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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Perhaps Tim, but it connects with a number of topics. One that often arises is education. Self education is a response to a feeling that 'state sanctioned education' is not good. There are a number of groups that resort to this, particularly on the radical right and radical left. The feeling that society is a sham is an understandable one. Where the response is a genuine attempt to create a balance, in spite of perhaps being paranoia induced, it stands a chance of contributing something positive. Where it is a deliberate attempt to lead people astray and 'dumb down' in order to introduce an uneducated agenda it can be dangerous. This is what 'closed societies' depend upon. Cults and block groups (such as the KKK, Christian Identity and other right wing groups.) where the leadership has an agenda that uses understandably disillusioned people. One of their main issues is education. Self or closed education, such as exclusion of large groups in society (in this instance Negroes) perpetuates a skewed view of reality. On the other hand there are parents who see the existing education as limited and want to broaden their childrens education in a better environment. Robert, on the whole I see these sort of topics as having value and not to be so readily dismissed. If nothing else it allows a view to aspects of society otherwise hidden. In this instance, perhaps one of the contributors to that site is a clue to it's agenda _________________________ pieman New Amerikkkan Coup Fri Aug 29 01:30:25 2003 New Amerikkkan Coup Click: ________________________ Ameri - kkk - an. KKK??
  2. Yup, that's him, thank's for finding/posting Robin. He is about the tallest there. One person I've been looking at is Warren Ferguson, soundman for Jim Davidson , who filmed from inside the room behind him. This film exists but not the original. Ferguson was interviewed in Houston by DPD detectives where he gave an almost word for word testimony to that of Jim. He also told them he had been interviewed by the FBI. However no photos yet. The 'Davidson' film would be most interesting to see as it supposedly the only one in existence that shows the shooting from that POV and may shed more light on the 'pass the parcel' movement by the man in question. Apparently a brittle strip from the film is held by the Dallas JFK database. (Richard, Quigly when resized and reoriented seems to me to have (while a very similar mien) a thinner face.) Duke, what you say about the database is spot on, there are a number of files available that are not listed, however with a bit of searching one can get at them. In this way a good copy of the scaled diagram appears to be accessible. Unfortunately on it the numbers are blacked out. The man marked as 'm' may be the best bet so far as his face is very clear and distinct on the photo posted by Robin. Most of the officers detail who they were standing next to.
  3. The following may be helpful. Most statements by witnesses describe who was standing nearby. This composite shows most of the people in the small area. Of these 'm' and 'f' were closest to the man in question. Who were they?
  4. Richard. Yes, red dots as produced by 'terraserver' and no, the actual streets are not in line, however sometimes of course that is not an issue. I suggest checking with streretmap, if it corresponds then you have house location, otherwise there is something wrong with how MS produces these results. I estimate about 600 m as crow flies. There is option on terraserver map maker to view results as aerial, topographic or street map depending on whats available for that particular area.
  5. Images from microsoft terraserver (enter address and street number)
  6. An attempt at getting into Rubys' mind:: (Oswald -red, Ruby -green, Unknown man - blue) It is possible in the light of this study to begin to see Ruby in a particular light. Bearing in mind where he was, Dallas, his Judaism, his wish to be accepted, his generous nature combined with his violent moods. A troubled man. His mind distorted by the use of drugs. I see a potential patsy. It seems that a number of people were 'pissing'in his ear, seeding and bolstering views that made him see himself perhaps as the avenger of all the holocausts, pogroms, evils of the world, coming together as an opportunity to 'right a wrong' to build a bridge, to hit back etc. The drugs he was taking was making this make sense. The killing of Oswald destroys the source of the pain. It is in this space that a consideration of Ruby not as a Mobster, not as a witting participant in a conspiracy, not as a cold blooded murderer, but perhaps as a disturbed man on the edge of sanity. Thus, to cooler calculating individuals, patsy number two. Just a thought, I wonder what members who have a deeper knowledge of Ruby thinks of such a view. _______ To mind then comes the question: who manipulated Ruby? Was it some identifiable entity acting deliberately, or was ti the general atmosphere he lived in. In a right wing south, Jews, Ngroes and Catholics were targets of discrimination. Not across the board but by particular influential groupings. These groupings were the first that people instinctively blamed for the assassination of Kennedy. Perhaps Ruby as a Jew shooting Oswald introduced an element to an already tense situation so that there was a strong incentive to recoil from such considerations. All in all a pretty confusing situation. It would have been very interesting to have been in Dallas at the time to observe and record the thought of people. One thing that strikes me as curious is the number of people who sent congratulating telegrams and defense funds to Ruby. This plus the stark clarity induced by confinement, seems to have made Ruby doubt his sanity. He seems to have steered well clear of an insanity plea. Which is insane in itself. _______the ID of the man coloured Blue is still sought, (the other issue is: what happened to the small bottle with a brown liquid(please see above posts)) EDIT :: my observation of Ruby wearing a skull cap prior to darting forward to shoot is not anywahere as certain as I first thought. As this part of the film that shows Ruby in the corner of the frame close to the camera, is just a location where maximum shape distortion occurs. Thus what looks like a skullcap may simply be the top of his hat illuminated by the strong light behind the cameraman)
  7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO List of those on record as present at time of Oswald being murdered. L. H. Oswald, Jack Ruby, DPD Dep. Ch. G. L. Lumpkin, Asst. Ch. Charles Batchelor, Dep. Ch. M. W. Stevenson, Captains: J. W. Fritz, (Sup) O. A. Jones, (Sup.) G. D. King, F. W. Martin, C. E. Talbert, Lieutenants; (Sup) George Butler, R.S. Pierce, W. Wiggins, V. S. Smart, R. E. Swain, Seargents: J.A. Putnam, P. T. Dean, B. J. Maxey, Detectives: D. R. Archer, C. W. Brown, B. L. Beatty, E. R. Beck, D. G. Brantley,, D. L. Burgess, A. W. Capps, W. E. Chambera, B. S. Clardy, B. H. Combest, W. J. Cutchshaw, Harold Dawson, L. C. Graves, C. A. Greeson, O. W. Harrison, J. D. Hutchinson R. L. Lowery, T. D. McMillon, L D. Miller, L. D. Montgomery, J. K. Ramsey, H.(N) B. R(N)eynolds, I. R. Stephens, I. F. VanCleave, R. C. Wagner, J. C. Watson, Officers: R. E. Vaughn, N. J. Daniels, Patrolmen: W. J. Harrison, W. B. Slack, L. E. Jez, (jail elevator) C. G. Lewis, R. C. Nelson, D. L. Pate, B. G. Patterson, L. C. Taylor, R. A. Watkins, Reserve: Cap. C. O. Arnett, Officer Sgt. K. Croy, Officer W. J. Newman, A. R. Brock, J. D. Brockaway, R. A. Cox, A. B. Craig, J. R. Hopkins, J. Kasten, H. M. Kriss, J. C. McCain, G. E. Worley still to be sorted C. Goolsby, C. N. Dhority, J. R. Leavell, Sup. V. C. Campbell,, MEDIA John Alexander, Hank Machiarelli, (*Tom Petit) Tom Pettit, George Phenix, Mike Smith (*Mike Smith), Milt Sosin, Jim Standard, Unknown Japanese Reporter, (*?) Unknown Reporter, Paul Cisco, Oliver Oakes, Bert Reinhart, Robert S. Huffaker, Jack Beers, J. R. Davidson, J. B. English, Warren Ferguson, Bob Fenley, R. Hankal, Robert Jackson, F. B. Johns(t)on, Seth Kantor, Ike Pappas, Francois Pelou, Warren Richey, Johnny Smith, John Tankersly, Robert Thornton, David Timmons, Jimmy Turner, Homer Venso, I. N. Walker, CIVILIANS: J. F. Newton, J. D. Slocum, ____________________________ Cross referencing these two lists makes for two duplicates and therefore perhaps 3 unaccounted for. possibles : sgt haxey, det benty (?? bentley, brantley??), res lt mccoy, payne, hughes, As the person of interest is wearing a suit, it should be easy to eliminate some. Is a photo of Bookhout in existence. He, Kelly and Sorrles were 'suits' on duty that day. (hosty?)
  8. A definite from Gary. NO relation between I.N. Walker and Gen Walker. ______________________ Thank you. The following are 9 of the 10 'unidentified' media personnell : John Alexander Paul Cisco Hank Machiarelli Oliver Oakes Tom Petit Bert Reinhart Mike Smith Milt Sosin Jim Standard So, one missing... As one may see on this diagram the area was larger than expected from film. Also there was a first aid station that Oswald was NOT taken to.
  9. Steve, thank you for that, most helpful. The link seems to lead to a partial list ( one of four documents) : The following may be a complete a list of the people in the basement: D.R. Archer C.O. Arnett Asst.Ch. Charles Batchelor B.L. Beatty E.R. Beck Jack Beers D.G. Brantley A.R. Brock J.D. Brockaway C.W. Brown D.L. Burgess Lt. George Butler V.C. Campbell A.W. Capps W.E. Chambera B.S. Ciardy B.H. Combest R.A. Cox A.B. Craig K. Croy W.J. Cutchahaw N.J. Daniels J.R. Davidson Harold Dawson Sgt. P.T. Dean C.N. Dhority J.B. English Warren Ferguson Bob Fenley Capt. J.W. Fritz C. Goolsby L.C. Graves C.A. Greeson R. Hankal O.W. Harrison W.J. Harrison J.R. Hopkins R.S. Huffaker J.D. Hutchinson Robert Jackson L.E. Jez F.B. Johnson Capt. O.A. Jones Seth Kantor J. Kasten Capt. G.D. King H.M. Kriss J.R. Leavell C.G. Lewis R.L. Lowery Dep. Ch. G.L. Lumpkin Capt F.W. Martin B.J. Maxey J.C. McCain B.C. McCoy H.M. McGee T.D. McMillon B. Merrell L.D. Miller L.D. Montgomery R.C. Nelson W.J. Newman J.F. Newton Ike Pappas D.L. Pate B.G. Patterson Francois Pelou Tom Pettit George Phenix Lt. R.S. Pierce Sgt. J.A. Putnam J.K. Ramsey H.B. Reynolds Warren Richey Jack Ruby W.B. Slack J.D. Slocum Lt. V.S. Smart Mike Smith Johnny Smith I.R. Stephens Dep. Ch. M.W. Stevenson Donald Suits Lt R.E. Swain Capt. C.E. Talbert John Tankersly L.C. Taylor Robert Thornton David Timmons Unknown Japanese Reporter Unknown Reporter Jimmy Turner I.F. VanCleave R.E. Vaughn Homer Venso I.N. Walker R.A. Watkins J.C. Watson Lt W. Wiggins G.E. Worley In addition to these there appears to have been 10 unknown media personnell, and Oswald of course. If anyone knows who any of these are please note it here. Does anyone know or can find out if I. N. Walker is related to General Walker.
  10. <Who is Who in the DPD basement> Thanks for taking the time George. Of course it may be nothing, but... I hope someone else will also look carefully and see what they think. X's apparent calm deliberateness of behaviour while others are scrambling does indeed seem strange. I have found partial lists in the dallas city DPD records. Of the people I've looked at so far I eliminate any uniformed police and some who it seems it could be but others describe as, for example, short and with glasses. Lieutenant Swaine. Gooley. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Hosty or Bookhout. Quite some time ago now, early in the year I read an account of someopne invited to witness the transfer.However this person (Bookhout or Hosty, or it MAY have been Sorrels) declined and trying to cross reference his testimony on this seemed to reveal some disagreement about this point. At the time I was just beginning on all this and didn't think of keeping any sort of records. Anyway the point is one can also look at who wasn't there. One way or another this could be useful as a future reference to simplify this area of research for others. On this 'collage' one gets a sense of where things were. This man in the insert has his approximate movements to: 'pass the parcel' in blue.Oswald red, and Ruby green. As can be seen X's movemetnts as interpreted are actually a bit narroer. And his forward movement to do his hand thing after Oswald is shot is accompanied with a forward lean. I think I can see who it might be he passes this thing to but things are very chaotic at that point.
  11. _____________________________________ John, Yes I have, actually, and I STILL can't find it! (Just kidding, as usual) Thomas _____________________________________ hey , no Thomas that's good. Unfortunately I often abandon searches because or duplicates and irrelevant 'bumpers' and 'one liners'. A different search engine could be set to filter out duplicates and present all one-liners in one 'page' so a quick scan can ignore irrelevancies. A database that can be queeried could maybe also be set up to create hyperlinking within the search results so that the linear structure could be broken.
  12. John Simkin: "It is not just the JFK Conferences that the media ignores. I suspect Lamar Waldron's book will get very little coverage. Gerald McKnight's Breach of Trust was largely ignored. Joan Mellen is likely to get more press but not for the right reasons. Can we expect Larry Hancock's revised Someone Would Have Talked when it is published in March to get much attention. I doubt it, even though he will probably include the name of the CIA agent who organized the operation. I was talking to David Talbot about this problem on Tuesday night. I believe his book has the potential to get the headlines when it is published in 2007. Although he is a well known figure in the media world (unlike Lamar Waldron and Larry Hancock), there is no guarrantee this will happen. It is my belief that the research community has got to rethink the way it puts out information into the public domain. After all, Operation Mockingbird is alive and well. Maybe this is a topic for a new thread." one topic that occurs comes to mind: This Forum will probably be a contributor to any closure on this subject. With that in mind perhaps a thought should be given to the overall life of it. One of its strengths is its freeflow nature. Topic spawns topics that go on down paths that are dropped and revisited and so on. Some people post here after serious research and then post succinct articles 'ready for publication', others submit tenuous thought patterns that may or may not lead somehere. All in some way are valuable. Access to the material generated may be part of a problem. Journalists and researchers need ready access. ________ A hierarchical or linearly structured 'database' is difficult to navigate. I wonder if there is some technology available, such as the engines that drive search engines that could continuously create and recreate an index that presents short abstract and hyperlinks, that resides in the Forum only, to aid access? Access>usefulness>exposure>likelyhood of mention of forum and books. ________ I understand 'googling' is a word in the dictionary now: "Darn it, I have to have this in by 6pm, I can't find anything on this?" "Well , have you tried 'edding'?"
  13. ________________________________________ Hi John, Thanks for the input. I agree that the bow ties and the vest do seem out of place. IMHO, however, the style/cloth of the suit worn by the tall guy is fits in "OK." Do you agree with me that the guy sitting on the left side, second from the front, face in profile, looking upwards is our friend P.G.? Thanks, Thomas ________________________________________ Thomas, it's difficult for me to compare photos from different age groups. Some changes that tend to occur with men are longer ears, more prominent noses, loss of bone in jaw > smaller jaws which contribute to appearance other features being more prominent. The slightly more prominent and down pointing nose of the older Goss may be a result of this aging. On the whole I must say I don't know, it could be but also it may not be. (This is not a statement that it is, and also not a stement that it isn't.) Unless better images and other supporting evidence becomes available I feel it must be only guesswork. Worth pursuing of course. John (With the jacket I was looking at the shinier lapel, that may indicate more formal wear, however other lapels exhibit a degree of shininess too.)
  14. Thomas, I'm not familiar with any of these guys. The observations I can offer are what you probably already have noted. Namely, age difference, bow tie versus ordinary ties, and a vest on one of the far end guys. It also seems to me that the taller who's face is cut off has a suit that is different in style/cloth. Perhaps all those go to indicating not part of the 'party'?
  15. I have problems with the 'mafia' or 'mob' connection. Among other reasons it's the Catholicism that they and Kennedy shared. It should be no surprise that this is a 'rosy' view. For example Father Coughlin: __________________________ Father Coughlin was a catholic priest who was rabidly anti semitic. He also defended his church against attacks by the KKK. He was at one time very influential and his differences with FDR involved Joe Kennedy in attempts to reconcile them. He campaigned for the silver standard or the removal of the Federal Reserve while being secretly one of the major silver owners in the US. He had connections to Fascists, and he was involved as leader of an organisation (the Christian Front) that was planning an armed insurrection. This is what finally brought him undone and his fall was rapid. "Father Charles Edward Coughlin (1891-1971) By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion! Father Coughlin, “the Father of Hate Radio,” was born in Hamilton, Ontario. This rabidly right-wing, Catholic priest started with a weekly broadcast on WJR, Detroit’s “Good Will” station. CBS broadcast it nationwide in 1930 and 1931. He started his own radio network that grew to 30 stations. John Spivak, estimated that Coughlin’s broadcasts reached 40 million, said: “Only the President…had a bigger audience… The President spoke only on special occasions, the priest every Sunday…. To me, he was the most dangerous divisive influence in the country” (A Man in His Time, 1967). Coughlin originally supported FDR, but turned against him in 1934 and created a political party, the National Union of Social Justice. Former Louisiana Governor, Huey Long was supposed to be their candidate, but he was assassinated in 1935. Journalist George Seldes said Long was America’s “first notable Fascist leader,...a very smart demagogue, [who] once said, ‘Sure we’ll have Fascism here, but it will come as an anti-Fascism movement.’” In the late 1930s, Coughlin called for FDR’s impeachment because he was “leaning toward international socialism or sovietism.” Coughlin’s radio sermons praised Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. The Nazi press praised Coughlin as “America’s most powerful radio commentator.” He ranted against Jews, the “Christ-killers and Christ-rejecters.” When a Boston Globe reporter asked him for proof that communists were influencing FDR, Father Coughlin belted the journalist in the face. Coughlin's weekly paper, Social Justice, reached one million. It was sold in 2,000 churches. In 1938, it reprinted the anti-Semitic forgery “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” In his book Maverick Marine, 1987, Hans Schmidt notes that General Smedley Butler accused Coughlin of plotting to invade Mexico! Schmidt writes: While visiting the [FBI] in 1936, Butler told Hoover about a plot by Father Charles Coughlin to invade Mexico to protect the Catholic Church from harassment. Smedley said that Coughlin, the famous "radio priest" whose voice he recognized, had approached him by telephone and that the call was traced back to Coughlin afterward. It seems that Butler was being hoaxed. In any case, he was clearly wary of becoming involved in another publicized plot exposé. Butler mentioned the Coughlin plot again to an FBI agent in 1940 in connection with what he termed dozens of "screwball" organizations that had invited him to appear as a speaker. Whether it really was Coughlin who phoned Butler about this bizarre plot to invade Mexico is unknown. However, we do know that Coughlin really was allied with the openly-Nazi German-American Bund. By 1939, Coughlin had inspired and was directing a nation-wide, fascist network, the Christian Front, which John Spivak described as “street-fighting toughs.” Roy Carlson, who infiltrated and exposed U.S. fascist groups said: "Like Hitler’s Brownshirts, the Christian Front was ostensibly organized to combat the ‘rising tide of Communism.’ All Jews,... liberals, New Dealers and labor organizations were called Communist; and since the Communist Revolution in America was scheduled to take place ‘any day now,’ the Christian Front–always under Coughlin’s inspiration and guidance—shouted that a private army was the only means to ‘save America.’ Coughlin filled the pages of Social Justice with Hitler’s sewer-spawned lies. He made direct use of Goebbels’ speeches, quoting the Nazi almost word-for-word.... He denounced the ‘poppycock of Democracy’ and branded Democracy as a version of Communism” (Under Cover, 1943). In Shrine of the Silver Dollar (1940), Spivak said Coughlin “cynically used the prestige of a priest and the heart-tug of Christian charity as a cloak for a fast deal.” Spivak showed that Coughlin was playing the stock market while denouncing this on air as “shooting craps with other people’s money.” Coughlin, secretly one of the America’s largest silver owners, urged his followers to lobby for silver as the money standard. Coughlin’s “monetary forms…are of great help to the Rockefeller interests, [Henry] Ford and [William Randolph] Hearst” (Spivak, New Masses, Feb.5, 1935). Not long after Spivak’s exposé in 1940, Coughlin went off the air and his paper was denied use of the mails. That year, when an FBI raid found weapons in a Christian Front office, J. Edgar Hoover said the Front was planning to murder Jews, communists and “a dozen Congressmen.” Although Coughlin was criticised by some high-ranking Catholics, he was never defrocked for hate-mongering, political campaigning or deceptive fundraising. Neither was he prosecuted. He continued to churn out virulent anti-communist pamphlets until his death in 1979."
  16. George, I was browsing the Marsh site for images of interest and came across the film. I was surprised to find it is what it is, so I extracted all the frames and started looking at them. I noticed that there were about ten or so frames towards the end , where Ruby is being wrestled to the ground, there appears off to the side a closed fist with top of hand upwards.It extends forward, another hend reaches towards it and the closed fist opens and withdraws and the other hand pulls back out of sight. hmmm interesting. Ok, who/what was that? By carefully stepping back frame by frame I am pretty certain that that fist belonged to that man in question. OK, no big deal... wait a mo', in a section just before this just after Oswald is shot and Ruby starts being wrestled down, he is calmy placing what looks like a sheet of paper inside his jacket. During this sequence while most other people are reacting with rapid movements and strong facial expressions, he is almost immobile except for placing this paper in his pocket. OK stepping back to the beginning of the film. There he is , waiting in the corner. So the sequence is something like this, with a couple of blurry wild swings of the camera and people stepping in front. 1. He waits. Oswald is led out. He turns following this movement of Oswald, stepping forward slightly. As Oswald nears where he is shot, and Ruby starts to move, X speeds up slightly and moves across the scene so he is now more off to the right in the frames. He maintains an 'inscrutable' expression as many others are beginning to react, He has a clear view to Ruby, the short guy next to him also has a clear view, he reacts quickly and moves forward rapidly while X hangs back. camera focuses elsewhere 2. The shooting is over, Ruby is being subdued. Everyones focus is on the melee'. He places the paper in his jacket pocket. camera focuses elsewhere 3. The 'pass the parcel' happens. ____________________________ By this time I was beginning to think that this is quite peculiar. Why would someone in these circumstances be so still, and do such seemingly peculiar things? Because he didn't just place something in his pocket, but got something OUT of his pocket, and passed it to someone who then goes towards Ruby? Calm because it was no surprise. Did it there and then because it was important to do and because in the confusion and 'intentional blindness' conditions he knew it could be done. ____________________________ OK, so what if anything COULD it be? Something small and relevant. So off to the records. Ruby's property. First there are hand written notes, very deatailed. Then these notes are typed up. Then a jail property list: and THERE is an anomaly: '1 sml. bottle. wth. brwn. liquid'. It, of all the other items is not ticked with a check mark, and it does not appear in the final release of property list. It appears only for one day in the jail. It's not there, then it is there, and then it is not. Meanwhile singel coins, razor blades, and underpants are meticulously recorded. ___________________________ OK, still really nothing but circumstantial. But when one thinks of Rubys sleepless nights, his talk of diet pills (think ephedrines, or even an extacy type drug (in 1912 when it was first created by german scientists it was tested as a diet drug)) His wild mood swings, his late night chats with Olsen and Kay, and down the road in Tulane uni, there is MKULTRA... a makabre thought of mind control in action, of perhaps a hope of suicide induction. However it obviously didn't work completely and he almost made it to safe territory, but not quite. So, there it is. Just a suspicion that hangs together in a makabre sort of way. It should be easy to tear it to shreds as I have been only looking at it for a couple of days and I can think of other ways of looking at the events and they may be entirely unrelated. However stranger things have been given 'airtime'. _____________ I'd like to know who that man is. And what happended to the bottle and what was in it. _______________ In this sequential collage, the man is tinted blue. The last series is of the hand.
  17. John, am I right that this pic is from the Phenix film? The guy apears right at the beginning and after the shooting he first comes forward than rushes back and comes forward again. When using media player you can see the clip by entering the following URL http://www.news8austin.com/shared/video/bu...53&mswmext=.asx sorry John, didn't see your posting but yes that's what we are talking about. I tought he looks a bit like Crawford Rice, just a guess? George, I don't think its Rice, though he seems an interesting character : A conversation with Rice : http://www.big13.net/crawfordrice.htm "...biggest stories had to do with Fidel Castro's overthrow of the Batista government in Cuba. Why did Channel 13 get involved in his story? "Tampa had a huge Cuban population. Many worked in the cigar industry. What went on in Cuba was more important to the people in Tampa, than say, in Des Moines, Iowa. When Castro's revolution happened, he was a hero at the time and just as soon as we were given assurance that our charter plane would not be shot down on the way to Havana airport, we sent Earl and Marvin down there. The only communication we had was by telephone. The only way to get anything out of there was by recording a telephone call or we could pay somebody to carry the film out on a flight going to Miami. I think Earl gave a person $100, and made him swear on his life that the film would be dropped off at an air express parcel service in Miami, who would ship it up to us. That's all we had in those days. Earl got the first interview with Castro after the takeover, and CBS used it on their news.""" and: ".........One last interesting sidelight. This was well before the days of ENG and satellites and live coverage everywhere. Each Dallas-Fort Worth station had only one live remote truck, including KTVT. You can imagine the need for live coverage from a number of locations. We promptly turned our truck, including the production and engineering personnel who manned it, over to WBAP-TV to use as they saw fit, a small quid pro quo for the NBC coverage they gave us. As fate would have it, it was the KTVT truck that was on duty for WBAP at the Dallas County Jail on Sunday morning, when Lee Harvey Oswald was being moved to another location and was shot by Jack Ruby. NBC's coverage of Oswald's shooting was made possible by the use of KTVT's mobile unit, as a 'quid pro quo' for the use of WBAP's feed The murder of Oswald by Ruby was shown live on NBC, and the one lone Ampex two-inch VTR in the KTVT truck was rolling, through someone's foresight or good judgment, and that historic piece of history was recorded on video tape. """ I read that to say that Rice was not there but his mobile unit was. _________ The film I'm looking at is taken just to the left of the one from the link George. And it shows a segment earlier than the link you posted and stops about 1/4 or 1/3 into it. However the Phenix film you linkeddoes show more of that man. At the end after Ruby has been 'marched' out he follows. I wouldn't be surprised if that is not something the media could automatically do so I'm inclined to think he's a law officer of some kind. I have no idea who the photographer is, or if it's a network feed. The 1.6 mb mpeg can be downloaded here. : http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Scans/jfk07.mpg It consists of about 300 frames. This guy appears in the back ground of various sections from the beginning to towards the end of the film. *(an aside, I found that if I open the (Phenix) feed in windows movie maker and save it as its (xp) format then I can rip frames out of it) He's a pretty tall person and in the center of many shots, apart from the distraction caused by Ruby-Oswald he is fairly prominent and should be IDable.
  18. John, can he be seen in this picture? George. Yes, I think that it does show him. I snapped a crop off that pic and marked the man I believe it could be with a yellow 'a'. The shorter one next to him I marked with a red 'b'. In the sequence below the crop I've put the 'a' and 'b' over the faces of them and partially interpolated locations. 'A' moves slowly off to the right (our right) and then after the shot moves fairly fast back into a position behind where Oswald was walking. 'B' meanwhile has rushed forward and in the last image is right in front of 'a'. Who is he?
  19. Robin, he is somewhere behind the startled policeman next to Oswald and the group to the left of him (our left). This is about as sharp as I get him. There weren't all that many officials there. Someone must have some idea of who it is. I might be able to help if you can source the image, it looks like a frozen frame from the network feed to me, but it is my understanding that you cannot freeze frame television footage. But I could be wrong on that, anyway if you can tell me what the source of the image is (name of photgrapher etc, I will try to locate his identity). Robert, I very much would appreciate help on this. It MAY be of importance. I'm not deliberately obstructing as I am interested in seeing how easy it is to actually ID someone. I think that the photo is good enough for someone who is familiar with the person to make an educated guess. As this is not yet very forthcoming it may be possible to speculate that the person is a stranger who perhaps should not have been there. There is also a report by one of the officers standing down that end of the basement who describes being cut off from the 'action' by reporters swinging in behind Oswald. This person may be one of these reporters. I will post link to film shortly but would for now like to see if unassisted ID is possible. However, I'll PM the link to you however (I think the guess on Bradley given I had not supplied any 'context' info is interesting. In this context though, is it likely? I wonder if it's about Bookhout or Hosty. There seems to be no images of Bookhout available.)
  20. And a happy thanksgiving to all ... That dude Letterman (whom our aussie Rove seems to be styled on) last night asked his audience 'where were you five years ago?'. He then proceeded to show footage of himself spraying the contents of a fire-extinguisher on a 'human turkey' in the studio. Following this was a lovely little piece of a lady throwing an artificial turkey from the roof of a building into a vat of lumpy gravy. He also made assorted statements about the CIA torturing turkeys. (just thought you'd like to know) BTW he will apparently have Oprah on show shortly. I hope they chat about Marina.
  21. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...indpost&p=12106 (logging a link to a couple of interesting letters posted by Jim Root)
  22. Robin, he is somewhere behind the startled policeman next to Oswald and the group to the left of him (our left). This is about as sharp as I get him. There weren't all that many officials there. Someone must have some idea of who it is.
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