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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Her dance mentor wasn't nobody. She was an Artist. Artists push the boundaries. She was a victim. A victim embroiled even in a pro anti Wilde fight, at a time of Victorian-Edwardian concepts of morality (and supremacy for that matter including sexism). Sometimes I wonder if things really have changed all that much. ''Cynthia Asquith wrote in her diary: "One can't imagine a more undignified paragraph in English history: at this juncture, that three-quarters of The Times should be taken up with such a farrago of nonsense! It is monstrous that these maniacs should be vindicated in the eyes of the public... Papa came in and announced that the monster maniac Billing had won his case. Damn him! It is such an awful triumph for the unreasonable, such a tonic to the microbe of suspicion which is spreading through the country, and such a stab in the back to people unprotected from such attacks owing to their best and not their worst points." Basil Thomson, who was head of Special Branch, an in a position to know that Eileen Villiers-Stewart and Harold S. Spencer had lied in court, wrote in his diary, "Every-one concerned appeared to have been either insane or to have behaved as if he were." Billing retained his seat at the 1918 General Election but with the end of the First World War he was seen as an irrelevance. His reputation was severely damaged when Eileen Villiers-Stewart admitted that the evidence she had given in the Maud Allan trial was entirely fictitious, and that she had rehearsed it with billing and Harold S. Spencer. Knowing that he faced defeat in the next election he retired in 1921 claiming he was too ill to continue.''
  2. Thank's Paul. But they already had 'the market' and, taking Nicaragua as an example, trained funded and supported in all ways the fight against the Sandinistas. They lost Somoza and were in danger of losing much more. The recent formation of the Latin American group of solidarity and the various other ways that this region seeks to throw off the yoke of US Imperialism seems to me a logical process going back to Jose Marti, Sandino, Zapata even and others. One could also look at Marxs disbanding the First International in order to form a second one free from the influence of the Swiss Guilds. IMO It's the actions by the wage or otherwise slaves that drive the Revolutions whether it be Cromwells Peasants or Fidels Guerillas. To expect any concessions from the inevitable counterrevolutions is silly and I think it doesn't need any input from Smoot to clarify it. I suppose some would like to disempower a united working class and it seems to me that Smoots notion creates a palatable world view for some if not many. BTW I reckon you going after Walker is probably right on the money. edit typos
  3. edit add Hmm, I asked about an image of the type of El Meter in the wrong thread.
  4. Thank you, Ed. That's interesting. I know it's a minor point, but it's interesting to know these things. Do you have a link to an image of the relevant type Meter 'Box'?
  5. JFK Research Archive: Latest Uploads Notifications of research archive updates
  6. '' The Ghosts of Mississippi '' makes for an interesting counterpoint.
  7. I thought of those, Ed, but isn't that a bit high? Some alarm perhaps? Another thing. I wonder if one can take the window configuration as indicating a (right front corner) vestibule of sorts that could be taken as a downstairs room?
  8. Excellent, Barry. Does that contain the 'hidden' docs. Either way a repository for them exists. Good one.
  9. Yes, I know. I think a group effort is needed. I started on box 1 and it didn't take long to give up. Some series seem to end but adding another # reveals further docs and the temptation to read is strong so one really needs to approach it methodically. Chopped up into tasks by a number of people that methodically explores the lot is perhaps a big ask but it may prove quite worthwhile. I find using a multi tab browser and habituating to the iteration through practice can make it quick to explore trees and then download one after the other into a repository then closing the tabs and starting on another batch. Then later at leisure read them. edit add : I'll prob remmember more things I found. Some docs are listed but no link but a serial number. That can be turned into a url. I think (I'm growing old and it seems years ago now., prob no more than a few) I found some basement plats that way when looking into who was in the basement.
  10. John Dolva


    http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awb/linux.history.html LINUX's History Note: The following text was written by Linus on July 31 1992. It is a collection of various artifacts from the period in which Linux first began to take shape. This is just a sentimental journey into some of the first posts concerning linux, so you can happily press 'n' now if you actually thought you'd get anything technical. From: torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Gcc-1.40 and a posix-question Message-ID: Date: 3 Jul 91 10:00:50 GMT Hello netlanders, ...
  11. Yep, good call BK. John F. Kennedy/Dallas Police Department Collection
  12. There seems to be a way of accessing more documents on the DPD archive. I first noticed it and after loooking around a bit realised it was a pretty huge task to figure it all out so I emailed a couple of researchers about how and left it at that. Some time later I mentioned it in a post and have done so again a couple of times. It seems it is news to some. Sad really because of the potential to tap something before the 'leak' is plugged. I suggest a concerted effort just to garner all that's there aqap. Prob a small group focusing individually and indiscriminately on different boxes can get it done fairly quickly. basically you've got the database and the pdf file and the varying numbers (some you have to scroll for) assigned to each box folder item. Just because it says 3 pages and there are three links there are actually maybe up to 6 more docs accessed by incrementing the gif # (one can also play around with the other numbers) . eg the letters to JR in one folder item stops at about 56 but by adding 1 for a while then started jumping in lots of 10 and went back and forth a bit then gave up at about 120. So, it seems to me to be worthwhile. Dig. edit typos
  13. Paul, on the whole I find your posts a breath of fresh air. I don't get this sentence : ''promoting communism in Latin America in order to produce chaos so that their Corporations can move in under the pretext of restoring order'' - Could you elaborate or clarify it, please?
  14. Ed, George padlocked the door after the Oswald's moved out. Would he really need a padlock unless the door could not otherwise be locked? Just a thought... i The cable to the house came from the pole at the corner in to top right from front. Each of the front entrances have a 'box' on the left of the doors. These are the meters.? the Jones color image shows the 'box' that the porch post in the dpd photo obscures and the power line coming in.
  15. John Dolva


    If you're wondering why a certain distribution isn't listed here, you may want to check our page explaining why we don't endorse some common distributions. There, we've listed the reasons why several well-known distributions don't meet our guidelines. Some distributions are making efforts to move toward a completely free system. We thank them for their ongoing work to achieve that goal, and hope to list them here some day. Individual GNU packages (most of which are included in the free distros here) are described separately. All of the distributions that follow are installable to a computer's hard drive and most can be run live. They are listed in alphabetical order. BLAG Linux and GNU, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Fedora. Dragora, an independent GNU/Linux distribution based on concepts of simplicity. Dynebolic, a GNU/Linux distribution with special emphasis on audio and video editing. gNewSense, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian and Ubuntu, with sponsorship from the FSF. Musix, a GNU+Linux distribution based on Knoppix, with special emphasis on audio production. Parabola GNU/Linux, a distribution based on Arch that prioritizes simple package and system management. Trisquel, a GNU/Linux distribution oriented toward small enterprises, domestic users and educational centers. Ututo, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Gentoo. It was the first fully free GNU/Linux system recognized by the GNU Project. Venenux, a GNU/Linux distribution built around the KDE desktop. In addition to their own sites, many of these distros are available from mirror.fsf.org. Feel free to download or mirror the distros from there, preferably using rsync. (Free distro maintainers: please contact FSF sysadmin to have your distro mirrored there.) GNU home page FSF home page GNU Art GNU Fun GNU's Who? Free Software Directory Site map The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users. Support GNU and the FSF by buying manuals and gear, joining the FSF as an associate member or by making a donation, either directly to the FSF or via Flattr.
  16. http://freethe5vancouver.ca/ "Volveran!" Poems in commemoration of 10 years of their unjust imprisonment in US jails A collection of poems for the 5 Cuban heroes by Vancouver social justice activists
  17. http://www.freethefive.org/ Introduction to the case • Who are the Cuban Five? • What you can do to help • Write the Five • Download the most recent flyer: English • Spanish • Join our email list to keep informed • View the calendar of upcoming events • Become a fan of the National Committee on Facebook to keep up with the latest news
  18. http://www.freethecuban5.com/ Due to the U.S. government's denial to approve visas, Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo and Rene Gonzalez Sehwerert have not seen their wives since their incarceration!! Others in the Cuban 5 have not seen their parents, wives and children with regularity. The U.S. government has taken prolonged periods of time to issue them visas. The U.S. government's denial of visitation rights is a cruel and horrible form of psychological torture. Their rationale for denial is ridiculous and baseless; none of these family members are a threat to national security. We are asking people to fax or mail out this letter to Ms. Navanetham Pillay, The NEW High Commissioner of Human Rights of the Office for Human Rights-United Nations Office at Geneva. We are asking her to intercede on behalf of the Cuban 5's mothers/wives to pressure the U.S. government to grant them VISAs to visit their husbands/sons!! Sign it and mail/fax to: Ms. Navanetham Pillay, High Commissioner of Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights-United Nations Office at Geneva 8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: + 41 22 917 9011 Letter to High Commissioner edit format
  19. I've been messing around with iterations of doc #'s in the dpd database to see if there is a scanned copy (there often are and can be found by adding an integer to the gif #). I can't find a ref to this one : (so I don't know which box*** etc) http://jfk.ci.dallas...25/2504-003.gif Is it known what this ''volume 14'' contains? edit add : ***found it : 8 9 27 edit add more on 'hidden' dpd docs : eg: take ''Box 20: Folder 4 1. Memorandum, by Manuel Vasquez. Memorandum transferring radio transcript to the Records Division for transfer to the Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center (DMARC), (Original), 02/10/92. 00003970 20 04 001 2. Radio Traffic Transcript, by an unknown author. Transcript of radio traffic from President's arrival at Love Field to the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 11/22/63. 00003971 20 04 002'' no gif links?.. however : http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/39/ + 3971-001.gif etc leads to numerous copies. I stopped at 22. Similarly do for any other entry and you'll find lots more docs. eg: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/39/3971-022.gif
  20. Special Articles Olga Salanueva: I want you free ... Interview with Father Geoffrey Bottoms International Solidarity with Cuban Five Strengthened in the 7th International Colloquium for the Release of the Cuban Five and against Terrorism Giustino Di Celmo: The Five Symbolize Human Sensibility Cuban Five's Relatives Urge Barack Obama to Honor his Nobel Peace Title Lunes, 12 de Diciembre de 2011 11:51 Saul Landau encourages Boston activists to embrace cause of the Cuban Five By Nancy Kohn, December 5, 2011 Boston: Saul Landau, internationally known scholar, author, commentator, and filmmaker on foreign and domestic policy issues was warmly received by 130 people at the Jamaica Plain Forum on Thursday evening, December 1st. The JP Forum hosts community conversations on the burning issues of the day, most often focused on growing economic inequality. It is a program of First Church Unitarian Universalist and the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies. Saul Landau has been a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies since 1972. Saul introduced his latest film, "Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?" This 2010 documentary chronicles half a century of hostile U.S.-Cuba relations and helps explain why the Cuban Five had to come to Miami in the mid-90′s to infiltrate the terrorist cells in south Florida bent on destroying Cuba. One activist who attended commented that "hearing real people honestly talk was most revealing and amazing. I think it clearly showed the 5′s innocence." A reviewer wrote about the undeclared war against Cuba: "Perhaps the best cinematic summary of this reality was rendered in the film by none other than the current chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Foreign Affairs, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who declared for all to see and hear that she would welcome the assassination of Fidel Castro. .. A U.S. Congresswoman asking for the murder of another country's leader — a most egregious, unbelievable demonstration of this undeclared war with Cuba." What makes this comment especially noteworthy is that it was written by Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired Colonel from the U.S. Army and Chief of Staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2002 to 2005. Wilkerson is interviewed twice in the film. Also in the film, Antonio Veciana described three failed assassination plots he directed against Fidel Castro – with the help and encouragement of the CIA. In 1960, Maurice Bishop had recruited Veciana for CIA dirty trick operations in Havana. Veciana described how the CIA, working with the Catholic Church, forged a Cuban "law" in which the revolutionary government would substitute for parental authority. Using this forged document, CIA agents circulated the story throughout Cuba, and included an offer by the Catholic Church to bring Cuban children, ages 8-19, to the United States. As part of Operation Peter Pan, 14,000 Cuban children, mostly from the propertied class, got smuggled out of Cuba between 1960 and 1962. Veciana also told Landau that on April 13, 1961, his agents torched El Encanto, Havana's largest department store. Following the film, Landau was asked why he had not provided more in depth information about the Cuban Five. He explained that despite many formal requests, he was never allowed to interview inside any of the federal penitentiaries where the five Cubans have been incarcerated since 1998. He did speak of his many visits with Gerardo Hernandez who is serving two life sentences at Victorville prison. He said that he had never met anyone of such internal strength and integrity. Landau also answered questions about the unconscionable decision by Judge Joan Lenard of Miami, which prevents Rene Gonzalez, the first of the five to have served out his sentence, from being allowed to return to his homeland. Saul said it is obvious that Rene's life is in grave danger in south Florida where he has been told he must now serve 3 years of supervised release. At the end of the evening, more than 100 people signed a petition to Attorney General Eric Holder, requesting his intervention in the case of Rene Gonzalez. Holder's family is from Barbados, so the cover letter accompanying the petition reminded him of the first mid-air bombing of a civilian airplane that occurred in 1976 when a Cubana Airliner was downed after taking off from Barbados. The letter stated, "We should all be horrified by that act and understand why Cuba needed eyes and ears in Miami to prevent further attacks." As people left the church they took postcards to send to President Obama and to the Attorney General. All were encouraged to write letters to editors about the Five and to take magnets reminding them that on the 5th of every month they need to contact President Obama to demand the immediate return of René Gonzalez to his homeland and to immediately free all of the Cuban 5. The audience was made up primarily of activists involved in a host of issues. Some acknowledged that they are sometimes cynical about the difference that a petition or a postcard campaign can make. It was helpful to point out that three of the five Cuban heroes had their sentences greatly reduced in 2009 because of international pressure that called into question the prosecutorial misconduct in the court case. Every public act of solidarity that can be made to break the silence that surrounds the terrible injustice of the Cuban Five is worth making.
  21. John Dolva


    http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/237516/five_linux_desktops_that_arent_unity_or_gnome_3.html ''... Torvalds' reaction to what he views as the "head up the arse" behavior in GNOME 3? “I'm using Xfce,” he said. “I think it's a step down from gnome2, but it's a huge step up from gnome3.” Both Unity and GNOME 3 have their fans, to be sure. But one of the best features of the free and open source Linux operating system is that there's almost infinite customization possible, so you can make it pretty much whatever you want it to be. If you're looking for an alternative to one of these less-than-universally-loved desktops, here are a few key contenders to consider. Many, it should be noted, don't just rival but often surpass what's offered by Windows and Mac OSX. Five Alternatives to Consider 1. KDE I'll start off with KDE, which historically has been the most obvious and longstanding alternative. If you run Kubuntu instead of the standard desktop Ubuntu, in fact, KDE is what you're already used to. KDE is also similar in many ways to Microsoft Windows, so if you've spent much time on a Microsoft system, KDE will probably feel familiar to you as well. KDE and GNOME differ primarily in the way they present things on the desktop. Traditionally, GNOME's desktop has been associated with simplicity while KDE's has offered more options. With a highly polished look, some believe KDE is the most visually attractive of all the Linux desktops. Besides Kubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS are all among the distributions that include KDE by default. 2. Xfce Yes, it appears the low-resources Xfce desktop is now the choice of Linus Torvalds himself. Not that it's any wonder, of course. In fact, Xfce is a great lightweight desktop that's used by default in Xubuntu, the Ubuntu variant designed for low-specification computers. Xfce focuses on using minimal resources while offering very quick speeds. Xfce is also modular, standards-compliant and reusable, allowing users to pick and choose from a number of separately packaged components. 3. Enlightenment It may be somewhat less well-known than KDE and Xfce, but Enlightenment offers an excellent alternative. Sometimes known also as E, Enlightenment serves as the basis for the Bodhi Linux distribution but can also serve as a window manager within GNOME or KDE. The software can be used on anything from mobile phones all the way up to powerful, multi-core desktops. 4. LXDE A small footprint is generally a desirable quality in a Linux desktop, and on that front LXDE is a leading contender. Short for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, LXDE demands very few resources and so is an excellent choice for older computers, in particular. That's not to say it's overly bare-bones, however; rather, it features an attractive interface, multilanguage support, standard keyboard shortcuts and additional features like tabbed file browsing. LXDE is featured by default in the Lubuntu variant of Ubuntu as well as Knoppix. 5. Fluxbox Last but not least, Fluxbox is an X window manager that's full-featured but very light on resources and easy to handle. Fluxbox is not as feature-rich as GNOME or KDE, but it's considerably friendlier for low-spec computing uses. Linux users who are not happy with their favorite distribution's choice of a desktop environment can always switch distributions, of course. I often recommend Linux Mint for those who want to do that. It's typically not necessary to go that far, however. In most cases, you can keep the Linux distribution you've been using and just add on a different desktop.
  22. John Dolva


    linux distros download links http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html Free GNU/Linux distributions The FSF is not responsible for the content of other web sites, or how up-to-date their content is. Following are the GNU/Linux distributions we know of which have a firm policy commitment to only include and only propose free software. They reject non-free applications, non-free programming platforms, non-free drivers, or non-free firmware “blobs”. If by mistake they do include any, they remove it. If you have found such non-free software or documentation in one of these distributions, you can report the issue and earn GNU Bucks in the process. To learn more about what makes for a free GNU/Linux distribution, see our Guidelines for Free System Distributions. We list companies that sell hardware preinstalled with a free GNU/Linux distribution separately. If you know of a distribution that may qualify but isn't listed here, please ask the distribution's maintainers if they want to follow these free software principles. If they do, and they would like their distribution to be listed here, they should write to <webmasters@gnu.org>. If you're wondering why a certain distribution isn't listed here, you may want to check our page explaining why we don't endorse some common distributions. There, we've listed the reasons why several well-known distributions don't meet our guidelines. Some distributions are making efforts to move toward a completely free system. We thank them for their ongoing work to achieve that goal, and hope to list them here some day. Individual GNU packages (most of which are included in the free distros here) are described separately. --------------------------- http://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=108605.0 --------------------------- http://www.downseeker.com/software/linux-distros/ OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Why? (to be edited) Pro: Con:
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