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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. I've just published a blog on the Parkland Hospital press conference. Dr. Perry told the WC that he remembered microphones when he gave his presentation. He was right. I spot three microphones in the various photos taken that afternoon. WBAP cameraman Bob Welch took credit for being the only person who recorded the audio of the president's death, but there is an older man with a huge microphone right next to his left. Who is this man? I think I saw him in other photos...https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2019/08/29/parkland-hospital-transcripts/
  2. The Wall Street Journal reported that Epstein had been taken off the suicide watch. Now the media version is that a doctor did.
  3. The tapes and transcripts of the November 1963 interviews of Robert Oswald by the SS. I have both for Marina.
  4. The transcripts of the surveillance of Marina's houses where she lived in early 1964 and of her phone. The FBI did create transcripts. The microphones might have been picked up and kept by people who renovated the houses. I doubt the walls have been untouched since 1964.
  5. If the lawyers asked that Epstein to be kept off the suicide watch, then I'm amazed that nobody here has raised the possibility that the lawyers are part of a conspiracy to have have Epstein kill himself. We don't have the conspiracy theorists we used to have!
  6. Epstein's lawyers asked to get Epstein off the suicide watch and 2 of the guards were sleeping when he Epstein died. Is this info still correct?
  7. Oooh! He's white. That is so evil. Black billionaires, of course, are not evil. Are you white yourself?
  8. Yes. I asked Biffle's son a few years ago. He said he would look into this. Time to ask him again!
  9. 1. Copies of all Dallas Times Herald editions of November and December 1963 2. Copies of the Betzner photos from the original negatives that have been lost 3. All the photos that Life Magazine photographer took at Bethesda. Three are available. 4. All the photos taken by James Powell. Only one is available. Others seem to exist. 5. Craven film taken in Dealey Plaza. 6. The 1967 CBS Special outtakes 7. Nix film UPI/HSCA receipt 8. Find the original Nix film 9. All Beer photos 10. The photo Moorman gave to patrolman Lumpkin 11. The photo that Sally Sedgwick Holt of the Dallas Morning News appears to have taken 12. The whole Darnell film which is available for viewing at the 6FM Research Room. 13. See DMN reporter Johnny Ruthlege's notes that his son has 14. All FWST George Smith photos. They are all available for viewing at the University of Texas in Arlington 15. The audios or/and transcripts of the SS interviews with WFAA reporters 16. The Sheriff Office Nov 22 recordings. 17. See all the photos and hear all the audios taken by a Japanese man throughout the weekend of the assassination, including the photo he took or was about to take just before Oswald got shot. 18. The blank photo taken by Earl Croft 19. See all the unedited Martin film in Dealey Plaza. 20. Det. Richard Sims' notes presented during his 6FM Oral History. He took those notes a few days after the assassination. 21. Houston Chronicle photographer Tom Rozumalski's photos he seems to have taken in Dealey Plaza. We see him in the Beers photo of the employees being put in a police car.
  10. Most Democrats are closet racists. Most of them will enjoy what Reagan said.
  11. Bart, good find. But page 2 is not there. EDIT: It says page 2 is missing on the top of page 3...
  12. WFAA reporter Vic Robertson told the SS that a woman said at the theatre that she thought the police had arrested her father.
  13. Vic Robertson was a WFAA Radio reporter at the Texas Theater before and during the capture of Oswald. Read the last paragraph of what he told the SS a few days after the events. https://postimg.cc/ykXMQtMy
  14. 8 minutes... Not 7 or 9. Someone had a stopwatch? What is Sparcatus’ source?
  15. Michael worked for Bell that had contracts with the military and Kennedy wanted to withdraw from Vietnam. Bell didn’t want to lose the contracts so they had Michael ask Ruth to find a job along the motorcade route to get rid of JFK.
  16. I don’t. Michael looked much like him, so there is a chance it is him. Allegedly her wife was CIA and Michael was overheard saying over the phone “We both know who is responsible”. And she is the one who helped Lee to find his job in the TSBD. When Detective Guy Rose 🌹 arrived at his residence Ruth she told 🌹 “We were expecting you...”
  17. My theory is that the Oswald look-alike was Robert Oswald. Prove me wrong!
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