07 AM' post='68567']
  15. [quote name='Pat Speer' date='Jul 13 2006, 09:14 AM' post='68301'] I mistakenly posted this on the JFK Forum. I admit that my view of Nixon and Watergate has largely been influenced by Oliver Stone's film, Nixon. In the film, the "Watergate horrors" purported by Ashton to have been a CIA conspiracy are portrayed as inevitable events stemming from Nixon's character flaws. As some, including Richard Helms, theorized that Stone's JFK was KGB-influenced, I'm wondering if Ashton feels that Stone's subsequent film, Nixon, was CIA-influenced. If so, were Helms' statements about Stone designed to cover-up his own relationship with the film-maker? Pat This post does not make any sense. What'cha smokin out there in LA land??? I know you are not asking my opinion, but I am responding none the less. Indirectly and, then directly: On a different thread you mentioned that you'd just seen Stone the other day. If you see him again would you tell him for me that I personally consider "JFK" the most important film made in my life. (Prior to that "Executive Action" - ( Donald Freed and Dalton Trumbo)- held that position, tied with "Seven Days In May". In fact I advise people to see both movies, in that exact order. What was and what could have been; if only.... So Helms SAID JFK was "KGB influenced"? Do you know how utterly silly this sounds here??? To us? YOu can peddle this bs with the "uneducated -in- the -school -of conspiracy politics, but it won't wash here. Stone read Jim Garrison's book, "On the Trail Of the Assassins" and decided to film it. (I read his words long ago on this in an interview) ... Of course he borrowed from Jim Marrs and that GREAT patriot, Col. Flec Proudy (ably played by Donald Sutherland -"Just cal me 'X')- so who the hell cares what Helms; allegedy SAID??? Are you flipping back to your CIA -spy mode here? Or are you simply still stalking Ashton? Whatever, it comes across as terribly insincere. Imagine that ? As to Ashton Gray "thinking Stone's "Nixon" was "CIA-influenced" your logic here is sorely lacking: EARTH TO PAT: NO ONE THINKS TRICKY DICK WAS A GOOD GUY. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO SAY IT? THIS AIN'T SOME INSIPID GAME OF 'EITHER/OR' . Sorry to have to raise my voice but you keep rehashing this same nonsence. I do not know Ashton Gray, never laid eyes on the guy. But, that said, I have read his work here and there is ZERO to even remotely suggest that he's a fan of the Trickster. You have seen me on this forum for almost two years now Pat. You have seen the lengths I go to try to have us all work TOGETHER, toward a common goal of understanding and solving this stuff. But when I see words twisted, repeatedly, I am compelled to take a stand. Makes no difference to me who is doing the twisting. It could be my own husband and I would have the exact same response. A lie is a lie is a lie. Repeating it 40 times does not make it true. Dawn
  16. My understanding was that Jennings was the producer of the show and was personally responsible for its content. I believe he personally received the Edward R. Murrow award for its creation. As part of his deal with ABC, he was allowed to create and star in so many news specials per year. This was one of his specials. It's interesting, nevertheless, that the program has been repackaged and distributed world wide and on the history channel, without Jennings' presence. Since you've only seen a few minutes of it, and most here have only seen it on DVD, I'll recount a humorous anecdote. My brother taped it for me on ABC when it premiered. Towards the end of the program there is a really biased section on Oliver Stone's JFK, and how it is a damned lie and complete fiction, etc. This goes on for like ten minutes! In the middle of this segment, however, there is a commercial for a popular movie now available on DVD in a tenth anniversary edition with bonus features...Oliver Stone's JFK! I'd love to find out if someone at ABC booked the ad on purpose, to make Jennings look silly--his company hawking the very product he's denouncing--or if someone booked the ad unaware of the content of Jennings program. In any event, it's positively surreal. I met Stone for a minute the other day. I wish I'd asked him his thoughts on the Jennings special. Unbelievable!!! I knew he got the award but did not realize it was for THAT. Ironic timing, in a different post I just mentioned Edward Murrow....(in Watergate section). What a sickening thing to just now read. Easier to have believed he was just reading his damn lines. I had liked him- fellow Canadian and all. I am now tempted to watch the tape just to see the JFK ad. How funny! Co-incidence? Or planned. I bet someone did it...just snuck it in. I taped it the first night it aired, so I likely have the one you're referreing to. I was taping on three vcrs, as there was just so much on that 40th anniversary week, on multable stations. Of course the best on the 40th was Nigel Turner's now banned TMWKK on the HC- which aired exactly twice. And I do now have it on dvd, having lent my copy to a colleague to watch, then he made me 4 dvds. In fact Terry Mauro got one from me. Happily so on my part. Dawn
  17. [quote name='Ashton Gray' date='Jul 11 2006, 09:19 AM' post='67972']
  18. Pat: I actually believe that Jennings was merely reading the script provided to him. In my long email I directed him to many places where he could learn some real truth, but I doubt he even saw the email. Newsmen just read. I could only watch 15 minutes of it when it first aired on ABC. I went bonkers. I have it on tape but I doubt I will ever watch it. The friend I mentioned earlier -(who recently saw it) - told me Posner was also on. Posner just makes me want to break my tv. (Kinda like the effect Ann Coulter evokes in me). Jennings did not live long to enjoy his "award". And I never once watched him again after that 2003 airing. Dan Rather built his "rep" lying about the assassination of JFk, from day one. Funny that he should crash and burn over forged documents that were also true -(imo)- in actual content. It just broke my heart Dawn
  19. It was no more disgusting, silly, or misleading than your average Dawn Meredith post, which is saying something. You sure you're a lawyer? Your grammatical mistakes are routine and plentiful. BS- I type rather quickly here, so sure I make some errors. Unlike you- a mere "PR" xxxxx for the CIA- I have an extremely complicated life. I actually have three time consuming "jobs", only one for which I earn a living. I am excellent attorney in fact, while I doubt you could pass a GED test. I consider my work on these conspiracy cases very important and have been at this- actively- since about 1972. I am also a musician, wife, mother and grandmother. So how "silly" you may find me is amusing to me, especially since you were just on "forum probation" for your abuse of this forum. So take a long walk off a short peer. ALL LONE NUTTERS ARE DISINFORMATION AGENTS, BUT I DOUBT ANYONE ACTUALLY PAYS SOMEONE AS INSIGIFICANT AS YOU. Disrespectfully, Dawn Meredith
  20. I agree John. And if either were/are CIA, I believe that is a lifetime oath. I believe that Ashton Gray has raised some very valid issues here on these pages. Perhaps had he been more professional in his questions to Mr. Baldwin and Attorney Caddy some of the questions would have resulted in responses. Questions posed in an arrogant, rude and downright condescending manner are not likely to elicit a response. And did not. Perhaps some of the questions to Doug Caddy also involve attorney client privilege which, Mr Gary may not know, but lasts for life, and in some cases even beyond that. I am happy to see that Mr. Gray is now asking in a more professional manner. I hope that both parties will respond-in so far as they are able. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance; in fact I give people several "chances". Sometimes this approach is effective, other times it's hopeless and I simply give up. I do not speak for Mr. Baldwin or Attorney Caddy, have no idea how many "chances" either of them give. I have long believed that Dallas and Watergate are tied at the hip and that, prior to Mr. Gary's posts many things were unknown about Watergate. He put an enormous amount of time and effort into all that is posted on these pages. Perhaps now that he has apologised to Mr Baldwin and Mr Caddy they will take the time to read this now book- lenth amount of work. And at some point, even respond. Dawn
  21. And we are very grateful you are here too, Jack. Happy Birthday!!! Dawn
  22. Jack, that frame comes from the Peter Jennings special that aired nearly THREE YEARS AGO. You are just now finding out about their version of the Zapruder film? And you call yourself an expert on the Z film???????????? How can this be? Have you written a letter to ABC? Placed a phone call? Have you done anything but act baffled? Bill Miller Mr Miller: (which ever "Mr Miller" your are) I do not know what Jack has done re. ABC but well before this trash aired I emailed Peter Jennings a full page letter, begging him to remove himself from this sort of filth and disinformation. I and many others, in a campaign initiated by Jim Di Eugenio, raised money to run press adds to alert as much of the viewing public possible that they would be-again- lied to. Having cencored "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"- (TMWKK)- 40th anniversary 3 hours, History Channel now sees fit to re-run this trash on a regular basis. Calling it "Beyond Conspiracy". In fact a member here, who is a friend of mine, emailed me about two weeks ago that it was on and he was going to watch it. I alerted him, but too late. Dale Meyers and his little cartoon annimation - "proving the SBT true" is probably the most disgusting piece of disinformation filth I have ever seen. Dawn Meredith
  23. Peter: All you have to do around here is post a name and Richard has a pic up there within seconds. It's downright spooky. Hey James: Is "the boss" gonna be doing any of his "folk" tour over your way? I'm holdin' out for another E-St. band reunion. Dawn
  24. Of course!! Juat a little light bedtime reading for bored members of the so-called "critical community". Dawn
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