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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. [Moved here from the "Does Lifton's Best Evidence..." thread] Dear Paul, You're funnier that Kellyanne Conway ever was. IMHO, you missed your calling, dude -- Counselor to the President ..... or ..... Stand Up Comedy. You remind me of that line by the Dean Andrews character in JFK: "[Trejo's] on you like the plague, man." I think the other members of the forum can see through your IMHO specious arguments just as easily as I can. I'm not going to "debate" you any more. On anything. It's like banging my head against a wall and it's frustrating as hell. Doesn't feel all that good, either. You are THE CONSUMMATE MASTER when it comes to cherry-picking "supportive" facts, and either grossly "spinning" those which you perceive to be damaging to your IMHO crummy little "CT", or, more often, disregarding them altogether no matter how many times your opponent throws them in your face. You remind me of what they tried to teach me in Law School. The problem is, you don't tell half of the truth of the half you're expected to tell. It's mostly smoke and mirrors. IMHO. You're very adept at changing the subject when you find yourself in an embarrassing "position". Which is quite often, isn't it. (You never did answer my question: "How tall would you like LHO to be?") You are nonpareil when it comes to creating Straw Man Arguments, using tautological "reasoning", and twisting established facts and other peoples' words to ostensibly suit your own purposes. IMHO. You, the En Masse Alterationists, and the Harvey and Lee "High Priests and Sacred-Chorus Members of the Ridiculously Paranoiac" cause immeasurable damage and obstruction to sober, serious-minded JFK Assassination study and research here. Like I said, "In my humble opinion.". -- Tommy PS How many adherents to your IMHO crummy little "CT" do you figure you have here, Paul? "Lots and lots, Tommy, but I guess they're just too embarrassed to 'come out of the pantry,' so-to-speak, and admit it" What do I expect now? A snide response from Paul Trejo. Oh well, I suppose I deserve it. Comments anyone?
  2. My problem with Comey was that he forgot to mention during the campaign that Trump was under investigation by the FBI, too. If he had, I seriously doubt that Trump would be president today. -- Tommy
  3. Dear Paul, Another interpretation is that Oswald never went to the Mexico City Soviet Embassy, at least not when Nechiporenko and Leonov said that he did, and that his alleged meeting with Nechiporenko "and the boys" on Saturday and his alleged meeting with Leonov-and-only-Leonov (and the Security Guard) on Sunday were fabricated from whole cloth and in such a way as to paint him not only as being so unstable and violence-prone as to suggest he very well could have killed JFK, but also that he was so unstable, in fact, as to "substantiate" and "legitimize" the KGB's Department 13's being disinterested in him when moved to the U.S.S.R. and, you know, allegedly tried to kill himself. So disinterested, in fact, that Kostikov's Department 13 didn't even interview him to see if he knew any military secrets. -- Tommy
  4. Yes, Michael. We old-time Super Members are very familiar with that alleged phone call. Now you are, too, evidently. You've come a long way, indeed! -- Thomas
  5. Dear Paul, Well, yes, it is suspect, isn't it. As is the fact that even after the "end of the Cold War" (lol), neither Moscow nor Mexico were able to produce the communications Nechiprenko and the boys claimed they sent right away (i.e., on 9/28/63) to KGB Headquarters in the U.S.S.R. and (as a courtesy I suppose) to the Mexican authorities. What's your "take" / spin on that? -- Tommy PS Regarding your point #3, I guess you're having a hard time understanding the concept that Leonov claimed that his impromptu meeting with LHO happened on a SUNDAY (it's in his first sentence, Paul), and that he (Leonov) left the volleyball game he was playing outside the Embassy to go inside the Embassy and meet the unstable, pistol-packin' dude. And that the only other person there, i.e. inside the Embassy with Leonov and Oswald (or "Oswald," or nobody at all) was the security guard, you know, since it was a SUNDAY, and the Embassy was closed and everything, and the "fact" that the only reason Leonov was anywhere near the Embassy that day was to play yet another game of volleyball with the boys.
  6. Michael, Atta boy. Keep 'em coming. I hope PDS doesn't blame the "Russian 9/11" 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings on the CIA, Dick Cheney, and / or George Soros! The 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings: -- read the Wikipedia article on it and watch PBS's "Putin's Way" ... for free ! -- Tommy
  7. Dear Paul, Here it is, with the pertinent passage translated into English for you so that you (and other, non-Russian-speaking members) might ... understand. http://jfkfacts.org/senior-kgb-insider-said-lee-harvey-oswald/ .. Tommy By the way, you never did answer my question: "How short would you like LHO to be, seein' as how 5' 3.5" Duran testified that the guy who visited the Cuban Consulate was 'short, about the same height as me'" ? 5' 5"? 5' 6"? 5.7"? 5'8"? ... ? Let's say for the sake of argument that Oswald was only 5' 9.5" (his measured length at autopsy). Do you honestly think Duran would have described a guy who was half-a-foot taller than her as being "about the same height as me?" Do realize how silly you look here, sometimes?
  8. Michael, I didn't mean to insinuate that you were. Heck, some of our very best "the gosh-darned National Security State Military Industrial Intelligence Complex did it!" researchers reference stuff from the McAdams website from time to time, so there's no reason for you to feel particularly ashamed of yourself, imho. Your buddy, ........ uh ........... Tommy? PS Better wash your hands to get the cooties off, though.
  9. Thanks for the input, Michel. Looks like an unbiased and authoritative resource. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Now, anyone else? What are your favorite research tools and sources? Did I mention Wikipedia and the fact that, according to https://mediabiasfactcheck.com , Wikipedia is a "Least-Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting? (as is, by the way, https://bellingcat.com ) -- Thomas / Tommy
  10. Dear Paul, Yes, you're right -- Dick Cheney and George Soros probably conspired to get a bumbling, divisive, self-incriminating (and therefore a-very-useful-to-Putin "Useful Idiot") guy get elected president of the United States of America, you know, so that they, in collusion with oil and gas rich Russia, could start realizing their geopolitically-mandated Globastic ... Manifest Destiny? Or was it the Illuminati, instead? -- Tommy PS Ever heard of "Putin's Rasputin", Alexander Dugin? There's a Wikipedia article on him you know.
  11. Dear Paul, Forget the National Enquirer article (have you read it yet BTW?). I guess you missed my mentioning (that's a gerund there, folks) the fact that Leonov described his alleged one-on-one unscheduled meeting with "dangerously-unstable and revolver-brandishing LHO on Sunday 9/29/63" in his fairly-recently published memoirs? -- Tommy
  12. Michael, Feel free to PM me if you want to, but do try to "keep it civil" if you do. Your buddy, -- Thomas Now, where were we? Oh yes, you said "Huh?" So: What do you not....understand?
  13. Michael, Well, evidently (and I emphasize the word "evidently" because I'll have to check) you've been warned to not reply to my posts or effectively-and-cleverly get your almost-visible visage on the "front page" again (and my most recent post ... or one which I or a like-minded member have posted in the past and which I've decided to "bump" ... off of the highly-visible Page One of our beloved JFK Assassination Debate forum by your (uhh oh, here comes another one of those tricky gerunds, folks) posting "Nice post, Toomy" , or "Huh?", or some such clever thang (sic). -- Thomas PS I never claimed that you'd PM-ed me (but you're more than welcome to -- in fact I rather look forward to it). What, pray tell, do you not understand?
  14. Michael, I was responding for Tim (who hasn't been here in a coon's age) to Mr. Simpkin's first post, this thread. What do you not understand? Or are you prohibited by the monitors from communicating with me any further on this forum (except, perchance, by PM)? I mean, you did kinda cryptically allude to that possible sad state of affairs (for you, not me) on another thread (or two) a couple of days ago. Or did I just over-optimisticlly infer that? -- Thomas
  15. John, Just curious. Do you support Putin's theft of Crimea and his "secret", ongoing invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014? Do you support the FSB's blowing up of Russian apartment buildings (killing 300 Russian citizens) so that martial law could be declared, the upcoming elections be canceled, and then-prime minister Putin be automatically appointed president when Yeltsen "decided" to retire during said period of martial law? Do you support Putin's meddling in the recent U.S. elections so that his "Useful Idiot" Trump could become president? Etc? -- Tommy PS In other words, is the United States of America the only evil government in the world?
  16. Dear Paul, In his book, does Nechiporenko say anything about Mexico City Soviet Embassy's Third Secretary (and KGB officer) Nikolai Leonov's claim (in Leonov's published memoirs and in a well-written National Enquirer article) that he (Leonov) met with a highly unstable and revolver-brandishing Oswald by himself ("The guard was the only other person inside the Embassy at the time") on Sunday, September 29? What's particularly interesting to me is that both Nechiporenko and Leonov describe the Oswald they dealt with (Lee Harvey Oswald?) as being dangerously unstable and as having brandished a revolver in their respective presence. Oh yeah, and the fact that although Nechiporenko and the boys (Kostikov and Yatskov) missed their beloved volleyball game that day (Saturday) because they ("luckily for them") decided to write and send a cable about the incident to Moscow right away (and a letter or a cable or something to the Mexican authorities, as well), and presumably Leonov, being a responsible kind of KGB officer and "Third Secretary" did the same thing regarding his unscheduled meeting with Oswald, none of those cables or letters were ever found by those authorities when they started looking for them really seriously, especially, you know, after "the Cold War was over" and everything. I mean, it's almost as though those unscheduled meetings never happened, and that in their books and published memoirs and magazine articles Nechiporenko and Leonov were only trying to show how unstable and dangerous (evidently far too unstable and dangerous for Department 13 to have even considered routinely interviewing U.S. military man Oswald, you know, a few years earlier, right after Oswald arrived in the U.S.S.R. and tried to kill himself and everything. -- Tommy
  17. Andrej, Sounds like everybody but the Russians. I guess they didn't do that sort of thing. (sarcasm) -- Tommy
  18. Dear George, Deputy Sheriff Craig didn't say the Police were ordered to stand down, he said the Deputy Sheriffs were ordered to stand down. -- Tommy
  19. Hmm Yeah, you're right. Putin really is a very nice man and he doesn't want to rule the world.
  20. Dear Joe, Don't get all paranoid on me now. -- Tommy
  21. Did either of them like LBJ? Could they have both thought that he was behind it? It does seem to suggest they thought it was Oswald, though, imho. -- Tommy
  22. I don't know if "declared" as in "stated" or "pronounced" is the correct word to use in the context of what happened. Maybe "said" or "said he believed" would be better? Of course the Republicans would prefer that it be none of those be used, but "joked", instead. Hyperbole from both the Left and the Right seems to be the norm these days. -- Tommy
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