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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. I'm afraid that Mr. Simpkin's pro-Nosenko article is so long that nobody will read it. -- Tommy
  2. Sandy, To heck with Bart. He's on a mission. Thank you for pointing out to me that the woman standing to the right of "Pirouetting Man" has blond hair, making her face look unusually large. I was a bit perplexed by that until you explained it. -- Tommy
  3. Kamp, The skirt doesn't match the one Big Girl's wearing down on Elm Street during the motorcade? Are you sure? Are your eyes really that good? -- Tommy
  4. Dear Dawn, Have you ever used mediabiasfactcheck. com to help you avoid news sources with "mixed" or "low" factual reporting, be they left-biased, left-center, or whatever? Or do you prefer those Alt-Left "news sources" which just happen to tell you that mediabiasfactcheck. com and websites like it are "MSM", and to be avoided? -- Tommy 5/14/17 Edit: Here's a must-read article from December, 2016. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html?_r=1
  5. Interesting piece, John, but unfortunately you reference nothing from Tennent H. Bagley's books. If you are correct that "The Mitrokhin Archive shows us that Nosenko was indeed a genuine defector," then IMHO one must wonder if The Mitrokhin Archive didn't incorporate a bit of KGB skullduggery, you know, even after the Cold War had supposedly ended. -- Tommy PS Bagley's excellent 35-page "Ghosts of the Star Wars" (2013) can be read by downloading the free PDF. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/08850607.2014.962362 In it Bagley [R.I.P.] goes into great detail explaining why he was convinced Nosenko was a false defector.
  6. Chris, So, Dulles / Angleton told the Mexican Police to extract a description-of-Oswald statement out of Duran which would point the finger at KGB officer Nikolai Leonov. Azcue, who wasn't tortured by the Mexican Police but, according to Trejo, was shaking in his boots, eventually (At what point -- in 1978 or was it much earlier? I'll have to ask Brancato, I guess.) fleshed-out the Leonov description. Then Dulles / Angleton(?) had Duran's "short, blond-haired, blue or green eyes" statement excluded from the Warren Commission Report. Have I got that right so far? -- Tommy
  7. Regarding JFK and the Tower of Pisa -- Fast shutter speed while he's slowly falling forward?
  8. Relax, Trejo. Using upper-case letters like that on a forum like this is a sure sign of desperate fanaticism. -- Tommy PS "Harsh violence," huh. I much prefer "gentle violence," myself, but I must admit -- it does sound rather exciting. LOL
  9. And you're still full of beans, my friend. -- Tommy
  10. Dear Paul Trejo, Please tell Paul Brancato all about your wonderful "CT", and how the short, skinny, 35 year-old, blond-haired, very thin-faced Oswald fits into it. I don't believe he's heard it yet and would love to know what you've found out. But not here in the "Blond Oswald In Mexico" thread, please. In a Personal Message. Thanks, -- Tommy
  11. bumped again Did Azcue describe the guy who was-or-was-not there (in the Cuban Consulate on 9/27/63) in such a way as to point a finger at KGB officer Nikolai Leonov because he knew the CIA would have surveillance photos of him like this one? But to what end, unless Azcue knew that Leonov was the guy who had impersonated Oswald, but didn't want to actually name him?
  12. Chris, It indicates that the CIA and the Warren Commission were in cahoots, huh? -- Tommy
  13. Chris, What does this have to do with my question? -- "What does Newman make of the fact that Duran and Azcue collectively described the guy who did or did not visit the Cuban Consulate on 9/27/63 in such a way as to point a finger at KGB officer Nikolai Leonov?" -- Tommy
  14. Let us know how that works out. LOL -- Tommy She couldn't find herself or her son in the photos, eh?
  15. Did you read the 37-page summary by Bagley I sent you? http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/08850607.2014.962362 Does the name Leonard McCoy ring a bell?
  16. Okay. Hmm. Did Angleton do any real damage to the KGB or GRU after 1953 or so? -- Tommy
  17. Yes? And? -- Tommy PS What does Newman make of the fact that Duran and Azcue collectively described the guy who did or did not visit the Cuban Consulate on 9/27/63 in such a way as to point a finger at KGB officer Nikolai Leonov?
  18. Huh? You lost me there, Chris. You really did. -- Tommy If Angleton helped kill JFK, why then wouldn't Angleton be a traitor?
  19. Dear Paul, Truth-be-told, I've been trying for decades to figure myself out, and I'll be dad gummed if you didn't beat me to it! Congratulations. -- Tommy
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