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Mark Knight

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Everything posted by Mark Knight

  1. The ensuing discussion MADE it a political discussion. Had your thread stayed on its original subject, I would wholeheartedly agree with you. And if i had picked the winning lottery numbers, I would be a millionaire. But neither occurred.
  2. When Crooks was shot in the head, requiring his body (which carried no ID) to be identified by DNA...it was a certainty that, unlike horror movies, he wasn't coming back to life. You may entertain that fantasy if you find it comforting, but it doesn't fit the details we know.
  3. NO THREADS WERE DELETED. Several threads on the Trump assassination attempt were moved to the Political Discussions board...which is another part of The Education Forum. Not all posts to The Education Forum relate to the JFK assassination. those that don't are moved to more appropriate areas by moderators and administrators. They are NOT "hidden" or "exiled" to "die." You can bookmark the Political Discussions forum just as easily as you have already bookmarked the JFK Assassination Discussion forum. Here's the URL: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/forum/258-political-discussions/ Click on the URL. When it pulls up, bookmark it. Then click on your bookmark to go directly to the Political Discussion section of The Education Forum. That's exactly how simple it is to access the information there. No one is prohibiting you from using the procedures in the previous paragraph to ease your access to the Political Discussions area...except yourself, if you refuse to access these areas. Then it becomes a matter of choice. Once you bookmark the link, it's as easy as going to the JFK Assassination Discussion Forum that you've already bookmarked. The Education Forum has areas to discuss many things. The political discussions go to the Political Discussion forum for the same reason that the discussions on teaching German go to their particular forum: because that's where they belong. It's not a difficult concept, and it's not meant to "penalize" anyone or "censor" anyone. The mods and admins do this this for the same reason you put your clean dishes in the cupboard or cabinet and hang your clothes in your closet, assuming you actually do these things in your own home.
  4. Because it's not directly related to the JFK assassination, I am establishing a separate forum to discuss the Donald J. Trump assassination attempt that occurred on Saturday, July 13, 2024...and information primarily related to that event.
  5. I still have questions about Antifa. Is it really an organization? If so, how does one become a member? Are there meetings and dues and membership cards...or is it like MAGA, minus the hats? And if Antifa means "anti-fascists," why wouldn't every American want to be a part of it? Or maybe they would, if only they could find where the meetings are held.
  6. In either case, the head of the SS should be immediately removed from office.
  7. Thank you for clarifying that your statement was not factual.
  8. Mr. Cole, If the only Robert F Kennedy assassination was in 1968, why would it not be simply THE RFKA? There has been no RFK2A, so the "1" is superfluous. Or do you also refer to the MLK1A? (Only one Martin Luther King was assassinated as well.) If you don't, then using the term RFK1A is inconsistent at best.
  9. Greg, To me this strongly indicates a dereliction of duty on the part of the Secret Service.
  10. How, exactly, Mr. Cole, does the one who originated a thread get accused of "hijacking" his own thread? I'm not certain that's even possible.
  11. Mr. Cole, You and I will simply have to disagree on this one. In government, agency heads are sacked for many reasons. The head of the agency is usually fired when the agency itself fails to perform its most important duties. I think that since a sniper was able to get into position and fire at a presidential candidate, wounding the candidate and killing a couple of other people, it is ENTIRELY appropriate for the head of the agency -- whose PRIMARY JOB is to protect the President, former Presidents, and Presidential candidates -- to lose his or her job. IMHO, the head of the SS should have been fired after the JFK assassination, after the attempted assassination of Gerald Ford, and after the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. THIS IS NO DIFFERENT. So CHEATLE NEEDS TO BE FIRED, AND FIRED QUICKLY.
  12. Mr. Cole, Please cite a neutral but reliable source for your statement. Otherwise, I request that you retract it.
  13. I'm moving this thread to the Political Discussion area. Since Page 4, partisan political discussions have taken over the thread.
  14. Thank you, Bill Simpich. Your explanations here have clarified the matter a lot.
  15. I haven't had the opportunity to take the time to listen to the interview, but many thanks for sharing it here.
  16. John Simkin would absolutely be the one to contact for that information.
  17. My comment following last night's presidential debate: Pete Buttigieg is looking really good to me about now. Why do I say that? Because, although VP Kamala Harris has had a few sporadic bright moments over the past 4 years, for the most part she has afterwards faded into the woodwork, making herself invisible. In contrast, who does the administration bring forth to comment on the Sunday news shows? Pete Buttigieg. He's intelligent, he's articulate, he's capable of quick and effective responses to questions and comments. Imagine Pete Buttigieg in a debate against Donald Trump. In a nutshell, Buttigieg is everything Biden was NOT in last night's debate. And that is what the Democrats are looking for. Biden didn't show any leadership qualities in the debate. Buttigieg's public statements for the administration show plenty of leadership ability. But will Biden be removed from the ticket? Before last night, that wasn't a possibility. After last night, it is.
  18. Rather than having multiple redundant threads regarding the JFK Assassination Records Act, we are now combining those threads into THIS ONE. IT WILL BE PINNED TO THE OPENING PAGE OF THE JFK ASSASSINATION DISCUSSION FORUM. Any further threads on the topic will be merged into this thread.
  19. Getting back on topic... The administrators are in the process of setting up a team of moderators. Ron Bulman is still a moderator. Evan Burton has agreed to resume his former moderator position. And we are currently seeking a few more moderators to add to the team. [Each administrator retains moderator authority as well.]
  20. And yet, here you are. As Jim D. said, I also have never heard anyone who is a serious researcher state an "Israel killed KFK" opinion. Not the Mossad, not David Ben Gurion, not anyone connected to Israel. I personally consider anyone who subscribes to an "Israel killed JFK" theory a crackpot, making statements that cannot be supported by facts. Guilt by association can be a dangerous path. Just because I once knew a person who was an actual member of the Ku Klux Klan doesn't mean I agreed with him. [I don't, and never did.] Do you understand what a straw man argument is? Your antisemitism claims against any member of the EF, while citing non-EF members discussing the "Israel killed JFK" theory ELSEWHERE as evidence of antisemitism on the EF, is disingenuous. It's a straw-man argument.
  21. In case no one has noticed, the three threads regarding the verbal flogging of Pat Speer have been merged into one. After all, they are NOT separate topics.
  22. Pat, The EF has had those forums for quite some time. Some people simply refuse to use them. Check 'em out: Forums - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com) There are all kinds of forums here. Most initially were for educators to discuss topics in their subject matter. But there are separate forums to discuss NON-JFK assassination political conspiracies, and many other topics not related to the JFK assassination. So when a moderator moves a thread to its correct forum, it's usually followed by "great wailing and gnashing of teeth" because the proper forums don't generate the volume of traffic that the JFK assassination does. But a good moderator does what's right, despite the complaints, because that's how the EF is supposed to work. It's a big ol' world, both "out there" as well as "in here" at the EF.
  23. This thread isn't about current politics. This thread is about improving the current state of the Education Forum. If you want to discuss the Biden Administration, please start a separate thread. If you want to discuss former President Trump, please start a separate thread. If you have suggestions about improving the forum, you can discuss them freely on this thread.
  24. Harassing and haranguing members whose interpretation of the evidence -- including witness testimony -- differ from some prescribed "orthodoxy," until they either leave the forum or "convert" to someone else's interpretation has never, IMHO, been the purpose of the Education Forum. You cannot verbally "beat" someone into submission. As a forum member, that's improper. As a moderator, that's inexcusable...IMHO.
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