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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. I will try to get smaller files of these pages and post them again.

    Regarding the absence of a Nix established feature missing from the Polaroid:

    The LA press story certainly compromises its evidentiary provenance......


    I stopped downloading those LA Free Press sites; they took too long and were too non-descript. What is the passage that raises questions about Moorman's "evidentiary provenance?"


    They shook the girls down over at the police station and held onto the polaroid for a few hours while they leaned on them, hard to tell how long, couple of hours of illegal detention, snapshot in the other room...quite a bad day for Moorman and Jean Hill........thats my take on the article in the LA Free Press 1968. Who knows? It should show Classic Marksman Figure but a ganzfeld is there instead.............

  2. I posted the a 1968 Los Angeles Free Press article on Man #5 seen in the Moorman photo. Since each page may take a while to download, I suggest you save the them on your hard disk for future reference.






  3. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...oice.261e0.html

    Never heard of him.


    During 13 years on the Dallas force, Mr. Jennings was on duty at Love

    Field when President John F. Kennedy arrived Nov. 22, 1963. Moments

    after the president was shot downtown, the officer was sent to

    Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he helped load the president's

    casket and assisted Jackie Kennedy into the hearse.

    The experience led to stories that he repeated for the rest of his



  4. Oh, yes, I agree that the scale is normal, and by that I mean that the classic gunman, fairly close to the wall is normal size.  If he was way back in the parking lot, then, yes he would have been a giant.  But he is close to the wall. You were too far to the right in your re-enactment to be where the Nix classic gunman was.

    We have been talking about some pictures without enough clarification, and I don't have them...could you clarify which is which? Is the highlighted figure (cutout) in Moorman?Which one is the Bell photo? I know we have limited graphics allotments, but I think you would seriously improve your argument by laying out the photos with identification...I'm confused and I have been following all this closely.  Bill Miller thinks the classic gunman is light and shadow (like the HSAC 1977 conclusions) and Jack White thinks the classic gunman is "sunspots and retouching" but I think the photo evidence shows a marksman, especially Nix--and the two blow-ups, but I don't know their origin (Bell? Moorman?) Sorry, just looking for clarification. Also where did you get the facing right profile? Finally, I think the car is closer in to the wall, the man and the car look to be close together, I know you separate them, but my point is yes, the gunman is at the wall, and the car is close in behind him, if that was physically possible...

    glad you're still with us


                       ...........(where is Roberdeau?)........

    I told you. Don has a lot of money. He is very busy right now spending it away. This Moorman blow-up was made by Lifton's friend, Ray Marcus in the 60's. I have a circa 1968 Los Angeles Free Press article about details on that blow-up that I will post this week-end.

  5. Is there one police station in America that Vernon has not called yet??? So far he has communicated with several local police stations, FBI, CIA, Department of Justice and the President of the United States. Who's next on his list? The Pope? :D


    Wim, so you know, I'm definitely a guy. Also, I'd like to add that Mr. Vernon has now called the Rhode Island State Police because of this posting. He's also come up with the ludicrous theory that I'm my own cousin posing as me. Let me make it clear, I use this last name because a) it's Dad's, b ) my last name hasn't been changed yet, and c) I prefer not to use my current last name for obvious reasons, plus, if one looks for me, they'll find me online under this name, so it's easier to use. I think it's safe to say, whether the threat is real or not, that we should lay off.

    ETA (edited to add): In regards to my age, it's 14. Any photo Vernon looked up in his mistaken theory search is probably that of my father, particularly if it resembled Bruce Willis (my dad is known for that). He's in his late forties. There. That's it. Case of mistaken theory/identity solved. My cousin was not involved, nor has he ever been, regardless of what Mr. Vernon told Mr. Simkin.

  6. Hi Bernice. I did not know you were from Canada. I have always had a good opinion of you. I was just trying to make you react a bit. I hope you forgive me.

    No, I did not read the Online Seminars. Well, I guess I should. I should have kept my mouth shut once more!


    Hi Denis: Fellow Canuck.... :D

            There is a proper way and this has been done...

    It is the copying of full posts, without permission of the poster to another Forum that is against the rules ,without permission.... John has already posted in his first post information taken from the Forum. But it was correct....

    His information about the photo was not ,so there is no problem with trying to clarify information that is incorrect, and in this thread....

    Thanks.....for your interest.....B

       QUOTE(Bernice Moore @ Dec 2 2004, 12:14 AM)

    Hi John:

            There is none, and has not been any photo of Gibson posted

    at the J.F.K Research Forum...

    I was there earlier yesterday and read that post, no photo, late last evening,

    I checked it ,no photo, and just now, no photo...

    and Rich has stated there has never been a photo of Gibson posted

    on the Forum, and he reads each and every post...

    There never was one.

    Perhaps you should check your source. Hope this clears up this



    Bernice, did you know that Rich may kick you out of his forum for reporting what is posted, or not posted on his forum?

  7. http://www.dmtimes.net/blog/_archives/2004/12/2/194852.html

    Alpine & Marathon: Book recalls Kennedy assassination

    Publish Date: December 2, 2004 | Permanent Link

    Dallas author Bob Huffaker, a television reporter during the Kennedy assassination in Dallas, will sign copies of his book When the News Went Live: Dallas, 1963 at 6:30 p.m. Saturday (Dec. 4) at Front Street Books in Marathon.

    Huffaker will be at Front Street Books in Alpine from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

    The book is composite history, written with three of his reporter-colleagues, Bill Mercer, George Phenix and Wes Wise, who chronicled the events leading up to and following the day Lee Harry Oswald shot President John F. Kennedy.

    The four reporters, who worked for KRLD-TV, the Dallas CBS affiliate, were on hand for the motorcade, the Oswald shooting by Jack Ruby and the subsequent trial. Their coverage won the Radio-Television News Directors Association’s highest award.

    Bob Schieffer, CBS news chief Washington correspondent, describing the book, wrote, “The first accounts of how the Kennedy assassination happened came from the local radio and TV reporters of Dallas. For the first time, some of the best of those reporters tell the gritty tale of how they did it. The story they tell is riveting, insightful and filled with new detail about that awful weekend that changed America.”

    From separate and interwoven viewpoints at the center of that tragedy, the four authors show what happened, how they covered the stunning events for the nation and how radio and television news has developed through the decades, both technically and ethically.

    The book, published by Taylor Trade Publishing, includes 43 photographs and is in second printing.

  8. I am wondering if leaving the JFK assassination research is not something we will have to do very soon, anyway. Nothing new has come up for a long time and it looks like nothing new of importance will ever come up either. I'm about to retire of the research community. Whatever my choice is, I will always be interested in watching some new documentaries, news reports, articles on the asssassination, new documents or new photos, though. And I will always be there if someone needs my help.

    Risking being sued by Vernon is not worthwhile for anyone. Better leave him alone.


    A new e-mail has arrived from Bob Vernon which I see was forwarded to some of my compatriots in the research community as a result of my own error in forwarding what seemed to my wife, at least, to be threatening behavior.  My desire was to have witnesses to what I was being subjected to. 

    I respect John Simkin's efforts very much, as I understand this to be a history forum, with concern for the legacy we leave to our children's children.  I'd hoped to be able to contribute to this.  I'm very sorry that this has impacted some of those I respect most.  I hereby withdraw from the forum and request that my membership be terminated.


    Tim Carroll


    sorry to read that you are leaving the forum, I ask you to reconsider that,

    I found your contributions not only on this forum very informative and

    always enjoyed reading them, I think the majority here sees it the same.

    Tim,that what I was meaning with "the whole Wim/Vernon mess", one

    gets in the line of fire as a bystander, simply by saying what one is thinking, you stated what you think, Tim yours is a free country (well sort of), so please, if you got the same mail that I got today, and that is the cause for your decission,I think you are grown up enough to not take that too serious, and even if it makes you feel unconfortable and gets to your nerves, maybe that is all that is wished as a result.

    I write this on basis of what I have seen on different forums over the last month's

    and from having had contact to the main parties involved on occassions.

    As a member here, and as a scholar of the case, I say that I never had a problem with what you wrote in any post that I did read , be it here or on lancerforum.

    Thanks Dave:

    Before my account is closed I will say that I'm not grown up enough to make my wife feel secure when she is required to be involved to get the harassment at home to stop. If the one who came into the COPA seminar in Dallas on 11/19 to take me out of the room to be given a "message" has a view to share, she is invited to do so, and explain the content of that message (or any of the gentlemen present where I was taken). Any person present at that conference that Friday night probably witnessed the intervention to which I refer. Mine is not a "free country." That's why my participation had so much meaning to me, and my association, give-and-take, and general fellowship with those who care held such meaning for me. I'm ashamed for my country that it needs John Simkin and Wim Dankbaar to pursue its history.



    Dear Tim,

    I am stunned. I hope that you will reconsider. Your imput was outstanding and I will very much miss your posts and updates on your paper.

    I hope that whatever Wim and Bob have to work out they do so and not let it drag this forum down. As I have said repeatedly since joining this forum, we all want to see this case moved ahead. Surely that has to be the number one priority and anyone with a further agenda who is coming onto this,or any other forum, needs to have that agenda dealt with. If Bob is so disbelieving of Tosh and Judyth, just bring it on. Post it, not these little in fights with Wim. It is THAT of which I was speaking against.

    Just why would someone go after - personally- people who are honestly trying to investigate the murder of a US president?

    I am really saddened to see people leave when they have made such important contributions. Terribly saddened.


  9. Hi John:

            There is none, and has not been any photo of Gibson posted

    at the J.F.K Research Forum...

    I was there earlier yesterday and read that post, no photo, late last evening,

    I checked it ,no photo, and just now, no photo...

    and Rich has stated there has never been a photo of Gibson posted

    on the Forum, and he reads each and every post...

    There never was one.

    Perhaps you should check your source. Hope this clears up this



    Bernice, did you know that Rich may kick you out of his forum for reporting what is posted, or not posted on his forum?

  10. Dawn

    Did you see the CSPAN Conference Session by David Wimp?

    Software engineer. He showed that the ZAPRUDER film shows Kennedy's head moving forward slightly simultaneously with the headshot only

    BECAUSE the 1963 Secret Service driver (Greer) was braking the vehicle down to eight miles an hour at that moment...

    the application of the brakes made BOTH JFK AND Agent Kellerman's heads bob forward together at the crucial film frame.

    Wimp noted that a heavy limousine on a downhill grade, with an automatic transmission, will COAST at over fifteen miles an hour...it was definitely braking to "eight miles an hour" for the ambuscade, after the throat shot and initial rounds were already fired and had been heard by the security detail.........

    You know what I think of scientific evidence like that....

    Agent Greer never would have done this without the explicit command traceable to one

    Clarence Douglass Dillon, President Kennedy's disloyal Secretary of Treasury,

    the 1963 Secret Service's Cabinet Executive

    as described in the 25th amendment.......


    You're lucky that Dillon died a year ago. You could have been sued.

  11. There are still some interesting shows left today, Saturday, and tomorrow. The President Limo will be present again on December 23.

    Sat,Nov 27 8PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK

    Sat, Nov 27 11PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK

    Sunday, Nov 28, 2PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News

    Sunday, Nov 28 4-4:30PM,ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries

    Somebody Killed the President

    Nov 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK


    Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    Investigating History

    The JFK Assassination.

    How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK

    assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more.


    Produced by Bill Kurtis

    THE JFK ASSASSINATION (Monday, November 22 at 10 pm ET/PT):

    How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK

    assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers

    with access to the evidence in the case, INVESTIGATING HISTORY looks

    at new information that examines which theories are believable, and

    which are not.

    -Experts look at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull;

    -At the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone


    -At the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and


    Acoustical evidence, which has been analyzed:

    -Examination of the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the

    motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that

    were fired.

    -A new investigation maintains there are five shots on the tape from

    an open microphone hanging on a motorcycle policeman's vehicle.

    Famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee wades into the investigation by

    calling for a return of evidence relating to the "crime scene":

    -The limousine carrying John Kennedy, Jackie, John Connolly and his


    -Items were picked up as souvenirs and may be resting in basements of

    private homes around the country. Example: windshield, which was

    damaged by a bullet.

    Featuring footage from The Cyril H., Wecht Institute of Forensic

    Science and Law, National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the JFK


    Executive Producer and television journalist Bill Kurtis returns with

    an all-new season of intriguing investigations that explore some of

    history's most perplexing puzzles in the weekly one-hour series

    INVESTIGATING HISTORY on The History Channel.


    Discovery Channel http://www.discoverychannel.com

    Medical Casebook


    When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with

    him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and

    maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child

    and had to endure illness all through his life.


    JFK: Breaking the News http://www.pbs.org

    A look back at how Dallas reporters covered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Included: how the limited technology hindered their efforts


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    History's Mysteries

    Somebody Killed the President.

    The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the

    world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger

    that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents

    have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William

    McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White

    House victims.


    The Speed Channel http://www.speedtv.com/programs/323/

    Presidential Limo

    The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine

    JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time

    a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by

    presidents for years after Kennedy's death.

  12. Just one correction: JFK Breaking The News is aired at 2PM. Next program is aired this Saturday. Actually, the last shows are aired on Saturday and Sunday. A JFK week-end!


    Nov 27 8PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK

    Nov 27 11PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK

    Nov 28, 2PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News

    Nov 28 4-4:30PM,ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries

    Somebody Killed the President

    Nov 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK


    Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    Investigating History

    The JFK Assassination.

    How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK

    assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more.


    Produced by Bill Kurtis

    THE JFK ASSASSINATION (Monday, November 22 at 10 pm ET/PT):

    How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK

    assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers

    with access to the evidence in the case, INVESTIGATING HISTORY looks

    at new information that examines which theories are believable, and

    which are not.

    -Experts look at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull;

    -At the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone


    -At the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and


    Acoustical evidence, which has been analyzed:

    -Examination of the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the

    motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that

    were fired.

    -A new investigation maintains there are five shots on the tape from

    an open microphone hanging on a motorcycle policeman's vehicle.

    Famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee wades into the investigation by

    calling for a return of evidence relating to the "crime scene":

    -The limousine carrying John Kennedy, Jackie, John Connolly and his


    -Items were picked up as souvenirs and may be resting in basements of

    private homes around the country. Example: windshield, which was

    damaged by a bullet.

    Featuring footage from The Cyril H., Wecht Institute of Forensic

    Science and Law, National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the JFK


    Executive Producer and television journalist Bill Kurtis returns with

    an all-new season of intriguing investigations that explore some of

    history's most perplexing puzzles in the weekly one-hour series

    INVESTIGATING HISTORY on The History Channel.


    Discovery Channel http://www.discoverychannel.com

    Medical Casebook


    When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with

    him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and

    maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child

    and had to endure illness all through his life.


    JFK: Breaking the News http://www.pbs.org

    A look back at how Dallas reporters covered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Included: how the limited technology hindered their efforts


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    History's Mysteries

    Somebody Killed the President.

    The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the

    world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger

    that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents

    have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William

    McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White

    House victims.


    The Speed Channel http://www.speedtv.com/programs/323/

    Presidential Limo

    The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine

    JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time

    a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by

    presidents for years after Kennedy's death.

  13. One addition: A report called "Lee Harvey Oswald's Last Steps" on November 22. So there are at least three programs this Monday.



    Nov 22, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News

    Nov 22, 10PM-11PM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK


    Nov 23, 2AM-3AM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK


    Nov 23, 12PM-1PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK


    Nov 23, 6PM-7PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK


    Nov 23, 8AM-10AM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis


    Nov 23, 2PM-4PM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis


    Nov 23, 10AM-12PM,ET/PT History Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power

    Nov 27 8PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK

    Nov 27 11PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK

    Nov 28, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News

    Nov 28 4-4:30PM,ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries

    Somebody Killed the President

    Nov 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK


    Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    Kennedys: The Curse of Power

    Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to

    power--from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic


    in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the

    assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and


    as surrogate father to a fatherless generation.


    The Speed Channel http://www.speedtv.com/programs/323/

    Presidential Limo

    The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine

    JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time

    a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by

    presidents for years after Kennedy's death.


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    Investigating History

    The JFK Assassination.

    How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK

    assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers


    access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new

    information that examines which theories are believable, and which are

    not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from


    radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the


    of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of


    skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone

    assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet"


    and more.


    Produced by Bill Kurtis

    THE JFK ASSASSINATION (Monday, November 22 at 10 pm ET/PT):

    How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK

    assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers

    with access to the evidence in the case, INVESTIGATING HISTORY looks

    at new information that examines which theories are believable, and

    which are not.

    -Experts look at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull;

    -At the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone


    -At the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and


    Acoustical evidence, which has been analyzed:

    -Examination of the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the

    motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that

    were fired.

    -A new investigation maintains there are five shots on the tape from

    an open microphone hanging on a motorcycle policeman's vehicle.

    Famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee wades into the investigation by

    calling for a return of evidence relating to the "crime scene":

    -The limousine carrying John Kennedy, Jackie, John Connolly and his


    -Items were picked up as souvenirs and may be resting in basements of

    private homes around the country. Example: windshield, which was

    damaged by a bullet.

    Featuring footage from The Cyril H., Wecht Institute of Forensic

    Science and Law, National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the JFK


    Executive Producer and television journalist Bill Kurtis returns with

    an all-new season of intriguing investigations that explore some of

    history's most perplexing puzzles in the weekly one-hour series

    INVESTIGATING HISTORY on The History Channel.


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    Missing Files: The JFK Assassination

    Did an elaborate cover-up conceal evidence about JFK's assassination?


    us as we reveal new discoveries and footage resulting from a 5-year

    unprecedented search for truth by a small government agency, the

    Assassinations Records Review Board. We also hear from experts who


    in the official version and conspiracy theorists.


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified

    In October 1962, the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war. The

    Soviet Union's Premier Nikita Khrushchev had placed missiles in Cuba


    defend it from unexpected American invasion. When U.S. intelligence

    provided President John F. Kennedy with proof, he demanded that they


    removed, risking the first nuclear exchange between the superpowers.


    new information reveals just how fragile communication between Moscow


    Washington was and how little each side understood of the other.


    Discovery Channel http://www.discoverychannel.com

    Medical Casebook


    When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with

    him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and

    maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child

    and had to endure illness all through his life.


    History Channel http://www.historychannel.com

    History's Mysteries

    Somebody Killed the President.

    The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the

    world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger

    that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents

    have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William

    McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White

    House victims.

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