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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. The most simple answer is almost always the best.
  2. Very true. And if everything failed, accuse the person who contradicts you to be a WC supporter, a government agent or a paid shill. Attach whatever has a bad smell to it.
  3. They had 8 months to produce a report. Errors and mishaps always happen when you are on a rush. If the people in high power had wanted to cover up the truth, they would have never made the report and their several volumes public. Think about it.
  4. Others say that Lane received money from the Russians to peddle JFK theories to create division in America to make it weaker, pretty much the same goal reached by the Democratic Party today.
  5. Lane liked to be in the action. Nothing wrong with that! Some say he was sent there on the behalf of the CIA. I don't know.
  6. CTers wrote a lot of books by being creative and selective with the facts. With a little effort and imagination, you could certainly come up with a scenario however stretched out it is.
  7. Good stuff for novels. I could create dozens of theories contradicting each other but making enough sense on their own. CTers' life is the easy life! CTers can create their own scenarios and changed the details as much as they want.
  8. I don't have any info on the case than what we have here. I'm always skeptical of anything coming out from the mouth of Mark Lane or Thayor Waldo. I don't want to discouraging anyone from investigating anything.
  9. So the plotters sent this look-alike to do what...?
  10. How does all this matter? All that matters is that we know for a fact that Oswald was arrested in the Texas Theater. And Tommy Rowe moving in Ruby's apartment? No source. Just Penn Jones saying so, which is not very impressive. I've been a security guard only for 2 months, but I can now tell by experience that people see things that never happened.
  11. So you really believe there was an arrest of someone with connections with Lee or/and the plotters?
  12. BTW there is a recent thread called “Michael Paine Oswald’s Look-Alike”.
  13. My friend just happened to look like a suspect! You don’t think it’s strange??? 🤣 Michael Paine looked like Lee. Bill Lovelady looked like Lee.
  14. Probably an innocent man who for some reasons attracted police’s attention. At the wrong place at the wrong time. The same happened to a friend of mine after a shooting in a mall. Because he looked like one of the suspects he was handcuffed and put in a police car just in case. That’s good police practice. Nobody at DPD bothered writing a detailed report with the name of this second arrest.
  15. I don’t. But let’s start with the beginning. How has it been established?
  16. I was talking about the Weismann/Ruby/rich oil man meeting. And How has the Kilgallen/Ruby meeting been established?
  17. We can discuss this to no end, but we can all agree that there was most probably no such meeting. Thanks.
  18. Ron, you wrote 11:15, not 1:15. If it was at 1:15 in Dallas, then it would have been 11:15 in California. First he said he sold Oswald popcorn, then he said that she sold him popcorn. Did Lee buy popcorn twice? "Burroughs told Douglass he sold Oswald pop corn at 11:15, the exact time the warren omission claimed Tippitt was shot (it was earlier, a whole different story). In 1987 he told Jim Marrs (Crossfire) she sold Oswald the popcorn at 11:10."
  19. He gave a place to live there to Craig and witness Richard Carr as well. Carr said he witnessed several individuals leaving Dealey Plaza in car.
  20. "Supposedly" the he WC chose to ignore the story? You mean you never verified if what you're writing is true? Is this what a real researcher should do? You should stop relying on conspiracy books and websites to find the true facts in the JFK assassination. One piece of advice for you: Go as close as you can to primary sources. Talking about sources, Thayor Waldo is not a source I would count on too much. Waldo used the confidentiality cover to cover his false story. I also read that Warren or one of his assistants quickly changed subject. That's BS! Read this for yourself. Mr. RANKIN. The man that was murdered. There was a story that you were seen sitting in your Carousel Club with Mr. Weissman, Officer Tippit, and another who has been called a rich oil man, at one time shortly before the assassination. Can you tell us anything about that? Mr. RUBY. Who was the rich oil man? Mr. RANKIN. Can you remember? We haven't been told. We are just trying to find out anything that you know about him. Mr. RUBY. I am the one that made such a big issue of Bernard Weissman's ad. Maybe you do things to cover up, if you are capable of doing it.As a matter of fact, Saturday afternoon we went over to the Turf Bar lounge, and it was a whole hullabaloo, and I showed the pictures "Impeach Earl Warren" to Bellocchio, and he saw the pictures and got very emotional.And Bellocchio said, "Why did the newspaper take this ad of Weissman?"And Bellocchio said, "I have got to leave Dallas."And suddenly after making that statement, I realized it is his incapability, and suddenly you do things impulsively, and suddenly you realize if you love the city, you stay here and you make the best of it. And there were witnesses.I said, "The city was good enough for you all before this. Now you feel that way about it." And that was Bellocchio.As far as Tippit, it is not Tippitts, it is not Tippitts it is Tippit. Mr. RANKIN. This Weissman and the rich oil man, did you ever have a conversation with them? Mr. RUBY. There was only a few. Bill Rudman from the YMCA, and I haven't seen him in years.And there is a Bill Howard, but he is not a rich oil man. He owns the Stork Club now. He used to dabble in oil. Chief Justice WARREN. This story was given by a lawyer by the name of Mark Lane, who is representing Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and it was in the paper, so we subpenaed him, and he testified that someone had given him information to the effect that a week or two before President Kennedy was assassinated, that in your Carousel Club you and Weissman and Tippit, Officer Tippit, the one who was killed, and a rich oil man had an interview or conversation for an hour or two.And we asked him who it was that told him, and he said that it was confidential and he couldn't tell at the moment, but that he would find out for us if whether he could be released or not from his confidential relationship.He has never done it, and we have written him several letters asking him to disclose the name of that person, and he has never complied. Mr. RUBY. Isn't that foolish? If a man is patriotic enough in the first place, who am I to be concerned if he wasn't an informer.I am incarcerated, nothing to be worried about anyone hurting me. Chief Justice WARREN. Mr. Ruby, I am not questioning your story at all. I wanted you to know the background of this thing, and to know that it was with us only hearsay. But I did feel that our record should show that we would ask you the question and that you would answer it, and you have answered it. Mr. RUBY. How many days prior to the assassination was that? Chief Justice WARREN. My recollection is that it was a week or two. Is that correct? Mr. RUBY. Did anyone have any knowledge that their beloved President was going to visit here prior to that time, or what is the definite time that they knew he was coming to Dallas? Chief Justice WARREN. Well, I don't know just what those dates are. Mr. RUBY. I see. Chief Justice WARREN. I just don't know. Well, we wanted to ask you that question, because this man had so testified, and we have been trying ever since to get him to give the source of his information, but he will not do it, so we will leave that matter as it is. Mr. RUBY. No; I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room
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